It must have caused the Washington Post quite a bit of heartburn to publish anything that says that Trump is right
After Confederate statues, America’s culture war targets Betsy Ross and a founding father
As the nation has celebrated its birthday with displays of its contemporary power and prestige this week, two of its cherished historic symbols came under fire — its first flag and its third president.
Sportswear company Nike pulled sneakers depicting the 13-star banner known as the Betsy Ross flag after former NFL football player Colin Kaepernick, who has a sponsorship deal with Nike, reportedly objected: The flag, which dates to the era of 18th-century slavery, has occasionally been used by white supremacists and other far-right groups. And the city council in Charlottesville — where Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello plantation is located — voted this week to scrap the former president’s local holiday in favor of one that celebrates the emancipation of African American slaves.
The twin moves opened new fronts in the culture war that President Trump foreshadowed two years ago, after white nationalists marched through Charlottesville to protest the proposed removal of a statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee.
“Sad to see the history and culture of our great country being ripped apart with the removal of our beautiful statues and monuments,â€Â Trump tweeted . “Robert E Lee, Stonewall Jackson — who’s next, Washington, Jefferson?â€
The nation’s growing diversity and polarization has prompted an outcry over the stain of slavery and a reckoning with some of America’s most identifiable historic symbols. The debate over which figures and moments are to be celebrated and which condemned has shifted from emblems of the fallen Confederacy to those that are foundational to the nation’s origin. The giants of U.S. history are being taken off their pedestals, both literally and figuratively, to be reexamined, warts and all.
They’re after just about everything from America’s past. A school in San Francisco, one named after George Washington, is not just planning to cover up a mural of The Life Of Washington that has been there since the New Deal era, the snowflakes are so triggered that they are going paint over it, because it is “hurtful” to the students (who probably do not even pay attention to it).
Many of these SJWs simply hate America. Kaepernick posted a Frederick Douglas quote on Independence Day which basically shows that he does, in fact, hate America. Then Ted Cruz schooled him with something called “context.” And, of course, America hater Colin started the whole Betsy Ross thing. And he, and the others, won’t stop. A question for them is “what is your end-goal?” Another is “what nation can you go to that doesn’t have something in their background?” Because things were different hundreds of years ago.

I bought my first Betsy Ross flag yesterday on line.
Suddenly, Cons are interested in “context”! Cuban-Canadian-Irish-Italian Rafael “Ted” Cruz didn’t add any context, he just added more quotes. (His dad was an asylum-seeker, btw).
Escaped slave Frederick Douglass DID say exactly what Colin Kaepernick claimed. Mr. Douglass DID have hope for America, based on the lofty goals of our Constitution and Declaration of Independence, but he also recognized the evils of brutal American slavery. He was an abolitionist.
“What have I, or those I represent, to do with your national independence? Are the great principles of political freedom and of natural justice, embodied in that Declaration of Independence, extended to us?…What, to the American slave, is your 4th of July? I answer; a day that reveals to him, more than all other days in the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim.”
but also, with hope:
“In that instrument (our Constitution) I hold there is neither warrant, license, nor sanction of the hateful thing; but, interpreted as it ought to be interpreted, the Constitution is a GLORIOUS LIBERTY DOCUMENT. Read its preamble, consider its purposes. Is slavery among them? Is it at the gateway? or is it in the temple? It is neither.”
In his July 5 speech, Mr. Douglass very directly compared the plight of American slaves to the state of American colonists before Independence. THAT was the context. As always, he was calling for abolition of American slavery and hoping his words would reach the hearts of white America.
“. . . At a time like this, scorching iron, not convincing argument, is needed. . . It is not light that is needed, but fire. It is not the gentle shower, but thunder. We need the storm, the whirlwind, and the earthquake. . . “
To Cruz’s credit he did admit that the American Civil War was fought over slavery, but implied that the militarily forced re-unification of the free and slave states ended white supremacy and oppression of non-whites, which is untrue.
In fact, Mr. Kaepernick’s point was that non-whites in America are still searching for equality.
In broader terms, recognizing our imperfect past is not anti-American or a sign of hating America. Criticizing our politicians, even a President, is not anti-American. Demanding equal rights is not anti-American.
Baghdad Bull criticizes Ted Cruz’ ethnic background. What is so wrong with Cuban-Canadian-Irish-Italian? And what is so terrible that Rafael Cruz is nicknamed “Tedâ€; so was Edward Kennedy. He objects to Cruz father as an asylum-seeker, but omits the fact Cruz per did it by the rules.
Then we get to Brillo Pad Head’s appropriation of Frederick Douglass. The difference is Mr Douglass loved his country while you and Brillo Pad Head. Typical of the Lefties to take a man out of context, but, then, Kaepernick has been oppressed so horribly all his life. Pampered as an adequate football player, given a cushy job as brand ambassador (which will make him as welcome as the Wehrmacht in Russia).
Actually, he was also a believer in dialogue and in making alliances across racial and ideological divides, and in the liberal values of the U.S. Constitution. When radical abolitionists, under the motto “No Union with Slaveholders”, criticized Douglass’ willingness to engage in dialogue with slave owners, he replied: “I would unite with anybody to do right and with nobody to do wrong”.
And the Civil War was fought over reuniting the Union. “If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that”. Most Union soldiers felt the same way. Approximately 50,000 deserted when they heard about the Emancipation Proclamation.
And of course, the Nike issue will guarantee that American white supremacists will increase their use of the Betsy flag.
J is as consistent as ever-in lieu of an argument, “white supremacists, white supremacists, and I tell you everyone I disagree with is a …white supremacist..â€
That is correct. What would you propose to do about it? Patriots and regular American can no more tell white supremacists what flag to imitate than you leftists can tell black supremacists not to beat white people or AntiFa Nazi’s not to beat up gay Asian reporters. They won’t listen anyway.
