…is an Evil dog causing massive carbon pollution, which hangs as a haze over cities, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Chicks On The Right, with a post on Megan Rapinoe’s hot take on gays in soccer and science.

…is an Evil dog causing massive carbon pollution, which hangs as a haze over cities, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Chicks On The Right, with a post on Megan Rapinoe’s hot take on gays in soccer and science.
We’re not women’s soccer… we’re not the NFL…
I saw that earlier, Liljeffy. For some crazy reason radical leftists (anymore that’s redundant) have an uncontrollable need to turn everything into leftist politics and a platform for dissent. From sports to kindergarten, from graduation ceremonies to religious revivals from diners to just people on the street, with leftists everything and everybody is a target.
That’s why I cringe to think of them “taking over” since they really believe “whatever it takes” is a policy and not a threat. When they say they will make us “do” something whether it’s reparations, global warming, single payer health care, a green new deal, censoring the internet or confiscating firearms and say “whatever it takes” they’re talking full out totalitarianism as in build the gulags and get the firing squads ready.
They kept and still are calling Trump “Hitler” and all that crap and I have yet to see him put a guy in jail for a movie or have the IRS or NSA spy on a citizen let alone murder all those blacks, Hispanics and Mohammadans he’s supposed to hate so much. Hell, he even hesitated hitting Iran and even then the left was pissed.
Trump 2020 The alternative is too bloody to consider!
Great looking Red Heeler…..