…are horrible fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Pacific Pundit, with a post on AOC’s special watch for her detention center photo op.
Also, double shot below the fold, so, check out The Right Scoop, with a post on a former DNC staffer chest thumping then running away like a little girl.

I could never understand why leftists insist it’s their business to intimidate people they disagree with in public. Maybe since he has decided all by himself that because a guy wears a hat supporting his Republican president he is a Nazi could explain it. If you view every political opponent in America as a vile Nazi you are apt to be hating quite a few million of your fellow Americans. Just so this idiot understands supporting Trump does not make one a Nazi, supporting Hitler does. Leftists are all alike they just can’t stand somebody having fun. Whether it be banning soda or cigarettes or just being obnoxious to strangers they feel compelled to ruin everything they come in contact with.
I frequently wear my MAGA hat when I go out and I’ve never had a problem. Maybe folks around my area are tamer and more human than in DC. Hell, that stands to reason.
Trump 2020 Keep America, America!
Since Jeffery insists on talking about the decency of the Democrat party (I’ll wait until you can control the gales of laughter bursting forth from you), I give you this headline:
Jeffrey Epstein, Billionaire Long Accused of Molesting Minors, Is Charged.
Insty has this take:
Mine is, what’s the over-under he agrees to tell all for witness protection?
Dutcher tells us that tRump pal Epstein has been arrested and is being charged by the Public Corruption Unit of the SDNY on human trafficking charges. Epstein may have dirt on tRump, Clinton and others. The indictment will be unsealed Monday.
You may recall that Epstein was given a sweetheart deal by US Attorney Alexander Acosta, now tRump’s Sec of Labor. Epstein could have spent decades in prison but instead spent 13 mo in a work release program.
Not Trump pal. Willie’s bud. Mule Ears got him off, Willie went to Sex Slave Island with him.
Epstein may have dirt on tRump, Clinton and others.
Not The Donald. He likes women. Willie, almost certainly.
You may recall that Epstein was given a sweetheart deal by US Attorney Alexander Acosta
No sweetheart deal, just an excuse to block him for Sessions’ replacement. More Fake News.
That one’s as flat as your “support” for Christine Floozy Ford.
The Beast of Queens admitted to knowing Epstein for 15 years, calling him a “terrific guy”, saying they both like “beautiful women”, and that Epstein liked them on the “young side”. Epstein was a regular at Mar-a-Lago and had The Beast’s telephone number. A former towel girl at Mar-a-Lago forced a civil settlement out of Epstein’s former girlfriend, Ghislaine Maxwell for recruiting her into Epstein’s lair. The towel-girl was 15 at the time.
The Beast showed certain affections for at least one teenage girl, his daughter Invan(k)a. Like Epstein, tRump has a history of paying women to keep quiet about assignations.
It was a sweetheart deal, a slap on the wrist etc for Epstein from Acosta, now tRump’s Secretary of Labor.
Trump is no beast, the Hildabeast is, but everyone knows that.
Just because Trump knew him and said he was a terrific guy means nothing except Epstein liked to cultivate famous people, which is common knowledge. The last time somebody tried guilt by association, you Lefties were screaming all over the place.
The Beast showed certain affections for at least one teenage girl, his daughter Invan(k)a.
Well, we’ve always known you were a sicko. I guess you really have a thing for incest and young stuff.
Like Epstein, tRump has a history of paying women to keep quiet about assignations.
He does? Maybe he just gets a lot of blackmail attempts.
And no sweetheart deal.
Epstein received a lenient plea deal in 2008 for charges of paying teen girls for sexual massages — the Miami Herald reported as many as 60 women said they were victims.
The controversial deal included Epstein being sentenced to 13 months in prison, when he could have faced life in prison, with Fox News noting that the financier was allowed to leave a Florida county jail six days a week to work from his office.
Epstein was also required to settle with his victims and register as a sex offender, after pleading guilty to state charges of soliciting prostitution and avoiding federal charges.
Not the same as statutory rape. And hardly a sweetheart deal.
In 2016 Clinton was on board for at least 26 trips and ditched his Secret Service detail for at least five of the flights — the number being well above 11 previously reported flights.