Do you think people who believe in white supremacy should be killed or just forbidden by law from waving a flag? Any flag? Of course to you guys anyone to the right of Occasional-Cotex is a “white supremacist” even me, married to an Asian!
Trump 2020 Be a Patriot not a Traitor!
What to do about KKKers appropriating flags as symbols of their movement? Nothing.
“Do you think people who believe in white supremacy should be killed or just forbidden by law from waving a flag?” They should be condemned and shunned.
I hate to point this out to you Elwood but they are “condemned and shunned” by normies like us. It’s the radical leftists who keep seeing “white supremacists” behind every Starbucks and in every WalMart. You guys take a group of a few thousand idiots nationwide and inflate them into some actual threat. You make them more important than they actually are. AntiFa’s a threat, CAIR is a threat, The New Black Panthers is a threat and they aren’t “condemned and shunned” by any leftist I’ve ever heard. Of course you have a much looser definition of “white supremacist” then what they actually are. To leftists anybody who doesn’t buy into affirmative action, set asides, quotas and any program that favors black Americans over whites and Asians is a white supremacist. To leftists anybody recognizing there are actual real documented differences between the races is a white supremacist.
It amazes me how all the left talks about is inequality and racism and white supremacy. They are the biggest promoters of racism in America.
Trump 2020 Keep the race baiters out!!!
I accept your condemnation of the KKK and white supremacists and all they stand for. Thank you.
The Nazi hypothesis of human evolution that there exists a superior Aryan race that was being diminished/diluted by inbreeding with inferior Asians, Africans, Jews, gypsies, your “queers” and Middle Easterners has not stood the test of time, but WAS widely accepted at one time. Scientific knowledge now shows that genetic differences between regional populations are not so great.
Yet it remains that it was Eurasians who established global empires. Spanish and Portuguese are spoken in Central and South America. English in North America and Australia, Southern Africa and even India. Yet the dominant Chinese, Indian and Islamic cultures didn’t even bother to colonize nearby Australia, the Philippines or Japan!
Anyway, you’ll find that most liberal/progressive/Dem views white supremacy as the desire by groups to reduce the social importance/impact/influence of non-white, non-Christian Americans. We can all agree that Trump appeals to Americans who favor an America (whether real or not) where white, straight Christian “culture” was the de facto norm. In fact, this appears to be Trump’s primary appeal. Many white Americans fear they are losing this “privilege” and are reacting.
No doubt, the worst of white supremacy/nationalism is what was seen in Charlottesville. Not all are violent.
What people believe is not particularly dangerous until translated into policy – policies that reduce the potential influence of “out” groups based on color, sex, sexual preference, religion. Red states have suppressing minority vote for decades.
Whatever impact Antifa or the New Black Panthers have pales in comparison to the burgeoning white nationalist movement.
When someone starts talking about evidence that Blacks, Muslims, Hispanics, women or gays are somehow inferior to white Christians we should all be attentive.
How dare we.
Of course, the Lefties object to any American flag, but it was so nice of them, a year out from the nominations for President, that we could beat them over the head with that one.
with a little luck, Kaepernick can do for the Democrats what he did for the NFL.
Even better!
Elwood, when you call regular patriotic Americans “white supremacists” do you men like Democrat presidential candidate Kamala Harris who is descended from Irish slave owner Hamilton Brown, the namesake of Brown’s Town in Jamaica, who recruited massive numbers of Irish migrants to Jamaica to work on his sugar plantations after the British empire abolished slavery?
As Kamala Harris’ father Donald Harris wrote an essay entitled “Reflections of a Jamaican Father†for Jamaica Global Online: “My roots go back, within my lifetime, to my paternal grandmother Miss Chrishy (née Christiana Brown, descendant of Hamilton Brown who is on record as plantation and slave owner and founder of Brown’s Town) and to my maternal grandmother Miss Iris (née Iris Finegan, farmer and educator, from Aenon Town and Inverness, ancestry unknown to me). The Harris name comes from my paternal grandfather Joseph Alexander Harris, land-owner and agricultural ‘produce’ exporter (mostly pimento or all-spice), who died in 1939 one year after I was born and is buried in the church yard of the magnificent Anglican Church which Hamilton Brown built in Brown’s Town (and where, as a child, I learned the catechism, was baptized and confirmed, and served as an acolyte).â€.
