Monthly Archives: June 2019

The Green New Deal Has To Be Massively Bigger But Not Like The New Deal Or Something

See, the beneficial socialism of the New Deal (which some say helped lengthen the Great Depression) is just not enough, and created conditions that were Bad for ‘climate change’ The Green New Deal Can’t Be Anything Like the New Deal The decade from 1929 to 1939 was hell. The Great Depression ravaged the country, leaving […]

‘Climate Change’ Is Choking The Atlantic Ocean To Death Or Something

There was a brief time when high ranking/influential members of the Cult of Climastrology said that the apocalyptic yammering needed to cool down. That the scare-mongering had to calm down. That the amplifier needed to be turned down from 11 to about a 4, because, otherwise, it would be hard to take political action. Warmists […]

House Democrats Have Reportedly Agreed To Vote On Supplemental Border Bill

Democrats have been in an uproar about all the illegal aliens being held in detention centers – what Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez calls “concentrations camps”, for which she says she will never apologize despite being taken to task by Jewish and Holocaust remembrance groups – in a way they never did while Obama was president and doing […]

Poop And Hypo Laden San Francisco Looks To Ban Sale Of E-Cigarettes

Sure, why not San Francisco Set To Become First Major City To Ban E-Cigarettes — 106.1 FM WTKK (@1061fmWTKK) June 19, 2019 OK San Francisco is on the verge of outlawing the sale, manufacture, and distribution of e-cigarettes within the city. City supervisors voted unanimously to approve the ordinance to update the city’s health code. The […]

Va. Gov (And Racist) Northam’s Gun Grabbing Round Table Didn’t Go As Planned

What happens when the gun grabbers put together a meeting that is for listening, rather than lecturing citizens? Community opposes Governor Northam’s call for gun control at a gun violence roundtable in Abingdon Virginia Governor Ralph Northam will call a special session of the general assembly to deal with gun violence in the commonwealth next […]

If All You See…

…is a horrible fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is A View From The Beach, with a post on another reason that Trump was elected.

California Bishops Concerned With Climate Disruption, Want Ecological Sprituality

What they aren’t so concerned with is unfettered abortion on demand in California California Bishops Decry ‘Climate Disruption,’ Call for ‘Ecological Spirituality’ The Catholic bishops of California released a pastoral statement on the environment Tuesday, calling on citizens to confront “the risks of a warming climate.” “The disruption of the earth’s climate is one of […]

Canadian Climate Doom PM Justin Trudeau Is Super Excited For Expanded Pipelines Or Something

See, according to enough members in the Canadian government and PM Justin Trudeau’s admin, climate doom is coming. And they were super happy to implement carbon taxes to deal with it. And NEW: On Monday, Canada declared a "climate emergency." On Tuesday, it approved a pipeline expansion. Our story on Trudeau's very Canadian conundrum […]

Surprise: Democrats Flip On Calling Border Crisis “Manufactured”

Perhaps they realized that a porous border through which a lot of people are streaming through doesn’t play well with middle ground voters, and even plain old moderate Democrats Dems make U-turn on calling border a ‘manufactured crisis’ Democrats have done a U-turn on their claim from earlier this year that President Trump’s concern about […]

Surprise: California’s Cap And Trade Program Becomes A Slush Fund

Who could have possibly seen this coming? (via Watts Up With That?) California lawmakers are turning cap-and-trade into the slush fund critics long feared For years, critics of California’s cap-and-trade program have lambasted it as a government slush fund. They say that politicians are able to dip into it to fund their pet projects or […]

Pirate's Cove