CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC and NBC have all announced they will not air the Independence Day festivities in DC. That’s why we all know they are the enemy of the people. They, like Elwood and the other commies and Mohammadans hate Trump more than they love America. This is just the excuse they need to FINALLY get out of celebrating this horrible, horrible holiday known as Independence Day. The left always hated shows of Patriotism and Nationalism and now they finally admit it. They just gave Trump 10 million more votes and when you throw in the 10 million Kapernickle and Nike just gave him the commies are really going to have to hustle to fraudulently steal enough votes to even make a showing. It’s almost as if the DemComs WANT to lose the next election. They are alienating so many millions of Americans who love their country and want secure borders it’s fun to watch.
I’m having some friends and family over for a cook out and swim. Gonna burn as much fossil fuel as I can, lots of cow meat. I know you guys will join me in wishing the greatest country on earth a Happy Birthday and if you can watch a bit of the party in DC. Elwood, you have a great day burning flags, crosses as you Democrat KKK types do and of course an effigy of Trump to impress your children and neighbors just how much you hate America.
Every network and cable news channel is running Fourth of July specials.
Just because they choose not to run trump’s campaign rally doesn’t mean they’re anti-American. It may mean the opposite.
The hateful, divisive trump has no idea what America is or stands for.
Kye – thanks for the shout out. Around the corner in one of our open spaces (the kids call it The Big Island) the entire neighborhood is having a cookout and celebration – about 100 homes in our subdivision – avg value around $200,000 – conservatives, liberals, Christians, Muslims, agnostics, white, black, Hispanic, young, old, sort of rich, sort of poor, a handful of in-ground pools, lots of mature oaks, veterans, gun owners, disabled, accountants, nurses, teachers, scientists, retirees, mechanics, trump supporters, trump haters, dogs, cats, cars, trucks, public schools, Elks Lodge, Mexican Restaurant, Chinese Restaurant, Middle Eastern Bakery, Pizza Parlor, 7/11, Amish Furniture Store, – you know, America!!
And you know what’s interesting? Around election times we have a variety of yard signs, Trump, Hillary, Bernie, local Dems, local Repubs… and yet, no fights, no arguments… just neighbors being neighbors, loaning chain saws, snow-blowing, neighborhood watch, waving, shout-outs, parties. My next door neighbor is liberal Dem, retired teacher, smart and nice. Three houses down is a mechanic – trump sign, Support the Police etc – and a good friend. He sees my multiple signs supporting Dem state senators and reps. Yet we get along great.
Every network and cable news channel is running Fourth of July specials.
They are? Most are running reruns, I’ll bet.
Just because they choose not to run trump’s campaign rally doesn’t mean they’re anti-American. It may mean the opposite.
The hateful, divisive trump has no idea what America is or stands for.
No, the hateful divisive Jeffery has no idea what America is about. And the broadcast nets are covering the doings in DC because they are anti-American. Just because Donald Trump is President makes no difference.
Around the corner in one of our open spaces (the kids call it The Big Island) the entire neighborhood is having a cookout and celebration – about 100 homes in our subdivision – avg value around $200,000 – conservatives, liberals, Christians, Muslims, agnostics, white, black, Hispanic, young, old, sort of rich, sort of poor, a handful of in-ground pools, lots of mature oaks, veterans, gun owners, disabled, accountants, nurses, teachers, scientists, retirees, mechanics, trump supporters, trump haters, dogs, cats, cars, trucks, public schools, Elks Lodge, Mexican Restaurant, Chinese Restaurant, Middle Eastern Bakery, Pizza Parlor, 7/11, Amish Furniture Store, – you know, America!!
Sure. You’d have to stick your face out of Mommy’s basement to know who’s out there and I have the feeling you live in no subdivision. Nobody who worked for what he has hates this country the way you do.
Trump made a fortune twice over and he adores this country.
That’s the difference. He earned what he has and you expect it to be handed to you.
Hate is all Dutcher has. Springing from Dutcher’s hate is his reliance on falsehoods.
I know lots of people from the great state of Ohio; have visited the lovely state many times – but have not met one soul there as awful as cowardly Ol’ Dutcher.