He allegedly had a team of traffickers who procured girls as young as 12 to service his friends on “Orgy Island,†an estate on Epstein’s 72-acre island, called Little St. James, in the U.S. Virgin Islands.
Virginia Roberts, 32, who claims she was pimped out by Epstein at age 15, has previously claimed she saw Clinton at Epstein’s getaway in 2002, but logs do not show Clinton aboard any flights to St. Thomas, the nearest airport capable of accommodating Epstein’s plane. They do show Clinton flying aboard Epstein’s plane to such destinations as Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, China, Brunei, London, New York, the Azores, Belgium, Norway, Russia and Africa.
So we have an eyewitness. Huh.
Next Jeffery says, “Who you gonna believe? Me or her lyin’ eyes?”.
No link, baby girl?
Even what you copied showed it was a sweetheart deal.
And there were two eyewitnesses who claim they saw tRump raping a 13 yr old girl at Epstein’s.
Do you prefer Edward, Sibley or Dutcher?
Dutcher typed: Trump is no beast,
Wrong. Trump is the Beast from the East, the Beast of Queens… he has a history of physically assaulting women, lying, bribery, lying, not paying his bills, lying, cheating on his all his wives, lying, …
He’s THE Beast.
From a 2010 deposition of Jeffrey Epstein:
Q. Have you ever socialized with Donald Trump in the presence of females under the age of 18?
A: Though I’d like to answer that question, at least today I’m going to have to assert my Fifth, Sixth, and 14th Amendment rights, sir.
What’s the over/under on Bill Barr interfering with the prosecution of Trump’s pal, Epstein?
Care to provide a link, sweetie?
Because I want to see what he was asked about Willie.
And the Beast.
I’m not your sweetie, that would be Lillian.
Epstein was referring to The Beast. Not sure who Willie is.
Epstein refused to answer questions about whether the Beast of Queens partied with him with underage girls.
No, all you guys light on your feet are girls underneath.
And you know who Willie is. And the Beast. Of Chappaqua. That’s what scares you. ex-Presidents and failed candidates implicated in Epstein’s little slave ring.
Just what the Demos need for next year.
And I notice there’s no link, so I guess you made it all up, which you seem to do all the time.
So you lie once again.
That’s what liars do.
Whatever. I’m not your sweetie. We suspect you’re about as manly as Little Lord FauntleTrump, i.e., The Beast of Queens, with his drag queen hair and makeup.
Google: jeffrey epstein deposition pleaded the 5th
You’ll get all the links you need. And some you don’t. You’ll find out that wealthy men can do just about anything they want and get away with it.
No Clinton is running in 2020, but tRump still may, and he has a long history with Epstein, and a long history of attacking women.
Last I looked, it was public record Donald trump had personally stopped muggings and assaults on the streets of NY.
Of course, he pleaded the 5th just as his lawyer told him. But why didn’t you link it. Some other prominent names (Democrat) in that file you’d rather not discuss?
You’ll find out that wealthy men can do just about anything they want and get away with it.
Nice little case of envy you’ve got going there. Can’t be a good Lefty without hate and envy.
Wossamatta, you turn out a failure so you have to blame somebody?
tRump still may, and he has a long history with Epstein, and a long history of attacking women.
Wrong on all 3 counts.
Trump’s already declared (get your face out of The Daily Worker), Willie’s the one with a long history with Epstein, and it’s Willie with a long history of attacking women.
You never know when to shut up, do you?
formwiz, you gotta understand the Elwood no longer has a firm concept of what a persons sex really is. He is under the false leftist idea that the human species comes in many, many sexes and one can be whatever one wants. He does that with race too. Hell, he’s our very own cross between Rachael Donazel and Bruce Jenner. He thinks guys like Trump are big bad brutes because they brag about grabbing a woman’s pussy meanwhile DemComs spend their time raping them and that’s okay.
I’m sure Elwood would agree with Hillary when she says:
Trump 2020 Let’s keep the races and sexes straight so we don’t need a program to figure out who is who!
You sound increasingly desperate. Trump has assaulted at least 20 women, has paid at least two to keep quiet about sex, and has a history of affairs.
