If they’re having to argue that they totally aren’t for open borders, then they are for open borders. Uber-leftist Peter Beinart takes a crack at convincing people at the uber-leftist The Atlantic that their policies are not open borders, they just don’t want to sound like Trump!
For Democrats, Health Care Is Easy, but Immigration Is Hard
The 2020 hopefuls aren’t for open borders—but they don’t want to sound like Trump either.
Among the many things we’ve learned so far in the presidential campaign is this: The Democratic candidates are talking more honestly about health care than about immigration. To develop a coherent approach to immigration in an era of rising asylum claims, Democrats need to explain—among other things—whom they would and wouldn’t let in. But Donald Trump has made that discussion extraordinarily difficult. In the shadow of his brutal policies and bigoted appeals, Democrats are wary of spelling out whom they would deport. That has led to a debate that’s evasive and vague. (snip)
But last week’s debates were less successful in clarifying how the Democrats differ on immigration. To be sure, the candidates offered policy proposals: They called for restoring DACA, reforming Immigration and Customs Enforcement, eliminating private detention centers, and giving undocumented immigrants health care and a path to citizenship. In the first debate, Julián Castro also declared his support for downgrading illegally crossing the border from a criminal to a civil offense, and then slammed Beto O’Rourke for disagreeing with him. But while O’Rourke has in the past argued against decriminalization, he wouldn’t defend that position onstage, and instead said he opposed criminalizing asylum seekers, thus evading Castro’s broader point. He was willing to play the centrist on health care, just not on immigration.
In the second debate, the moderator José Diaz-Balart asked for a show of hands on decriminalization. Eight candidates raised their hands; Biden—oddly—raised a finger. But the moderators didn’t ask him to explain. So while viewers were left with a sense that the presidential candidates have different views on decriminalization, they learned nothing about why.
Man, if only we had a Free Press to ask the candidates these questions!
At the debates, Democrats bellowed their opposition to Trump’s handling of the asylum crisis. And they rightly emphasized the need to help Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador battle crime, corruption, and poverty so that fewer of their citizens make the perilous journey north. Although they didn’t say so at the debates, the three candidates who have issued immigration plans—Castro,O’Rourke, and Jay Inslee—have also proposed pouring money into the asylum system so asylum seekers can get lawyers and interpreters, and a faster resolution of their claims.
The point is that there’s a trade-off. Make getting asylum easier, and you’re likely to increase the number of people who apply. When a surge of migrant children reached the U.S. border in 2014, the Obama administration answeredthat trade-off with a harsh message to desperate Central Americans: “Don’t come. And if you think you’re coming and once you’re here you won’t be returned, that’s not the case. You’re not going to be able to stay.†But in the Trump era, Democrats aren’t comfortable talking that way anymore. Private health insurance is something many Democratic presidential candidates are happy to support openly. Sending vulnerable mothers and children back to Honduras is not.
Everything pretty much says “Open Borders.” Obama might have talked tough, and deported lots of illegals. And separated children per the law as passed by the U.S. Congress. But, the Democrat base was actually rather upset about this. If the extreme policies from Democrats are simply due to Trump Derangement Syndrome, that tells us that they are dishonest and too immature to be in politics.
Regardless, none of this is new. They support sanctuary jurisdictions that are protecting illegal aliens, including criminal ones. They say they only want to keep the good ones, yet, these sanctuaries protect the ones with felonies on their records.
Make crossing the border not a criminal offense? Well, the law says the first offense is a civil crime with a small fine and deportation. After that, it becomes much more serious for each time caught. Democrats want to get rid of that? Sure sounds like open borders.
Health insurance for illegals paid for by U.S. citizens? That rewards bad behavior. And entices more to come illegally.
They do not want a border barrier of any type along the southern border. Many want to do away with ICE, and now are going after Customs and Border Patrol. They even are discussing doxxing and “shaming” members of both federal agencies.
Paying for even more lawyers to protect people who are here illegally? Entices more to come and give it a shot. Expanding the definition of asylum would mean more people showing up and crossing illegally.
