When you live by identity politics you die by identity politics. If you patronize one group another will be mad you didn’t patronize them
We heard Spanish on debate stage in Miami, but where’s love for Caribbean-American voters?
When several Democratic presidential candidates answered questions in Spanish during the debates in Miami on Wednesday and Thursday, it was a clear overture to the Latino voting bloc — a message of inclusiveness from a party that needs strong turnout to win the White House in 2020.
But for some in the growing Caribbean-American community of South Florida, it came across as a snub.
“They never mention black immigrants,†said Francesca Menes, a 34-year-old of Haitian descent who in December resigned from her post as treasurer for the Florida Democratic Party.
“They make us feel invisible,†Menes said of the Democratic hopefuls.
Not one of the 20 candidates on stage in Miami uttered a word in Creole, which would have connected with South Florida’s Haitian population of more than 330,000 — the majority of whom were born here or are naturalized citizens. Nor did any of the candidates directly address the impact of immigration policy on Caribbean-Americans and their families.
Once you start playing the Identity Politics game, you have to make sure you play it for every single voter group you’ve created boxes for. Because that’s the way Democrats think of voters: according to the label on their box, instead of as individuals.
“The party keeps playing from the same playbook, and doesn’t understand that the black community is not monolithic — especially in a state like Florida,” Menes said. “You have to come from all of the different angles and you have to meet people where they’re at.”
She saw missed opportunities to reach Haitian-Americans and other voters of Caribbean descent via ads on radio stations and other media platforms when she worked with the Democrats during Andrew Gillum’s campaign for governor.
How will Democrats pander to voters in Detroit, seeing as how the next debate will be there in July? Perhaps a little causal gun play in the streets? Will they start quoting rap songs? Perhaps they’ll talk about how they love keeping abortion unfettered in 79% Black Detroit, since Democrats do not seem to actually like Black people that much.

“…since Democrats do not seem to actually like Black people that much.”
Like them? Democrats have a history of hating and demeaning blacks since the inception of the Party. They are the party of slavery, beating, raping and lynching of blacks. They even fought a civil war over their “right” to own and harm blacks. The Democrats murdered over 200,000 Republicans who fought for the liberation of the Democrats slaves. Then the Democrats set up laws to harm the freed slaves like gun permits, poll taxes, separate public facilities and such. Plus, they enforced their hate with their own paramilitary terrorist force: The Ku Klux Klan.
Finally in the twentieth century enough Democrats were humiliated and embarrassed by the actions and hate of their party they joined with Republicans and passed Civil Rights Laws. But even then it was just an opportunity for Democrats to create their “new plantations”, ghettos. They herded the blacks into ghettos so they could control their votes, votes bought by government handouts, housing, and other taxpayer money.
Then to make sure the blacks were generationally hobbled they corrupted the system to break up the black family, destroy their churches and civic centers, provide sub standard education, create drug dependency, encourage unwed births, encourage abortions-sometimes multiple, foster crime and a drug epidemic, and establish their black inner city fiefdoms as the most gun violent in the nation. Blacks kill more blacks every year in Democrat controlled cities than the KKK did in all of history!
The Democrats hate blacks to the core and they have spent decades trying to destroy the race all while accusing everyone else of racism and using them for their votes. Projection on a mass scale as usual. SOP for Democrats.
The only people Democrats hate more than blacks are white Christians!
Trump 2020 Save the American Black Family, vote Trump.