A man that grabs a woman by her genitals IS a brute and a criminal, just as one who advocates shooting people who appear “illegal” on sight IS a white supremacist (and potential murderer).
Has anyone excused a Democrat accused of rape??
Anyway, someone trying to make the case that Dems have had more sexual peccadillos than have GOPhers has a tall mountain to climb.
Trump, Blake Farenthold, Trent Franks, Tim Murphy, Brett Kavanaugh, Roy Moore, Newt Gingrich, Justice Thomas, Robt Packwood, Bob Barr, Henry Hyde, Mark Vitter, Strom Thurmond, Larry Craig, Mark Souder, Chris Lee, Ed Schrock, Mo Gov Eric Greitens, Mark Foley,
Deranged little psycho sissybitch sure likes to exaggerate, doesn’t she?
Bwaha. Lolgf sweetie.
First of all Elwood, you’re taking a second hand story claiming that Trump said “he COULD grab a woman by the pussy” and you’re turning it into a witnessed account of an actual act. There is no proof (as you always insist on) that any such thing ever occurred.
Secondly, I did not “advocate” shooting who merely “appear illegal”, I PROPOSED (as opposed to advocated) that those people who were ALREADY FOUND GUILTY IN A COURT OF LAW AND ORDERED TO LEAVE be shot on site as illegal invaders, WHICH AT THAT POINT THEY WOULD BE!!!! There is NOTHING white supremacist about defending our country from illegal invaders who are killing our citizens, in fact it’s Patriotic in my opinion. It’s also not MURDER if you’re defending your country. You have a hyper partisan ability use hyperbole to the Nth degree.
Once again, asshole, I’m married to an IMMIGRANT JUST LIKE TRUMP IS and there is no way I could be a white supremacist. Your ignorance on the subject is surpassed only by your ignorance on race, sex and climate.
BTW, nobody needs to climb any mountains about “peccadillos”. We’re talking rape, child rape, child trafficking and child porno. That’s basically if not all the purvey of the Rich Leftist.
Trump 2020 Keep the filthy rich leftist rapists away from America!
Funny neurotic little sissybitch didn’t mention serial gang rapist Martin Luther King and they have him on tape.
A man that grabs a woman by her genitals IS a brute and a criminal, just as one who advocates shooting people who appear “illegal†on sight IS a white supremacist (and potential murderer).
Yeah, but that’s sounds more like Willie. He had state troopers corner them while he did it.
Trump has assaulted at least 20 women, has paid at least two to keep quiet about sex
He has? on who’s say-so? Any of these reach a court of law?
<i.Anyway, someone trying to make the case that Dems have had more sexual peccadillos than have GOPhers has a tall mountain to climb.
More like a molehill. With the Demos, it’s usually a family affair.
And most of your list has been disproven.
Christine Floozy ford?
Anita Hill?
And Robert Packwood backed off when the woman told him to stop.
Isn’t that the phony Democrat code? Applies to them, but nobody else?
Has anyone excused a Democrat accused of rape??
Juanita Broaddrick, Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey, Elizabeth Gracen…
Google Terry Bean queermo Obama fundraiser.
Trump said he could grab them by the pussy. He said he just grabbed women and started kissing them. Was he just using hyperbole, recognizing that many, many women have accused him of just that?
ICE tells someone they have to leave and if they refuse, so you take a step back and shoot them? Really? OK. Their kids too? If you don’t do it immediately, how do you know you’re assassinating the right family? How do you identify them from far away? Anyway, you can admit it’s a bad and un-American (not to mention inhumane) idea. Dutcher says, yes just shoot and kill everyone who “looks illegal” and let the gods sort them out. Do you agree? You’re the one who said we should shoot them if they don’t leave – so why am I the one using hyperbole? Do you think that you could find one sane American who would execute someone that way? Would you do it? Shirley, you can’t be serious.
Well, asshole, is your wife a citizen? Where was she born? Does she look American? Would you worry that an ICE executioner would shoot her is she didn’t have her papers with her? If we can make a law deporting Muslims, could we make a law deporting your wife, or trump’s? Many white supremacists took black women as “side pieces” even fathering children with them, e.g., T Jefferson’s father-in-law, Strom Thurmond etc. You can marry a foreigner and still be a white supremacist. Only a white supremacist or a psychopath would advocate executing immigrants on the streets. Are you a psychopath? It’s no comfort knowing that many so-called Americans agree with you. Thankfully, most Americans would find your plan insane.