Here is a full accounting of the slaves owned by Hamilton Brown, according to the National Archives in London, as of June 28, 1817 in the parish of St. Ann in Jamaica:
Names of all Males to precede names of females
Age African or creole Remarks
1 Apollo Negro 45 African –
2 Jein Negro 40 African –
3 Sambo Negro 40 African –
4 Cicero Negro 30 African –
5 St???e Negro 45 African –
6 Chance Negro 44 African –
7 Clendin Negro 42 African –
8 Jamaica Negro 32 African –
9 Apollo Negro 32 African –
10 Montague Negro 38 African –
11 Jack Negro 30 African –
12 Mark Negro 32 African –
13 Ned Negro 36 African –
14 Sharper Negro 40 African –
15 Ceasar Negro 38 African –
16 John Negro 30 African –
17 Charles Negro 35 African –
18 Oxford Negro 35 African –
19 Hannibal Negro 32 African –
20 ??ill Negro 30 African –
21 Dick Negro 35 African –
22 Duke Negro 32 African –
23 Nelson Negro 34 African –
24 Robert Negro 30 African –
25 George Negro 35 African –
26 Prince Negro 40 African –
27 Henry Negro 38 African –
28 Hamilton Negro 28 African 4
29 Tom Jack Negro 40 African –
30 Neal Negro 34 African –
31 Luke Negro 28 African –
32 Bel Negro 25 African –
33 ????? Negro 33 African –
34-39 missing – – – –
– – – PAGE 89 –
40 Charles Negro 16 Creole –
41 London Negro 11 Creole –
42 Nelson Negro 10 Creole son of Juddy
43 Jamaica Negro 10 Creole son of Evey
44 ?Seny Negro 8 Creole son of Juddy
45 Virgil Negro 8 Creole son of Love
46 Tom Negro 4 Creole son of Juddy
47 Joab Negro 3 Creole son of Lucky
48 Harper Negro 3 Creole son of Love
49 Jack Negro 2 Creole son of Lucy
50 James Negro 2 Creole son of Tamer
51 Sambo Negro 2 Creole son of Evey
52 Dick Negro 1 Creole son of Nanny
53 Charles Negro 1 Creole son of Nelly
54 Hugh Negro 5mos Creole son of Maria
55 Sam Negro 4mos Creole son of Gift
56 George Negro 6mos Creole son of Flance
FEMALES – – – –
1 Pheba Negro 50 African –
2 Love Negro 42 African –
3 Juddy Negro 40 African –
4 ?Floramel ?Meromel Negro 40 African –
5 Flora Negro 38 African –
6 Lucy Negro 40 African –
7 Maria Negro 40 African –
8 Laura Negro 30 African –
9 Evey Negro 30 African 5
10 Olive Negro African –
11 Lucky Negro 28 African –
12 Venus Negro 32 African –
13 Rachel Negro 30 African –
14 ?Betsy Negro 27 African –
15 Juliet Negro 48 African –
16 Hellen Negro 40 African –
17 Nanny Negro 27 African –
18 Nelly Negro 28 African –
19 Gift Negro 25 African –
20 Jeane Negro 33 African –
21 Milly Negro 32 African –
22 Industry Negro 13 Creole –
23 Margaret Negro 10 Creole Daughter of Juddy
24 Nancy Negro 4 Creole Daughter of Tamer
25 Mary – 4 Creole Daughter of Evey
– – – PAGE 90 –
26 Peggy Negro 3 Creole Daughter of Flora
27 Sarah Negro 2 Creole Daughter of Nanny
28 ? Hanna Negro 6mos Creole Daughter of Tamer
29 Hellen Negro 5mos Creole Daughter of Milly
30 Nelly Negro 2 Creole Daughter of ?Floramel ?Meromel
Hamilton Brown officially swore to the authenticity of this record, stating:
“I Hamilton Brown do swear that the above list and return consisting of two sheets is a true perfect and complete list and return, to the best of my knowledge and belief in every particular therein mentioned of all and every slaves possessed by me as owner, considered as most permanently settled, worked and employed in the Parish of Saint Ann on the twenty Eight day of June One thousand Eight Hundred and Seventeen without fraud, deceit or evasion So help me God.
Sworn before me this twenty fourth day of September 1817â€
So Old Cameltoe sure fits in to the Democrat mold of accusing others of the sins of the accuser. Or as we normies call it: “Typical Democrat Communist PROJECTION”.
And if Kaepenicko hates America so much he is free to leave any time and good riddance.
Alos, we would like to know where all this “inequality” is that Kaepernicko thinks that non-whites in America are still searching for? POC get special college admittance treatments, score alterations, preferences and accommodations. The same is true in awarding contracts especially with governments and quota systems not based on any merit whatsoever. They get preferred treatment in HR departments in virtually ALL businesses. They get parts in 70% of commercials yet they comprise only 13% of the population. Over 80% of professional sports players are POC proving “desperate impact” on whites and woeful discrimination in hiring whites for most teams. Even whining little pussies like Koppernecko make millions while decrying the injustice of America. Send him back to his ancestral Africa and see how he likes that.
Trump 2020 Get rid of racist Democrat Communists!
So 200 years ago, Hamilton Brown, a white Irishman in Jamaica, who owned slaves and might have raped one that may have resulted in an ancestor of Sen. Kamala Harris?
And? So? As you well know, there is no evidence to support the tales, but even if true, so what? This story sprang from the bowels of the right-wing noise machine by way of DJ tRump, Jr, didn’t it?
I had a distant grandpa Columbus Lafayette XXXXX from KY who was a slave owner (according to family lore).
Who the heck is Old Cameltoe??
Why do you claim that Mr. Kaepernick hates America? Criticizing certain issues or policies is not hating America. Were you anti-American to criticize President Obama? Are you an America hater for criticizing Muslims who are American citizens, going so far as to want them out of the nation? Mr. Kaepernick is merely protesting the systematic discrimination against Black Americans.
You are free to never buy Nike gear and buy all the Ross flags you can afford! This Is America! Don’t catch you slippin’ up!
I happen to think that Senator Harris is wrong in her obviously planned political attack on VP Biden. If busing is such a great policy for assuring equality in educational opportunities why doesn’t she advocate it now, as there is still de facto segregation in many public schools. These sort of antics make me less likely to support a candidate, but that said, she would still be better than tRump.
As you well know, there is no evidence to support the tales, but even if true, so what?
So what? From the fantasist who took Christine Floozy ford at her word.
Who continually accuses “white nationalists” of attacking young girls.
Who wants the world to believe white men have some perverse interest in child sex traffickers,
More hypocrisy upon more hypocrisy.
I had a distant grandpa Columbus Lafayette XXXXX from KY who was a slave owner (according to family lore).
If he was a grandpa, he wasn’t that distant. And family lore is pretty mendacious if it claims Baghdad Bull isn’t descended from slaves.
Why do you claim that Mr. Kaepernick hates America? Criticizing certain issues or policies is not hating America.
