Monthly Archives: June 2019

If All You See…

…is a canyon certainly flooded by extreme weather from Other People’s carbon footprints, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Pacific Pundit, with a post on Biden’s staffing freaking after his debate performance.

Say, Did ‘Climate Change’ Destroy The Aliens?

This isn’t the first time that aliens are dragged into the ‘climate change’ brawl, and won’t be the last. But, it is an even hotter take, since it comes from The Bulletin Of The Atomic Scientists Did climate change destroy the aliens? Italian physicist Enrico Fermi had a knack for back-of-the-envelope calculations. In a famous […]

Kamala Harris Is Super Excited To Support The Green New Deal, Whatever It Is Or Something

This should make Warmists happy, since ‘climate change’ was mentioned during both debates. But, they won’t be, as the time spent on Hotcoldwetdry, what they are now referring to as the “climate crisis”, was small The Green New Deal Finally Makes a Debate Appearance A number of Democratic primary candidates have proclaimed their support for […]

Your Tax Dollars At Work: Every Democrat Says Their Health Plan Would Support Illegal Aliens

Remember, they are not the party of open borders (via Twitchy) "Raise your hand if your health care plan would cover undocumented immigrants." All candidates raise their hands. #YES!! Thank you, @DNC candidates! #DemDebate2 — Rock The Vote AF (@RockTheVoteAF) June 28, 2019 Remember the days when the Democrats were promising that illegal aliens […]

Hotcold Take: Death Of Cap And Trade Means We Should Do Something Even Stronger

This is the thought process of Warmists: cap and trade, along with carbon tax, schemes keep failing, mostly because citizens do not want them. In theory, citizens are enthused to Do Something about the man-caused climate change scam. But, in practice, not so much. So, hey, instead of pushing something more reasonable why not push […]

If All You See…

…are trees that will soon die from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on the UN moving to impose Sharia law.

North Carolina House Passes Bill Allowing Sanctuary Jurisdictions To Be Sued

Allowing citizens to go after cities and counties that protect illegal aliens, though, there does seem to be something missing (WRAL) The House on Wednesday passed legislation that would allow people to sue cities or counties that have so-called “sanctuary” policies for people in the U.S. illegally. The 65-52 party-line House vote comes two days […]

Will ‘Climate Change’ Blow Up Kids’ Childhoods Like Chernobyl Or Something

When something happens, the Cult of Climastrology will attempt to hijack it. In this case, you had a tremendous show on HBO showing what happened during the Chernobyl disaster (watch it if you can, I’ll give it 5 stars), so, hey, why not horn in with ‘climate change’? Chernobyl Blew Up My Childhood. Will Climate […]

First Democrat Throwdown: They’re All Super-Enthused To Vastly Increase Power Of Federal Government

These Democrats are the exact reason that the 17th Amendment should be repealed: Senators would be elected by state general assemblies, as originally intended, which would pull the power of the federal government back to the states where it belongs. Because they are really, really enthused to give the Central Government more power, which means […]

ICE Releases Names Of Good, Upstanding Illegal Aliens Protected By Sanctuary Jurisdictions

It’s no wonder Democrats like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, and others are upset and want ICE defunded when they want to deport these nice illegals ICE releases list of accused murderers, rapists protected under state’s sanctuary law Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials in the Pacific Northwest are taking the unusual step of criticizing Washington state’s […]

Pirate's Cove