Remember, even Obama said that he did not have the authority to initiate DACA (Deferred Action For Childhood Arrivals) and that it was un-Constitutional
Responding in October 2010 to demands that he implement immigration reforms unilaterally, Obama declared, “I am not king. I can’t do these things just by myself.” In March 2011, he said that with “respect to the notion that I can just suspend deportations through executive order, that’s just not the case.” In May 2011, he acknowledged that he couldn’t “just bypass Congress and change the (immigration) law myself. … That’s not how a democracy works.”
But, because PBO initiated it by executive fiat, suddenly it is supposed to be legal and can’t be ended, even though every president has the authority to get rid of any previous president’s executive orders
Supreme Court to hear cases on Trump efforts to end DACA
The Supreme Court on Friday agreed to hear cases surrounding the Trump administration’s rescinding of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.
The justices will hear the cases during their next term, which starts in early October.
A pair of appeals courts have ruled against Trump officials who sought to end the Obama-era program. The administration urged the court last month to quickly decide whether it would take up a case on the program, but the justices rejected that request. (snip)
But Friday’s order puts the Supreme Court back at the heart of yet another controversial Trump policy move.
How is it controversial to cancel a program that the person who started it said was un-Constitutional and that he had no authority to initiate, and that could be cancelled by the stroke of a pen?
The eventual ruling in the case could come in late June or early July 2020, just months before Election Day.
Either way is ruled will fire up the Republican voting base to get out and beat the Republicans.

TEACH typed: “… that could be cancelled by the stroke of a pen”
Then why wasn’t it canceled by the stroke of a pen?
Because Trump wants a judgment that will have standing in law.
It was not removed by a stroke of a pen, because a leftist activist judge said that President Trump could not use an EO to remove that EA created by President Obama.
Three different federal judges and the 4th Circuit ruled against the administration. Chief Justice John Roberts will likely be the deciding vote in the SC.
In fact, Judge Bates, a George W. Bush appointee, ordered the administration to accept new applications, but also gave them 90 days to come up with a believable reason for ending DACA. He still said “nope”. He called the administration’s actions “arbitrary and capricious”, meaning with no legal basis.
You mean “Either way is ruled will fire up the Republican voting base to get out and beat the Democrats” I assume.
President Trump put this in the legislatures hands. Rescinding Obama’s executive action which is where it should have been in the beginning. The Democrats could have easily taken up a DACA plan but they choose not to because it is a great football to kick around for political gain.
I find it amazing the Dems actually agreed to send money to the border to help all these poor children who are lying on concrete floors because the government wont give ICE the money for enough beds. I think the senate was panicking and by that I mean they have to defend something like 25 seats in 2020 and many of them once again are in solid red states.
2020 Senate elections map: A difficult year for Democrats as per the Washington Post.
Potentially the Dems could lose 5-6 more seats or they could win 3 or 4 in places like Arizona, Iowa, Colorado and North Carolina. I am making no predictions. I am only saying the Senate dems are defending a bunch of seats so they are going to be putting pressure on Pelosi to help them out down the stretch this year.
I find it amazing the Dems actually agreed to send money to the border to help all these poor children who are lying on concrete floors because the government wont give ICE the money for enough beds.
When it became known the Demos were letting the kids ~ whatever ~ she had no choice.
PS It’s going to boil down to who’s vulnerable. Ordinarily, the Demos would have no sweat, but as they say on Insty, “getting Reps. Ocasio-Cortez, Tlaib, and Omar elected was Roger Stone’s finest dirty trickâ€, coupled with Spartacus, Fauxcahontas, Chlamydia, and Hirono’s performances on camera, the Demos have big problems.