This is actually a fantastic idea (even though this reads like something from a more modern Communist Manifesto)
Opinion: A Green New Deal can start with local communities
The power of a Green New Deal as an approach to the climate crisis is its potential to shift the political consensus on what’s possible so that climate science and Indigenous knowledge become the basis for action.
The Green New Deal is capturing people’s imaginations and reframing the climate debate in a way that builds a groundswell of support for a major social and economic shift.
A Green New Deal for all will ensure that transformation is carried out equitably, that it is rooted in climate justice, that it respects the rights of Indigenous peoples, and that it creates over a million jobs in the process.
To build the necessary political pressure for federal parties and the federal government to implement a Green New Deal, we need to build as much momentum as we can everywhere we can. And federal parties are starting to respond to the groundswell of support for a Green New Deal with more ambitious climate plans.
But, what if we didn’t need to wait to win a Green New Deal until after the federal election? What if we could start building it, right here, right now, from the ground up?
The Council of Canadians is launching a campaign to win local Green New Deals in communities from coast to coast to coast. Making your community a Green New Deal Community is a way of both advancing a Green New Deal locally, while also applying upward pressure to ultimately win a federal Green New Deal.
I think you get the point, namely that the Cultists want to make this happen at the local level. This is, in fact, a great idea. They should give it a whirl in many of the more Modern Socialist cities. NYC is, of course, sort of going to give it a whirl with their own version. But, really, they should try implementing the entire thing. That’s the only way it works. Do the whole thing.
Why would we want this? Because it will highlight to Canada, and America, just how horrible the ideas are from the Cult of Climastrology, and how bad the Green New Deal is. How much it will hurt the lives of citizens. So, yes, implement it. Sometimes having a visual of things is much better than talking about it, right?

Great idea. Now that recycling is falling apart all over the globe, Activists need something to shift their energy to.
My how time flies.
BWAHA! … LOL. Get f*cked.