It is when it’s how you make your living. It is when you’re passed over because you aren’t good enough and can’t cry, “Foul”, because you really aren’t good enough.
Were you anti-American to criticize President Obama?
That was on issues. Did you (or Brillo Pad Head) take the time to find out Old Bets was an abolitionist?
Mr. Kaepernick is merely protesting the systematic discrimination against Black Americans.
No, he’s protesting being passed over because he wasn’t good enough.
You are free to never buy Nike gear and buy all the Ross flags you can afford!
You weren’t saying that a couple of days ago. And Why aren’t you castigating Sambo for having on of Mrs Ross’ flags at his inauguration?
Yet more hypocrisy.
I happen to think that Senator Harris is wrong in her obviously planned political attack on VP Biden.
Because she was lying is going to bite her in the ass (to which she would probably consent if she thought it would help her chances).
If busing is such a great policy for assuring equality in educational opportunities why doesn’t she advocate it now, as there is still de facto segregation in many public schools.
There is? Because people are allowed to live in the neighborhoods they want?
And she’s walked it back because it’s as unpopular and unsuccessful now as it was when first proposed.
And she has to get past the primaries. Once a whore, always a whore.
You, of all people know that.
These sort of antics make me less likely to support a candidate, but that said, she would still be better than tRump.
Lie and more lie. I don’t recall Trump ever railroading innocent people into jail to make a name for himself.
Pyongyang Pete is a sniveling moron, not unlike tRump.
So what if a distant relative of Senator Harris was a slave-holder? So what?
It’s too easy to call you a liar, since it’s all you do. We’ll just say you’re mistaken time and time again.
Before you go casting aspersions just remember it was YOU who claimed to have joined the Army back in 71 before you were called out and proven to be a liar.
Or did you forget, little sissybitch?

You’re lying now as you lied back then.
Did you forget that, Lil Co*ksucker?
LOL. GFed.
When you respond with your queermo ad homs that is known as a Tell.
The psychology behind the Tell has to do with the stress most people feel when deceiving others.
One could read them all or just begin at comment #28. Notice the Tells.
Busted again you little sissybitch.
Still lying, you lilbitch. So he DIDNT claim to have served – thanks for the proof that you’re a pathetic liar. A one trick doggie, as it were.
One question – back then drowningpuppies was actually making arguments in addition to his racial, gender, sexual orientation epithets. What changed? Run out of ideas? OK, that’s technically 2 questions.
Anyone and everyone can read every comment you posted back in October 2016.
Are you still denying your own words Jeffery Keene aka little sissybitch?
Busted again.
Read and learn little sissybitch. up
BWAHA. Lolgf.
Lie much, Lillian? Tell the Covians why you had to change your name, LOL.
Unemployed trolls, who rely on gov’t disability payments feel immune. Some make a few bucks selling there medical marijuana, don’t they? LOL.
Good luck! You’re gonna need it.
No one had to change their nick, you silly silly little sissybitch.
Actually changed it when you stopped posting as Jeffery and/or Jeffery Keene.
So why did you change your nick?
Bwaha. LolGf.
I changed my nick when you and TEACH doxed me (or so you think).
You won’t admit why you had to change yours, LOL? I can make you do it again if you want. Costs me less than your disability payment.
Go fu(k yourself! LOL
Well, a lot of people have been stigmatized by Lefties for the same reason. Some even driven from public life, so, yeah, it’s a big deal.
And we’re back to name calling. sounds like Baghdad Bear’s about to come of of his closet.
Wassamatta? Jeh (Christ, what a name) Johnson saying nobody can beat Trump[ got you down?
Ah, more threats, hollow as they may be, huh little sissybitch?
That’s what I thought…
Go fu(k yourself! LOL
What’s that, little sissybitch?
Spell it out or are you confused again?
“Mr. Kaepernick is protesting the systematic discriminations against black Americans…â€. And the proof of that “systematic discrimination†would be…what? If you’re a liberal, no proof needed, just that “you feel that way..â€.
BTW, I DO feel sorry for trump and his flubs at his rally yesterday. If he weren’t such an asshole it could have passed.
“One, if by land; two if by sea; three if by air!”
We beat the British because they had to connect through Atlanta.
One if by land. Two if by Hartsfield International.
Put ye powder hornes and buckled shoes in ye olde bins. Poultices over 3 ounces must be left with the magistrate and can be retrieved at ye postmaster’s office upon return. Muskets and pipes are stryctly forbidden on board ye airecrafte.
Dearest Martha, please find enclosed a tracking number for my lost luggage at Philadelphia. It shall arrive to Mount Vernon via carriage in 21-25 days. Also enclosed is a receipt for the cost of parking my horse at Dulles for the weekend.
Dearest Jebediah,
Our flight has been delayed again. Waiting on the tarmac, our supplies of honey roasted peanuts and Fresca are almost depleted. We are talking about rebellion against first class. Please tell the children I love them.
Betsy Ross and I joined the Mile-High Club on the red eye to Boston.
BTW, I DO feel sorry for trump and his flubs at his rally yesterday. If he weren’t such an asshole it could have passed.
“One, if by land; two if by sea; three if by air!â€
We beat the British because they had to connect through Atlanta.
One if by land. Two if by Hartsfield International.
Poor little maroon.
Can’t see a joke when it’s right in front of him. Especially when he looks in the mirror.
So the talking points handed down are that trump was making a joke?
He made a mistake, a flub… he admitted as much this AM, blaming the faulty teleprompter and the rain. He always assumes his minions will either believe his bullshite or lie about it.
No Elwood, Trump made a little flub, a big flub is saying “I visited all 57 states”. Now that’s just plane stupid!!!!
