I think she got her timeline wrong: she was supposed to wait till the Democratic primaries are over, perhaps till September 2020, in order to hurt Trump at the ballot box
Columnist accuses Trump of sexual assault more than two decades ago, an allegation he denies
E. Jean Carroll, a New York-based writer and longtime women’s advice columnist, accused President Trump of sexually assaulting her more than two decades ago in a dressing room of an upscale Manhattan department store, an episode detailed in a book excerpt published Friday in New York magazine.
In an interview with The Washington Post on Friday afternoon, Carroll reiterated the allegations, saying that during a chance encounter with the then-real estate developer at Bergdorf Goodman in late 1995 or early 1996, Trump attacked her in a dressing room. She said he knocked her head against a wall, pulled down her tights and briefly penetrated her before she pushed him off and ran out.
She said she hoped that telling her story “will empower women to come forward and not feel bad. . . . I blamed myself and I was silent and I felt guilty. I beat up myself terrible.â€
Carroll, now 75, said she told two close friends about the episode at the time. One of them told The Post on Friday that Carroll described the incident to her shortly after it occurred and that she had unsuccessfully urged Carroll to go to the police.
Trump vigorously denied the accusation, calling it “fake news.†He questioned why there was no video footage of the incident or witnesses in the store.
“I’ve never met this person in my life,†the president said in a statement. “She is trying to sell a new book — that should indicate her motivation. It should be sold in the fiction section.â€
So, why wait till now? I make no bones about saying Trump is a sleazy guy with fungible morals (which makes him perfect for politics), but serious allegations require serious proof. Not just to show up because
Carroll, a registered Democrat, said she voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016. She donated $1,000 this cycle to Emily’s List, which supports female candidates who back abortion rights, and $500 to President Barack Obama’s reelection campaign in 2012, according to campaign finance records. On Twitter, she has posted several sharp remarks about Trump and retweets of satirical and critical articles about him.
It’s actually shocking that the Washington Post would publish that paragraph. Carroll can say “it’s not political”, but, it’s political.
Carroll said she didn’t come forward in 2016 because other women did, adding that she “didn’t have the guts.†But now, inspired by the #MeToo movement that began in late 2017, she said, “It’s time. It’s time.â€
Sure, Jan, sure.
.@Lawrence: "Would you consider bringing a rape charge against Donald Trump?"
E. Jean Carroll, who has accused the president of sexual assault: "No." pic.twitter.com/LVqdigtVDt
— MSNBC (@MSNBC) June 22, 2019
In other words, this is all about attempting to harm Trump with spurious allegations that cannot be proven or disproven. She supposedly still has the dresscoat from that day, but refuses to have it tested for DNA. Just another garbage false allegation

Didn’t Yrumpy already admit doing this ?
“Grab ’em by the pussy”
Isn’t a confession evidence ?
Looks like Jeffery has discovered multiple accounts.
And he said some women want so badly to latch onto a man with money, they’ll walk right up to him, and, if they let him grab them by the pussy, they’ll go with him.
A direct quote is tough to break.
Looks like Ed Dutcher has found multiple personalities.
Did you finally figure out the difference between NaCl and H+??
Did you finally find DJ trump’s MBA degree?
Well, it’s nice to see you have a problem with schizophrenia.
Do you mean between an ion and a compound? Do you know what you’re even talking about?
And tell me whether he doesn’t have one. You made the accusation.
Prove (that word again) it.
Porter shall we use the way back machine until we can reread your continued defense of conservative icon Bill Cosby ?
Like Mongo, the bear is back.
And Cos was not a Conservative icon. He dared tell blacks they needed to take responibility for their lives, actions, homes, and communities.
Gee whiz, can’t imagine why the Lefties wouldn’t want to smear him for that.
I know Bill Cosby. Since I was 12. My sister was in Temple U with him and as a kid I used to sit and listen to him tell jokes in the cafeteria. His family estate is on New Second Street in Elkins Park and I was his neighbor for several years. Cosby is a Philadelphia liberal and always has been so don’t start branding him a conservative because you don’t like him any more.
