Perhaps they realized that a porous border through which a lot of people are streaming through doesn’t play well with middle ground voters, and even plain old moderate Democrats
Dems make U-turn on calling border a ‘manufactured crisis’
Democrats have done a U-turn on their claim from earlier this year that President Trump’s concern about illegal immigration at the southern border was a “manufactured crisis.â€
Democrats now acknowledge there is a genuine humanitarian crisis and are preparing to pass legislation that would provide as much as $4.5 billion in federal aid to address the surge of migrants from Central America.
A surging number of arrests, media reports of smugglers renting children to desperate migrants to help them gain entry into the United States and stories of children dying in U.S. custody have changed the narrative.
Earlier this year, Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) accused Trump of exaggerating problems at the border to stoke fear among Americans and distract from the turmoil of his own administration.
After Trump issued an Oval Office address to the nation on Jan. 8 proclaiming the border situation a “crisis of the heart and a crisis of the soul,†Schumer and Pelosi gave a side-by-side rebuttal.
“This president just used the backdrop of the Oval Office to manufacture a crisis, stoke fear and divert attention from the turmoil in his administration,†Schumer said in the midst of a 35-day government shutdown sparked by a partisan disagreement over funding border barriers.
Other Democrats made similar dismissals.
On one hand, some of the issue is manufactured, in that Democrats and their illegal alien activist groups keep inviting people to come illegally. Not too mention the elected Democrats obstructing every attempt to deal with the issue at the border
Polling shows that voters have grown more concerned about the migrant surge at the border since the government shutdown over Trump’s border wall earlier this year. A Washington Post–ABC News poll published in late April found that more than a third of Americans saw illegal immigration as a “crisis,†an increase of 11 percentage points compared to January.
A Harvard CAPS–Harris Poll survey published in early May found that 56 percent of U.S. voters said they believed there is “a growing humanitarian and security crisis†at the border, while 44 percent said it was a “manufactured political crisis.â€
And after all their talking points, now they’re attempting to manfucture new ones
“The phrase manufactured crisis could be misunderstood as suggesting it’s not a real crisis. It is a real crisis. There are people actually suffering. There are children dying. There are families in distress. It is a crisis,†Coons said. “The phrase ‘manufactured’ I think was used by some to emphasize the president’s role in making it worse.â€
Reportedly, there is a deal between Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Richard Shelby, an Alabama Republican, and Vermont Sen. Patrick Leahy, the top Democrat on the panel, for an almost $4.6 billion package for humanitarian assistance and others at the border. In a sane world, it would include money to deport all the illegals.

Most reasonable people understand that the “crisis” was real, but “manufactured” by trump. Senator Coons explained it.
“The phrase manufactured crisis could be misunderstood as suggesting it’s not a real crisis. It is a real crisis. There are people actually suffering. There are children dying. There are families in distress. It is a crisis,†Coons said. “The phrase ‘manufactured’ I think was used by some to emphasize the president’s role in making it worse.â€
Nice dodge, Coons. I call bullshit.
Trump 2020 KAG
tRump has become America’s #1 cap salesman!
Get your KAG! caps now!
It all goes into the war chest.
100,000 caps at a Trump rally at $40 apiece vs 44 free gropes at a Biden rally.
You Mad Hatters don’t see the irony of calling Joe Biden, Gropin’ Joe, while supporting a serial sexual harasser and accused rapist.
Vice-President Biden apologized, Pussy Grabbin’ donnie denied and claimed some of the women were too ugly for him to have assaulted.
Con Men are always of two minds, neither being very well developed.
If Coons is that concerned kids are dying, he ought to man up (for a change) and tell the illegals and the child sex traffickers to stay home.
The phrase ‘manufactured’ I think was used by some to emphasize the president’s role in making it worse.
No, it was coined because the Demos have been pushing this for 4 years.
No doubt thousands of children in cages (or “cells” as the Border Patrol prefers) is a crisis.
Thousands of refugees at our southern border with insufficient resources to handle the influx is a crisis.
…thousands of children in cages…
LOL. Get f*cked you silly silly little girl.
Hey Lil,
TEACH: “Ye can rant and rave at me, but be mostly polite to any other commenters. I will put up with quite a bit, but be mostly respectful to others.”
Why doesn’t TEACH respect his own “code”?
Did you ask TEACH if it was polite or respectful to type “Get f*cked… “, repeatedly? We can only conclude that TEACH keeps you around as a pet.
Do you just fantasize or do you actually f*ck little girls? Or is it just an online thing, you know, pics and videos?
Or maybe you can man up and post what you think are other commenters address again? Or man up and finally call the police to report a pedophile?
Knock yourself out, Lil.
Considering that you Ellie have said the exact same thing just as many times here it’s a bit late to be crying about it now.