No, he was joking.
Only a dullard such as your self would say otherwise.
You guys really let Trump fuk with your brains. Trump makes one flub during an hour or so long speech and that’s all you brainless bastards can talk about all day.
Yet: “The news release by the U.S. Department of Labor today was important not only because it showed an improving job market, but also because it confirmed that the U.S. has officially entered the longest recorded economic expansion in U.S. history.
The U.S. economy made significant gains in June as employment increased by 224,000 and the unemployment rate remained largely unchanged at 3.7 percent.”
Trump has done more for the US economy, jobs, wealth and employment than O’Bozo din in 8 friggin’ years!!!!
Trump 2020 He made America great again now let him keep America great!!!
And he’s only been on the job for 2 1/2 years.
MAGA mofos.
Trump 2020: Return of the MAGAts
Which troll site did you find that one?
Maybe you can give it to Chlamydia Harris next she lies about her background.
Trump 2020: Return of the MAGAts
Glad it bothers you. The MAGAts hope to feast on what’s left of post-Trump America’s rotting corpse. We plan to stop you.
So making fun of Trump’s flub (airports in 1776!!) is psychotic, but bringing up President Obama’s flub many years ago is an “argument”?
Got it.
“Trump has done more for the US economy, jobs, wealth and employment than President Obama did in 8 friggin’ years!!!!”
We understand that trump and his minions want to believe this myth, but it’s just not true. The economy has been steadily improving since the Great Recession – expanding, job growth, stock market. Trump inherited a steadily growing economy, and as noted many times before, to his credit he has yet to squelch the recovery. He doubled down with economic stimulus (increased spending and tax cuts) which has NOT led to inflation yet. The costs have been a continued increase in debt, a growing trade deficit and degraded environment.
Remember arguing that Presidents have little influence on the economy? Good times. Did Clinton cause the great economy in the 90s? Did Obama cause the massive job growth after the Great Recession? Did Bush cause the Great Recession?
Intercontinental Railroad?
My uncle liberated Auschwitz?
English Embassy?
If you like your plan, you can keep your plan?
The police acted stupidly?
If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon?
And the best…
Well, how exactly are you going to do that? What exactly are you going to do? There’s no answer to it. He just says, ‘Well, I’m going to negotiate a better deal.’ Well, what, how exactly are you going to negotiate that? What magic wand do you have? And usually the answer is, he doesn’t have an answer.
The economy has been steadily improving since the Great Recession – expanding, job growth, stock market. Trump inherited a steadily growing economy, and as noted many times before, to his credit he has yet to squelch the recovery. He doubled down with economic stimulus (increased spending and tax cuts) which has NOT led to inflation yet. The costs have been a continued increase in debt, a growing trade deficit and degraded environment.
Trump has presided over a 339% increase in jobs. Growth was flat until he took office and there was no stimulus. Tax cuts and deregulation.
He’s winning trade and cleaning up Zippy’s mess.
Did Clinton cause the great economy in the 90s?
No, he coasted on Reagan’s.
Did Obama cause the massive job growth after the Great Recession?
No, because the Depression didn’t end until Trump was elected.
Did Bush cause the Great Recession?
That’s why Jeh (Oy!) says nobody’s going to beat him.
No, Dodd, the Beast, and Zippy did. Bush, and even McCain, tried to get them to rein in the bans’ profligacy, but they were being paid off by the banks.
Don’t forget that Barney Frank caused a significant amount of damage along with Dodd.
Excellent point, but Jeffery isn’t defending Thlobbering Bawney.
You believe all the Con Lies don’t you? LOL
Get fu(ked! LOL
Now you have done it, you got him mad by telling the truth. He becomes overwhelmed and can only call people names. Remember, he is not that bright.
The Loosianna man wouldn’t recognize the truth if it was transplanted into his brain.
But we shouldn’t blame Loosianna for his dumbness, he’d be dumb regardless.
Another thing I’d like to point out Elmo is you DemComs have a lot more to worry about regarding that ass-kissing clown car of candidates who are supposedly running for president. They can’t give away taxpayers money fast enough to bribe votes from every Tom, Dickless and Maybe Harry/maybe Harriet. They are all better suited to be president of Venezuela, Cuba or North Korea than the Great United States of America.
And you are worried about what Trump did on Independence Day because he played golf. He also presided over the biggest Birthday Party in the country in case you missed it (which I’m sure you did because Trump). So while you were out burning American flags, crosses and effigies of Trump he was honoring our servicemen, our first responders, our Founding Fathers, our Constitution and our Declaration.
You need to spend more time fixing that car wreck of a Party you belong to than worrying about how many rounds of golf our Billionaire President plays on a holiday.
BTW, what did you do to honor America yesterday? Huh?
Trump 2020 Keep America Great!
Remember this?
Donald J. Trump
Why does @BarackObama always have to rely on teleprompters?
11:39 AM – 19 Mar 2012
Some suggested that the Deep State hacked tRump’s teleprompter feed to humiliate him. Well done, Deep State, well done…
P.S. – tRump has spent as much on golf vacations in 2.5 yrs as President Obama and his family spend on all their vacations covering 8 yrs. In addition, some of the taxpayer money goes into the tRump Inc coffers!!
Some suggested that the Deep State hacked tRump’s teleprompter feed to humiliate him. Well done, Deep State, well done…
No, he was just making a joke. And the Lefties can’t seem to get away from whistling past the graveyard.
tRump has spent as much on golf vacations in 2.5 yrs as President Obama and his family spend on all their vacations covering 8 yrs. In addition, some of the taxpayer money goes into the tRump Inc coffers!!
When he goes for a vaca, he takes one. Zippy took a golf outing every day.
There’s a difference.
