…is an evil fossil fueled flying machine causing evil clouds, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The First Street Journal, with a post on mandatory acceptance of the gender confused.

…is an evil fossil fueled flying machine causing evil clouds, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The First Street Journal, with a post on mandatory acceptance of the gender confused.
What ever happened to Trumpy’s forecegil tedponde yo Iran? How long are you going to wait for your Messiah to act ?first the double attack on tankers then the shooting down of a drone ??
Allcwe get is a statement saying he eS “cocked” ??
Dyslexia, anyone?
I don’t know if you started posting before John took a sabitical, but he worked as a UPS driver and it seems that he post while driving. It really does not matter as when you can read his comments they for make any more sense than when they are jumbled. John is more liberal than Jeff with the same mental compromise of lack of logic, etc. Note that the liberals are upset with Trump because he exercised restraint which is their position, at least I think, it changes every week.
david7134, I was really being flip with my remark as I assumed he was a leftist on weed. I’ve seen a few of his ridiculous comments and all I can say is DON”T TEXT AND DRIVE. You may kill a conservative!
Yes, I’ve noticed how excited and pissed off the DemComs are because Trump DIDN”T take the bait and blow Iran off the map. Like they say, Trump could cure cancer and the DemComs would be pissed.
Trump 2020 KAG
Retarded. Confined to a nervous hospital since Trump won.