I’m looking forward to them rethinking the idea of this being a victory in a few years
Grassroots climate campaigners in New York applauded on Monday after state lawmakers reached a deal on sweeping climate legislation, paving the way for the passage of what could be some of the country’s most ambitious environmental reforms.
The legislature reached an agreement just before midnight Sunday on the Climate and Communities Protection Act (CCPA), one of several climate bills state lawmakers have pushed in recent months since progressives gained momentum in their push for a federal Green New Deal.
I’ve include the tweet by Klein, since she is a massive anti-capitalist, having pushed the position that capitalism needs to go goodbye in order to save us from Hotcoldwetdry (despite making all sorts of money using capitalism to sell her books and give speeches).
New York’s CCPA calls for zero fossil fuel emissions from utilities by 2040. By 2050, 85 percent of all energy in the state will be from renewable sources under the legislation, with the remaining 15 percent being off-set or captured.
“By and large, this is a very big victory,†Arielle Swernoff of New York Renews, a coalition that pushed to pass the bill, told the Huffington Post. The group counts more than 100 groups in its membership, including national groups like 350.org and Friends of the Earth as well as local organizations like Saratoga Unites and Syracuse United Neighbors. (snip)
“By passing the CCPA with all its equity provisions intact, New York State can both address the climate crisis and build a more equitable economy,†Assemblywoman Latrice Walker wrote at City Limits. (snip)
“What a massive win for the climate justice movement and the frontline communities that have fought so hard for this!†wrote Daniel Aldana Cohen, a professor at University of Pennsylvania. “If flipping a bunch of New York State senate seats and building fighting coalitions could achieve all this in a couple years — just imagine what millions of organized people in the streets and a federal Green New Deal could do.â€
The NY general assembly did pass their version of the Green New Deal, and it is heading to the governor’s desk. Once signed, it will be fantastic watching all these Warmists complain about their taxes skyrocketing, along with their energy costs, fuel costs, food costs, and most other things that make up their cost of living.
Further, you can expect the same people to flip a lid over the requirement for off-shore wind turbines. Think the uber-rich Warmists will want to see them off the coast of the Hamptons? NY only has so much coastline to build them. Can’t do it in the Hudson river or other rivers. Pretty much limited to off Long Island.
It will limit consumer choice, redistribute money, raise taxes, limit energy production causing brown-outs and blackouts. So, it will be fun watching the NY Warmists complain. What most do next is leave NY for other pastures, just like they’ve been doing over the already high cost of living and draconian government.