Trump Derangement Syndrome infused Democrats finally have their wish: Robert Mueller will testify on his big old nothing-burger report, which took over two years to compile and showed….nothing about Trump or any other American colluding with Russia. If Dems think this testimony will help their Russia Russia Russia case, they are very wrong
Mueller subpoena could backfire on Democrats, say political, legal experts
Key Democrat lawmakers who triumphantly announced that Robert Mueller will testify under subpoena next month about his report on alleged Russian collusion may have played right into Republican hands, several legal and political experts told Fox News.
With the former special counsel set to testify on July 17 to the House Judiciary and Intelligence committees, both controlled by Democrats, President Trump’s most vocal critics hope to have the legendary lawman spell out the commander-in-chief’s misdeeds in sound bites that could fuel an impeachment drive. But given that Mueller ultimately found no evidence the Trump campaign colluded with Russia, and his pledge to not deviate from the 448-page report made public in April, the hearing may backfire.
“The bottom line is, after all of your looking and all the time you had and all the money you spent, did Trump collude with the Russians? No - Do you stand by your report? - Yes,” Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., told Fox News Channel’s Sean Hannity late Monday. “It is ‘case-closed’ for me. They can do anything they want to in the House, and I think it will blow up in their face.â€
There’s a chance that this turns into an extremely boring hearing for Democrats, with them trying to ask TDS questions, going off the reservation, barking at the moon, and Mueller just citing the report. Meanwhile
Republicans on the two panels will get their chance to query Mueller about the dubious basis for federal surveillance warrants used to spy on Trump associates, what initially prompted the FBI probe that preceded Mueller’s investigation and, perhaps the biggest question of all: At what point during his nearly-two year probe did Mueller determine Trump did not collude with Russians.
“He can’t refuse to answer questions about the FISA application,” Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz told Fox News Channel’s Laura Ingraham, referring to a request by the FBI to surveil a member of the 2016 Trump campaign under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).
Excitable Adam Schiff and other Democrats are out talking about how it will be great for The People to hear from Mueller, even though he released the report, he gave a big statement about the report, for which he said everything you need to know is in the report, and then said that there was no point in testifying in front of Congress. And maybe even the Republican questions are deflected with him referring back to the report. From the Democrats, it just sounds like they want to just keep the Russia Russia Russia schtick going for their deranged base. But, if Mueller is answering questions on things like the FISA applications, this will look bad for Democrats and Obama.
“I think that the price that this testimony will cost the Democrats will be grievous to them,” Geraldo Rivera said. “They will rue the day that Nadler and Schiff let their ambition get ahead of their common sense, their political science, and drag this man back into center stage of the American public.”
Of course, no matter what happens, the Credentialed Media will report this as Bad for Trump, as we all know.

I’m confused. Didn’t Mueller already have a press conference where he publicly proclaimed that he would not testify to congress? What has changed since then? Was it all just tease?
He was subpoenaed.
That was implied when he made his announcement. He didn’t say, “I won’t testify unless subpoenaed”. He is a seasoned legal professional. He would know the difference. I trust he knew what he was saying when he said it.
Big whoop.
Zippy ignored subpoenas all the time.
And I’ll be he has a great lawyer that could get him out of it.
PS Notice our Defender Of Women has shut up about E Jean Carroll.
Looking forward to getting this guy to testify under oath and explaining the attempted coup by rogue elements of the Obama administration.
As that great statesman Hillary R Clinton once said, “at this point, what difference does it make”?
Democrats will keep saying that “the Mueller report shows Trump is guilty”. Republicans will keep saying “the Mueller report says Trump is innocent”. Everyone will believe what they want to believe. Not one single mind will be changed as a result of Mueller testifying. After the while, the whole circus is just boring.
It’s all just about the 2020 elections now. Democrats are handling this to get maximum impact from the spectacle. Republicans don’t care. Trump hasn’t lost a single vote from this and isn’t likely to. Democrats just want to keep their base outraged enough to get out the vote because it matters for all the local races so much.
While some may dismiss it as a “spectacle” others see it as perhaps the greatest legal and political scandal since Watergate in trying to undermine the Constitution.
Frankly, as important as selection of the President is, I’m mystified that this level of shenanigans hasn’t happened in every election in our history. Our tradition of peaceful transition of power has been one of the greatest achievements in Western Civilisation. And Democrats are willing to piss it away because they hate Trump.
Professor, the Democrats are willing to piss away the entire republic and Western Civilization along with it and they’ve wanted that long before Trump happened upon the scene. He’s the excuse, not the reason.
Trump 2020 KAG
tRump is a symptom, not the cause of the fascist, right-wing uprising.
Elected officials from both parties, corporatists all, have supported policies that reward the rich, the political donor class, at the expense of the working classes.
tRump promised to cure all the working classes’ “problems” – kick out Muslims and immigrants, raise taxes on the wealthy, bring back manufacturing, cheaper and better healthcare – as it turns out, not so much.