Cleveland, Toledo, Akron, Columbus, Cincinnati, Ashland, Cuyahoga Falls, Blossom Music, Ohio Canal… nephew even wrote a song about Ashtabula! A buddy from Tiffin. Financial advisor from Cleveland. Played a dozen rounds of golf around Cleveland. But have never met anyone as vile as you.
Maybe you’re decent in real life and just a troll on the internet.
Another of his cliches because he hasn’t got a real answer, but the first thing a Lefty has to have is hate.
BTW Notice Baghdad Bear is spending all his time here, instead of that All-American block party his neighborhood is having. Could it be he wasn’t invited?
Since we’ve never met, there’s yet another lie. Can’t see you showing up in Cuyahoga Falls, either. They don’t call it Caucasian Falls in this neck of the woods for nothing. So I think we’ve found another lie.
And you’re the one who makes vile accusations when your ass is kicked rhetorically. So your decency is really dubious, and it takes a vile person to be a troll.
Since you press the issue, I would never want to be as “decent” as any Democrat. Lot of cheating on one’s wife among the Demos. Lot of women prostituting themseelves just to get ahead politically (insert punchline) Do you really fantasize about all things same sex and NAMBLA?
Cuyahoga Falls must be near you then, Dutcher. Isn’t the Blossom Music Center in Cuyahoga? An appealing young pianist played Rachmaninoff Concerto 2 that night.
Did I say WHEN the party was? They Pyongyang Pouter shoots and misses once more.
So you’re concerned about the morality of Dems who cheat on their spouses? DJ tRump has at least 5 children with at least 3 different baby-mamas, and he cheated on all of them, paying off at least two inamoratas to keep them quiet. It’s likely he’s paid for a few abortions as well, formerly being pro-choice. Do you have any evidence that Dems have more affairs than Repubs?
Back when you were accusing me daily of raping children, I invited you here (all expenses paid) and would take you personally to the local police station so you could make your charges. You could have met all my neighbors then!
Yet, you never had the balls to visit. Why was that?
Was that back when you were making accusations of bestiality towards others who had caught you in various lies?
Should we go back and check, little sissybitch?
Why bother? Just showing how you lied about joining the Army and then doubled down claiming you never wrote it should be enough time spent on proving your lies, you ltitle sissybitch.
Doubtful. He’s a decent conservative, not as rare as you NuCons believe or hope. Not all trump voters are trumpitistas, some were just Repubs that hated Hillary.
They have to have time to edit and intercut footage of Nazis goose stepping or a Soviet military parade or the Norks marching stiff leggedly…
Watch for it.
Politicians speaking at public and patriotic holidays is a common thing with a very long pedigree. To suddenly hate it because Trump is doing it is lunacy. Every elected official in the country will be giving a speach somewhere today.
How is patriot trump spending Independence Day? With family? Veterans? Neighbors? Watching a parade?
Kyle Griffin
According to the pool report, Trump has arrived at Trump National Golf Club in Sterling, Virginia.
This is Trump’s 200th day at a Trump golf club and 267th day at a Trump property as president.
6:20 AM – 4 Jul 2019
This adds gov’t money to the trump Org, of course, and tonight the grifter-in-chief will use your tax money to hold a campaign rally! Surely his speech writers will carefully avoid a political speech, but will tRump stick to his teleprompter or will he veer into raging about Dems, Pelosi, Biden, illegals, Muslims…
Fortunately for tRump, the Hatch Act doesn’t apply to the Prez, after all, “If the President does it, it’s not illegal.”
President Obama played 333 rounds of golf over 8 years.
trump has played 200 rounds over 2.5 years, almost every time at one of his own properties!
And then trump has the US taxpayers pay trump Inc!!
Donald J. Trump
â€Verified account
Can you believe that, with all of the problems and difficulties facing the U.S., President Obama spent the day playing golf. Worse than Carter
5:03 PM – 13 Oct 2014
Judicial Watch announced it obtained travel records from the Secret Service in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit, bringing the known total of travel expenses for former President Barack Obama and his family to $105,662,975.27.Â
And what difference does it make where he plays? You really think he pays any more than Zippy did?
