For the most part, what they really mean on the political science scale is moving further right, further into authoritarianism. To the left is less government. But, let’s not quibble, we know what they really mean
Buttigieg Says Democrats Must Swing Further Left To Beat Trump In 2020
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) July 6, 2019
From the link
Mayor and Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg said Friday that Democrats need to veer left of center in 2020, if they want to beat President Trump.
“He is deservedly unpopular, but he could win again,†Buttigieg said of Trump at a campaign rally in Sioux City, Iowa. “I think he wins again if we look like we’re offering more of the same. I think the way he wins again, is if we look like defenders of a system that hasn’t worked.â€
“And what that means is, surprisingly, the riskiest thing we could do is try so hard to play it safe, that we continue to walk down an establishment path that has Americans believe that we’re not speaking to them,†he continued.
The large Democratic field showed off an array of far-left positions in the first Democratic primary debates in Miami last week. A majority of the candidates expressed support for decriminalizing border crossings, providing taxpayer-funded healthcare to illegal immigrants, unlimited access to abortion and drastic economic changes for the sake of preventing climate change.
If Pete thinks that’s “playing it safe”, I look forward to him and the others taking risks.

What he means is “don’t vote for that old white Cis guy who has been in politics, leading our party for 50 years”.
It’s the Daily Caller, so it’s a dishonest opinion piece disguised as “news”.
There are good reasons (it’s in America’s interest) to enact comprehensive immigration reform which could include healthcare for undocumented immigrants. It’s worthy of debate. Deporting 11 million and building a massive wall sounds good at a rally but isn’t going to happen. Shooting all of them won’t work either.
Universal healthcare is also worthy of debate.
Keeping the existing abortion laws makes sense. It’s the far-right working to end abortion rights, not the left trying to expand them.
Air quality in the US has been degraded the past two years.
Global warming is real and needs to be addressed, so also worth of debate.
America’s productivity gains are going to the rich not the working classes – and this is by design, not nature – we need to fix tax, labor, trade, patent, immigration policies to be more fair to the working classes. The political donor class “owns” our system and it’s time to push back.
The corporatists and the Dems and Repubs that support them (and vice versa) are selling US working classes down the river. Trump’s populist act got him elected but the same problems exist in the working classes. He cut taxes on the rich, cut regulations to help the corporations (often at the expense of workers and our environment), increased funding for military contractors, all the while INCREASING our trade imbalance and the national debt. No fix for healthcare, taxes, immigration…
There are good reasons (it’s in America’s interest) to enact comprehensive immigration reform which could include healthcare for undocumented immigrants
Yeah, it’s called vote buying and it’s the only way the Demos can win.
Besides, 1/5 of all federal prison inmates are not U.S citizens, many facing illegal immigration charges, according to new data from the Federal Bureau of Prisons.
There are a total of 35,009 ‘criminal aliens’ of 180,344 in prison, and 60% are Mexican.
Yeah, give those felons healthcare.
Keeping the existing abortion laws makes sense. It’s the far-right working to end abortion rights, not the left trying to expand them.
Abortion isn’t a right. life is. Take a look at that Constitution you “revere”.
And the “law” is merely a SCUS opinion. Just like Plessy vs Ferguson, it can be overruled.
And, of course, the Left wants to expand abortion to babies delivered successfully. They know the black vote isn’t important to tham, so they’ll pursue Margaret Sanger’s dream.
Air quality in the US has been degraded the past two years.
It has? According to whom?
Global warming is real and needs to be addressed, so also worth of debate.
Since when?
America’s productivity gains are going to the rich not the working classes – and this is by design, not nature – we need to fix tax, labor, trade, patent, immigration policies to be more fair to the working classes. The political donor class “owns†our system and it’s time to push back.
Funny how many of those donors are red-hot Lefties Jeffery defends. Dr Evil f’rinstance.
And history is replete with examples of how the Commies promised to “help” the working classes and ended up in dachas while the working stiffs ended up worse off.
Right now American households will get a 3100 boost in income thanks to Trump’s tax cut and deregulation. And that’s over and above all the people who didn’t even exist when Zippy was counting people now have jobs thanks to Trump.
The corporatists and the Dems and Repubs that support them (and vice versa) are selling US working classes down the river. Trump’s populist act got him elected but the same problems exist in the working classes.
First written in the third sub-basement of the Kremlin, 1935.
He cut taxes on the rich, cut regulations to help the corporations (often at the expense of workers and our environment), increased funding for military contractors, all the while INCREASING our trade imbalance and the national debt.
In case you haven’t noticed, rich people hire a lot of workers. And, as for small business, The National Federation of Independent Business has been doing the small business economic trend report for 45 years and this is the best economy for small business in 50 years. And it’s been setting records for the last two and a half years. What’s more, for the first time in a long time it’s paying off.
They’ve been setting records for capital expenditures, for profits, for raising wages for their workers.
The average NFIB member has fewer than 5 employees and about $70,000 of taxable income. So this is the half of the economy that is not reflected in the markets. It’s half of GDP. It’s half the payroll.
Try again.
No fix for healthcare, taxes, immigration… Because nobody wants them. Because nobody wants another IdiotCare.
And the tax cut is just dandy.
Global warming secondary to CO2 is a hoax, been proven, end of topic.
Air quality is good, not degrading.
Universal healthcare is a bad idea and should not occur, really stupid.
Tax cuts were for everyone, rich basically pay most of the tax burden.
Those illegal here are criminals and should be returned or at least their lives should be made so bad they return on their own, we don’t owe them a thing.
Daily Caller is far better than CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS and FOX, all liberal.
Political donors do own the US, no reasonable fix, live with it.
Why do liberal always want to shoot people?
The great economy is good for all.
