See, if only you hadn’t driven a fossil fueled vehicle and/or taken a fossil fueled flight to vacation in these coastal areas providing them with money and jobs they wouldn’t have mental stress, you guys
Mental Stress on Rise as Coastal Towns Confront Climate Threats
When community leaders in the town of Piermont, just north of New York City, ask residents, “How long do you want to live here?†the question is more than a personal one.
Piermont, parts of which are set on a narrow peninsula that juts out into the Hudson River, is hugely at risk from rising sea level rise linked to climate change, and may become one of the early U.S. communities that need to retreat to higher ground.
Right now, flood walls can buy time. But in Piermont, “retreat has been on the agenda for a long timeâ€, said Kristin Marcell, who has helped residents discuss the idea as part of her job with the New York State Water Resources Institue.
In other words, her jobs is to Scare people which gives them all this mental stress
Dealing with worsening land losses can take a massive toll on communities who are preparing to uproot themselves as their homes vanish under their feet, said Robin Bronen, who heads the Alaska Institute for Justice.
The group has been working with 15 remote coastal Alaskan communities facing imminent climate-related threats, she said at the gathering at Columbia University.
“There’s an enormous amount of grief from leaving these places,†she said.
“This conversation needs to really, really include what is the mental health†situation of the person moved, she said.
The closest station to Piermont, NY, is at The Battery, at the lower tip of Manhattan. The actual tide gauge, with actual data that goes back 1856, shows “The relative sea level trend is 2.85 millimeters/year with a 95% confidence interval of +/- 0.09 mm/yr based on monthly mean sea level data from 1856 to 2018 which is equivalent to a change of 0.94 feet in 100 years.” That’s below average for a Holocene warm period. If idiots want to scare themselves over something that is entirely normal and has little to do with Mankind, well, when are they going to give up their own use of fossil fuels? If they really cared, they would demand that Route 9W be moved outside their town. Or blow it up. And no more fossil fueled ships at their marinas.

Frankly, these folks claiming doom because of rising sea levels sound more like scammers. Frighten the present owners, buy their property from them as a ‘favor’ at some price below market value, the resell to some new suckers at a higher price and pocket the profits.
Newt Gingrich: Democrats have become an anti-American party – Video
Newt is just stating the obvious. It took years for Democrats to finally admit they are socialists but by that time they had evolved into full blown communists. But they won’t admit that until their Education/Indoctrination/Propaganda Complex brain washes enough “next-geners” into thinking it’s okay to be commie. They have successfully convinced over 40% of college kids that socialism is great even though historically all it’s caused is misery. Add to that the lefts propensity to point out and concentrate on every America flaw and one can see they are anti American pagans.
Look how the DemComs are acting now about slavery and reparations. Knowing full well slavery in America was a Democrat institution and that those Democrats committed treason and declared a civil war to save their “particular institution” the DemComs still insist it was “white people” who supported slavery. No, it was Democrats that supported slavery. It was also Democrats that supported Jim Crow and were against the Civil Rights Act. The Ku Klux Klan was the racist enforcement arm of the Democrat Party and many Democrats in Congress were high ranking members. Add to that the Democrats insistence on gun control, poll taxes and other forms of segregation meant to keep blacks subservient and one need to wonder exactly who are the racists?
Almost every city run but DemComs for the last several decades (and thee are many) look like third world shitholes because of their socialist one party rule. They are the enemy of every Patriotic American.
We have all seen how the DemComs try and portray the term “nationalist” to mean Nazi. Nationalist means putting the welfare of your country ahead of the welfare of other countries. The DemComs want Americans to be “Globalists” instead of nationalists. They want us to have open borders, be ruled by Green New Deal crap and be one of many nations of the world. American nationalists are patriots who believe in American exceptionalism and believe America is the very best nation in the world. No compromise. The DemComs OTOH have in their party Mohammadans and communists both groups who actively seek the destruction of us and America. Think about that.
Ask yourself this: do you currently know any DemComs who you would consider patriotic Americans including elected officials and presidential candidates? Do your Demcom neighbors have flags at their homes or decorate for holidays? How many big shot DemComs in Hollywood, DC, the Media or academia go to church? Democrats have completely abandoned the morality, humanity and belief in Freedom that Made America Great. Let’s Keep America Great and get rid of them next November.
