This has give the Washington Post and Democrats a big case of the sads
Trump vows mass migrant arrests starting next week
President Trump said in a tweet Monday night that U.S. immigration agents are planning to make mass arrests starting “next week,†an apparent reference to a plan in preparation for months that aims to round up thousands of migrant parents and children in a blitz operation across major U.S. cities.
“Next week ICE will begin the process of removing the millions of illegal aliens who have illicitly found their way into the United States,†Trump wrote, referring to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. “They will be removed as fast as they come in.â€(snip)
“Our next challenge is going to be interior enforcement,†Morgan told reporters June 4 in Washington. “We will be going after individuals who have gone through due process and who have received final orders of deportation.
“That will include families,†he said, adding that ICE agents will treat the parents and children they arrest “with compassion and humanity.â€
This could potentially involved one million illegals, as the Fox News/Associated Press article shows
An administration official told the AP that the new effort would focus on the more than 1 million people who have been issued final deportation orders by federal judges but remain at large in the country. The official spoke on condition of anonymity to explain the president’s tweets.
It’s time to send them packing. As the saying goes “you don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here.” We have laws. Back to the original Washington Post
According to Homeland Security officials, nearly all unauthorized migrants who came to the United States in 2017 in family groups remain present in the country. Some of those families are awaiting adjudication of asylum claims, but administration officials say a growing number are skipping out on court hearings while hoping to live and work in the United States as long as possible.
They aren’t showing up for court hearings? Huh. Try not showing up for your court hearing on a minor issue, and the judge will issue a bench warrant, and you’ll be in big trouble.

“Millions” of illegal immigrants removed? Unlikely.
This is classic trump! Having a rough week he fires up his loyal 30% by attacking “illegals”!
No, it’s Operation Wetback II.
He promised. He delivers.
You think this won’t deliver NM and a few other states next year?
Federal and State files have names, addresses, card numbers, phone numbers, and all the necessary stuff mandated by Lefty appellate judges when they ordered illegals were entitled to welfare, food stamps, free housing, public education, and that wonderful free healthcare.
Looks like Trump will balance the budget, after all.
Porter why wasn’t this done 2 years ago
Your messiah will fail on this just as he had failed on every other promise he made to you
Why do you keep believing him ?
The Wall
The Deficit
Showing his taxes
Automakers are opening new factories
Tariffs are making America richer
Yet you still dream that he “unlike Obama”
Will make Iraq submit
Apparently retarded Johnny from Queens has regained computer access privileges at the nervous hospital.
We prefer being called “Down’s Syndrome” sufferer to retarded.
17 kinds of retardation are recognized, so what you prefer, as always, means nothing.
Down Syndrome
Hydrocephalus (Water on the Brain)
Cerebral Palsy
Lead Poisoning
Fanconi Anemia
Phenylketonuria (PKU)
Muscular Dystrophy: Types, Symptoms, and Treatments
Tuberous Sclerosis
Ito Syndrome (Incontinentia Pigementi Achromians)
Huntington’s Disease
Aarskog Syndrome
Aicardi Syndrome
Tay-Sachs Disease
Chediak-Higashi Syndrome
Basal Cell Nevus Syndrome
And you suffer from HIS (Humor Impairment Syndrome). The damaged genes responsible are on the X-chromosome, along with the genes thought to be responsible for general human decency and altruism. Since females have two X-chromosomes (one from mother and one from father) they are less likely to lack decency and altruism. The overall syndrome in males of humor impairment, lack of decency, lack of altruism, and a propensity to cruelty is called Conditional Offensive Neuropathology (CON).
Sounds like the bear suit is back, but this time as a latrine.
Punchline optional.
And it’s Iran.
And he will.
Let’s see… millions, tRump tweets! Millions!
Let’s imagine that tRump miraculously deports 1000/per week… 11,000,000 divided by 1000 = 11,000 weeks (provided no new undocumented aliens enter!). 11,000 divided by 52 = 211 years. The Mitch and DJ show will be long dead by then.
How many billion$ will this cost? Perhaps, just perhaps, it’s time for “comprehensive” immigration reform. The NuCons may be thinking that Hitler was able to murder 6 million in just a few years…
This is a cruel, political stunt to fluff up tRump’s devotees.
Are you not entertained?
Operation Wetback II.
Ike did it with a much smaller force, but the Demos didn’t do stupid Commie stuff.