They want to formalize DACA in what they call a “clean bill”, meaning not paired with any restrictions on people crossing the border illegally, which would mean more giving it a shot. They want comprehensive immigration reform, which means amnesty for tens of millions of illegals, which entices more to come, since they are not offering any measures to stop anything.
They call a border barrier immoral. They want the existing barrier torn down.
Did I mention that they want to decriminalize crossing the border illegally? If there is no penalty, there is no border.
But, no, no, they aren’t for open borders.

So their national policy for immigration and defense is just contrarian. Whatever Trump wants, they want the opposite.
TEACH bellows Open Borders!, but bases it on an essay explaining that the Dems don’t want Open Borders! but don’t know how to talk about reforming immigration and asylum seekers.
Said Beinart:
“The point is that there’s a trade-off. Make getting asylum easier, and you’re likely to increase the number of people who apply. When a surge of migrant children reached the U.S. border in 2014, the Obama administration answered that trade-off with a harsh message to desperate Central Americans: “Don’t come. And if you think you’re coming and once you’re here you won’t be returned, that’s not the case. You’re not going to be able to stay.†But in the Trump era, Democrats aren’t comfortable talking that way anymore.”
“In addition to condemning Trump’s immoral policies, Democratic candidates need to openly confront the hard trade-offs that the asylum crisis poses. They need to do so to let primary voters make an informed choice. And they need to do so before Donald Trump launches an onslaught of nativist attacks next year. The 2020 Democratic candidates don’t actually support open borders. They’re just not yet comfortable explaining why.”
TEACH has become a tRump propagandist.
More incoherent psycho-whining from the neurotic little sissybitch. Six months ago the claim was “no crisis” at the border. Today the claim is the CBP make detainees drink toilet water!
Yep, dems have a problem alright.
LOL.Get f*cked.
TEACH’s main fluffer, Lil C*cksucker, once again has nothing to add.
The crisis at the border is tRump’s treatment of fellow humans. It’s time for a million man march on Washington, drag tRump out, put him in a cage, have him sh!t himself, and drink toilet water.
LOL.Get f*cked.
No, the border, and it’s no crisis, is the work of the Left and the Democrats and it shows their treatment of of other people. That “fellow humans” sounds like Jeffery’s talking about inferior races. Just like that other Lefty, Zuck.
Another Million Man March? The last was such a success /sarc. And Occasional Cortex’ lies about the detention centers have been fully exposed, but it’s interesting to see Jeffery’s sex fantasies exposed.
And the one who has nothing to add claims it’s other people.
It’s time for a million man march on Washington, …
Guess that leaves you out, little sissybitch.
TEACH’s main fluffer, Lil C*cksucker, once again has nothing to add.
LOL.Get f*cked.
Well, at least he tells the truth.
And he criticizes Beinart’s essay, so Baghdad Bunny once again tries to twist everything around in the hope Conservatives are as gullible as Lefties.
Too bad they aren’t.
That entire last paragraph is total bullshite. When you start out with “Trump’s immoral policies” which are the same as Obamas then you start with a lie. Any American policy framed in morality to cast a bad light solely on Trump without placing equal blame on Democrat Communists in Congress who helped create the situation as it is now is also a lie. We all know and have seen pictures of the “children” in cages under Obama and ALL children are separated from their families as a safety measure. Or do you think it’s a good idea to put kids in prison with adults? Had Democrat Communists negotiated in good faith to begin with instead of pursuing their anti white illegal voter agenda there would be no situation today.
The Democrat Communists are filthy anti American racists and child killers. At the border just like with abortion the DemComs couldn’t care less how many children are murdered as long as tit brings in votes on election day.
Trump 2020 Stop the DemComs genocide!
tRump’s policies are not the same as President Obama’s.
tRumpenNazis are anti-American racists and child killers. But their days are numbered.
Trump 2020: Lock Him Up! He’ll Have His Own Toilet to Drink From!
tRump’s policies are not the same as President Obama’s.
Which is why he was elected, nobody wanted more of Sambo’s Communism Lite
tRumpenNazis are anti-American racists and child killers. But their days are numbered.