And as the above isn’t enough to show the depravity of the DemComs try this:
Nice rant. Your eliminationist rhetoric is disturbing. According to you a majority of Americans are not real Americans.
Do you view Israel, Japan, Denmark, Sweden, UK, Germany, Canada, Australia, France, South Korea etc as Communist nations? If not, why not? Most of the Democratic Party proposals accord with the systems in place in those nations. Universal healthcare, old age pensions, intact infrastructure, comprehensive immigration policies, global trade etc.
Are you against free trade? Do you really think it prudent to wall off America from the rest of the world, and kick out citizens based on their declared religion?
We get it. You’re frightened that Muslims, Hispanics, Blacks, gays, atheists will “take away” YOUR Caucasian, Christian, Conservative America.
“Tracing its (the Dem Party) heritage back to Thomas Jefferson and James Madison’s Democratic-Republican Party, the modern-day Democratic Party was founded around 1828 by supporters of Andrew Jackson, making it the world’s oldest active political party.
In its early years, the Party supported individual rights and state sovereignty and opposed banks and the abolition of slavery.
Since Franklin D. Roosevelt and his New Deal coalition in the 1930s, the Democratic Party has promoted a social liberal platform.”
A lack morality, a lack of human compassion, is now a Republican ideal. It was stunning to see how rapidly the GOP adopted the sociopathy of Donald Trump. Power corrupts.
No, the Demos have always turned people into thralls, promising stuff in exchange for hating the other side and voting straight Demo. That you help shows what a traitor to your race you are.
Most of the Democratic Party proposals accord with the systems in place in those nations. Universal healthcare, old age pensions, intact infrastructure, comprehensive immigration policies, global trade etc.
Policies that require usurious taxation for sub-standard services that are cut off when they’re really needed.
Are you against free trade? Do you really think it prudent to wall off America from the rest of the world, and kick out citizens based on their declared religion?
If it makes the country stronger – and it does – of course.
Red China’s bullied the rest of the world on trade for 20 years and the world – surprise! – is on our side.
As for deporting Moslem crazies, since they want to kill us and make their oppressive system ours – Islam means submission, after all – damned straight. Why don’t you move to MN if you love them so much (you seem to have a lot in common sexually).
A lack morality, a lack of human compassion, is now a Republican ideal. It was stunning to see how rapidly the GOP adopted the sociopathy of Donald Trump. Power corrupts.
No, more like the psychopathy of Willie and Zippy. A lack of morality is what they sold and you embrace.
A lack of human compassion is more like an absence of it when it comes to the Left. They took the world’s best health care and tried to turn it into a Third World disaster and lied all the while doing it.
And the line is, “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely”. You’re ignorant about everything.
“We get it. You’re frightened that Muslims, Hispanics, Blacks, gays, atheists will “take away†YOUR Caucasian, Christian, Conservative America.”
NO, NO, NO, YOU DON”T GET IT!. You’ll never get it because YOU ARE IT! As I’ve explained before I’m not “frightened” of ANYTHING EXCEPT GOD. For some reason you, the beneficiary and inheritor of a white, Christian nation and culture take pride in trying as hard as you can to destroy it. You’re pathetic.
Yes, since FRD the Democrat Party has promoted a liberal platform. See what that platform has done to our cities? How about how that platform corralled blacks in ghettos in a never ending cycle of drugs, crime, illegitimacy and death just for their votes? Or how that policy took women out of the kitchen and created a generation of unhappy harpies demanding equality while they murder their female children?
Name one single policy that is morality based that the DemComs are promoting. Abortion? Homosexuality? A borderless nation? Pedophilia? And once again you just had to introduce your White Whale, Donald Trump into the conversation because you can’t take a shit without Trump’s permission. Then you continue to do what all the stupid assed experts in your party did last time: Blame EVERY Republican for what you don’t like in Trump. We’re just Deplorables. Good, keep that up and you’ll lose by a landslide.
So your DemCons have created cites full of needles and human feces and people living in boxes and tents and disease, poverty mental illness and crime but you say the Republicans lack morality and human compassion? You are a blind fool.
