What they aren’t so concerned with is unfettered abortion on demand in California
California Bishops Decry ‘Climate Disruption,’ Call for ‘Ecological Spirituality’
The Catholic bishops of California released a pastoral statement on the environment Tuesday, calling on citizens to confront “the risks of a warming climate.â€
“The disruption of the earth’s climate is one of the principal challenges facing humanity today, with grave implications for the poor, many of whom live in areas particularly affected by environmental degradation,†the bishops declared in their 7400-word document.
“Climate disruption will exacerbate social and economic inequalities, which points to the need to prioritize strategies to help all those in need adapt to our new climate reality,†they said, which means that changes “in lifestyle, policy, and economics are absolutely necessary.â€
The bishops also tied climate change to recent weather phenomena in California, proposing that global warming is aggravating the state’s meteorological volatility.
“California’s climate is variable, with recurring droughts and occasional floods, but our warming planet exacerbates this variability. Droughts are becoming more common and more intense, with rainfall more volatile. Our climate is now characterized by wetter wet years and drier dry years,†they said.
So, Hotcoldwetdry. Maybe they should spend more time on the ever-increasing homelessness and drug use in the streets.
Among the many solutions proposed, the bishops urge the creation of “an environmental consciousness within all Catholic families†as well as the enactment of policies that “drastically reduce carbon dioxide emissions and other polluting gases.â€
As Larissa notes in the story comments
If the Bishops and other church people in California cared about the Environment then they would do everything possible to clean up the cities and towns like Los Angeles, San Francisco, Palo Alto, and other places that have needles, human and animal waste, removing urine, litter, homeless tents, and more. They would also house the Homeless people which they are not doing at all.
The church has a lot of money especially the Catholic churches like the Vatican, but they don’t want to invest in cleaning up the California cities and housing the poor. You see many poor people on the streets, living in vehicles, parks, and other places. The church bishops do not want to help the poor and clean up the environment in California like the cities of San Francisco and Los Angeles streets.
Nor do they want to take on the abortion industry in California.

The Catholic Church has unfortunately become a radial leftist organization more interested in the institutionalization of Democrat politicians in perpetuity than the saving of souls. It amazes me how communist ideology takes over everything it touches.
The Catholic Church hierarchy was invaded by communists back in the 1960’s, just like most of America’s institutions. The people who joined back then are in charge now or were leaders in seminaries that trained those who are in charge now. The Soviet Union had very active programs like this all over the world, particularly in countries that didn’t actively seek them out and execute them. They don’t even see their own roots any more. Like all the communists of various types in the USA, they are on autopilot long after the Soviet Union collapsed and stopped transmitting instructions and paychecks. The puppets don’t know their strings are cut.
Not just the american Church, but also the Church in Europe (except behind the Iron Curtain).
That’s where a lot of this comes.
that infiltration took place long before the 1960s. look up bella dodd and what she and the communist party did to the catholic church in the 1930s. the second Vatican council gave the communists hiding in the catholic clergy the power to implement the programs to destroy the catholic church. when is catholic laity going to throw these communists out of the clergy and reclaim the church.
According to the tRumpster and his minions, CNN, The New York Times and Washington Post are “fake news”, but TEACH and HIS minions rely on Breitbart, WUWT and the Daily Caller. It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad world.
The Roman Catholic Church is a world-wide crime syndicate, involved in pedophilia, hush money and cover-ups. Who cares what the Bishops have to say about anything?
Once again on a subject HAVING NOTHING TO DO WITH TRUMP you bring him into the discussion. You have reached peak Trump derangement. Do you enjoy having Trump control your every thought? Man, you need help.
Trump 2020 KAG
Thanks for your concern, but
Kye types on every post:
Trump 2020 KAG
Yet whines whenever tRump, Kye’s Great White Hope, is mentioned in a post.
You have tRump Worship Syndrome. He’s just a man, and not a very good man, at that.