The one thing you miss is Trump actually gets stuff done. The markets hit new highs yesterday. The raids to deport the illegals are about to start again (tell your bear suit), the Red Chinese are over a barrel, the detention centers are finally being supplied after the House demos were exposed.
Is there better evidence available? No? It doesn’t matter anyway, NuCons just call all evidence Fake News! NuCons are no longer grounded in reality.
Why does it matter if trump uses taxpayer money to line his own pockets? Why does it matter? Duh. When President Obama played golf, the payments went to the golf course, in which Mr. Obama had the decency NOT to have a financial stake. tRump gets some of the taxpayer money that is paid to his golf courses. Although to be fair he probably pays his fair share of taxes on the profits… oh yeah, that…
“The one thing you miss is Trump actually gets stuff done.”
Under trump (where no one wants to be without pay) the stock market has increased 35%. Under President Obama the stock market increased nearly 285%!!
Under President Obama jobs were added at a faster rate than under trump. (By the way, the economy is slowing down, in part from trump’s awful trade policies). Pay is still stagnant, although trump and his brood are doing OK. Did you know the trade deficit is steadily INCREASING?
On the bright side, trump has not ruined the recovery. His tax cuts for the rich boosted demand a bit, just as Obama’s cuts for the working classes did. His deficits boost demand as well. Very Keynsesian. And inflation is low. If inflation starts to creep up the fed will throw millions out of work to puncture the economy. Also good is that we’ve added jobs steadily since the Great Recession.
Iran is enriching uranium again. They crossed a red line and trump backed down. Kim still has all his nukes but has a best bud in trump. The Earth is still warming. No Wall. Putin declares the West is dying and he and trump share a joke about it.
Cuyahoga Falls must be near you then, Dutcher. Isn’t the Blossom Music Center in Cuyahoga? An appealing young pianist played Rachmaninoff Concerto 2 that night.
Sure. I’ll just bet you’re a big classical music fan.
And I worked with a guy from Sandusky who called it Caucasian Falls. It’s legendary for its racism in NE OH, so, clearly, you’re lying again.
Did I say WHEN the party was? They Pyongyang Pouter shoots and misses once more.
Another weasel. When else would you have a Fourth of July party? I’d say the shoot and miss once more is all yours.
So you’re concerned about the morality of Dems who cheat on their spouses? DJ tRump has at least 5 children with at least 3 different baby-mamas, and he cheated on all of them, paying off at least two inamoratas to keep them quiet. It’s likely he’s paid for a few abortions as well, formerly being pro-choice. Do you have any evidence that Dems have more affairs than Repubs?
You can, of course, prove this. I mean, from court documents. Or is this another one of those instances where, backed against a wall, you don’t owe me any links? And likely doesn’t count.
We know Democrats are promiscuous, believe in abortion and all that, we keep hearing about them.
Under trump (where no one wants to be without pay) the stock market has increased 35%. Under President Obama the stock market increased nearly 285%!!
Even Commie News Net say Zippy increased it only 118% (we’re talking same time frame; Trump hasn’t been in 8 years) (yet) and even that’s wrong, so you’re lying. In fact, the Dow was 8600 when Zippy took office, but it dropped 2000 in the first 6 months. In January 2011, it was 12,6 – an increase of about 50%. And most of the real money stayed out of the markets until Trump came in. Zippy’s GM bailout and the (I laugh) Stimulus did nothing to move the economy. Or have you forgotten all those Recovery Summers?
The tax cuts and deregulation under Trump set the economy on fire. Even Krugman said, “It’s Trump economy now”.
Under President Obama jobs were added at a faster rate than under trump. (By the way, the economy is slowing down, in part from trump’s awful trade policies). Pay is still stagnant, although trump and his brood are doing OK. Did you know the trade deficit is steadily INCREASING?
How many unfilled jobs were there? How many people not being counted? Hey, it’s just like global nothing and single payer insurance; you can make anything look good if you cook the books enough
It is? Care to give us fact from a reliable source? And the economy slowing isn’t always a bad thing. The Red Chinese tried sustaining 9% growth and now they’re in a fix. It’s natural for an economy to have ebbs and flows.
If you know anything about economics.
Pay is not stagnant, family income is going up by 31%. And where is the proof (that word again) the trade deficit is INCREASING?
