Monthly Archives: June 2019

If All You See…

…is a world flooded by carbon pollution, and is that a glacier in the background?, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Legal Insurrection, with a post on documents showing more of Ilhan Omar’s immigration and tax fraud issues.

Hotcold Take: The Democrat Debates Are Really All About ‘Climate Change’ In Disguise

Weren’t we told that ‘climate change’ is all about Science? Strange how it always seems to be about politics THE DEBATES WILL BE ABOUT CLIMATE—DISGUISED AS OTHER ISSUES SHHHHH. DON’T TELL anyone, but Jay Inslee is going to get a presidential debate focused on climate change. Inslee, the governor of Washington state and one of two dozen candidates vying […]

Human Rights Might Not Survive ‘Climate Change’, Create Climate Apartheid Or Something

You know it’s summer, because the Cult Of Climastrology ramps up the doomy prognostications and such from Unhinged to Deranged. And this is a new one ‘Climate apartheid’: UN expert says human rights may not survive The world is increasingly at risk of “climate apartheid”, where the rich pay to escape heat and hunger caused […]

Mueller Agrees To Testify In Front Of House Panels, Could Blow Up Spectacularly In Democrats Faces

Trump Derangement Syndrome infused Democrats finally have their wish: Robert Mueller will testify on his big old nothing-burger report, which took over two years to compile and showed….nothing about Trump or any other American colluding with Russia. If Dems think this testimony will help their Russia Russia Russia case, they are very wrong Mueller subpoena […]

NJ Star Ledger That Rich People Don’t Pay Property Taxes On Items They’ve Already Purchased

You can almost make a case that they are calling for the end of property taxes You pay taxes on your house. Why shouldn’t a rich guy pay them on his $8 million preserved shark? | Editorial Most Americans agree that the ultrarich should pay more in taxes. But this is often dismissed as self-interest: […]

If All You See…

…are horrible fossil fueled vehicles causing rain clouds, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Diogenes’ Middle Finger, with a post on some very interesting information on Trump’s latest accuser.

The Climate Crisis Will End The Golden Era Of Food Choice Or Something

Remember when some Warmists were saying that the Cult of Climastrology needed to turn down the doomy prognostications because they weren’t helping? Of course, most ignored this advice, ones such as Vox’s Sean Illing. But he did get the memo to call it the climate crisis instead of climate change The climate crisis and the […]

Democrat Jay Inslee, Running On ‘Climate Change’, Realizes That No One Really Cares In Practice

In theory, Democrats care about ‘climate change’, so he’s released his own 5 point plan, which is primarily about taking away your use of fossil fuels while he and other big wigs run around the country using a lot of fossil fuels Jay Inslee unveils 5-point plan to fight climate change Democratic presidential hopeful Jay […]

Democrats Badly Divided Over Emergency Aid For Illegals At Border

They caterwaul about how bad the conditions are in the detention facilities, yet, they want to play games with the funding Emergency Aid for Migrants Badly Divides Democrats Congress is trying to rush $4.5 billion in emergency humanitarian aid to the southwestern border while placing new restrictions on President Trump’s immigration crackdown, spurred on by […]

Hotcold Take: Winters Are Colder Because The Earth Is Heating Up

I’m kinda shocked the always excitable Salon is running this as summer begins. It’s usually reserved for winter time, but, hey, there’s been a bunch of late spring snow, so… "The paradox of global warming and colder winter…How to explain this to a climate change denier: Winters are colder — because the planet is heating […]

Pirate's Cove