I knew what he was when he was elected – unfit for duty. But I thought he might “grow” into our Presidency, or have the self-realization that he was incapable of being our President and surrounding himself effective leaders. I WAS WRONG!! He is an existential threat to this nation. Just as troubling is that the cowardly and unAmerican GOP has lined up behind him, mostly out of fear.
Donald J. Trump is an Enemy of America. Put that in your KAG! cap and wear it!
Trump is an enemy of what you want for America.
You want Sambo back. Keep America On Welfare. Recovery Summer. If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon.
<iJust as troubling is that the cowardly and unAmerican GOP has lined up behind him, mostly out of fear.
Sounds more like the Democrats who stood behind Willie’s lies.
You’re not helping The Cove lose its reputation as Daily Stormer Lite.
Get your KAW! kkkap!
(Keep America White!)
tRump seems obsessed with President Obama and Secretary Clinton, who were the previous administration. He’s still talking about the emails he urged Russia to find.
How about giving a definition of the word existential. I have noticed that all the pseudo intellectually are big on this word.
As to Trump, all you do is try to stir up emotions and anger. That is such an empty life. Most people here feel sorry for you and are concerned about the fact that you are terribly ill.
MAGA, winning.
I noticed that too, david7134. It must be their word of the month. Remember when they started that crap and the word was “veritas”. Everything from all the commie talking heads included the word veritas.
Trump 2020 KAG
“Existential” first appeared around 1690. So it’s not that new of a word.
It’s doubtful that tRump reads this blog (or anything) so you don’t have to play dumb so as not to offend him.
You did not give a definition and the word is more associated with a philosophic modern movement, by Sarte. Trump is intelligent, you are a dumba..
Nope, they all get their talking points from Occupy Democrats and the DNC every morning and are instructed to spam, jam and otherwise stop conservatives from having discussions by constantly bringing up topics not related to the conversation at hand.
From example Elwood P Dowd, (Jeff – to those of us who know him for a while), must inject Trump into any conversation. You’ll note that what Jeff interrupts us with are the exact same non-sequitur concerns and issues that all our other left wing friends and family seem to all focus on AT THE EXACT SAME TIME!
It’s hilarious and sad as these people consider themselves “free thinkers”, yet they mindlessly cut and paste their daily drivel, and uniformly react with cries of, “Racist” or “Facist” or “Nazi” whenever their “gotcha” point of the day is easily show to be false or is disproved.
Careful, Frank’s a Commie. He’ll excommunicate you.
But it is good to see all the hate come out.
So you hate Catholics in addition to white men and women, Southerners, Midwesterners, heterosexuals, black people…, have I left anyone out?
And while I can’t speak for the clown car that has become Breitbart, Gateway has been kicking Fake News’ ass, but so has the National Enquirer, and did we think we’d ever see the day that happened.
Keep foaming at the mouth.
I admit to hating willful ignorance and wanton cruelty, apparent requirements for the nuGOP and the tRumpublicans.
“I admit to hating willful ignorance” says the guy who denies the scientific facts that there are two sexes and four races. Can’t get any more “willfully ignorant” than that.
Exactly what “wanton cruelty” is “apparent requirements”? Be specific. I really need to hear what the guy who thinks it’s okay to murder babies thinks wanton cruelty is.
There are none so blind as those who REFUSE to see.
Trump 2020 KAG And it’s still okay to be white even if Elwood hates you.
Since you repeatedly want to discuss the topics (not really):
What is the scientific basis of sex determination? Thanks.
Regarding race, your compatriot formwiz recently typed that President Obama was not of the Black race or white race. So what race is President Obama? Scientists disagree with your contention that there are 3 or 4 “races”.
What is the scientific basis of race determination?