No, he didn’t. He did promise to bring back the American economy and put the country, all of it, back to work again.
tRump is a symptom, not the cause of the fascist, right-wing uprising.
The only fascists are on the Left. Where they’ve always been.
Elected officials from both parties, corporatists all, have supported policies that reward the rich, the political donor class, at the expense of the working classes.
No, but the only Commie Preezy we had did all that. too bad he did such a lousy job of it.
Looks like the bunny’s Commie roots are showing. Guess that Red dye isn’t Miss Clairol.
tRump promised to cure all the working classes’ “problems†– kick out Muslims and immigrants, raise taxes on the wealthy, bring back manufacturing, cheaper and better healthcare – as it turns out, not so much.
Don’t remember he said anything about Moslems and immigrants. He did say the flood of illegals would end. Border Patrol says they’re down a third.
I also don’t recall him saying anything about raising taxes.
He has brought back manufacturing and we don’t have IdiotCare anymore.
And nobody’s talking about single payer.
Except Jeffery. And he doesn’t count.
E.S. Dutcher just never learns.
Edward typed: “I also don’t recall him saying anything about raising taxes.”
I’m not responsible for your faulty memory/recollections.
So you support the rich at the expense of the working classes. Big deal. That defines the old GOP, which tRump promised to change – but instead he cut taxes on the rich and corporations. This is why the old guard GOP has bent over for tRump – he supports the tried and failed GOP policy but with his disdain for Blacks, immigrants and Muslims, he has coaxed the white nationalists out of shadows.
If he actually said it, you must have a link. OH, yes, you don’t owe me one.
Well, that means you were lying since you can’t back up what you claim.
So you support the rich at the expense of the working classes. Big deal. That defines the old GOP
In all point of fact, it doesn’t, but it does define the Democrats these days. Even Bernie got rich by going into government.
This is why the old guard GOP has bent over for tRump – he supports the tried and failed GOP policy but with his disdain for Blacks, immigrants and Muslims, he has coaxed the white nationalists out of shadows.
Baghdad Bunny rides (or should I say lies?) again.
Let’s have a quote of Trump expressing his disdain for Blacks, immigrants (as opposed to illegals) and Moslems.
This is why the old guard GOP has bent over for tRump – he supports the tried and failed GOP policy
Um, when did this happen?The Whigs are still unhappy and yearn for the good old days when they were the Democrats’ bitches. And the reason the Whigs are so unhappy, much the same as Commies like Jeffery, is that he’s the one making people’s lives better.
Dutcher never learns.
39% of Americans think the nation is headed in the right direction. Even with full employment an little inflation. 39%. That leaves some 60% who don’t think trumpler is making their lives better.
That’s what Americans think of trump, Edward.
He’s Paul Ryan in a Mussolini suit.
People like Kye are angry, frustrated and frightened. For most of their lives it was an America of Caucasian, Christian male dominion, where gays, Blacks, foreigners and women “knew their place”. The white man was king.
And then the time was right for the oppressed to demand equal rights. When this happens oppressors always whine about others receiving special rights – special rights like access to jobs, marriage, voting…
Coincident with the civil rights movement was the beginning of the stagnation of the middle class – both husband and wife working, increased productivity but stagnant pay, union bashing, the fruits of the working class labors redistributed up.
Rather than blaming the policies coming out of Washington, people blamed Blacks and immigrants.
Bwaha. LOL, you whiny neurotic silly silly psychopathic little sissybitch…
Get f*cked.
Nice insult. Very creative, that sissybitch.
Lookie there! One Fluffy fluffing the other Fluffy! It’s a fluffy 69!
Go on, say it.
Bitter Clinger. Toss in Deplorable. They;’re both losers, just like you.
And then the time was right for the oppressed to demand equal rights. When this happens oppressors always whine about others receiving special rights – special rights like access to jobs, marriage, voting…
Who do you think gave the oppressed equal right?
It was the oppressors. The Republicans did all that. Except marriage. Last I looked, nobody except the queers thought marriage was a right.
Coincident with the civil rights movement was the beginning of the stagnation of the middle class – both husband and wife working, increased productivity but stagnant pay, union bashing, the fruits of the working class labors redistributed up.
Because all of those swell social programs the Democrats gave the oppressed flopped spectacularly, but the middle class still had to pay for them until Reagan came along.
And then things picked up again.
And nobody had to bash the unions. They ruined what reputation they had all by themselves.
Rather than blaming the policies coming out of Washington, people blamed Blacks and immigrants.
No, they were mad at the Democrats for trying to import an underclass of illegal aliens who would keep them in power forever.
Nobody blamed blacks and nobody blamed legal immigrants.
So you lie again.
It’s what Commies do.
Lookie there! One Fluffy fluffing the other Fluffy! It’s a fluffy 69!
You sound like you’re all excited.