And no, you’ve presented no evidence that Democrats are more sexually perverted than Republicans, regardless of how fervently you believe it.
Trump 2020: Letting MAGAts Lie for America !
Trump said he could grab them by the pussy. He said he just grabbed women and started kissing them. Was he just using hyperbole, recognizing that many, many women have accused him of just that?
That’s a lie. He never said he did that.
He said some women were so eager to rub up against a man with money, they’d do anything.
You lie.
That’s what liars do.
ICE tells someone they have to leave and if they refuse, so you take a step back and shoot them? Really? OK. Their kids too? If you don’t do it immediately, how do you know you’re assassinating the right family?
When did he mention kids? He didn’t you did. The old “for the chil’run” gag.
So you’re lying again.
That’s what liars do.
How do you identify them from far away? Anyway, you can admit it’s a bad and un-American (not to mention inhumane) idea.
If the refuse to leave after being found guilty, sound like a dandy time, if we’re being silly as you insist.
Dutcher says, yes just shoot and kill everyone who “looks illegal†and let the gods sort them out.
Hey, that’s what the Crusaders did. Of Course your wonderful Moslems did the same thing and still do it today.
And I’d like to see where I did this, Keene.
You’re the one who said we should shoot them if they don’t leave – so why am I the one using hyperbole?
Becuase you’re lying.
That’s that liars do.
Do you think that you could find one sane American who would execute someone that way?
How about Kate Steinle’s family?
And no, you’ve presented no evidence that Democrats are more sexually perverted than Republicans, regardless of how fervently you believe it.
Robert Filner, Willie, the Kennedys, Gerry Studds, Robert Menendez, Barney Frank, Zippy.
And that’s just for openers.
Of course, there’s you.
Well, asshole, you know damn well my wife is a citizen since I’m proudly mentioned it often enough. Nobody “looks American” and everybody “looks American”. We can make a law doing whatever we want. White supremacists do NOT MARRY OUT OF THE RACE! Period. How many times must you be told that? Are you stupid or just stubborn? You can marry a foreigner and still be a white supremacist IF THE FOREIGNER IS FUKIN’ WHITE, STUPID! Not Koran, not Japanese, not Kenyan…JUT WHITE!
Now you call me a psychopath for posing a hypothetical and you go batshit crazy like some nut job who thinks my suggestion is somehow binding law. Yet you find no problem defending Mohammadans who use public beheading as punishment for drug smuggling, murder, rape, major theft and other transgressions against Allah.
BTW, I happen to think both Republicans and DemCons are susceptible to sexual perversion however since DemCons seem to reject God and His Word I just figure they are more predisposed to act like animals than we are. But I don’t think perversion is political.
Trump 2020 Keep the illegals in their own country!
I have never defended “public beheading as punishment for drug smuggling, murder, rape, major theft and other transgressions against Allah.”
The Supreme Court consistently interprets the 1st Amendment as prohibiting discrimination based on religion. As much as some conservatives would like to banish all Muslims, it would be against the constitution.
YOU volunteered the proposal to execute “illegals” if they didn’t leave when ordered. And now you attack Dems as immoral because some of them don’t believe in your god? Yikes. Why would YOU worship a god that would countenance such an atrocity? I asked IF you were a psychopath. In your mind, what kind of person would propose executing “illegals” on the spot?
Would Jesus approve of shooting “illegals” on sight?
The Supreme Court consistently interprets the 1st Amendment as prohibiting discrimination based on religion. As much as some conservatives would like to banish all Muslims, it would be against the constitution.
No, much of the drivel coming out of the Court is about separation of church and state as pushed by the Left and approved by Lefty judges.
If all Moslems were found to be plotting the downfall of the US (they’re not, there are many secular Moslems; they’re just scared to death of the crazies), citizens or not, the appropriate penalty would apply.
YOU volunteered the proposal to execute “illegals†if they didn’t leave when ordered.