I DO understand your point regarding sex and race. We humans tend to be “lumpers”; we want to classify “kinds” as simply as possible. You see characteristics of Africans, dark skin, dark hair, broad nose, kinky hair (are their other characteristics you see?) – people of sub-Saharan Africa and their descendants around the world. You see characteristics of Eurasians (light skin, “fine” features, all kinds of hair colors and textures) – this group includes current “white” Europeans, Arabs, most Muslims, South Asians, natives of the African horn, most of those we lump as Hispanics. Asians, characterized by light skin, dark hair, epicanthic fold. Your fourth race is the Australian-Melanesians. Recent studies show that many of the Australoid “race” are more similar to Caucasoids.
How do YOU distinguish between races? Can you tell a dark-skinned Egyptian Caucasoid from a dark-skinned Scottish Negroid? Would a DNA test be needed?
Anyway, the beauty of the scientific method is that hypotheses and theories are constantly challenged with new evidence.
Let’s talk more later.
It’s easy:
CNN, The New York Times and Washington Post ARE “fake newsâ€
Breitbart, WUWT and the Daily Caller are not. Oh, they might get things wrong now and again, but CNN, the NYT and the WP reliably get everything wrong.
Yes, but CNN, the NYT and WP get it wrong DELIBERATELY!!! That sir is the very definition of Fake News. (As well as propaganda).
cnn, the ny times, wapo never get anything wrong. they deliberately lie to advance their communist agenda.
You’re not helping The Cove lose its reputation as Daily Stormer Lite.
Get your KAW! kkkap!
(Keep America White!)
If you’re saying I’m not, I must be.
And you seem obsessed with the Klan. Wish you could belong to a Commie version that went around scaring us bitter clingers?
tRump seems obsessed with President Obama and Secretary Clinton, who were the previous administration. He’s still talking about the emails he urged Russia to find.
Well, they did try to scam him out of office. Maybe that’s why Sambo is hiding out in Europe. If warrants start coming down, he’s gotta lotta splainin’ to do.
And the Beast appears to have dissolved in a puddle of booze, so you’ve got a real pairleading your party.
The Elizabeth Bathory of the 21st Century and the first bitch Kenyan Preezy of the US.
No one tried to scam Dumbo of Queens out of office.
Normal people would view a trip to Europe as a vacation. And yes, even Black people take vacations. Even to Europe!
What charges do you think the Dumbo administration would bring against President Obama? Being Black is not a crime. Yet.
President Obama and Secretary Clinton are not the leaders of the Democratic Party, both now are private citizens. On the other hand, tRumpelstilskin IS the leader of the nuGOP (tRumpublican Party; TP). Let that sink in.
The only Dumbo here is the one who’d say such a stupid thing.
The Demos tried to convince the country and him they had some airtight case. He knew he was clean and gave them enough rope to hang themselves.
What charges do you think the Dumbo administration would bring against President Obama? Being Black is not a crime.
The Trump Administration could bring charges of falsifying evidence, for openers. Unjustified domestic surveillance, collusion between the Democratic National Committee, officials of the Obama administration, the Clinton campaign, and Ukrainian officials, obstruction…
And Zippy isn’t black. He’s a mulatto who desperately wishes he was all white and hates black people because they remind him he can never be white.
President Obama and Secretary Clinton are not the leaders of the Democratic Party, both now are private citizens.
A former Preezy is never a private citizen and the Ozarks would die rather than be private citizens. In any case, they were the leaders of the Democrat party when they committed their crimes.
And so what about Donald Trump being head of the Republican party (whatever it’s supposed to mean in your tortured little mind)? He’s been vindicated.
Sink in that.
formwiz typed:
“And so what about Preezy Dumbo being head of the Republican party? He’s been vindicated.”
In what alternate universe has Dumbo been vindicated (whatever that is supposed to mean)? He’s an unindicted co-conspirator where his accomplice is in prison for the crime! Robert Mueller’s report in no way vindicated Dumbo.
His “accomplice” was indicted and charged with tax fraud unrelated to the 2016 campaign.
