I wonder how many people took fossil fueled trips to attend the concert? I wonder how many of the artists travel around the nation using fossil fuels? The top picture in the article shows one performing in New Orleans
Two mighty musical women from two different generations of activism – Ani DiFranco and Mavis Staples — headlined the opening day of the Great Hudson River Revival Saturday (June 15) to benefit Pete Seeger’s environmental sloop Clearwater, which the late folk icon launched 50 years ago to save the river.
But at the event, aka the Clearwater Festival, a young woman from a third generation — 14-year-old climate activist Alexandria Villaseñor — briefly commanded the stage to urge the audience to join a worldwide global strike in September to save the planet.
“In December 2018, I began my weekly school strike in front of the United Nations headquarters demanding action [on climate change] from world leaders,â€Â Villaseñor said told the crowd at Croton Point Park, on the shores of the Hudson, some 30 miles north of New York, as she credited the influence of Sweden’s Greta Thunberg, now 16, the leader of a global movement of student climate activists.
After months of demonstrations by students, Villaseñor told the crowd the movement’s young leaders last month called for “a general climate strike, adults and youth, on Sept. 20, which is the Friday before world leaders arrive in New York for the United Nations climate summit.â€
Hmm, how’d Alexandria get from New York City to Croton on the Hudson, which is about 45 miles?
And, if you’re thinking “Isn’t Pete Seeger a communist?”, well, yes, yes he was. He should be appreciated for his commitment to making the Hudson clean, but, still, he was a communist while still alive.

TEACH typed: “Isn’t Pete Seeger a communist?â€, well, yes, yes he was.
So? He condemned Stalin and Hitler. Seeger was a WWII veteran. He fought for union workers, working men and women, civil rights and the environment.
If alive today, he would be unlikely to praise Putin and Kim Jong Un.
He only condemned Hitler after 6/22/41, and when did he condemn Stalin? 2 minutes before he died?
He fought for union workers, working men and women, civil rights and the environment.
He did what the boys in the third sub-basement of the Kremlin told him to do. And any condemnation of Stalin came better than 50 years after Khrushchev did it. Big whoop.
If alive today, he would be unlikely to praise Putin and Kim Jong Un.
Sure, Vlad and Kim realize being a Commie is nowhere.
“So? He condemned Stalin and Hitler. Seeger was a WWII veteran. He fought for union workers, working men and women, civil rights and the environment.”
Well, no, no he didn’t. He “fought” for nothing. He was what we call today an “activist”. He mainly went around promoting the most murderous, anti freedom form of oppression ever devised by the mind of man: communism. Of course as a full blown hypocritical commie he was worth between five and ten million. It was noted “Seegar’s communistic sympathies, his unsatisfactory relations with landlords, his numerous communist and otherwise undesirable friends, make him UNFIT for a position of trust or responsibility” by military intelligence.
IOW, like yourself he was an unrepentant un-American communist who actively worked toward the destruction of our nation. That’s who Pete Seegar was.
Trump 2020
Mr. Seeger worked for human equality and dignity and trying to rebalance the power differential between the working classes and the political donor class.
He loved America and Americans as evidenced by his life’s work. He absolutely abhorred authoritarianism.
Seeger was a damned Commie who never stopped for Stalin.
How do you like a guy (and we know you do) who murders 53 million people?
s/b fronting for Stalin.
Seeger’s net worth is listed between $4.2 and $5 million. So what? People loved his songs and bought them. How is it hypocritical for a talented American patriot to make a good living? Seeger even wrote a song supporting/urging America’s defeat of Hitler and the Nazis.
Do you think advocating for the poor, the powerless and union workers should preclude someone from getting paid for their work?
DJ trump’s daddy gave DJ $413 million!
I think you toss the epithet “commie” as if everyone to the left of Sean Hannity is like Joseph Stalin.
Patriot? Oh, you are delusional. You’re still a liar, but you’re delusional to believe anybody over the age of 10 will buy it.
Seeger even wrote a song supporting/urging America’s defeat of Hitler and the Nazis.
For the same reason Lillian Hellman said, “We’ve been attacked”, when she heard about Barbarossa.
People like them were demanding Roosevelt declare war on Britain because it was at war with Russia’s ally, Germany, until 6/22/41.
Do you think advocating for the poor, the powerless and union workers should preclude someone from getting paid for their work?
When it means advocating a system that murdered 125 million people in less than 50 years while destroying a system that enriched and kept free a nation of 300 million, definitely.
DJ trump’s daddy gave DJ $413 million!
Which he turned into a 3 billion dollar fortune. Your father (if you ever met him) wouldn’t give you the time of day.
