Monthly Archives: June 2019

Bummer: ICE Set To Start Mass Arrests Sunday

This will make the supporters of illegal immigration super sad all weekend long ICE set to begin immigration raids in 10 cities on Sunday Immigration and Customs Enforcement is pressing forward with a plan to remove, arrest and deport families with court-ordered removals in 10 cities beginning Sunday, according to a senior immigration official, after […]

Democrat Primary Voters Totally Prefer AOC’s Green New Deal Over Biden’s Hotcoldwetdry Plan Or Something

Would this be the plan that she refuses to demand it get a vote on in the House, that House isn’t even considering, and that Democrats, including AOC, had a hissy fit over when a vote was held on it in the Senate, where almost every single Democrat voted “present”? Democratic primary voters overwhelmingly prefer […]

Person With Zero Evidence Accuses Trump Of Sexual Assault, Refuses To File Charges

I think she got her timeline wrong: she was supposed to wait till  the Democratic primaries are over, perhaps till September 2020, in order to hurt Trump at the ballot box Columnist accuses Trump of sexual assault more than two decades ago, an allegation he denies E. Jean Carroll, a New York-based writer and longtime […]

Sydney City Council Seeks Hotcoldwetdry Resolution Or Something

Perhaps the good Warmists on the council should consider that all the ‘climate change’ legislation and supporters just lost big time (again) during the recent Australia elections ‘Emergency’: Sydney council seeks climate declaration City of Sydney councillors will vote next week on a plan to declare climate change as posing a “serious risk” to residents, […]

If All You See…

…is an evil fossil fueled flying machine causing evil clouds, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The First Street Journal, with a post on mandatory acceptance of the gender confused.

Is This Something? Senators Were Briefed On UFO Activity By Pentagon

I know some disagree with me, but, I’ve always maintained a position that the majority of UFO sightings and such are made up in one fashion or another. But, can we say that 100% are not real? Some will say yes. Some, of course, will go in totally the opposite way, claiming that most are […]

Passage On New York’s Green New Deal Is A Victory For Grassroots Or Something

I’m looking forward to them rethinking the idea of this being a victory in a few years ‘Huge victory’ for grassroots climate campaigners as NY lawmakers reach deal on sweeping climate legislation Grassroots climate campaigners in New York applauded on Monday after state lawmakers reached a deal on sweeping climate legislation, paving the way for […]

NY Times Excited To Get Congress Involved For Any Military Action Against Iran

While much of this is really just a measured, non-insane Trump Derangement Syndrome, the NY Times Editorial Board does have a point Attacking Iran Is Congress’s Call From the U.S.S. Maine in Havana Harbor in 1898 to the U.S.S. Maddox in the Gulf of Tonkin in 1964, maritime incidents, shrouded in the fog of uncertainty, […]

Democrat Gun Grabbers Upset That Dem Presidential Gun Grabbers Not Gun Grabby Enough

It just goes to show that “comprehensive gun control”, or as they are terming it lately, “gun safety laws”, aren’t actually about safety, they’re about disarming law abiding citizens while doing virtually nothing about criminals who use firearms in the act of committing a crime The 2020 Democrats Still Fall Miserably Short on Guns Gun […]

If All You See…

…is a place that can put out lots of talking points video about ‘climate change’, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Jihad Watch, with a post on what happens when a woman doesn’t “voluntarily” wear her hijab.

Pirate's Cove