On the bright side, trump has not ruined the recovery. His tax cuts for the rich boosted demand a bit, just as Obama’s cuts for the working classes did. His deficits boost demand as well. Very Keynsesian. And inflation is low. If inflation starts to creep up the fed will throw millions out of work to puncture the economy. Also good is that we’ve added jobs steadily since the Great Recession.
What cuts did Zippy ever give anyone? Is this before all the IdiotCare taxes were passed? And Trump’s tax cuts benefitted everybody, as I noted above.
We added jobs once Trump came in and Keynes is all deficits don’t matter and tax and spend, so you either don’t know what you’re talking about (likely) or you’re lying (more likely).
Or both (extremely likely).
Iran is enriching uranium again. They crossed a red line and trump backed down. Kim still has all his nukes but has a best bud in trump. The Earth is still warming. No Wall. Putin declares the West is dying and he and trump share a joke about it.
What Iran says it’s doing and what it’s really doing have been proven to be 2 different things, but I notice morons such as you and the John talk about Trump backing down only to change when the subject when it’s clear he just won the issue.
Talks are on about an exchange for the nukes. Nothing is warming but Trump’s chances of a sweep next year. The wall is being built and Mexico is spending money we’d be spending keeping the illegals away.
Poot was declaring the West was dying 40 years ago. We’re still here and the only joke is you.
Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
“Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she
With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
She was talking about people who came here legally. Not illegals looking to go on welfare.
She was also a Zionist, so you’re being a hypocrite again. Being a Lefty, you just bleed for the Moslems.
PS Well, Baghdad Bunny has spent all day here, morning, noon, and night. So we can either go on the assumption his All-American block party was just another lie or he wasn’t invited.
… We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed…
And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.
tRump just said that the Continental Army took over the airports…
“…Our Army manned the air, it rammed the ramparts, it took over airports, it did everything it had to do and at Ft. McHenry under the rocket’s red glare had nothing but victory. When dawn came, the star-spangled banner waved defiant.â€
Sounds more like Gropin’ Joe telling people how FDR went on TV when the markets crashed in ’29 or how Zippy told us he’d been to 55 states and was going on to 2 more.
drowningpuppies on If All You See…: “It’s a cult. A D.C. federal appeals court on Friday handed the Trump administration a temporary victory, overturning district court…” Mar 28, 19:42
All posts here are my views. None represent my employer. If ye can prove me wrong, so be it. Ye can rant and rave at me, but be mostly polite to any other commentors. I will put up with quite a bit, but be mostly respectful to others.
NOTICE In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C., section 107, some material on this web site is provided without permission from the copyright owner, only for purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship and research under the "fair use" provisions of federal copyright laws. These materials may not be distributed further, except for "fair use" non-profit educational purposes, without permission of the copyright owner.
Very lovely, thank you.
CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC and NBC have all announced they will not air the Independence Day festivities in DC. That’s why we all know they are the enemy of the people. They, like Elwood and the other commies and Mohammadans hate Trump more than they love America. This is just the excuse they need to FINALLY get out of celebrating this horrible, horrible holiday known as Independence Day. The left always hated shows of Patriotism and Nationalism and now they finally admit it. They just gave Trump 10 million more votes and when you throw in the 10 million Kapernickle and Nike just gave him the commies are really going to have to hustle to fraudulently steal enough votes to even make a showing. It’s almost as if the DemComs WANT to lose the next election. They are alienating so many millions of Americans who love their country and want secure borders it’s fun to watch.
I’m having some friends and family over for a cook out and swim. Gonna burn as much fossil fuel as I can, lots of cow meat. I know you guys will join me in wishing the greatest country on earth a Happy Birthday and if you can watch a bit of the party in DC. Elwood, you have a great day burning flags, crosses as you Democrat KKK types do and of course an effigy of Trump to impress your children and neighbors just how much you hate America.
Trump 2020 Happy Birthday America!
Every network and cable news channel is running Fourth of July specials.
Just because they choose not to run trump’s campaign rally doesn’t mean they’re anti-American. It may mean the opposite.
The hateful, divisive trump has no idea what America is or stands for.
