There was a brief time when high ranking/influential members of the Cult of Climastrology said that the apocalyptic yammering needed to cool down. That the scare-mongering had to calm down. That the amplifier needed to be turned down from 11 to about a 4, because, otherwise, it would be hard to take political action. Warmists listened for about 3 seconds
It's like climate scammers aren't even trying anymore–Newsweek: "CLIMATE CHANGE IS CHOKING THE ATLANTIC OCEAN TO DEATH". #climatebrawl #climatetwitter
— Tom Nelson (@TomANelson) June 19, 2019
It’s great that they’re going to take a long fossil fueled trip to study this
A scientist leading a health check of the Earth’s second largest ocean has warned the Atlantic could run out of breath.
Over the course of four years, an international team of researchers from countries which border the Atlantic ocean will investigate how climate change as well as industries such as fishing, mining, and oil and gas extraction affect the expanse of water. They will also look for refuges where animals appear able to survive, BBC News reported.
Countries including South America, Iceland and Scotland will be involved in the €10 million ($11 million) project. The team plan to look at all lifeforms in the ocean, from humpback whales to plankton and corals, Professor Murray Roberts, of the University of Edinburgh School of GeoSciences who is leading the iAtlantic project, told BBC News.
Researchers will explore 12 ecosystems, including: a coral reef near the Western Isles chain of islands on the west coast of Scotland, the North Atlantic region of the Sargasso Sea, the Mid-Atlantic Ridge off Iceland, the waters stretching from Angola to the Congo Lobe, and the Vitória-Trindade Seamount Chain off the coast of Brazil.
The ocean is losing oxygen which wildlife need to survive, explained Roberts.
He asked in an interview with BBC News: “What will happen to these animals in the future as the Atlantic changes? As it gets warmer, as it gets more acidic and also—in some areas—as it runs out of breath.”
“Because the Atlantic, like many ocean basins in the world, is being deoxygenated —it’s losing the oxygen that is vital to life.” Over 90 percent of global warming caused by climate change over the past five decades has happened in the ocean.
The oceans ate their computer modeled warming. But, hey, I have to wonder, how did the oceans and all the life in them survive previously during warm periods? Because there were many, many periods when the ocean temperatures were much warmer. And the sea heights were much higher (that’s how you create coral atolls and some islands). This study will look at many things, such as plastic pollution, but, you know in four years they will scare-monger about ‘climate change’, taking the focus off the real dangers.

They are all over the map on this.
“More Acidic” doesn’t mean “more acid”. It means “less salty” on the PH scale, but still plenty salty for ocean animals.
Not enough oxygenation? What’s the mechanism for this? It is wave action that puts O2 into the water. There are fewer waves in the ocean than before? How does the Pacific ocean survive?
90% of global warming has happened in the ocean… where no one can see it.
I like the picture of the whale leaping out and gasping for air because he is “choking”.
Well it is difficult for whales to breath underwater. The science is settled…
More acidic means a reduction in pH. It doesn’t mean less salty at all.
pH is a (-)logarithmic scale of the hydrogen ion (H+ or AKA, a proton) concentration of a solution.
Neutral pH is 7 where the [H+] is 10(-7) mol/liter (molar). Less than 7 is acidic. Greater than 7 is alkaline. Seawater is slightly alkaline (pH ~ 7.5-8.5). More acidic means a reduction in pH, so if it goes from 8.3 to 8.0 it is becoming more acidic or less alkaline.
CO2 dissolves in water and combines with H2O to form carbonic acid, H2CO3 which, in aqueous solution, dissociates to form H+ and HCO3- (bicarbonate). That’s why CO2 causes seawater to become less alkaline – it effectively adds H+. At higher pH, some HCO3- will dissociate to H+ and less soluble carbonate (CO3–). Sea creatures (e.g., corals) use CaCO3 for making structures.
Are you arguing that the scientists aren’t accurately measuring ocean pO2 because YOU don’t understand why it should be decreasing?
What might cause a decrease in oxygenation? Less atmospheric oxygen? Although O2 has dropped a bit (after all it takes O2 to burn fossil fuels), but that’s not the cause. Less O2 produced by ocean plants – seaweed, phytoplankton, algae? Probably not. More O2 consumed by plants and animals in a warmer ocean? Probably. Does a warmer ocean retain less oxygen? Yes. Is there less deep ocean mixing with the now warmer, less dense surface waters? Yes.
