Monthly Archives: June 2019

If All You See…

…is a world turned to desert from fossil fuels from Other People, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is This ain’t Hell…, with a post on your Tuesday feel good stories.

Excitable Eric Swalwell Releases A Gun Grabbing Plan

Eric Swalwell might be the main Democrat running for president who’s primary focus is on firearms, but, what he believes is pretty much what the rest believe How Rep. Eric Swalwell would tackle gun violence in America Democratic presidential hopeful Eric Swalwell on Monday stood outside the National Rifle Association headquarters in Fairfax, Virginia, to […]

New York Poised To Pass Their Own Economy Killing Green New Deal

It’s landmark, people, landmark! It’ll never achieve the main goal of reducing “carbon pollution”, just like the Kyoto Protocol failed and most are failing to abide by their commitments to the Paris Climate Agreement, but, really, the reduction of CO2 isn’t really the true point: the growth of Government and control of citizens is New […]

Trump Tweets That Mass Deportation Of Illegal Aliens To Begin Next Week

This has give the Washington Post and Democrats a big case of the sads Trump vows mass migrant arrests starting next week President Trump said in a tweet Monday night that U.S. immigration agents are planning to make mass arrests starting “next week,” an apparent reference to a plan in preparation for months that aims […]

We’re Saved: Artists, Activists Call For Action On Hotcoldwetdry

I wonder how many people took fossil fueled trips to attend the concert? I wonder how many of the artists travel around the nation using fossil fuels? The top picture in the article shows one performing in New Orleans Artists, Activists Call for Action on Climate Change & Social Concerns at Pete Seeger’s Clearwater Festival […]

If All You See…

…is a wonderful big city full of like-minded climate change believers (intentionally ignoring that cities have bigger carbon footprints per capita), you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Chicks On The Right, with a post on Taylor Swift being criticized for exploiting gay culture.

Excitable Eric Swalwell To Pitch Gun Confiscation Near NRA Headquarters

Mr. Buy Back Your Guns That The Government Never Sold you as well as being protected himself by armed security has a Plan Swalwell to pitch gun control plan near NRA headquarters White House hopeful Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) says he will take the fight for gun control to the National Rifle Association’s (NRA) home […]

Your Fault: New Zealand Town See Massive Plague Of Rats

Supposedly, they are big as cats, and CNN is on the case Rat infestation plagues New Zealand town A beachside New Zealand suburb known for roaming chickens and yoga has become infested with hordes of unwelcome guests: large, writhing rats. The rodents — which have swarmed around shops and houses in the artsy west Auckland suburb of Titirangi […]

Republicans Need To Change Their Product In People’s Republik Of California Or Something

See, the problem isn’t that Modern Socialists, people Dependent on Government, SJWs, and virtue signalers dominate the more urban areas of California, many of them having been taught this stuff in the Democratic Party run schools, leading to control of California by Democrats. No, see, it’s that Republicans aren’t taking Democrat positions, per George Skelton […]

Say, What Would A Zero-Carbon Country Look Like Or Something

CNN takes a stab at it, and, doesn’t do a really good job at saying that this would be super awesome. It’s doubtful that the network is trying to say it would not be a great place, what with all their Cult of Climastrology leanings (except in the Travel Section, where they advocate taking all […]

Pirate's Cove