Why not? Many who do commit felonies up to and including rape, sex trafficking, drug trafficking, and murder. One strike and you’re dead.
Why would YOU worship a god that would countenance such an atrocity? I asked IF you were a psychopath. In your mind, what kind of person would propose executing “illegals†on the spot?
Because they’re criminals. Your boy, Joe, did it all the time. So did Mao. They’re you gods, aren’t they?
And you’ve never read the Old Testament, have you? The Airborne Ranger In The Sky looks out for His people.
Eliminating Mohammadans from America has nothing to do with the first amendment, it has to do with national security. No one would be discriminating against Mohammadans because of their “religion” they would be evicting them because of their incompatible political beliefs and the FACT they have as a Theocracy declared war on America.
Executing illegal invaders after they were tried and found guilty and ordered to LEAVE is NOT an atrocity, it is the application of justice. They entered illegally for unknown reasons. They were caught and tried in our courts to determine their justification. The court determined they cannot stay because they have no justification or they have terrorist ties, or gang ties or are criminal. The court ordered them to leave our country OF LAWS. They refused. They are now an infiltrating foreign enemy and should be executed.
And I never said you “public beheading as punishment for drug smuggling, murder, rape, major theft and other transgressions against Allah.” I said YOU DEFEND the Mohammadans who commit those things. And you do. Constantly.
Trump 2020 Keep America Great
Executing families of immigrants is an “incompatible political belief”, don’t you agree? Maybe YOU should start packing.
Would Jesus approve of shooting “illegals” on sight?
He didn’t say families, he said Moslems.
Would Jesus approve of shooting “illegals†on sight?
No, He said, “Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s”. I remember that from Mass when I was about 8 years old.
And I thought you didn’t believe in God.
And I never said you “public beheading as punishment for drug smuggling, murder, rape, major theft and other transgressions against Allah.†I said YOU DEFEND the Mohammadans who commit those things. And you do. Constantly.
He’s still on the sauce from last night.
Nonsense. I do no such thing. I have never defended a single Muslim anywhere who favors public beheadings for any reason. American Muslims have all the rights that you have, and deservedly so. We have laws to deal with people who behead other people. Conservative Christians on the other hand espouse violence against others.
Would you favor the revocation of citizenship/eviction of US citizens because they are Muslim? If so, on what grounds?
You still favor executing “illegals”, that is to “shoot on sight” once they’ve been told to leave.
If they were found in a court of law to be guilty, why execute them, why not arrest them? Is the death penalty the current punishment for being in the US “illegally”? 42% (and increasing) of “illegals” overstay a legal visa, with the greatest number by far being from Canada. Are you ready to start ‘mowing down’ Canadians, Brits, Germans, Chinese, Indians and Italians or are the Mexicans, Guatemalans and Venezuelans the ones you’re after?
Neither of your proposals accord with the US Constitution. We get it. You hate Muslims and Hispanics and you’re just being hyperbolic – not even tRump would condone massacring hundreds of thousands of people. He’s not Stalin. Yet.
Would you personally execute a family of “illegals” if given the job? If not, why not?
TRUMP 2020: Killing Brown People on Sight
Conservative Christians on the other hand espouse violence against others.
They do? All of them?
I want to see your documentation on that one.
I do no such thing. I have never defended a single Muslim anywhere who favors public beheadings for any reason.
Oh, I’ll bet you have back in the days when Al Qaeda was murdering reporters. And I’ll bet you wished Dubya was at the top of the list.
Would you favor the revocation of citizenship/eviction of US citizens because they are Muslim? If so, on what grounds?
How’s ’bout membership in or support of terrorist organizations? Gee, that would include Hell’s Harem, now wouldn’t it?
You still favor executing “illegalsâ€, that is to “shoot on sight†once they’ve been told to leave.
Well, we won’t have to worry. the raids start to day. A million illegals (no parens) with court orders against them.
That Constitution you claim to “revere”.
If they were found in a court of law to be guilty, why execute them, why not arrest them?
Um, how do you find someone guilty in a court of law without arresting them?