Trump 2020
Just another woman trying to take down a rich and powerful man with accusations of sexual assault… tRump, Clinton, Weinstein, Charlie Rose, Les Moonves, Biden, Bill Cosby, Matt Lauer, Roger Ailes, Al Gore, Ben Affleck, Casey Affleck, George H.W. Bush, Al Franken, Louis C.K., Roy Moore, John Conyers, Brett Kavanaugh, Garrison Keillor, Bill O’Reilly and a hundred other lesser known actors, writers, musicians, reporters and politicos.
Many of these poor, innocent men have had their lives ruined by these sirens. There is rarely any concrete evidence, with the harpies claiming these good men committed these heinous acts in private. How convenient.
It’s almost always a he said/ she said situation. And most of these women dress seductively in dresses, slacks, suits and jeans, often even wearing make-up and having their hair fixed!!
The president made a very “strong and powerful” denial, saying he had never even met the woman (who provided a photo of the two them together – probably photoshopped). Who are going to believe? Has the president ever lied to us?
Part of Ms. Carroll’s story doesn’t add up. She claimed that trump shoved her to back of dressing room, reached inside her coat-dress, pulled down her tights, grabbed her “privates”, unzipped his slacks and stuck his penis inside her. But according to Stormy Daniels, trump’s penis is short and stubby. Wouldn’t it be difficult to stick a short penis inside a standing, struggling woman?
She waited 23 years?
It wasn’t like Truymp didn’t have enemies.
There is rarely any concrete evidence, with the harpies claiming these good men committed these heinous acts in private. How convenient.
Funny that.
The object, after all, is to drive him from public life or extort money to keep quiet.
according to Stormy Daniels, trump’s penis is short and stubby. Wouldn’t it be difficult to stick a short penis inside a standing, struggling woman?
Maybe he’s a grower and not a shower?
She also insisted for years nothing happened. Willie’s was known to have a kink, and the women that said so were believable and they turned out to be true.
But there’s another issue. Look at her.
Then look at his wives. She is hardly his type.
And here’s her big quote, “I would find it disrespectful to the women who are down on the border who are being raped around the clock down there without any protection. As you know, the women have very little protection there. It would just be disrespectful”.
She’s got an axe to grind, no evidence, writes a story all of her own without any corroboration by outside sources, and comes up with a Christine Floozy Ford-scale quote about she so loves the women on the border, she just can’t bring charges.
This one’s as looney as cuniculuscausa.
This idiot is trying to hype her book, formwiz. That’s all this is about, book sales. And like most radical leftists (John and Elwood) it does not matter if something is true or not, provable or not or even believable by anyone other than the subjects enemies she will do ANYTHING to make money. And complete morons will believe her. There is no need of proof in America today. If you’re a leftist no proof is enough to establish guilt and if you’re right of AOC no proof is enough to establish ones innocence. Justice died at the Kavanaugh hearings.
BTW, we know you hate America and really hate Trump but is there any way you could reserve actual justice for either?
Trump 2020 KAG
Idiot? If what you say is true, she’s a stable genius. It’s a downright trumpian plan to make money with skyrocketing book sales. You can’t, with a straight face, be a trump supporter AND criticize someone for scrambling to make money! It’s not personal, it’s just business.
At least she didn’t bilk students out of million$ with a fake university. She’s not using a public office to enrich herself. I bet she pays her taxes.
Previously I thought trump was merely pathetic human entertainment, a loud-mouthed liar and grifter, a carnival side-show barker, a relentless self-promoter, but he evidently tired of the mockery and decided to actually run for president – likely as just more self-promotion, but many Americans relished his message of America Only! and he rode his faux-hatred of Muslims and Mexicans to the presidency. But I DO hate what he’s doing to America.
This morning he talked about his plan to Make Iran Great Again. MIGA. And of course blamed all the problems with Iran on OBAMA!
Well, nobody else was sending millions to the mullahs and giving them a free hand. Actually, we all know it was ValJar (the real Preezy) since Zippy was known for being bored by foreign policy.
Except when he killed somebody. Then he bragged about it as if it made him a real man.