Those of us with 2 brain cells know that.
“Existential†first appeared around 1690. So it’s not that new of a word.
No, it comes from Late Latin, so it goes back a bit more than another millennium, but you still can’t define it.
It’s doubtful that tRump reads this blog (or anything) so you don’t have to play dumb so as not to offend him.
After 2 years at Fordham, he studied for his MBA from Wharton, back when it really meant something. How many people skip their last 2 years of undergrad school to qualify for grad school. So he’s smarter than you and he’s smart enough to have adapted Sun Tzu to the business world and made a best seller out of it, so he probably appreciates smart people who discuss on Teach.
You, he probably thinks, are a fool for being such a blindly obedient Lefty.
Do you have evidence to support:
“After 2 years at Fordham, he studied for his MBA from Wharton, back when it really meant something. How many people skip their last 2 years of undergrad school to qualify for grad school?”
Not many, but it doesn’t appear that trump did either.
According to the University of PA, he graduated with a BS in Economics in 1968. Two years at Fordham and 2 years at Penn for a BS. Pretty typical. He didn’t skip two years of school.
There is no evidence that he has an MBA or even attended graduate school.
Donald John Trump is listed on p21 as receiving a BS in Economics.
Tony Schwartz wrote The Art of the Deal, and now says it is his greatest regret. He suggested it should be renamed, The Sociopath.
Wharton’s a grad school.
Your constant insistent ignorance of basic facts is tiring, which is a Con Man strategy. Lie, get corrected, tell the same lie, get corrected, embellish the lie. Lather, rinse, repeat.
Wharton Business School (of the U of PA in Philly) grants Bachelors, Masters and PhDs. Donald John Trump received a BS in Economics in 1968.
Donald John Trump did not skip two years of undergraduate school. He attended Fordham for two years and Wharton (Penn) for two years and received a BS in Economics.
Do you, formwiz, deny that trump received a BS in Economics from Wharton (Penn), or do you think the document (p 21) I supplied was forged by the Obama/Clinton cabal? Or me?
Do you, formwiz, have any evidence to support your claim that Donald John Trump has a graduate degree from the Wharton Business School (or any graduate school).
Just because Wharton grants graduate degrees doesn’t mean Donald John Trump received a graduate degree.
You are now free to change the subject.
Trump has the same degree as I, a BS in economics. I didn’t get mine at U of P.
formwiz insists that Donald Trump has a master’s in business (MBA) from Wharton.
Hey formwiz,
Did you find Donald John Trump’s MBA diploma yet? LOL.
You just can’t admit you were wrong, so you run and hide.
Like the odious jimhoft who buries his false posts under an avalanche of new post rather than retract.
I’m still here and I’ll put Trump’s MBA against your millipede.
BTW I’ll wait for you to prove he hasn’t got one.
And Gateway is more often right than most of Fake News
I’ll wait for you to prove trump doesn’t have neurosyphilis. How will you do that?
And how does one prove trump doesn’t have an MBA from Wharton? Can you cite where you obtained the information that he does have an MBA?
It seems one can make any claim in the world without proof!
Can you prove you haven’t had sex with a sheep?
Did you lie about trump having an MBA or was it an honest mistake? It goes to your “character”.
what evidence does the democrat party-media complex have to prove all of their allegations against trump?
You mean besides wishful thinking and desperation?
In the Old Testament if your slave girl became pregnant and you suspected baby was not yours you could demand the Triall of Bitter Herbs which would cause her to abort
The fine for making a woman abort was small 2 shekels paid yobtge father
But of course these things are already known to those Christians that have actually studied the Bible
Wrong thread? Or just another lefty.
Bingo. Just another lefty. It leaves his stink here occasionally so we know it’s alive. I guess it thinks since it was a slave girl we approve of slavery too. It’s amusing it felt it necessary to go back thousands of years to dig up a lame example which proves nothing anyway. Incredulous these radical pagan leftists.
