Monthly Archives: June 2019

Politico: ‘Climate Change’ Is A Trap For Democrats

Conservative Rich Lowry, editor of National Review, is not helping by telling the reality of the issue, but, really, Democrats won’t listen in the first place For the Democrats, Climate Is a Trap The more the climate debate changes, the more it stays the same. Polls show that the public is worried about climate change, […]

Hot Take: U.S. Seizes On Iranian Tanker Attacks

See, the problem according to CNN’s Stephen Collinson is not that the Iranians attacked tankers, but that Trump and his people are seizing US seizes on tanker attacks to up the stakes with Iran When a US Secretary of State is as swift and unequivocal as Mike Pompeo was in blaming Iran for brazen attacks on two […]

Oregon Carbon Tax Proposal Clears Final Committee, Full Vote Next

They should put this up for a referendum instead of a general assembly vote, and see how that goes. Usually, the carbon tax legislation loses. But, hey, this is vastly left leaning Oregon, so, let them suffer under the policies they push Oregon’s Major Climate Change Proposal Clears Final Committee A sweeping proposal for sharply […]

If All You See…

…is a world turning to desert and flood from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Patterico’s Pontifications, with a post on a federal death penalty case in a state without a death penalty.

Bummer: Most “Asylum” Seekers Are Ineligible To Stay In U.S. While Waiting

This is the way it should be: if you want asylum, you should be applying elsewhere, rather than streaming to the U.S. border demanding asylum when you are caught Exclusive: Asylum seekers returned to Mexico rarely win bids to wait in U.S. Over two hours on June 1, a Honduran teenager named Tania pleaded with […]

Warmists Demand DNC Hold Hotcoldwetdry Debate

Why? Because some people died during absolutely normal weather events, as has always happened, but they’ve been brainwashed into believing that this is some Man-caused doom from the release of a small amount of “carbon pollution” by Other People Leftists to DNC: Hold a D*mn Climate Debate for Those Who Have Died A group of […]

House Democrats Rethinking Push To Repeal Hyde Amendment

All the 476 Democrats running for president seem to support doing away with the Hyde Amendment. Joe Biden, as you remember, flipped his position in the face of the unhinged abortion supporters in his party. But… Democrats back down on striking anti-abortion language from spending bill House Democrats who were eager to try to remove […]

‘Climate Change’ Could Maybe Possibly Threaten World Peace In 10 Years

It’d be a real shame if a tiny increase in CO2 and the world’s temperature would threaten these thousands of years of world peace. But, hey, we can forestall this with a tax! Climate change seen posing threat to global peace in next 10 years Climate change poses a threat to peace in countries around […]

If All You See…

…is a wonderful tree that will soon die from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The Other McCain, with a post on Democrats and whores.

Democrats Trot Out Legislation To Allow Gun Makers To Be Sued

Another piece of legislation that will never get voted on in the Senate, but highlights how much Democrats want to find ways to drive gun manufacturers out of business, which would disarm law abiding citizens Shooting victims could sue gun industry under Democrats’ legislation Congressional Democrats on Tuesday unveiled legislation that would grant victims of […]

Pirate's Cove