Nonsense. tRump doesn’t make jokes. Liar.
President Obama played golf 333 times in 8 years.
tRump has played golf 201+ times in 2.5 years. He’s playing this weekend too.
Bill Bear was right. All you do is lie. You’re a slippery liar, but a liar nonetheless.
No, Zippy took off from “work” to do it.
Remember “They let us out early”, like some schoolboy proctored by his masters?
No lies, just fact.
You lie. And you’re a joke.
That’s what I thought…
Go fu(k yourself! LOL
More wit from the witless.
Where does he come up with them? I guess there’s a lotta bull there.
I changed my nick when you and TEACH doxed me (or so you think).
You won’t admit why you had to change yours, LOL? I can make you do it again if you want. Costs me less than your disability payment.
Go fu(k yourself! LOL
Hell, everybody knows your name so you aren’t fooling anybody. Funny how he likes to dish it out, but he can’t take it.
Typical Lefty.
And we know YOUR name and address but didn’t post it. See the difference, hypocrite?
We do? And when did I post any info that wasn’t already known?
You want to get silly, lawyer up.
You’ll notice down below, Troll Central has been monitoring our little schizoid and told him to forget the paranoia and try to sound like an American.
Doesn’t work.
Still lying, you lilbitch. So he DIDNT claim to have served – thanks for the proof that you’re a pathetic liar. A one trick doggie, as it were.
One question – back then drowningpuppies was actually making arguments in addition to his racial, gender, sexual orientation epithets. What changed? Run out of ideas? OK, that’s technically 2 questions.
Lie much, Lillian? Tell the Covians why you had to change your name, LOL.
Unemployed trolls, who rely on gov’t disability payments feel immune. Some make a few bucks selling there medical marijuana, don’t they? LOL.
Good luck! You’re gonna need it.
Notice our little schizoid’s vocabulary is so depleted. And he says liljeffy adds nothing.
She must be coming down off that watermelon high from yesterday.

(Don’t get upset little sillybitch, that’s a joke.)

Our nation’s founding was messy and made possible by brilliant, courageous but imperfect men.
Thomas Jefferson wrote the soaring words of our Declaration and as a lawyer worked for slavery reform, but also owned hundreds of slaves. He likely fathered children with a slave, Sally Hemings (3/4th white herself, yet still a slave), years after Jefferson’s beloved wife, Martha died. Sally Hemings was the daughter of Jefferson’s former father-in-law, John Wayles (father of Jefferson’s 1st wife Martha) via one of Wayles’ slaves, Betty Hemings.
Americans must come to grips with these facts. It’s not easy, but also shouldn’t be hidden. Black Americans resent the fact that the Declaration and Constitution did not apply to them, while so-called “patriots” act now as if the documents did.
As the conservative writer Birzer said: “…Thomas Jefferson is America, and America is Thomas Jefferson.”
Several of our Presidents have been hound dogs or man-whores. Clinton and Trump come to mind. We all use those facts to slur them. LBJ was a reported asshole and libertine. Lady Bird Johnson was asked about LBJs hound dogging and replied, “He loved all people. Now, half the people in the world are women.” LBJ was once quoted, “… (I’ve) had more women by accident than Kennedy ever had on purpose.†And the Kennedy stories are legion. ML King Jr had his own issues.
But we digress… Should we remove the honors of our flawed Founding Fathers? Of course not. We should recognize for their wisdom, courage and intelligence but not forget their imperfections. Should we recognize the contributions and sacrifices to America made by the 100s of thousands of enslaved Blacks? Yes. A little sensitivity and humility could go a long way. Most Black Americans today (over 40 million) are descendants of Africans brought to the US against their will. But let’s not forget that even more Africans were kidnaped and taken to the Caribbean and South America than to the US.
What’s this “our”? you’re no american. You’re a Communist. That’s your nation.
He likely fathered children with a slave
Try again, Herodotus. That was a smear campaign against him. Proven many times over. He was also a little old to be bouncing slave girls around when it was supposed to have happened. Leftioes love leaning on the story because they think it makes guys like Willie and Franklin Roosevelt all white.
lack Americans resent the fact that the Declaration and Constitution did not apply to them, while so-called “patriots†act now as if the documents did.
They do? Have you done a survey of black America?
As the conservative writer Birzer said:
Who is this person?
As for man-whores, Trump was a billionaire, women came after him, as he noted. He seems, however, to have outgrown it. The rest, all Demos, never did.
Should we remove the honors of our flawed Founding Fathers? Of course not. We should recognize for their wisdom, courage and intelligence but not forget their imperfections.
Typical Lefty. He tries to start out sounding like a real American – flawed? – but gets down to their “imperfections”, which weren’t imperfections in their time., and suggests maybe the time will come when “we” should.
Should we recognize the contributions and sacrifices to America made by the 100s of thousands of enslaved Blacks? Yes. A little sensitivity and humility could go a long way.
You mean reparations? Special privilege?
And how about all the white people whose families spent generations in bonded indenture, which was no different than slavery? Don’t we owe them sensitivity and humility?
Besides, what humility do we owe slaves? A lot of white families lost sons, husbands, fathers, and brothers in the Civil War so blacks could go on welfare and vote Democrat to enslave us.
And what contributions have those slaves made? I’ll give credit to Dr Charles Drew, Booker T Washington, the Buffalo Soldiers, mountain men like Jim Beckwourth, lawmen like Bass Reeves, who ignored the hardships and made a better life.
But let’s not forget that even more Africans were kidnaped and taken to the Caribbean and South America than to the US.
And slavery there made being a slave in the US look like Club Med.
Most Black Americans today (over 40 million) are descendants of Africans brought to the US against their will.
