Remember, Los Angeles is being woefully negligent in keeping its streets clean, instead spending on money on lawyers and other things for illegal aliens. The garbage in the streets problem is continuing to grow, and rats are making huge inroads, even causing problems in City Hall and police stations. The homeless are streaming into LA. Drug use is rampant. Yet
LA forms first-ever climate emergency mobilisation office
The United States city of Los Angeles has institutionalised the first Climate Emergency Mobilization Department – and the first Climate Emergency Commission – on the planet.
On Wednesday, by a vote of 13-0, the city council unanimously passed legislation to hire a Climate Emergency Mobilization Director and plan the next moves for a citywide climate emergency implementation blueprint that environmental justice groups helped craft through a series of community meetings.
The department will address the local impacts of climate change, including wildfires and floods. It will also take up concerns surrounding pollution and the effects of toxic waste. In addition, people displaced by climate change will be able to seek employment assistance from the government.
“The adoption of a Climate Emergency Mobilization programme represents a major step forward for the city of Los Angeles…in taking urgent action to fight back against this accelerating global crisis,” said Margaret Klein Salamon, founder and executive director of The Climate Mobilization – the group that put the idea of climate mobilisation into the public consciousness a half-decade ago.
“The Climate Mobilization applauds this important step and encourages the City Council to quickly adopt the full proposal submitted on March 15 by Councilmember Koretz and the Leap LA Coalition,” said Salamon.
“Addressing our climate emergency in urgent fashion not only preserves our planet for the next generation, it presents a tremendous opportunity to do so in ways which are equitable, inclusive and just for all communities,” she added.
The mayor of Los Angeles, Eric Garcetti, in April released a Green New Deal for the city, putting the metropolis on course to become carbon neutral by 2050.
First, this is pretty much all about left wing politics, and has little to do with the climate. Second, good luck with both it and the GND offered by Garcetti. LA is an area that runs on fossil fuels, if we’re considering the broader area we think of as LA, which would include Beverly Hills, Pasadena, Santa Monica, Malibu, Burbank, Glendale, and others. Hollywood could not do its thing without fossil fuels. Nor could the sporting teams. Nor most businesses. The roads are jam packed every day with commuters. People take fossil fueled trips to the beach. There are lots of airports, including LA International. People visit from all over the nation and the world.
They’re just going to spend a lot of taxpayer money on this climate mobilization department to do Social Justice Warrioring things, trying to tell people how to live their lives. And trying to get those things embedded in law. While they drive to and from the office in garbage covered streets in their own fossil fueled vehicles.

Something that happens slowly over a hundred years hardly needs a crisis response team. There’s probably something else going on today in that state that needs immediate attention. Like maybe those tens of thousands of homeless people. Or out of control illegal immigration. Something that’s actualling happening with consequences right now.