She’s not using a public office to enrich herself. I bet she pays her taxes.
Of course she is. She’s using the office of the President to publicize her book (what a silly he is). And I’ll bet she has accountants just like trump to make sure she pays no more taxes than she has to.
Previously I thought trump was merely pathetic human entertainment, a loud-mouthed liar and grifter, a carnival side-show barker, a relentless self-promoter, but he evidently tired of the mockery and decided to actually run for president – likely as just more self-promotion, but many Americans relished his message of America Only! and he rode his faux-hatred of Muslims and Mexicans to the presidency. But I DO hate what he’s doing to America.
Actually, it’s America First (he can’t even get the simple stuff right), but we know you hate what he’s doing to the country because he’s brought back the economy and provided work for Americans.
Can’t have a Commie takeover in the face of that.
I was defending the pussy-grabbing, short-dicked trump!! It may be he’s all talk about pussy-grabbing.
After all, he’s an honorable man and made a “strong and powerful” denial.
Just because the prezzy is a man-whore/slut/floozy doesn’t mean he sexually assaulted all the women who have accused him of sexual assault. And only a couple have accused him of actual rape, and one of those was an unreliable 13 yr old.
Concerning Ms. Carroll’s attractiveness, did you see the picture where prezzy Dumbo was talking to her? She is exactly the sort of woman that Dumbo has assaulted over the years. I mean, has been “accused” of assaulting.
“The moment the dressing-room door is closed, he lunges at me, pushes me against the wall, hitting my head quite badly, and puts his mouth against my lips. I am so shocked I shove him back and start laughing again. He seizes both my arms and pushes me up against the wall a second time, and, as I become aware of how large he is, he holds me against the wall with his shoulder and jams his hand under my coat dress and pulls down my tights.
I am astonished by what I’m about to write: I keep laughing. The next moment, still wearing correct business attire, shirt, tie, suit jacket, overcoat, he opens the overcoat, unzips his pants, and, forcing his fingers around my private area, thrusts his penis halfway — or completely, I’m not certain — inside me. It turns into a colossal struggle. I am wearing a pair of sturdy black patent-leather four-inch Barneys high heels, which puts my height around six-one, and I try to stomp his foot. I try to push him off with my one free hand — for some reason, I keep holding my purse with the other — and I finally get a knee up high enough to push him out and off and I turn, open the door, and run out of the dressing room.”
Could a man with a short penis actually do this? In addition, Ms. Carroll has had this frame-up planned for over 20 years! Just like President Obama (the cleverest baby evah!!) planned ahead by having a birth announcement placed in the Honolulu paper a few days after his “birth”, Ms. Carroll told friends about the “rape” in the 90s!
She may have sensed in the 90s that Dumbo would become president and would need to be taken down a notch today, and planted stories with her friends. And who was president in the 90s – correct – Clinton! Whose wife was already planning her future run for prez. That’s the collusion AG Barr needs to look into – what relationship did Ms. Carroll, the Clintons and the DNC have in the 90s?? Is it possible that in the 90s the Clintons (and the lib media) were implanting stories incriminating ALL potential future GOP prez hopefuls?!?
“Yes. I told two close friends. The first, a journalist, magazine writer, correspondent on the TV morning shows, author of many books, etc., begged me to go to the police.
“He raped you,†she kept repeating when I called her. “He raped you. Go to the police! I’ll go with you. We’ll go together.â€
My second friend is also a journalist, a New York anchorwoman. She grew very quiet when I told her, then she grasped both my hands in her own and said, “Tell no one. Forget it! He has 200 lawyers. He’ll bury you.â€
(Two decades later, both still remember the incident clearly and confirmed their accounts to New York.)”
For a nothing story, the bunny suit just goes on and on.
If he did this in a department store, how come nobody heard her screaming?
Kleagle from Kleveland is back!
We thought you were researching trump’s supposed MBA or the difference between salinity and pH.
The Millipede (1000 feet, really? usually a lot farther) from Missuri still doesn’t want to address the fact salinity has nothing to do with aeration of the ocean. Some nitwit says it must be so and he unthinking buys it and defends it.