Here’s a short article in Nat Geo that explains some of the issues.
And why would anyone think Nat Geo is any less corrupt than, say, The Weather Channel?
And usually, it might be a good idea to take the word of someone who has Professor in front of it than someone who has Leftist troll after it.
On the issue of salinity on how salts affect pH.
Copy and paste is not knowledge.
LOL. Professor of what? That’s a good one. We should take his word, even when he’s absolutely and completely wrong?
It would be like taking your word on DJ trump’s academic achievements.
From your own citation: “Sodium chloride is table salt and when it is added to water it breaks down into ions of sodium and chloride. Neither of them reacts to water so adding it to water will only change the volume, not the pH.”
You are correct that copy and paste is not knowledge as evidenced from your complete and total lack of understanding about pH and salinity.
It’s a handy “out” for science deniers to claim everything they don’t believe is fraudulent or “fake news”. Where on Earth would you boyz have learned that ploy? LOL.
Feel free to change the subject as you always do.
Well, he’s educated and you’re just a shill
Where to begin?
How’s ’bout the fact this is all theoretical and is just a proposal?
There are any number of salts. Some Neutral, some Acidic, some Basic. If you’d actually read the piece past the word salt, you’d know different salts affect pH differently.
You think salt can’t become mixed with other compounds? Neutralizing sodium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid also forms a solution of sodium chloride (basic chemistry; anybody who ever studied it figured this particular out as soon as they saw the formulae).
And the salt in the sea isn’t NaCL
Concentration of ion in sea water[6] mg/l
Chloride 18 980
Sodium 10 556
Sulfate 2 649
Magnesium 1 262
Calcium 400
Potassium 380
Bicarbonate 140
Strontium 13
Bromide 65
Borate 26
Fluoride 1
Silicate 1
Iodide <1
(note por favor Na and Cl ions are not equal)
The professor’s point is all your “data” is phony, so why shouldn’t this be (it is because it’s still in the proposal stage, but you quote it as if it’s Gospel)?
It’s a handy “out†for science deniers to claim everything they don’t believe is fraudulent or “fake newsâ€. Where on Earth would you boyz have learned that ploy?
From having Fake News lie to us so much.
He’s right about how the ocean uses wave action to exchange gases. If you ever had an aquarium (God help those poor fish), you’d have learned that’s why you have a bubbler of some kind (well, not you maybe, but everybody else) on the tank.
And he’s right about using pH to measure salinity in seawater. The issue is not whether the ocean is salty, but does it have enough salts and the correct salinity to support life.
You’re the subject changer. You tried to do it with this.
Have I brought it back enough to make you run and hide?
More pseudoscientific clap-trap from you. It’s clear your objective is to confuse people. Why is that?
Did you notice that the Na+ and Cl- are the primary ions in seawater? (N.B. – expressing the concentrations in mg/kg or mg/L isn’t as relevant as mM). The reason Na+ and Cl- appear so different by mass/vol is that Na has a MW of 23 and Cl a MW of 36. Here’s a better chart:
So NaCl makes up 91% of the “salt” in the ocean on a molar basis! There are small amounts of K+, Mg++, Ca++, HCO3-, SO4– ions compared to Na+ and Cl-, and a teensy, tiny amount of hydrogen ion (H+).
The statement: “More Acidic†doesn’t mean “more acidâ€. It means “less salty†on the PH (sic) scale, but still plenty salty for ocean animals.”, is nonsensical.
What is true is that adding CO2 to the ocean reduces the pH, by the mechanism I outlined previously.
formwiz typed: “And he’s right about using pH to measure salinity in seawater.”
No, that is absolutely incorrect. Measuring pH does NOT measure salinity.
Measuring pH is independent of the salinity. As explained previously pH is a direct measure of the H+ concentration in an aqueous solution.
Note that the concentration of NaCl is about 500 mM/L, or 5 x 10(-1)mol/L. In contrast the pH of seawater shows that the H+ concentration is about 10 nM/L or 10(-8)mol/L. That means there is over 1,000,000 TIMES more NaCl than H+ in seawater!
A pH measurement is highly specific for H+.
And by the way, your sneering at National Geographic is laughable in light of your reference – an advertisement for selling water systems!
And even the ad didn’t support your argument.
Secondary contributor of O2 in seawater: Whales leaping into the air and creating huge splashes.
So, cause of lower O2: Lazy whales.