Kye – thanks for the shout out. Around the corner in one of our open spaces (the kids call it The Big Island) the entire neighborhood is having a cookout and celebration – about 100 homes in our subdivision – avg value around $200,000 – conservatives, liberals, Christians, Muslims, agnostics, white, black, Hispanic, young, old, sort of rich, sort of poor, a handful of in-ground pools, lots of mature oaks, veterans, gun owners, disabled, accountants, nurses, teachers, scientists, retirees, mechanics, trump supporters, trump haters, dogs, cats, cars, trucks, public schools, Elks Lodge, Mexican Restaurant, Chinese Restaurant, Middle Eastern Bakery, Pizza Parlor, 7/11, Amish Furniture Store, – you know, America!!
And you know what’s interesting? Around election times we have a variety of yard signs, Trump, Hillary, Bernie, local Dems, local Repubs… and yet, no fights, no arguments… just neighbors being neighbors, loaning chain saws, snow-blowing, neighborhood watch, waving, shout-outs, parties. My next door neighbor is liberal Dem, retired teacher, smart and nice. Three houses down is a mechanic – trump sign, Support the Police etc – and a good friend. He sees my multiple signs supporting Dem state senators and reps. Yet we get along great.
Maybe the internet is the problem.
Every network and cable news channel is running Fourth of July specials.
They are? Most are running reruns, I’ll bet.
Just because they choose not to run trump’s campaign rally doesn’t mean they’re anti-American. It may mean the opposite.
The hateful, divisive trump has no idea what America is or stands for.
No, the hateful divisive Jeffery has no idea what America is about. And the broadcast nets are covering the doings in DC because they are anti-American. Just because Donald Trump is President makes no difference.
Around the corner in one of our open spaces (the kids call it The Big Island) the entire neighborhood is having a cookout and celebration – about 100 homes in our subdivision – avg value around $200,000 – conservatives, liberals, Christians, Muslims, agnostics, white, black, Hispanic, young, old, sort of rich, sort of poor, a handful of in-ground pools, lots of mature oaks, veterans, gun owners, disabled, accountants, nurses, teachers, scientists, retirees, mechanics, trump supporters, trump haters, dogs, cats, cars, trucks, public schools, Elks Lodge, Mexican Restaurant, Chinese Restaurant, Middle Eastern Bakery, Pizza Parlor, 7/11, Amish Furniture Store, – you know, America!!
Sure. You’d have to stick your face out of Mommy’s basement to know who’s out there and I have the feeling you live in no subdivision. Nobody who worked for what he has hates this country the way you do.
Trump made a fortune twice over and he adores this country.
That’s the difference. He earned what he has and you expect it to be handed to you.
Hate is all Dutcher has. Springing from Dutcher’s hate is his reliance on falsehoods.
I know lots of people from the great state of Ohio; have visited the lovely state many times – but have not met one soul there as awful as cowardly Ol’ Dutcher.
Cleveland, Toledo, Akron, Columbus, Cincinnati, Ashland, Cuyahoga Falls, Blossom Music, Ohio Canal… nephew even wrote a song about Ashtabula! A buddy from Tiffin. Financial advisor from Cleveland. Played a dozen rounds of golf around Cleveland. But have never met anyone as vile as you.
Maybe you’re decent in real life and just a troll on the internet.
Did you call any of them a Klansman or a Fluffer? Bet you didn’t, you little sissybitch.
Didja lie to any of those “lots of people” about joining the Army back durung Vietnam, you know?…
Huh, little sissybitch?
Another of his cliches because he hasn’t got a real answer, but the first thing a Lefty has to have is hate.
BTW Notice Baghdad Bear is spending all his time here, instead of that All-American block party his neighborhood is having. Could it be he wasn’t invited?
Since we’ve never met, there’s yet another lie. Can’t see you showing up in Cuyahoga Falls, either. They don’t call it Caucasian Falls in this neck of the woods for nothing. So I think we’ve found another lie.
And you’re the one who makes vile accusations when your ass is kicked rhetorically. So your decency is really dubious, and it takes a vile person to be a troll.
Since you press the issue, I would never want to be as “decent” as any Democrat. Lot of cheating on one’s wife among the Demos. Lot of women prostituting themseelves just to get ahead politically (insert punchline) Do you really fantasize about all things same sex and NAMBLA?