Is the death penalty the current punishment for being in the US “illegally� 42% (and increasing) of “illegals†overstay a legal visa, with the greatest number by far being from Canada. Are you ready to start ‘mowing down’ Canadians, Brits, Germans, Chinese, Indians and Italians or are the Mexicans, Guatemalans and Venezuelans the ones you’re after?
I’d say the ones who’ve been deported, keep coming back, and commit felonies ought to be executed. I don’t know how many Venezuelans that would be since most of them haven’t got the strength to walk from Maracaibo to Caracas, let alone the 3300 miles to the Good Ol’ US of A, but why don’t you take a guess.
Neither of your proposals accord with the US Constitution.
And you, who “revere” the Constitution, are an authority?
The Bill Of Rights is for citizens, not criminals from other countries.
not even tRump would condone massacring hundreds of thousands of people. He’s not Stalin. Yet.
TRUMP 2020: Killing Brown People on Sight
You seem to be confused. There’s a surprise.
Do you submit somebody else’s comments to Troll Central so they can come up with these hokey little questionnaires for you?
Elwood, you’re an idiot and I have no intention of bantering the same words over and over again while you make up crap and avoid the truth. You are the epitome of a brain fuk. You’re a racist, an anti American zealot, a communist and a Christophobe.
You ALWAYS take the side of the unAmericans or anti Americans in every dispute, discussion or policy. You ALWAYS take the side of any race but white the same way. And you always support any crazy cult and have nothing but seething hate for Christ and His followers. Your economic position always defaults to less individualism and more government control as does your seemingly endless lust for a one party fascist state. Truth means nothing to you as you try and use the power of the state to plunder men’s wealth and freedom. You are the quintessential Ugly Anti American!
You take every discussion to reductio ad absurdum and MUST make any conversation personal until we have no choice but respond in the personal. I really think it’s time for me to no longer engage with you. You give me a fuking headache.
Trump 2020 Defeat Americas enemies foreign & domestic & Elwood!!
Good. I’m glad you got that off your chest. And I’m glad to be rid of you. You stopped making sense after about a week or two.
Even the slippery formwiz rejects your plan to execute the “illegals” who don’t leave. He only wants to execute those that return after deportation and commit felonies.
How can I be a Christophobe, my wife is a Christian? Just as you can’t be a white supremacist.
I really do understand your dilemma. You see Muslims; you see Mexicans; you see Black people, and they’re different from you and it’s disturbing. You think they’re taking over and changing YOUR America. But it’s their America too.
TRUMP 2020: This is the End!
Again asshole, I didn’t have a “plan to execute illegals who don’t leave”. I threw out an idea and you got trolled by it. Suddenly instead of proposing a saner and more doable solution you took the usual leftist road and called me a psychotic, a murderer and all kinds of crap.
A sane man would have responded “That’s waaaay too much, Kye. How about we send them to GITMO or something less violent?” But no, not you. You have to immediately make it a Great Moral Struggle coming from the man who supports infanticide, homosexual deviancy and Islamic murderers it’s a laugh.
But we’ve learned by now that you are always right about everything and we are always wrong so there is no use discussing anything with you.
BTW, I have no dilemma. I’m from Philadelphia and have lived among Mohammadans, Mexicans, Blacks, Asians, Puerto Ricans, Gypsies, Russians and you name it. The problem today is they are being brought to America NOT to become assimilated Americans but to become Democrats! Your party is making a decided effort to change the demographics of OUR AMERICA without OUR PERMISSION. Millions of unassimilable Africans, Hispanics and especially an avowed enemy like Mohammadans is basically your way of committing genocide on white America by erasing use and replacing us.
What possible benefit is there to America by bringing in millions of uneducated, poor, diseased, uneducated and sometimes down right hostile POC to our country OTHER THAN TO CHANGE THE WHITE MAJORITY TO A MINORITY? And for what purpose would you do that? Why is it important that America and Europe and Australia become “diverse” but not China or Japan, or Chile or Saudi Arabia? To what end are you anti Americans changing the racial, religious and cultural make up of America? So you can erase Washington? Make Christmas illegal? Dishonor the flag and anthem with impunity? Force LGBTQ crap on children? What good will it be to turn America into South Africa because that’s where you’re headed.