Which is why you’re so jealous.
I think you toss the epithet “commie†as if everyone to the left of Sean Hannity is like Joseph Stalin.
They are. And it’s Josef.
People loved his songs and bought them.
People never heard of him until PP&M sang a couple of them in the mid-60s. And most never wanted to hear them again.
You are welcome to quibble about how many millions an avowed communist has it really doesn’t change the fact he’s a hypocrite. It’s not hypocritical for a “talented American patriot” to make a living but Seegar was not an American patriot he was a communist agitator.
I do not think advocating for the poor, the powerless (whatever the hell that is) and union workers should preclude anyone but communists from getting paid for their work. After all unless he’s sharing HIS OWN MONEY with those “according to their needs” he’s a fukin liar. Period.
“DJ trump’s daddy gave DJ $413 million!”
Once again you clownishly introduce Trump into a completely unrelated topic you deranged loon. What does Trump and his “daddy” have to do with a commie being a millionaire? Was Trump’s daddy a communist who refused to live by the very standards he set for others? And how would you know how much Trump’s daddy gave him? Prove it.
Finally, I don’t “toss the epithet ‘commie'”as if anything. I call a spade a spade unlike you who are afraid to admit your proclivities and who cover and defend people like Seegar. You admit Seegar was a commie then accuse me of “tossing epithets”. Do you realize how deranged and mentally ill that sounds notwithstanding your inability to process the truth when it’s placed right in front of your face like how many sexes there are, or races?
Elwood, you are not a member of a political party, you are a religious zealot. You think all your beliefs are moral, virtuous and right and anyone who disagrees is immoral, inhuman and wrong. That’s what always happens with leftists that’s why they march millions into death camps. It’s a feature of leftism, not a bug. You talk down to every commenter here like some elitist from on high bestowing your wisdom on the plebs below. It’s insulting and condescending. You know deep down inside that aborting a baby is killing a person but you refuse to admit it like the rest of your religion lest is somehow compromise “womens rights”.
You know that if global warming is occurring and if some is caused by humans there is no way that can be changed with today’s technology but you’d rather bankrupt our country than be non-virtuous. You know there are two sexes and only two sexes but won’t admit it because it will compromise some mentally ill perverts for what they are. You know the number of races but the more you can muddy the waters (pun intended) the better the chance of calling everyone racists and white supremacists even when you know they’re not. These are all characteristics of a religion, not a political party. Making everything from sex to climate and from race to wedding cakes political is mental illness. You are devoted to radical leftism as much as a monk was devoted to the Holy Roman Church but your religion does not make wine, illustrate books, build cathedrals and write beautiful music. It divides people, builds gulags and executes millions. Always has and always will.
Trump 2020
Glad you were able to get that off your chest!
I suggest every “warmist” do the following:
Create a new budget for yourself/family with thinks that depend on carbon priced the way you warmists want then taxed.
Gasoline: $8-$9/gallon — more than 3 times what it costs now. I’m sure your budget isn’t feeling anything yet as you own an electric vehicle or hybrid
Diesel: $9-$10/gallon — You don’t buy diesel and don’t care. Wait! Everything you buy at the store is trucked there by vehicles with diesel engines. Food, clothing and all retail items just got WAY more expensive. Budget straining yet? No?
Heating Oil $8-$9/gallon– Following the price of diesel, heating oil, which is diesel dyed red so you can’t use the cheaper fuel in trucks. Your heating budget just tripled this year from last year. How many gallons do you use? 500, (which is for a small house). The price just went up but about $3000 per year. I’m sure you already have that in the bank huh?
Electricity: 2 times what it costs now, if you can get it — Since electricity was generated by coal, (boo hiss), and they eliminated coal in favor of wind, sun and unicorn power; electricity is fickle, like the weather, and no longer reliable. This is way more expensive than before, and truly dangerous as many people rely on electricity to keep the machines that keep them alive running. Not to mention the appliances that enable us to buy and store perishable foods and keep them fresh. But sick and dead people is OK with you right?
Should we start to talk about all the jobs and incomes lost from the USA to economies where Climate Activism hasn’t taken hold, (China, India, etc.). Poverty is rampant in the USA thanks to the above policies. Democratic politicians blame Capitalism and the stupid Warmists agree with them.
The great, wealthy economies of the West are all destroyed and look like Venezuela and Cuba. (The actual goal).
For all of this, here’s the payoff:
We prevented 0.5 C of warming. So if the planet was going to warm by 1.0 C, it only warmed 0.5 C.
Was it worth the death, poverty, destruction?
If you think it was, then you are impossibly stupid and evil.