Does the Ursine live in the woods?
He knows as much about the Bible as he does the Constitution.
Nothing to do with slaves, but with a woman accused of adultery. The trial was demanded by the woman offended.
From Numbers 5
21 then the priest shall cause the woman to swear with the oath of cursing, and the priest shall say unto the woman–the LORD make thee a curse and an oath among thy people, when the LORD doth make thy thigh to fall away, and thy belly to swell;
22 and this water that causeth the curse shall go into thy bowels, and make thy belly to swell, and thy thigh to fall away’; and the woman shall say: ‘Amen, Amen.’
23 And the priest shall write these curses in a scroll, and he shall blot them out into the water of bitterness. 24 And he shall make the woman drink the water of bitterness that causeth the curse; and the water that causeth the curse shall enter into her and become bitter.
He’s a liar no matter what suit.
What is the scientific basis of sex determination? Thanks.
Plumbing. Indoor or out.
Regarding race, your compatriot formwiz recently typed that President Obama was not of the Black race or white race. So what race is President Obama? Scientists disagree with your contention that there are 3 or 4 “racesâ€.
What is the scientific basis of race determination?
White, Negro, Oriental, Malay, American Indian. That was the way it was taught when I went to school. Like gender, what once was simple and obvious to all has become a political footbal.
I DO understand your point regarding sex and race. We humans tend to be “lumpersâ€; we want to classify “kinds†as simply as possible. You see characteristics of Africans, dark skin, dark hair, broad nose, kinky hair (are their other characteristics you see?) – people of sub-Saharan Africa and their descendants around the world. You see characteristics of Eurasians (light skin, “fine†features, all kinds of hair colors and textures) – this group includes current “white†Europeans, Arabs, most Muslims, South Asians, natives of the African horn, most of those we lump as Hispanics. Asians, characterized by light skin, dark hair, epicanthic fold. Your fourth race is the Australian-Melanesians. Recent studies show that many of the Australoid “race†are more similar to Caucasoids.
How do YOU distinguish between races? Can you tell a dark-skinned Egyptian Caucasoid from a dark-skinned Scottish Negroid? Would a DNA test be needed?
Similar is the identical.
Anyway, the beauty of the scientific method is that hypotheses and theories are constantly challenged with new evidence.
Too bad all of it is fake.
And you’re a jerk.
In what alternate universe has Dumbo been vindicated (whatever that is supposed to mean)? He’s an unindicted co-conspirator where his accomplice is in prison for the crime! Robert Mueller’s report in no way vindicated Dumbo.
The universe that Mule Ears did not have evidence to indict and unindicted means vindication. And Trump has yet to be named. Ted Lieu said he was essentially an unindicted co-conspirator and essentially means zip.
No indictment = vindication.
Didn’t ask you.
I’m glad you sign all your comments, Dumbo, though.
No, I was just addressing you.
As Mr. Mueller explained ad nauseum, the DOJ policy is to not indict a sitting President or even to accuse them of a crime when they cannot defend themselves in court. It is up to Congress to mete justice to a sitting President.
Once trump is a private citizen, if the statute of limitations has not expired, prosecutors will be free to prosecute him.
DOJ policy is not law. If he had the goods, he should have said so and presented them.
He did not have the goods and I would suspect Congress, the President or other Administration officials, and, most particularly, the appellate courts’ reading of the LAW overrules a Cabinet department POLICY.
And, no, it is not up to Congress to mete out justice to a sitting President. It is up to Congress to remove a sitting government official from office.
For somebody who “reveres” the Constitution, you sure know nothing about it.
catholics need to realize that the church is infallible in matters of faith and morals not science. these bishops are not catholics but rather communists that are in the clergy to destroy the catholic church. the catholic laity need to remove these people from the catholic clergy.
Nicely put. We are talking about Commies and other heretics who want to destroy the Church.