Cuyahoga Falls must be near you then, Dutcher. Isn’t the Blossom Music Center in Cuyahoga? An appealing young pianist played Rachmaninoff Concerto 2 that night.
Did I say WHEN the party was? They Pyongyang Pouter shoots and misses once more.
So you’re concerned about the morality of Dems who cheat on their spouses? DJ tRump has at least 5 children with at least 3 different baby-mamas, and he cheated on all of them, paying off at least two inamoratas to keep them quiet. It’s likely he’s paid for a few abortions as well, formerly being pro-choice. Do you have any evidence that Dems have more affairs than Repubs?
Are of your, ahem, “neighbors” privy to your psychopathic neurotic whiny rants here at the Cove, little sissybitch?
Whatsamatter little sissyfluffer? TEACH got your tongue? LOL
Notice no rebuttal.
Of course not.
Notice the queermo ad hom.
Back when you were accusing me daily of raping children, I invited you here (all expenses paid) and would take you personally to the local police station so you could make your charges. You could have met all my neighbors then!
Yet, you never had the balls to visit. Why was that?
Was that back when you were making accusations of bestiality towards others who had caught you in various lies?
Should we go back and check, little sissybitch?
Maybe because you can’t be trusted.
By all means go back and look. We can all see who started what and when.
Why bother? Just showing how you lied about joining the Army and then doubled down claiming you never wrote it should be enough time spent on proving your lies, you ltitle sissybitch.
BTW, have you been told lately…
LOL. Get f*cked.
Is your primary objective just to piss off your fellow Americans? That seems to be trump’s goal.
Oh yeah, that mechanic three houses down is probably a Klansman.
Doubtful. He’s a decent conservative, not as rare as you NuCons believe or hope. Not all trump voters are trumpitistas, some were just Repubs that hated Hillary.
Well, since he’ll get a landslide next year sweeping him into a second term, I’d say it’s more your goal.
CNN just said they’re running trump’s campaign rally tonight.
Whoopee, but they’re afraid to telecast a patriotic parade because kids get turned on by them.
They have to have time to edit and intercut footage of Nazis goose stepping or a Soviet military parade or the Norks marching stiff leggedly…
Watch for it.
The 2 things guys have been fighting for for 249 years.
To Nike, Colin, and the psycho-whining neurotic little sissybitch…
Newsweek (remember them?) is running a piece called ‘Patriots’ Boycotting Nike Are Mocked After Betsy Ross Sneakers Pulled.
Newsweek used to be a news mag. Until people got tired of Fake News.
Remember the Ditzy Twits? They’re still trying to make a comeback.
Same for the NFL.
Nike is next.
Politicians speaking at public and patriotic holidays is a common thing with a very long pedigree. To suddenly hate it because Trump is doing it is lunacy. Every elected official in the country will be giving a speach somewhere today.
How is patriot trump spending Independence Day? With family? Veterans? Neighbors? Watching a parade?
Kyle Griffin
According to the pool report, Trump has arrived at Trump National Golf Club in Sterling, Virginia.
This is Trump’s 200th day at a Trump golf club and 267th day at a Trump property as president.
6:20 AM – 4 Jul 2019
This adds gov’t money to the trump Org, of course, and tonight the grifter-in-chief will use your tax money to hold a campaign rally! Surely his speech writers will carefully avoid a political speech, but will tRump stick to his teleprompter or will he veer into raging about Dems, Pelosi, Biden, illegals, Muslims…
Fortunately for tRump, the Hatch Act doesn’t apply to the Prez, after all, “If the President does it, it’s not illegal.”
Trump2019: Lock Him Up!
And how many days did Zippy golf and spend on vaca?
And thee rest is just drivel, so let our little slave to the Left babble on.
President Obama played 333 rounds of golf over 8 years.
trump has played 200 rounds over 2.5 years, almost every time at one of his own properties!
And then trump has the US taxpayers pay trump Inc!!
Donald J. Trump
â€Verified account
Can you believe that, with all of the problems and difficulties facing the U.S., President Obama spent the day playing golf. Worse than Carter
5:03 PM – 13 Oct 2014
Politifact? BWAHA!
Why not Snopes?
