…are evil Bad Weather clouds caused by carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is No Tricks Zone, with a post on a new paper showing that human activities are not responsible for the observed CO2 increase.

…are evil Bad Weather clouds caused by carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is No Tricks Zone, with a post on a new paper showing that human activities are not responsible for the observed CO2 increase.
According to Harde, it is not the added CO2 that is causing the global temperature to rise, but just opposite…
Where do these people get such ideas?
Observations maybe.
tRump wanted to suppress participation of Hispanics in the Census so he tried to add a question about citizenship.
Chief Justice John Roberts called tRump’s and his administration’s reasoning a lie.
tRump’s own Commerce Dept and DOJ lawyers said OK, we lied, you got us.
tRump tweets that, yes we lied, what we really want to do is suppress the Hispanic participation and we’ll do it anyway.
It’s what Putin and Kim would do!!
“The United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit on Wednesday ordered the unsealing of the summary judgement record of a lawsuit against a woman accused of running a sex trafficking ring with billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.”
Bill Clinton and Donald Trump likely consider this bad news.
I see a woman desecrating the American flag. She should remove her top immediately.