Would this be the same AOC who refuses to demand a vote on her Green New Deal, and threw a hissy fit when the Senate voted on it? And Bernie Sanders who voted “present” on it? And neither refuse to give up their own massive fossil fueled carbon footprints?
Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez move to declare climate crisis official emergency
A group of US lawmakers including 2020 Democratic presidential contender Bernie Sanders are proposing to declare the climate crisis an official emergency – a significant recognition of the threat taken after considerable pressure from environment groups.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the Democratic congresswoman from New York, and Earl Blumenauer, a Democratic congressman from Oregon, plan to introduce the same resolution in the House on Tuesday, their offices confirmed. Sanders’ office did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Climate activists have been calling for the declaration, as data shows nations are not on track to limit the dangerous heating of the planet significantly enough. The UN has warned the world is experiencing one climate disaster every week. A new analysis from the economic firm Rhodium Group today finds the US might achieve less than half of the percentage of pollution reductions it promised other countries in an international agreement.
It will probably pass the House, though the debate, if allowed, would be rather inconvenient for Warmists as Skeptics show that all the solutions are about taxes, fees, and more big Government control. There’s zero chance it will pass the Senate
Even if the resolution passed and was signed by the president, it would not force any action on climate change. But advocates say similar efforts in Canada and the United Kingdom have served as a leverage point, highlighting the hypocrisy between the government position that the situation is an emergency and individual decisions that would exacerbate the problem.
So, it’s all about being feel good?
The draft resolution is below the fold
FINAL Climate Emergency Res… by on Scribd
From Page 3 Line 40: “Whereas failure to mobilize to solve the climate emergency is antithetical to the spirit of the Declaration of Independence in protecting “unalienable Rights†that include “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
The last lines are the funniest: “nothing in this concurrent resolution constitutes a declaration of a national emergency for purposes of any Act of Congress authorizing the exercise, during the period of a national emergency or other type of declared emergency, of any special or extraordinary power.” Wait, I thought this was an emergency, a crisis, and we had to Do Something? No?

We really have been led into that Never Never Land where “laws” are proposed and perhaps passed to make certain constituents feel good. It’s like a banana republic in Disneyland. These people are supposed to be governing the most powerful nation in history and they are playing with themselves using nonsense to try and take over this country.
Trump 2020 Or there may be nothing left by 2021
It’s been a crisis and an emergency for about 30 years now. We must all be dead…
And the planet ran out of oil 20 years ago. And we all starved to death 30 years ago. I’m amazed I’m still alive.