We do need to eliminate asylum rules and stop the flood of unwanted people to our border, good idea.
Easy to build a wall, just get out of the way.
Abortion of a viable child is not an option and is similar to the exposure of babies in ancient times.
Trump will win the next election. Trump is winning now and we are all winning. MAGA.
Liberals, black or white, tend to harbor feelings of superiority. They feel that their accomplishments somehow make them special. In the case of the black liberal it means they’ve overcome what others can’t and by virtue they must “protect the commoners.†Its vanity & ego.
— Paul M Winters
I’m beginning to think Buttpeg gets his political theories from his husband.
I don’t see where you are going with this. It is common for people to share their political beliefs with the people closest to them.
I wasn’t really going anywhere with it, Professor. It just appears to me that Buttpeg isn’t real. He always looks like everybody just yelled “SURPRISE!”. He seems way, way out of his competence level and I just through out the idea that perhaps his old man was the puppet master. It certainly could be someone or something else, I guess.
Sorry, “threw”.
Got it. I’m not really paying that much attention to him or the other 20 political dwarves running for “who gets to lose to Trump” this year. I see the whole process as a grab for campaign dollars and using the stage to make absurd leftist wet dreams seem rational by comparison to these people.
Leftist: Let’s give free health care to illegal aliens.
Everyone: OMG!!!!!! ARE YOU NUTS???
Leftist: OK, Let’s just give to to every American”.
Everyone: Well, at least that is reasonable.
You are “courageously” making the point that Mr. Buttigieg is gay, has a husband and is young.
And “Buttpeg”, that’s comedy gold, I tell you. It’s close to his name, but makes one think of a peg in his butt. Clever!
Buttigieg is a Christian, a Harvard grad, Rhodes scholar (Oxford), worked for GOPs William Cohen, 7 yr mayor of his hometown (South Bend, IN) and served in Afghanistan as a Naval Intelligence Officer.
Listen to an interview. He’s a smart, reasonable man. There’s no evidence that he cheated on his spouse, went to military school, uses spray tan, spends an hour combing his hair “just so”, claimed a degree he didn’t earn, sexually assaulted anyone, cheated anyone out of their pay or hired undocumented workers. But he is young yet.
Other negatives (from a GOP view) is that he is pro-choice, pro-comprehensive immigration, pro-progressive taxation, pro-NATO, pro-Universal healthcare and worst of all (according to Kye), is mentally ill (i.e., a fag).
Mayor Bootyfudge</> is funnier!
And if Peter takes offense he can always turn the other cheek</>.
At least he didn’t lie about joining the military.
has a husband
No, a husband is a man married to a woman.
Buttigieg is a Christian, a Harvard grad, Rhodes scholar (Oxford), worked for GOPs William Cohen, 7 yr mayor of his hometown (South Bend, IN) and served in Afghanistan as a Naval Intelligence Officer.
So was Willie, and how much danger does an ONI officer face in a landlocked country? BTW it’s coming out he’s a lousy mayor and has no guts when challenged on anything. he thinks being queer should be enough to get him elected.
Listen to an interview. He’s a smart, reasonable man.
No, he’s a jerk and wants the Demos to go even further Left so that even prominent Democrats think he’s crazy.
There’s no evidence that he cheated on his spouse, went to military school, uses spray tan, spends an hour combing his hair “just soâ€, claimed a degree he didn’t earn, sexually assaulted anyone, cheated anyone out of their pay or hired undocumented workers. But he is young yet.
First, show us that going to military school, using spray tan, spending an hour combing his hair “just so†is some great moral offense.
Second, prove Trump claimed a degree he didn’t earn, sexually assaulted anyone, cheated anyone out of their pay or hired undocumented workers.
Prove (that damned word) it.
he is pro-choice, pro-comprehensive immigration, pro-progressive taxation, pro-NATO, pro-Universal healthcare.
A lot of things wrong. Abortion is finally losing followers. It may soon lose its status as a “right”. And most Americans are anti-comprehensive immigration, anti-progressive taxation, and anti-Universal healthcare as they proved in the last Presidential election, to the tune of 30 states (sorry, popular vote doesn’t count, but, even if it did, he won that, too; fraudulent votes don’t count).
PS Kye is right. Until ACT UP scared the guts out of them, psychiatrists from Freud on down said homosexuality was a mental illness.
And all this time I thought his last name was Buttplug..
After his deer in headlights performance at his town hall, I think “playing it safe” means doing whatever the mob demands. He looked scared when he was being confronted at that town hall.
It’s still very early in his career. I suspect this is all just practice for him and a chance for the targeted activist groups to organize their fundraising and voter drives.
No, if he can’t defend himself now, he’s toast. The first thing a politician has to have is the ability to defuse a question he knows will come someday. you’ve gotta be tough.
The Howdy Doody, “safe” homosexual act only goes so far.
Mayor Bootyfudge is funnier!
And if Peter takes offense he can always turn the other cheek.
At least he didn’t lie about joining the military.
Notice how even the Lefties are afraid of making a slip and call him Pete instead of his name?
Now it’s de rigeur in some other quarters, but it tells you even the hardcore think he’s a joke.
Referring to formwiz’ comment above @6:53 PM. Amazon today discontinued carrying the books of a renowned psychiatrist (I think not pos. heard it on the radio whilst driving) because he promoted the idea that homosexuality can be cured in some or even most cases and that it was surely a mental disease. Guess who got his books “digitally burnt” by our modern day Nazi’s at Amazon? The LGBT advocates! We are living in a nightmare of censorship brought to us by “advocacy groups” of radical leftists. The new book burners!
Trump 2020
let’s hope the rest of the idiot party listens to buttboy and goes as far left as they can. It’s the surest way to keep America. free.