Trump 2020 KAG
Kye types:
“Name one single policy that is morality based that the DemComs are promoting. Abortion? Homosexuality? A borderless nation? Pedophilia?”
Democrats oppose abortion but understand it’s a civil right of American women.
Homosexuals deserve all the rights of other Americans.
Democrats do not support a borderless nation.
Democrats do not support pedophilia.
Conservative policies have created most of what’s wrong with America. Racism, income/wealth inequality, global warming… Do you think perpetuating a permanent economic underclass is moral?
How will further cutting taxes for the rich end the massive (and increasing) wealth inequality?
How will eliminating environmental rules help the working classes?
How will eliminating SS and Medicare and Medicaid help the working classes?
How will terrorizing immigrants help the working classes?
Working class Republicans CAN regain the respect of most Americans by abandoning trump and nominating a decent person. But as long as you support this man, you’ll be pariahs.
You may not be aware of the undercurrent of trump fatigue – even trump has noticed – note his walking back the attack on Iran and the ICE terrorism – Americans are getting fed up. It’s likely you’ll see the greatest political turnaround in US history – House, Senate and White House occupied by Dems in 2021.
If trump and his supporters refuse to give up power…
Good Lord, why not just add, “If you like your plan, you can keep your plan” and “we have to pass it to see what’s in it”? You got all thies, otherwise.
Democrats oppose abortion but understand it’s a civil right of American women.
Non and no.
Demos fund abortion and any Court-declared right can be repealed.
Think Separate But Equal.
Homosexuals deserve all the rights of other Americans.
But the ?demos want to give them special privileges.
Democrats do not support a borderless nation.
Of course they do. As long as the illegals all vote Democrat.
Democrats do not support pedophilia.
Gerry Studds ring a bell? Not to mention Willie Whitewater and Jeffrey (at least he spelled it right) Epstein.
Conservative policies have created most of what’s wrong with America. Racism, income/wealth inequality, global warming… Do you think perpetuating a permanent economic underclass is moral?
No, you’re talking Democrats. Demos have been pushing welfare at blacks since Roosevelt and, especially, LBJ. Who made kissy face with the segregationists, as Gropin’ Joe reminds us? The Demos have always been the party of racism.
Global nothing was created by Conservatives? Prove that one.
How will further cutting taxes for the rich end the massive (and increasing) wealth inequality?
As Jack Kennedy said, “A rising tide lifts all boats”. Historic levels of employment among the country’s underclasses. Zippy didn’t do that.
Trump did.
How will eliminating environmental rules help the working classes?
More jobs and better wages? I’m waiting for him to start fulminating about the proletariat.
How will eliminating SS and Medicare and Medicaid help the working classes?
FICA takes the bulk of withholding; thus, more takehome. If you put that money in a mutual fund run by somebody who isn’t a politician, you’d also see a better return.
How will terrorizing immigrants help the working classes?
First, they’re illegals. Second, more jobs. Third, lower costs of government. Fourth, better services.
Working class Republicans CAN regain the respect of most Americans by abandoning trump and nominating a decent person. But as long as you support this man, you’ll be pariahs.
Sure, that’s why even the Lefties concede he’ll win in a walk.
You may not be aware of the undercurrent of trump fatigue – even trump has noticed – note his walking back the attack on Iran and the ICE terrorism – Americans are getting fed up.
No, it’s let’s have some fun with the bad guys time again. Trump is going to do to Chuckie and Pelosi Galore what he did with the DREAMers; make Hispanics realize the demos don’t give a damn about them.
Do you know Trump has the support of 1/3 of Hispanics. Enough to turn a lot of elections.
It’s likely you’ll see the greatest political turnaround in US history – House, Senate and White House occupied by Dems in 2021.
Baghdad Bunny rides again. The Demos will hold the House with people like Occasional Cortex and the Harem From Hell? Sure, they will. /sarc
If trump and his supporters refuse to give up power…
What do you intend to do? Mobilize all those people who have a job thanks to Donald Trump?
Speaking of boring… there goes that silly silly little girl making up all kinds of fantastical shit again.
LOL. GF’ed little missy.