And pH is affected by salinity.
PS Still waiting you to prove he hasn’t got one.
You claimed that trump had an MBA from Wharton. There is no evidence available to support your claim, yet you’re demanding I prove he doesn’t have one.
Can you prove you’ve never had sex with sheep?
If you can’t, is that evidence that you have?
You’re confused about pH and salinity. And now you’re gaslighting readers by suddenly conflating aeration and salinity out of nowhere.
Your insecurity is a sight to behold.
Also, as part of her tall tale, Ms. Carroll says she saved the dress she was wearing without cleaning it. It’s just hanging in her closet. Yeah, sure.
AG Barr should order the FBI to investigate whether Ms. Carroll has been searching for trump DNA sources online so she could put some on the dress. Or maybe determine if she had purchased the Donna Karan dress from a woman who had had a trump tryst. Perhaps check to see if she contacted Stormy Daniels or Karen McDougal.
Maybe it’s time to get tough on these women making all these false claims!
Elwood, a claim is just a claim especially when one is using it to promote ones book. I’m not suggesting we “get tough on all these women making all these false claims”, what I’m suggesting is that we acknowledge that in America one is presumed innocent until proved guilty in a court of law. We do not know if this woman’s claims are true or false but we do know so far she has produced no viable evidence. However, it is time to get tough on people just throwing out accusations to harm people they hate. At this point Carroll’s claims amount to nothing more than slander and your giddiness about this type of schoolgirl smear is revolting.
Trump 2020 KAG
So what is a woman to do if a man gropes her in private? It is a he said/she said situation. Doesn’t this give men free rein to do whatever they want in private?
A dressing room in Bergdorf’s is hardly private.
All she had to do was scream, groin kick, slap, hit him with her pocketbook, stick him with a nail file. Or the old standard, run.
Doesn’t this give men free rein to do whatever they want in private
Sounds like you have a lot of knowledge in this sort of thing. Also, your fascination with stuff like child sex trafficking and male-male sex. And your interest in the size of some guy’s thing is also a little weird.
I can see why you might have a restraining order
Let’s see her take it into court because, it is past time to start going after women who try to ruin the lives of prominent men, whether for the notoriety, the money, political reasons, or just because they think it’s fun.
The men ruined their own lives by ruining the women’s lives.
Should victims just keep quiet about being assaulted? How does one prove (there’s that word again) an assault if there is no physical evidence and no witness?
Most women don’t wait 23 years and do have evidence, usually physical.
Cops say rape is about power, not sex. There’s usually a beating included.
And, last I looked, there’s usually the presence of semen. Like the Gap dress.
The men ruined their own lives by ruining the women’s lives.
The men’s lives were ruined because they opposed the Left and the women were glad to ruin (if that’s what happened) their lives to advance cause of Glorious World Socialist Revolution.
You seem to know a lot about raping.
And you seem to be over the top in defending rape and sexual assault.
Is it your contention that the accusations against the 100+ men (trump, Clinton, Bush, Franken, O’Reilly, Ailes, Cosby etc) is part of worldwide conspiracy?
For those who need some reason to disbelieve, try this on for size.
Teach believed all the women who made accusations against Bill Clinton but none of the women who accused Trump even after Trump said on camera that he would “gram ’em by the pussy…”
When you have to lie, you kill your case.
Trump never said that which you know, and I don’t recall Teach ever saying anything like that because we know of his many consensual adulteries.
So I’ll tell the bear what he told us.
You lie.
That’s what liars do.
You claimed that trump had an MBA from Wharton. There is no evidence available to support your claim, yet you’re demanding I prove he doesn’t have one.
Wharton is a grad school. The fact he transferred there after 2 years of undergrad says a lot. Especially since we’re talking about Penn. Again, prove I’m lying.
Can you prove you’ve never had sex with sheep?
If you can’t, is that evidence that you have?</i.
Well, now we understand your solidarity with the Moslems.
You’re confused about pH and salinity. And now you’re gaslighting readers by suddenly conflating aeration and salinity out of nowhere.</i.