BTW, it’s NOT their America too. I fought, bled and killed for our America, they did not. They never even served! I built businesses and employed people for our America, they did not. They bring nothing to our table but open hands begging for our taxes. I paid taxes for 53 years to support our America, they did not. They paid in nothing yet expect everything. I and my ancestors before me helped build America into the Greatest Nation that ever existed, they did not. They built nothing but want all the rights, wealth and benefits of what we built.
You can be a Christophobe and be married to a Christian, it’s the Christian you’re married to who faces the dilemma. As a Christian she should not be married to a pagan. But besides that if you knew anything about the white supremacists you’re always accusing others of being you’d know THEY HAVE UNBENDABLE RULES and rule #1 is you don’t marry out of the race! Christians and pagans like yourself have no such unbendable rules that I know of.
So, in closing what it so urgent to America that we need to bring in millions of poor, uneducated, possibly diseased and possibly criminal or terrorist, unassimilable POC? Please tell us. If it’s not to replace white people what is it for?
“The louder he talked of his honor, the faster we counted our spoons.†― Ralph Waldo Emerson
I thought we were done here. Solutions more sane that executing “illegals” are available.
I’m glad you’ve backed off executing “illegals”.
It seems your worry is not so much immigration as the difference in birth rates between white women and Hispanic women in the US. Other than just around and after WWII the US has had influxes of immigrants, with the percentage of residents “not US born” between 5 and 15%. And “illegals” make up only about 3% of total residents of the US. The decreasing percentage of whites in the population is from relative fecundity, not immigration.
You seem OK with Canadians, Brits, French, Scandinavians, Russkies, Aussies, Germans, Italians, Israelis, Indians, Chinese etc but are troubled by middle easterners, Africans and Central Americans. I suspect your worry is that Arabs, Africans and Central Americans are culturally too different from American culture and won’t assimilate like white Europeans.
Actually, many immigrants have fought, bled and killed for America – both citizens and as green card holders. And most immigrants come looking for work not a handout. As a nation, we take advantage of them to pick strawberries, apples and lettuce, roof our houses, clean our toilets, and tend our golf courses (yes, trump hired “illegals”)… all under the threat of deportation or worse. So why not a guest worker program with protections for both the employer and employee? Yes, it would cost more, but the current system is not working.
I’m not a christophobe, but do believe in keeping religion out of government, and oppose special rights for religions.
I thought we were done here. Solutions more sane that executing “illegals†are available.
Who cares what you thought?
Fact is, some of these perpetual border crashers, with criminal records should be executed upon apprehension. They’re predators on society, much as your self and your lies.
It seems your worry is not so much immigration as the difference in birth rates between white women and Hispanic women in the US. Other than just around and after WWII the US has had influxes of immigrants, with the percentage of residents “not US born†between 5 and 15%. And “illegals†make up only about 3% of total residents of the US. The decreasing percentage of whites in the population is from relative fecundity, not immigration.
You can back up all of this. Or can’t you?
with the percentage of residents “not US born†between 5 and 15%.
Hispanic women are being propagandized the same as black women about abortion and drops in birth rates are being seen among Hispanics (Mexicans). This is also being seen in Mexico, so what you’re saying is more of your race-baiting drivel.
White Conservative women are popping them out any where from 3 to 5 in a family. That’s what really gets you. The Left is aborting itself out of existence while the Right is procreating, so the Left needs to import slaves from Africa, Central America, and the Middle East.
The decreasing percentage of whites in the population is from relative fecundity, not immigration.
Where did you get that one?
are troubled by middle easterners, Africans and Central Americans. I suspect your worry is that Arabs, Africans and Central Americans are culturally too different from American culture and won’t assimilate like white Europeans.
More of his racism, but the problem is these people are being indoctrinated with diversity, rather than assimilation because you don’t want Americans, you want people dependent on the welfare state and hating the people who make their own living.
Actually, many immigrants have fought, bled and killed for America – both citizens and as green card holders.
No, many immigrants have fought, bled and died for America. Leave it to a Lefty to use the word killed. Always on your mind, isn’t it? Killing anybody who gets in the way of your revolution.
And most immigrants come looking for work not a handout.