The child killers are the ones who look the other way as young black males murder each other and black women abort more babies than they bring to term, so we’re talking race traitors like Jeffery. And the anti-American racists are Democrats who want to set Americans against each other, so we’re talking Jeffery again.
Trump 2020: Lock Him Up! He’ll Have His Own Toilet to Drink From!</i.
More like Occasional Cortex. BTW Her lies have been fully exposed, so you’re just making an even bigger fool of yourself than always.
If such a thing is possible.
And Conservatives’ days are 4 score and twenty, because we are the Soldiers Of God.
Edward is a sibley old man. Always getting himself in dutcher. And he’s incapable of learning.
Soldiers of God? LOL. Do you have proof (there’s that word again) that god’s exist?
tRumpenfuhrer 2020
Having had his ass kicked on every issue, Baghdad Bunny now is reduced to trying to make fun of people’s names. Since his sense of humor is as limp as his intellect, among other things, it’s a wasted effort.
Explain the flame of life if there’s no God. Explain the creation of the Universe, since matter and energy can neither be created nor destroyed.
As for learning, he can’t get past the idea the universal health doesn’t work and global nonsense is a lie. I have a BA in Poli Sci and a BS in Computer Science, as well as a Master’s Cert in e-Commerce. And you have…?
And the plural of god is gods.
Waah! Waah! Kleveland Kleagle (or the Pyongyang Pouter) whines about name calling. Of all people. LOL.
And now he’s feeling so insecure he posts his limp resume. Pathetic. You might as well claim you got an MBA with DJ tRump. LOL.
Can you prove (there’s that word again) that there’s a “flame of life”? How was “god” created?
Kan the Pyongyang Pouter give an example when he kicked someone’s ass? Was it Donut tRump’s MBA? His klever use of bear and bunny?
Like Lillian, the Pouter’s “arguments” have degenerated into vile pabulum.
The DemComs are gearing up to steal the 2020 election just like they tried to steal the 2016. This time it will me almost impossible to catch all the vote fraud, harvesting, ballot stuffing, voter intimidation and out and out ballot fraud. We must be vigilant lest the Commies win.
They cranked out 7 million fraudulent votes and we still won.
This time the Demos will have an even worse candidate than the Beast.
And this is the Pyongyang Pouter’s idea of something to add.
The worry for decent Americans is that the GOPhers will have a better candidate than the tRumpenfuhrer.
Do you have proof (there’s that word again) that there were 7 million fraudulent votes?
Never been to Pyongyang and you’re the one who pouts when your ass gets kicked.
Decent? The Left?
The ones who send drag queens to read to little kids? The ones whose “doctors” beat Mengele for perversion of medicine (hear about MN where “doctors” delivered healthy babies then murdered them?). The ones whose female contenders for President are harpies who prosecuted innocent people for publicity?
And the Hitler thing is dead. Really. Even the Left is starting to get it.
As for the fraud, go to True The Vote
Why haven’t the Keystone Kons been able to find these fraudulent votes? Kris K Kobach tried but failed bigly.
If the Dems were soooo effective at rigging the vote why didn’t they rig a few thousand in PA, MI, WI etc??
True The vote found them and there have been prosecutions. I’ve linked them several times.
Some states actually check these things, you know.
And I guess the Beast and her cronies thought PA, MI, WI were in the bag.
We call BS on you. 7 million votes. Proof please.
TEACH’s main fluffer, Lil C*cksucker, once again has nothing to add.
And this is Baghdad Bullfeathers’ idea of something to add.
Kan the Pyongyang Pouter give an example when he kicked someone’s ass? Was it Donut tRump’s MBA? His klever use of bear and bunny?
Like Lillian, the Pouter’s “arguments†have degenerated into vile pabulum.
How cheap single payer medicine is. How the “data” for global nothing was fixed.
The plural of god.
Take your pick.
And it’s pablum. You’re always vile.
LOL. You declare yourself the winner.
All other advanced nations DO pay less than we do for healthcare, so you lose.
Global warming IS real, so you lose.
tRump doesn’t have an MBA, so you lose.
Salinity and pH ARE two different things, so you lose.