All of them thanks to other blacks and Moslems, but Jeffery doesn’t want to say anything bad about Moslems.
Just white people.
Fu(k you, Dutcher. You’re no American, you’re a Nazi!
We’ve already proven (there’s that word again!) your neoNazi pedigree.
Fortunately, at your age, real Americans won’t have to tolerate you much longer.
Well, Baghdad Bear is here again.
And, unless you can show a membership card, all you have is your say-so and that’s worth nothing.
Real Americans will mourn me, but that won’t be for decades. All that spleen coming out of you is a real life-shortener.
You really need professional help.
A little sensitivity and humility could go a long way.
Character traits found lacking from the postings of that whiny neurotic little sissybitch.
Fu(k you, fluffybitch! LOL.
Another queermo ad hom.
Another Tell.
Triggered much, little sissybitch?
Bwaha. Lolgf. Salute!
The Loosianna man wouldn’t recognize the truth if it was transplanted into his brain.
But we shouldn’t blame Loosianna for his dumbness, he’d be dumb regardless.
Too bad he has actual qualifications for his opinions and just have lies.
You believe all the Con Lies don’t you? LOL
Get fu(ked! LOL
The further he goes, the more degenerate he gets.
Even trump finally recognized that President Obama was responsible for the recovery.
Donald J. Trump
Our Country is the envy of the World.
Thank you, Mr. President!
5:11 AM – 6 Jul 2019
Keep telling yourself that.
good Lord, have you ever seen someone with the capacity for self-delusion as Jeffery?
Actually, he was giving himself a pat on the back.
Hey Dutch,
Edward typed: “Actually, he was giving himself a pat on the back.”
No way! You’re implying that the US President is a sophomoric, pathetic, insecure, narcissistic, deranged, sociopath who would pat himself on the back like a 3rd grader?
It’s like equating a US President with chest-thumping rappers, assorted shameless internet self-promoters or foreign dictators who erect statues or billboards of themselves. You’re saying that Cardi B or Justin Bieber or Kim Jung Un could be as good a president as trump! Come to think of it, you’re probably right.
The nation’s growing diversity and polarization…
But diversity is strength, no?
Diversity has always been America’s strength. You know, new blood, new ideas…
Unfortunately, diversity always threatens the hegemony of the day, in this case, the perceived threat to white Christian privilege in America. President Obama was polarizing because he was very visible threat to the central dogma of the far-right – white superiority.
Diversity has always been America’s strength. You know, new blood, new ideas…
Unfortunately, diversity always threatens the hegemony of the day, in this case, the perceived threat to white Christian privilege in America. President Obama was polarizing because he was very visible threat to the central dogma of the far-right – white superiority.
Try again.
People came here and assimilated. We are a melting pot, Commies can deny it, but it’s always been true.
Diversity is Balkanization, which is what the Commies need. A thousand bickering camps always fighting each other. Divide and Rule.
That’s what Zippy and ValJar tried to establish, but the American people rebelled against it.
And like Sambo, Jeffery hates unity and hates white people and religious people.
Except the Moslems, of course. The Left is terrified of them
What are you going to do when they come for you? You know the fellow travelers are the first to go to the wall. They’re the ones who can never be trusted.
BTW That central dogma of the far-right Christian white superiority is what made this country great. Without it, you’ve got San Fiasco, with queers running naked in the street, and LA, with typhus running wild in the street.
Dutcher repeats his same nonsense, outlining the dogma of white, Christian dominion. Dutcher has the decency to wear his white supremacy on his sleeve for all to see. Many try to hide it, but not Dutcher, Kye and of course, drowningpuppies.
You may think you’ll establish your white Christian homeland, but if you persist, it’s your kind that will end up on the wall. We get it, your savior trump bludgeons the populace into obedience and the legislatures and courts do your bidding – it’s how an ignorant minority gains control. It won’t end well for your kind.
Did the Protestants welcome the Catholics? Did our English ancestors welcome the Irish, the Chinese, the Italians, the Germans? Now, Christian white nationalists oppose Africans, Muslims, Mexicans. America is tired of your shite.
And Jeffery proclaims his racism continually. Like Trump, I just bring it out in him.
You may think you’ll establish your white Christian homeland, but if you persist, it’s your kind that will end up on the wall. We get it, your savior trump bludgeons the populace into obedience and the legislatures and courts do your bidding – it’s how an ignorant minority gains control. It won’t end well for your kind.
My, my, how he projects. That white Christian homeland has been here for about 400 years, but that Balkanized Commie nation you want is never going to happen. People, and I’m talking black, Hispanic, and anybody else are waking up. They see the mess you made of CA. They see the kind of people you send to Congress through vote fraud,
Trump bludgeons nobody, that’s your answer to the SA, Antifa (you don’t watch the news, do you?) doing that.
Actually, that last sentence describes the Left in the last 100 years, not us.
Especially the last line
Diversity is never strength. It is the opposite of strength. Diversity means difference, unlikeness, and is the remarkable lie fed to the American people through their education, entertainment and media for decades for the nefarious purpose of splitting the people apart. It has worked remarkably well. The objective of the United States (note the word “united” in it’s name) is to unify people not diversify them hence the de facto motto E pluribus unum the Latin for “out of many, one” the exact opposite of diverse.
The policy of diversity has weakened the people of the United States as evidenced by how many of our citizens found it painful to celebrate or even enjoy watching others celebrate Independence Day. The media in particular was apoplectic about the Birthday Party in DC and made the entire event about President Trump who to his credit never mentioned himself once during the festivities. However, he did make a verbal gaff which got more mileage than the Blue Angels and almost as much as “covfefe” did a couple years ago.
The same people who preach “diversity” are voting Democrat Communist in 2020. Remember that.