LOL. Get f*cked, little sissybitch
Judicial Watch announced it obtained travel records from the Secret Service in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit, bringing the known total of travel expenses for former President Barack Obama and his family to $105,662,975.27.Â
Lol. Get f*cked.
Wow, Politifact, they never lie, right?
And what difference does it make where he plays? You really think he pays any more than Zippy did?
The one thing you miss is Trump actually gets stuff done. The markets hit new highs yesterday. The raids to deport the illegals are about to start again (tell your bear suit), the Red Chinese are over a barrel, the detention centers are finally being supplied after the House demos were exposed.
Is there better evidence available? No? It doesn’t matter anyway, NuCons just call all evidence Fake News! NuCons are no longer grounded in reality.
Why does it matter if trump uses taxpayer money to line his own pockets? Why does it matter? Duh. When President Obama played golf, the payments went to the golf course, in which Mr. Obama had the decency NOT to have a financial stake. tRump gets some of the taxpayer money that is paid to his golf courses. Although to be fair he probably pays his fair share of taxes on the profits… oh yeah, that…
“The one thing you miss is Trump actually gets stuff done.”
Under trump (where no one wants to be without pay) the stock market has increased 35%. Under President Obama the stock market increased nearly 285%!!
Under President Obama jobs were added at a faster rate than under trump. (By the way, the economy is slowing down, in part from trump’s awful trade policies). Pay is still stagnant, although trump and his brood are doing OK. Did you know the trade deficit is steadily INCREASING?
On the bright side, trump has not ruined the recovery. His tax cuts for the rich boosted demand a bit, just as Obama’s cuts for the working classes did. His deficits boost demand as well. Very Keynsesian. And inflation is low. If inflation starts to creep up the fed will throw millions out of work to puncture the economy. Also good is that we’ve added jobs steadily since the Great Recession.
Iran is enriching uranium again. They crossed a red line and trump backed down. Kim still has all his nukes but has a best bud in trump. The Earth is still warming. No Wall. Putin declares the West is dying and he and trump share a joke about it.
Long on leftist bullshit.
Short on actual citations.
But that’s what is expected from a psychotic whiny little neurotic sissybitch.
Lol. Get f*cked.
Cuyahoga Falls must be near you then, Dutcher. Isn’t the Blossom Music Center in Cuyahoga? An appealing young pianist played Rachmaninoff Concerto 2 that night.
Sure. I’ll just bet you’re a big classical music fan.
And I worked with a guy from Sandusky who called it Caucasian Falls. It’s legendary for its racism in NE OH, so, clearly, you’re lying again.
Did I say WHEN the party was? They Pyongyang Pouter shoots and misses once more.
Another weasel. When else would you have a Fourth of July party? I’d say the shoot and miss once more is all yours.
So you’re concerned about the morality of Dems who cheat on their spouses? DJ tRump has at least 5 children with at least 3 different baby-mamas, and he cheated on all of them, paying off at least two inamoratas to keep them quiet. It’s likely he’s paid for a few abortions as well, formerly being pro-choice. Do you have any evidence that Dems have more affairs than Repubs?
You can, of course, prove this. I mean, from court documents. Or is this another one of those instances where, backed against a wall, you don’t owe me any links? And likely doesn’t count.
We know Democrats are promiscuous, believe in abortion and all that, we keep hearing about them.
All 4th of July parties are in the morning?
I am a classical music fan, but I like most music except the NuCountry stuff. Year old pop music with a country twang.
And yes. tRump has had 3 wives, 5 kids, numerous affairs and has paid off at least two mistresses. It’s been in all the papers.
At least he hasn’t needed a restraining order to protect little kids.
And most parties start early, but you’ve been here all day. I’d say that’s a good indicator nobody likes you (can’t blame them).
PS Court proof of these payoffs?
MAGA Watch Live: July 4th In Washington, Trump’s ‘Salute To America’ – NBC News
Under trump (where no one wants to be without pay) the stock market has increased 35%. Under President Obama the stock market increased nearly 285%!!