No, you start yammering about pH in response to a post about some nut claiming the ocean is running out of air or something.
and the salinity in sea water, as I showed, is not pure NaCl. It has many other elements in it and, more interesting, a greater amount of sodium than chlorine which means it’s not pure salt.
Pure salt is 1 Na ion to 1 Cl ion. Na to Cl in the ocean is 9 to 5.
Your insecurity is a sight to behold.
More like your ignorance.
To fix
You claimed that trump had an MBA from Wharton. There is no evidence available to support your claim, yet you’re demanding I prove he doesn’t have one.
Wharton is a grad school. The fact he transferred there after 2 years of undergrad says a lot. Especially since we’re talking about Penn. Again, prove I’m lying.
Can you prove you’ve never had sex with sheep?
If you can’t, is that evidence that you have?
Well, now we understand your solidarity with the Moslems.
You’re confused about pH and salinity. And now you’re gaslighting readers by suddenly conflating aeration and salinity out of nowhere.</i.
No, you start yammering about pH in response to a post about some nut claiming the ocean is running out of air or something.
And the salinity in sea water, as I showed, is not pure NaCl. It has many other elements in it and, more interesting, a greater amount of sodium than chlorine which means it’s not pure salt.
Pure salt is 1 Na ion to 1 Cl ion. Na to Cl in the ocean is 9 to 5.
Your insecurity is a sight to behold.
More like your ignorance.
formwiz typed: Pure salt is 1 Na ion to 1 Cl ion. Na to Cl in the ocean is 9 to 5.
Actually the mass ratios are reversed (Cl > Na). So there is that.
I explained your error of comparing the masses (mg/L) of Na and Cl rather than the molar ratios (mM/L). The molar ratio of Na:Cl in seawater is 0.47:0.55. And NaCl makes up 91% of dissolved salts in the oceans. The other trace solutes are Ca++, Mg++, K+, SO4–, HCO3-, CO3– etc.
Let’s put that to rest. I’m right and you’re wrong.
Regarding pH and salinity, I was correcting another commenter’s false statement that salinity determines pH. It does not. The citation that YOU supplied proved (there’s that word, again) that.
That same commenter opined that he didn’t understand how global warming could cause decreased oxygenation of seawater and I cited a paper – warm water holds less O2, stratification of warmer surface water and colder lower levels decreases mixing etc.
And you did what you always do. Divert any and all discussions.
You’re not stupid, but you are very dishonest.
formwiz typed: “Wharton is a grad school. The fact he transferred there after 2 years of undergrad says a lot. Especially since we’re talking about Penn. Again, prove I’m lying.”
I don’t know if you are lying, only that you’re wrong. I proved (there’s that word again) that you were either lying or mistaken about your implication that Wharton is ONLY a graduate school. I proved (there’s that word again) that someone named Donald John Trump received a BS in economics from Wharton (U Penn) in 1968.
Trump transferred from Fordham after two years there, and received a BS from Wharton two years later. 2+2 = 4, a typical amount of time that students spend acquiring a bachelor’s degree. There is no evidence proving (there’s that word again) that Donald John Trump has a Master’s degree from anywhere. Perhaps it’s a legend believed by Cons.
Now that you know the facts, continued recitation of the falsehood implies you are lying (or insane), not just mistaken. If you actually believe he has an MBA, maybe you ARE insane.
There’s more evidence that Donald J. Trump raped Ms. Carroll than that he has an MBA from Wharton.
You seem out of touch with reality.
IOW zip.
And more evidence?
Hardly. She’s just another Christine Floozy Ford peddling an even more incredible story. A dressing room at Bergdorf’s and nobody heard anything? She made no effort to resist?
Jeffery just can’t believe Donald Trump is outsmarting the Left on a daily basis.
You seem out of touch with reality.
No, but you are.
You seem to know a lot about raping.
Keep trying to change the subject. It only makes you look that much more phony.
And you seem to be over the top in defending rape and sexual assault.
No, I just like to see justice done. But I can see where you might be nervous about it.