Lie. 5/8 of non-citizen households access welfare programs.
You always lie.
That’s what liars do.
As a nation, we take advantage of them to pick strawberries, apples and lettuce, roof our houses, clean our toilets, and tend our golf courses (yes, trump hired “illegalsâ€)… all under the threat of deportation or worse.
Another lie.
Immigrants have taken jobs they could handle to get ahead. Having a skill but not knowing the language means you have to start lower on the ladder. Even those born here have to pay their dues.
You, of course, want them to think they can all start at the top and when they find they can’t, you start to work on the hate and envy. Can’t be a good Lefty unless you’re a good hater.
And prove Trump hired any illegals. I mean personally, knowingly.
Most of the ones who hire illegals are the Hollyweird crowd and Lefties (the name Kimba Wood ring a bell?).
You always lie.
That’s what liars do.
So why not a guest worker program with protections for both the employer and employee? Yes, it would cost more, but the current system is not working.
The current system is working fine.
Americans have jobs and the illegals are being tossed out.
I’m not a christophobe, but do believe in keeping religion out of government, and oppose special rights for religions.
Of course. you are. For you there is no god but the state. And putting religion back in government is just what we need. Get rid of a lot of the Lefties.
What special rights, exactly? Tax exemption? You want it for all those illegals. You want it for the ones on welfare.
The Church does good works. What do the illegals do but commit crimes and sponge off the taxpayers (y’know, those working classes you’re always bleeding about)?
you want special rights for blacks, illegals, queers, and, of course, Lefty politicians.
Why not the Church?
Thank you , Elwood. Tank you very much. A well reasoned response without undue hyperbole or accusations that get us nowhere.
First, I don’t think you’re really a Christophobe I just think you don’t believe in Christ and to tend to use Him as a weapon against those who do. Don’t fret, I’ve met a lot of atheists and agnostics who do the same. For some reason when they don’t believe in God they like to use it as a dagger against their political opponents. They fail to understand we Christians don’t consider ourselves perfect, just saved.
I do agree with your assessment of fecundity problem. It’s real, it’s been going on for decades and I can’t see an end to it. I have no answer to that. And you are correct that I am troubled more by those immigrant groups who have little chance of assimilation, especially Mohammadans. Their religion is their race/government. It’s all wrapped up in one which is why I don’t consider them a religion but rather a political organization. They WILL NOT and NEVER HAVE assimilated to or within any culture but Islamic. They are historical marauders and conquerors and not joiners.
I know many immigrants have fought, bled, killed and died for America but not this kind of immigrant. They cam to seek their fortune and be part of our America, to become one of us. Today there are so many groups who come to take from America and don’t want to become one of us. You can see it when they start waving foreign flags or refusing to stand for the anthem.
There is a guest worker program, that’s how my wife arrive here. But we wouldn’t need immigrants to pick strawberries, apples and lettuce, roof our houses, clean our toilets and tend our golf courses if we stopped paying our own citizens NOT to do that work. If we make welfare workfare you’d be surprised how fast that would change.
BTW, other than real rich people I know of no one including myself who has illegals doing their laws, pools, roofs or watching their kids and cooking their meals. I have a pool team, a lawn care crew and house cleaners (2) none of whom are foreign. I realize that’s anecdotal but for me it wasn’t hard to find Americans in those businesses. Now I do admit this past fall when a tree fell on my house and caused 22k worth of damage I used Koreans to fix it. The reason was they are naturalized Americans, friends of myself and June and could do the job immediately which was very important to me.
As I said we have a guest worker program I just don’t think we need a guest worker to do the low end jobs our own lower class should be doing to develop work ethic, values and experience rather than living on the dole which instills the antithesis of those.
There are many people around the world, even people of color who we should be helping with sanctuary but we are taking in the lowest common denominator of the second and third world instead. The only thing that comes from that is demographic change and that is what bothers me. We very well could end up like South Africa and I have family which fled from there for their lives. Not fun.
Anyway, thanks for meeting me on a less emotional level. Let’s try to keep it up.
Trump 2020 Realize the american Dream
BTW, here is an example of persecuted people who actually do need our help and who won’t want to establish an Islamic caliphate in America.