Even Commie News Net say Zippy increased it only 118% (we’re talking same time frame; Trump hasn’t been in 8 years) (yet) and even that’s wrong, so you’re lying. In fact, the Dow was 8600 when Zippy took office, but it dropped 2000 in the first 6 months. In January 2011, it was 12,6 – an increase of about 50%. And most of the real money stayed out of the markets until Trump came in. Zippy’s GM bailout and the (I laugh) Stimulus did nothing to move the economy. Or have you forgotten all those Recovery Summers?
The tax cuts and deregulation under Trump set the economy on fire. Even Krugman said, “It’s Trump economy now”.
Under President Obama jobs were added at a faster rate than under trump. (By the way, the economy is slowing down, in part from trump’s awful trade policies). Pay is still stagnant, although trump and his brood are doing OK. Did you know the trade deficit is steadily INCREASING?
How many unfilled jobs were there? How many people not being counted? Hey, it’s just like global nothing and single payer insurance; you can make anything look good if you cook the books enough
It is? Care to give us fact from a reliable source? And the economy slowing isn’t always a bad thing. The Red Chinese tried sustaining 9% growth and now they’re in a fix. It’s natural for an economy to have ebbs and flows.
If you know anything about economics.
Pay is not stagnant, family income is going up by 31%. And where is the proof (that word again) the trade deficit is INCREASING?
On the bright side, trump has not ruined the recovery. His tax cuts for the rich boosted demand a bit, just as Obama’s cuts for the working classes did. His deficits boost demand as well. Very Keynsesian. And inflation is low. If inflation starts to creep up the fed will throw millions out of work to puncture the economy. Also good is that we’ve added jobs steadily since the Great Recession.
What cuts did Zippy ever give anyone? Is this before all the IdiotCare taxes were passed? And Trump’s tax cuts benefitted everybody, as I noted above.
We added jobs once Trump came in and Keynes is all deficits don’t matter and tax and spend, so you either don’t know what you’re talking about (likely) or you’re lying (more likely).
Or both (extremely likely).
Iran is enriching uranium again. They crossed a red line and trump backed down. Kim still has all his nukes but has a best bud in trump. The Earth is still warming. No Wall. Putin declares the West is dying and he and trump share a joke about it.
What Iran says it’s doing and what it’s really doing have been proven to be 2 different things, but I notice morons such as you and the John talk about Trump backing down only to change when the subject when it’s clear he just won the issue.
Talks are on about an exchange for the nukes. Nothing is warming but Trump’s chances of a sweep next year. The wall is being built and Mexico is spending money we’d be spending keeping the illegals away.
Poot was declaring the West was dying 40 years ago. We’re still here and the only joke is you.
The New Colossus – Emma Lazarus
Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
“Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she
With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
She was talking about people who came here legally. Not illegals looking to go on welfare.
She was also a Zionist, so you’re being a hypocrite again. Being a Lefty, you just bleed for the Moslems.
PS Well, Baghdad Bunny has spent all day here, morning, noon, and night. So we can either go on the assumption his All-American block party was just another lie or he wasn’t invited.
Be interesting to take a poll.
… We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed…
And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.
And that has what to do with you?
You don’t believe in this country or its principles. You hate the Constitution written by all those white nationalists and racists.
God knows you have no sacred honor and I thought you didn’t believe in Divine Providence or our Creator, so you’re just being a hypocrite again.
And a liar.
That’s what liars do.
Just so you know, that excerpt was from the Declaration of Independence not the Constitution as you claimed.
tRump just said that the Continental Army took over the airports…
“…Our Army manned the air, it rammed the ramparts, it took over airports, it did everything it had to do and at Ft. McHenry under the rocket’s red glare had nothing but victory. When dawn came, the star-spangled banner waved defiant.â€
Sounds more like Gropin’ Joe telling people how FDR went on TV when the markets crashed in ’29 or how Zippy told us he’d been to 55 states and was going on to 2 more.
Hmm, Kleveland can’t explain how the Continental Army took all the airports…
Rapin’ Don is so pathetic we would almost feel sorry for him, if he wasn’t a greedy, lying, psychopathic rapist.
Hmm, Baghdad Bunny has 2 comments with the same time stamp. Could it be our schizoid has a partner in grime ghost writing him?
You’ve caught us. We’re a Marxist collective, 417 men and women, sharing a few nicknames, Elwood, Bill Bear, john…