Is it your contention that the accusations against the 100+ men (trump, Clinton, Bush, Franken, O’Reilly, Ailes, Cosby etc) is part of worldwide conspiracy?
no, just any Conservative accused after a particularly long time with no evidence, usually fronted by some Lefty shyster.
But, since you raise the point, yes, there does seem to be a lot of discussion about this being an attack on men and it’s not all coming from Conservatives.
An NPR poll (they wouldn’t lie about this, would they?) said 40% of respondents said MeToo had gone too far, and it’s been denounced by such known Lefties as Rose McGowan (who started it, after all) and Sean Penn.
So, yes, it would seem there would be some backing for that claim.
Jeffery claims there’s lots of evidence to believe this broad.
Yesterday, we saw proof she has some odd sexual tastes.
Now, we find she’s besties with Lisa Bloom, spawn of Satan and Gloria Allred, famous for paying off women to claim men assaulted them, while covering up for Lefty predators.
Please, show us something more than her unsupported word and need to sell a new book.
Edward S. D****** wants “lots” of evidence. Of course, I said there was more evidence to support his rape of Ms. Carroll than that he has an MBA. Edward S. D****** has supplied no evidence to support trump’s imaginary MBA, so any evidence of the rape would be “more”.
She told her friends about the assault over 20 years ago, and they both confirmed it AND added other details she told them. (Juries often accept this as evidence).
Now, it’s possible her friends are lying today; it’s possible she made it up in 1995 with an eye toward writing a book in case trump won the presidency one day.
trump has admitted to sexually assaulting women.
Trump: “Yeah, that’s her. With the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.”
Now, it’s possible the Trump audio/video tape was a forgery (Fake News!), created by Dem/lib/media techs to frame Trump.
Over 20 women have come forward accusing trump of assault. J Harth, K Anderson, J Leeds, I Trump, L Boyne, Miss USA and Miss Teen USA Contestants* (several), T Taggart, C Heller, K Virginia, M McGillvary, N Stoynoff, J Murphy, J Crooks, N Laaksonen, J Drake, S Zervos, C Searles… And he has bribed at least two women to keep quiet about consensual affairs so as not to interfere with his election.
trump denies all.
And Kye believes the Dems are the party of immorality.
Trump: “You know they’re standing there with no clothes. And you see these incredible-looking women. And so I sort of get away with things like that.”
“And Kye believes the Dems are the party of immorality.”
Once again Elwood, you confuse Trump’s immorality with EVERY OTHER REPUBLICAN, CONSERVATIVE OR SUPPORTER.
Trump’s PERSONAL sexual promiscuity is HIS moral cross to bear. Millions held in slavery, more millions murdered in abortion clinics, and still more millions living in filth, disease and poverty because of DEMOCRAT POLICIES is the definition of the immorality of the entire DemCom party and all those, like you who support that Godless freedom killing cult.
I support Trump as a president and just as you supported Bill Clinton as a president I don’t think either of us condone their particular sexual proclivities. Well, at least I don’t.
Trump 2020 KAG
Kye typed:
Millions held in slavery… Who are the Dems holding in slavery??
more millions murdered in abortion clinics… Abortion is not murder. More embryos die each year by miscarriage. Why doesn’t God save them?
and still more millions living in filth, disease and poverty… Why do you blame this on Democratic policies instead of American policies??
Not believing in gods or demons does not justify your opinion that non-Christians are less patriotic or American than you.
I don’t care about trump’s personal life other than to point out what hypocrites Christian evangelicals are for supporting him. I oppose his policies AND his verbiage toward American institutions. I opposed George W. Bush for Iraq and tax policy but not the way he treated most Americans.
You seem to buy into trump’s vitriol against the FBI, the CIA, Congress, Dems, liberals, NATO, Europe, immigrants, gays, Blacks, Muslims, the media, etc etc etc.
Millions held in slavery… Who are the Dems holding in slavery??
People on welfare? They don’t call it the Wellfare Plantation for nothing.
more millions murdered in abortion clinics… Abortion is not murder. More embryos die each year by miscarriage. Why doesn’t God save them?
Abortion is murder and I’d like to see your source on more miscarriages. God is. He’s sent them Donald Trump and Trump’s judges are rewriting abortion decisions.
