Monthly Archives: June 2019

If All You See…

…is a sea rising from carbon pollution and encroaching on forests, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is 90Ninety Miles From Tyranny, with a post on banning guns being a slippery slope.

Slate Spins Wheel And Decides That Deodorant Is Now Part Of The Patriarchy

There are some days I think that Trump should start a big war with Iran, because it would mean that the nutters would stop inventing things to whine about. The thing about Peak Wokeness is that you never get there: the virtue signaling barking moonbats will always be able to find some minor, tiny thing […]

Say, What Will It Take To Win A Green New Deal Or Something

Remember, folks, that the Green New Deal has nothing to do with Socialism nor politics, they just want to save the planet from having a fever What Will it Take to Win a Green New Deal? The push for a Green New Deal (GND) that’s become a big topic of political discussion in the US […]

Surprise? After Trump Delays Deportations Operation Pelosi Calls For Amnesty For Illegal Aliens

President Trump reportedly spent twelve minutes talking with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi about the planned operation to pick up roughly 2,000 illegal aliens who are under final deportation orders as signed by federal judges. He supposedly wanted to give Congress time to get something done on funding to deal with the current crisis at the […]

Police Arrested 70 Hotcoldwetdry Protesters Outside Of Evil Carbon Polluting NY Times Building Or Something

Who can blame them? The NY Times building has a huge carbon footprint, and the company itself uses vast amounts of fossil fuels to gather, create, and disseminate their version of the news Police arrest 70 climate change protesters outside New York Times Police arrested 70 environmental protesters outside the New York Times headquarters who […]

If All You See…

…is The blog of the day is The Lid, with a post wondering if you really want you daughter to read Teen Vogue. It’s ladies on the water week! As always, these posts are open discussion.

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another fantastic day in America. Summer is in the air, there’s a hawk that keeps flying around behind my townhouse (which is cool), and the Dodgers keep on winning. And, if you’re going to have a touch of insomnia, it’s great when it happens on a night were you can sleep in. This […]

Trump Delays Plan To Deport Illegal Aliens Under Final Orders

This really does make one wonder what the real idea is behind this. Is he really attempting to play nice with Democrats? Or is he setting them up? Or, it could be that ICE wasn’t ready, or that the delay will make it easier to get the illegals in a week or two Trump Says […]

Your Fault: Mental Stress Of Coastal Residents Rising Due To ‘Climate Change’

See, if only you hadn’t driven a fossil fueled vehicle and/or taken a fossil fueled flight to vacation in these coastal areas providing them with money and jobs they wouldn’t have mental stress, you guys Mental Stress on Rise as Coastal Towns Confront Climate Threats When community leaders in the town of Piermont, just north […]

If All You See…

…is carbon pollution floating freely in the sky, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The Right Scoop, with a post on ABC News covering Joe Biden and his son’s sketchy dealings while Joe was VP.

Pirate's Cove