Only in response to Lillian’s vile taunts.
ICMYI you’re still here.
Did you ask TEACH if it was polite or respectful to type “Get f*cked… “, repeatedly?
Did you?
Do you just fantasize or do you actually f*ck little girls? Or is it just an online thing, you know, pics and videos?
Sounds like your thing.
Make up your minds (as if).
Am I a gay man, a little girl or an old Negro??
So let them go home.
BTW that “cage” is Fort Sill, a US Army post since 1868 and has been the Field Artillery School of Fire since before WWI. This is what happens when you listen to Occasional Cortex. Even the memorial site at Auschwitz had to bitch slap her.
And you claim we’re afraid of her? In the immortal words of Daffy duck, “That’s rich, I’ll say. Oh, it is to laugh”.
Do you have a citation for the Auschwitz Memorial “bitch-slapping” Representative Ocasio-Cortez? (Of course you don’t).
Is this it?
Auschwitz Memorial
The history of Auschwitz is far more complicated than this as it combined two functions: a concentration camp and from March 1942 an extermination center. See our online lesson:
2:32 PM – Jun 18, 2019
“bitch-slap” is what Representative Ocasio-Cortez did to Dick Chainee’s daughter.
It might not sound like a bitch slap to you but it does to me and any other patriotic American who objects to being compared to Nazi’s, concentration camps, death camps or Hitler. You radical communist leftists have a bad habit of calling loyal Americans Nazis when they disagree with you. Nazis were socialists which makes you closer to them than we are. BTW, they were also allies of the Mohammadans just like you guys.
In the few years I’ve been commenting here I have never ONCE seen you take America’s side on ANYTHING. Think about that.
Trump 2020 KAG
The Nazis were right-wing authoritarians.
Why do you think the US neo-Nazis support trump? Why don’t your compatriots, the neo-Nazis, support the Jewish socialist Bernie Sanders?
And what is America’s side? I opposed the invasion of Iraq. I favor a progressive income tax. I obey the laws. I revere our Constitution. I side with the American people not the ideas and prejudices of 200 years ago. Let me guess, you think, America, Love It or Leave It! is patriotic.
Of course, I do.
Occasional Cortex couldn’t even bitch slap herself.
And here’s what the Auschwitz Memorial had to say. They had to give this idiot a history lesson.
The fact they had to say anything tells us how “afraid” Conservatives are of this moron.
PS I note you, with your extensive military experience, haven’t got any choice words about Fort Sill.
“Only in response to Lillian’s vile taunts.”
Ah, how very 2nd grade of you.
Yep, just like tRump. Just like Lily.
It’s an interesting thing… Cons feel free to mock, insult, curse and ridicule but ALWAYS whine when they get punched back. Why is that?
Nobody gets more vile than the bunny suit. He makes up stuff about people.
The rest of us just go with what he says.
You Mad Hatters don’t see the irony of calling Joe Biden, Gropin’ Joe, while supporting a serial sexual harasser and accused rapist.
Vice-President Biden apologized, Pussy Grabbin’ donnie denied and claimed some of the women were too ugly for him to have assaulted.
Con Men are always of two minds, neither being very well developed.
Oh, wow, he apologized. That makes it all white, don’t it?
When did Donald Trump ever grab a woman’s twat? And, at least he kept his lady friends above the age of consent. I guess that makes it OK with you. It seems to be your taste.
And he was talking Rosie O’Donnell.
The Nazis were right-wing authoritarians.
No, they weren’t and only a left-wing ignoramus would be stupid enough to say so.
The Krauts were forever proclaiming themselves Socialists. Zippy’s bailout of of GM was a prime example of National Socialism.
Why do you think the US neo-Nazis support trump? Why don’t your compatriots, the neo-Nazis, support the Jewish socialist Bernie Sanders?</>
I have yet to hear they do. You’re the only one that says so and we all know you’re a liar.
And what is America’s side? I opposed the invasion of Iraq. I favor a progressive income tax. I obey the laws. Let me guess, you think, America, Love It or Leave It! is patriotic.
You only opposed it because you were told the Left couldn’t allow Dubya to have continued 90+ popularity.
The income tax is a way to discriminate against income groups and just provides the government with money to waste on social programs that they use to keep themselves in power.
And Millipede sounds like you don’t.
Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
I revere our Constitution. I side with the American people not the ideas and prejudices of 200 years ago.
Then you don’t revere the Constitution, assuming you ever read it.
The ideas in the Constitution are either good or bad. You think they’re bad. Ergo, you do not revere the Constitution. And clearly you don’t side with any of the American people who don’t want to live under a feudal Communism.
You lie again.
Make up your minds (as if).
Am I a gay man, a little girl or an old Negro??
Considering how you feel about gender, who says they’re mutually exclusive?
Especially in your case.