Remember, what one appellate court giveth, another can taketh away.
and still more millions living in filth, disease and poverty… Why do you blame this on Democratic policies instead of American policies??
Because, until the 80s Democrat policies were American policies.
Not believing in gods or demons does not justify your opinion that non-Christians are less patriotic or American than you.
Most of them are Lefties, so it does.
I don’t care about trump’s personal life other than to point out what hypocrites Christian evangelicals are for supporting him. I oppose his policies AND his verbiage toward American institutions.
Of course you care. He’s having a lot more fun than you are and you hate him for it. And Uncle Saul’s Rule was contingent on Rs not acting like Demos. the hypocrisy is yours because any time someone points up the failings of FDR, the Kennedys, the Ozarks, the Bidens, you say, “We’re allowed. We admit we’re all degenerates”.
His verbiage? You mean America First? Jobs For Americans? Keep America Great? I Love This Country?
And you hate American institutions. Remember all those racists who created them? Stuff like the Constitution? The Bill Of Rights?
You told us you hate that stuff.
I opposed George W. Bush for Iraq and tax policy but not the way he treated most Americans.
Of course you did. You hated Dubya because you were told to. Because the Lefties couldn’t have a President with 90% approval. You oppose his tax policy because cutting taxes means a growing economy.
You seem to buy into trump’s vitriol against the FBI, the CIA, Congress, Dems, liberals, NATO, Europe, immigrants, gays, Blacks, Muslims, the media, etc etc etc.
Only because he tells the truth.
And you hate that.
Because that’s what haters do.
And, to be a good Lefty, you have to be a good hater.
It’s a bitch when all your dodges are used against you.
I opposed George W. Bush for Iraq and tax policy but not the way he treated most Americans.
Good move on your part, reverting back to your opinions.
Your grasp of facts has been proved (there’s that word again) wrong and wrong. Did you, as a trump acolyte, even realize that facts are not mutable?
Did you find trump’s MBA yet? Or how NaCl affects pH?
I’d like to see YOUR source of DJs MBA that you still insist he earned.
She told her friends about the assault over 20 years ago, and they both confirmed it AND added other details she told them. (Juries often accept this as evidence).
Really? You have personal experience in this? Sooner or later, you have to have evidence. At least under US law (y’know, that racist-written Constitution thingy you claim to revere).
Accusation without proof is nothing.
How much of this is extortion-motivated is anyone’s guess, but I’d say that line, “he has bribed at least two women to keep quiet about consensual affairs so as not to interfere with his election”, also requires some proof (that damned word again). Especially one denied for years anything ever happened.
And I’d love to see your citations for those quotes. Hopefully, more accurate than one of your other accounts quoted yesterday. Or is this another unindicted co-conspirator that really wasn’t?
In any case, you’re beating another of your many dead horses. as the Eminent Mr Surber notes, The public has False Accusations Fatigue. The media has cried rape once too often. There is also the Jussie Smollett Factor.
All of which makes sense to all but Lefty lunatics.
If you do follow the link, you’ll see Mizz Carroll has another article in the mag. The first few paras tell you this broad has a lot of hatred for rich males
formwiz typed: “this broad has a lot of hatred for rich males”
Apparently just those that tried to rape her.
She was never that good-looking that rich guys couldn’t buy someone better.
Good move on your part, reverting back to your opinions.
No, just the facts, ma’am. You’re the one who lives on opinion.
Your grasp of facts has been proved (there’s that word again) wrong and wrong. Did you, as a trump acolyte, even realize that facts are not mutable?
When was this? And surely not by you. Did you, as a Lefty, ever realize facts cannot be made up out of wishful thinking.
Did you find trump’s MBA yet? Or how NaCl affects pH?
Did you find it doesn’t exist? And were talking sea water, so you’re just talking drivel. But, neutral or basic salts will, in fact, elevate pH, if from a strong acid (Cl) or weak base. But, of course, pure salt does not exist in the ocean.
I’d like to see YOUR source of DJs MBA that you still insist he earned.
I’d like to see your source of how science is determined by consensus instead of proof.