Trump 2020 Covfefe them to death!!!
Trump 2020: MAGAts Are White!
Most Cons, at the time, didn’t think the diversity of bringing 100s of thousands of Africans as slaves was bad for America.
Do you think the Italian, Irish, Scandinavian and German mass migrations were bad for America? How about the 1.3 million Vietnamese refugees? 2.4 million Indians? Over 2 million Chinese? Millions of Native Americans (including Alaska). Over 100,000 Native Hawaiians? 10s of millions of Hispanics? Many millions of LGBT men and women?
Specifically, what do you consider good diversity and bad diversity?
How would you solve our diversity “problem”? Would you end all immigration? Would you deport all non-citizens? Would you favor an Amendment to revoke citizenship of anchor babies?
Most Cons, at the time, didn’t think the diversity of bringing 100s of thousands of Africans as slaves was bad for America.
We weren’t around then and slavery was accepted around the world. But slavery only caught on in the Southern colonies.
In the North, it was bonded indenture, white bound to the landowners, often for generations.
Do you think the Italian, Irish, Scandinavian and German mass migrations were bad for America?
Those were white people, idiot.
How about the 1.3 million Vietnamese refugees?
Given a choice, they’d have liked to stay where they were, but you had to turn Indo-China into a Commie hellhole.
Over 2 million Chinese?
Well, how much have the Chinese done here?
Millions of Native Americans
The Indians are immigrants? From Siberia? 20,000 years ago? You can’t be a native anything if you came from somewhere else.
10s of millions of Hispanics?
Illegals are not immigrants, they are lawbreakers come to sponge off the country.
Many millions of LGBT men and women?
Just about all of whom were born here. You really just ramble on, don’t you?
Specifically, what do you consider good diversity and bad diversity?
It’s all bad, that’s why you push it.
How would you solve our diversity “problem� Would you end all immigration? Would you deport all non-citizens? Would you favor an Amendment to revoke citizenship of anchor babies?
Unless they’re here legally, the law (you know that Constitution thingy you claim to “revere”) says they must be deported, and all you need is a law to send the anchor babies home.
All we need for both is a Conservative Congress and you know what they say on Insty, “Getting Ocasio-Cortez, Tlaib, and Omar elected was Roger Stone’s finest dirty trick”.
PS You’re as ignorant of history as you are of everything else, or you’d realize what a fool you made of yourself with that little screed.
Where in the Constitution does it call for deportation?
Wouldn’t it take a Constitutional Amendment to start deporting American citizens because of their parents nationality?
And since Cons are pushing for citizenship for embryos… well, even Cons can do that math.
It’s become clear from both Kye and Dutcher that since they can’t even define “diversity”, it’s just another right-wing buzzword for non-Christian, non-white people in America.
We infer from their rants that to them “diversity” means not discriminating against non-Christian, non-white in immigration decisions.
The bunny suit does what it does best.
The Constitutions says Congress is To make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in
the government of the United States, or in any department or officer thereof.
Since the law says illegals are to be deported, the Constitution supports that law.
Wouldn’t it take a Constitutional Amendment to start deporting American citizens because of their parents nationality?
No, because anchor citizenship is based on a law.
It’s become clear from both Kye and Dutcher that since they can’t even define “diversityâ€, it’s just another right-wing buzzword for non-Christian, non-white people in America.
No, diversity is a Commie buzzword for let’s get as many people thinking of themselves as groups, rather than Americans.
We infer from their rants that to them “diversity†means not discriminating against non-Christian, non-white in immigration decisions.
You and all your little voices can assume what you like, as it isn’t true.
infer – deduce or conclude (information) from evidence and reasoning rather than from explicit statements.
Since you use your own prejudices and Commie talking points, you infer nothing.
First, African slaves was NOT a diversification policy. Or are you saying the world slave trade was there to benefit Blacks? Interesting take on slavery Elwood.
Second, are you saying Italians, Irish, Scandinavians and Germans are diversity? If so that is the kind of diversity we need more of so why are we not importing more? Why are we deliberately importing Africans, Mohammadans and third world peasants? Anti American, anti white communists like yourself only care about diversity when it harms America and the white majority. And as far as those other groups you list like so many stats, most came at a time before the radical left created a welfare state to support them at Americans expense. They either worked, died or went back. Many did just that.
LGBT men? women? are not races they are mentally ill people who the DemComs use as political fodder. Therefore, they are not “diversity” they are rather Americans needing help and being denied such by science deniers who think there’s more than two sexes. IOW, idiots.
And yes, I would end all immigration for now as we have more people than we can handle. Yes, I would deport all non citizens, why wouldn’t I? There is no need for them to be here using the assets of Americans. There are no such things as lawful “anchor babies”. That’s just another idiot term dreamed up by leftists to game our system. Two Chinese cannot have an American baby. Regardless where that baby is born it is Chinese. Your heritage comes from your blood, not the land you were born on. Any idiot other than an America hating leftist knows that.
Your fellow travelers were chanting “No Trump, No Wall, No America AT ALL” on July 4th at the DC party. Mine were thanking American patriots and the American people for making this country great.
Trump 2020. Keep America Great!
TRUMP 2020: MAGAts Keeping America White!
You’re just trolling, right? No real American can be so deliberately anti-American and a perfect caricature of a white supremacist.
Kye typed: “Two Chinese cannot have an American baby. Regardless where that baby is born it is Chinese. Your heritage comes from your blood, not the land you were born on.”
Of course, that interpretation is contrary to our Constitution, but is no surprise coming from a trumpenNazi. “Blood and Soil!!, the Nazis shout.”
So if not our Constitution and system of laws, what do you use as a guide? Natural law? A religious doctrine? Mein Kampf? Common sense?