Perhaps, just perhaps, it’s time for “comprehensive†immigration reform.
And this is it. It’s called law enforcement.
How many billion$ will this cost?
Less than it will cost to maintain all those spongers living on Federal sugar.
5 out of 8 non-citizens get some sort of government assistance, to the tune of 120B /year.
Yeah, this will help that debt our bunny anguishes over.
The Lying Kleagle of Kleveland can’t help himself.
We would ask you to support your claims but we know better.
All you have to do is look it up.
You can tell he’s scared this is the end of his Commie Wet Dream.
He’s name-calling again.
We’ve told you before we, you do it, then we do it back atcha. (Which is why you do it – because you’re lonely).
So you’re John, too.
I didn’t call you anything, but, if you want us to call you a molester, so be it.
Remember, you can’t back up that Kleagle stuff and there’s an IP address behind all your phony little names.
PS Teach, you wanted the name calling to stop. Just tell Jeffery he’s better off using his own name.
formwiz typed: …this will help that debt our bunny anguishes over.
You can’t help yourself but call people names, since you have little of substance to add.
Can you back up your claim that I’m a molester, Dutcher?
Do you propose to use your own name, Edward?
By all means, reach out to TEACH to save you. He can check the IP addresses, but if you believe I’m hacking the comments section and rewriting old comments, I think you’re beyond help.
Lil used to be sickest, vilest commenter here, but he’s just a kid, you’re an old hateful man.
And you suffer from HIS (Humor Impairment Syndrome).
No, I laugh all the time at your pathetic lies.
<i.The damaged genes responsible are on the X-chromosome, along with the genes thought to be responsible for general human decency and altruism. Since females have two X-chromosomes (one from mother and one from father) they are less likely to lack decency and altruism. The overall syndrome in males of humor impairment, lack of decency, lack of altruism, and a propensity to cruelty is called Conditional Offensive Neuropathology (CON).
Well, you’re the expert on offensive.
How many Lefty websites did you have to search for this bit of trash?
I notice it’s a feminist screed of some sort, so does that account for your preference for males? No woman wants you (can’t say I blame them), so you develop this sick affection for men.
One other point
The only wee you have is that you’re a pissy, paranoid, hateful Leftist whose dreams of being a gauleiter over white people will never come true and you’re just beginning to realize it. Everything the Mocha Messiah told you was all lies.
Now that’s name-calling. Actually, it’s simple objective description, it’s just rather sad you can’t seem to do any better.
Try letting go of the hate. You can’t be a good Lefty without being a good hater. Also try letting go of the envy. Lefties push envy hard on their thralls.
That’s 5 of the 7. So it’s a good start.
Why do Cons always resort to calling liberal men homosexual? Why do you think that would offend a liberal? Does it make sense to you that a man writing a “feminist” screed mocking men’s propensity to violence, cruelty and lack of altruism would have a “sick affection for men”. Your typings often have this kind non sequitur.
You should search word for word for what I wrote and see if you can find it anywhere besides here. Or maybe my “hacking skills” allowed me to lift it but then scrub the internet.
formwiz typed: …this will help that debt our bunny anguishes over.
You can’t help yourself but call people names, since you have little of substance to add.
That’s substance enough it’s kept you foaming at the mouth. you guys were counting on Latin America saving you after you’ve aborted yourselves to the edge of extinction.
If there was little of substance, you’d ignore it. Ike and Jack Ennedy did it before and it will happen again.
Can you back up your claim that I’m a molester, Dutcher?
Can you back up your claim I’m an officer in the Klan? Can you even prove (damn, there’s that word) I was ever in the Klan?
No, of course you can’t, but that millipede slip of yours was rather intriguing.
Do you propose to use your own name, Edward?
What if I’m using somebody’s else’s account? How do you know?
By all means, reach out to TEACH to save you. He can check the IP addresses, but if you believe I’m hacking the comments section and rewriting old comments, I think you’re beyond help.
No, all I want is that this go back to a place where reasonable people can discuss without Lefty tantrums or lies.
I think Teach wants that, too.
As for saving me, I kick your ass so often, people must think you’re wearing a bustle.
Lil used to be sickest, vilest commenter here, but he’s just a kid, you’re an old hateful man.
No, dearie, that’s you.
So you lied about not name-calling.
So you lied about “global warming”.
Did I? By all means point out my lie about global warming.