Obviously, the solution here is to ban all streaming porn, and everyone go back to VHS…wait, no, they are made of plastic, which comes from oil. How about DVDs? No, plastic as well. Magazines? Nope, dead trees. Well, we’re just going to have to ban porn except in person to save the Earth from getting a fever
Streaming online pornography produces as much CO2 as Belgium
The transmission and viewing of online videos generates 300 million tonnes of carbon dioxide a year, or nearly 1 per cent of global emissions. On-demand video services such as Netflix account for a third of this, with online pornographic videos generating another third.
This means the watching of pornographic videos generates as much CO2 per year as is emitted by countries such as Belgium, Bangladesh and Nigeria.
That’s the conclusion of a French think tank called The Shift Project. Earlier this year, it estimated that digital technologies produce 4 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions and that this figure could soar to 8 per cent by 2025.
The Luddites are on it
Antonio Guillem/Getty – Distracted boyfriend
The move to ever higher quality videos, such as 8K resolution, will contribute to pushing up emissions further. So too could the launch of game streaming services, such as Google’s Stadia, but the report did not try to estimate their impact.
The authors call for measures to limit the emissions from online videos, such as preventing them from autoplaying and not transmitting videos in high definition when it is unnecessary. For instance, some devices can now display higher resolutions than people can perceive. The report says regulation will be necessary.
“This once again demonstrates the need for the designers of digital services to think carefully about the overall  impact of the services they provide,†Preist says. “For individuals, upgrading our devices less often, owning less devices, and not demanding mobile high quality internet connection everywhere are probably the most important actions we can take.â€
To limit climate change we need to reduce energy consumption as well as switching to renewable sources, says one of the report’s authors, Maxime Efoui. “Producing new energy infrastructure generates emissions, even if the electricity produced is eventually renewable,†he says.
Who’s going to limit this? The streaming companies? Good luck with that. This is about Government making laws and rules to control things.
Though I’m personally OK with a federal government law stopping autoplay. Fricking annoying. I was amused by the use of the lady from the Distracted Boyfriend meme, though.

Poor big tech. They have thrown their lot with the crazy left in fear of the very things pointed out by this article. They understand the Right doesn’t care about AGW to the point they are willing to destroy entire industries in order to rid the world of a few molecules of Co2.
However the left is going after everyone. In their feeding “WOKENESS” they are trying to outdo each other and now its on to Netflix, Google, YouTube, Amazon etc. To the point Amazon is moving out of Seattle to neighboring Bellvue. (They are holding hearings over breaking up Google, Facebook etc. for being monopolies). Over 200 major companies have or are fleeing California because of high taxes, high regulations and insane abilities of citizens to sue these companies over trival stuff.
Illinois, California, New Jersey and Connecticut have all lost 100k plus citizens in the last year over insane taxes and regulations. Texas and Arizona are the recepitients of almost all of these people and businesses because of a climate that is friendly to the businesses and people who choose to move their and live.
Wokeness will shatter this country all in the name of the 5 percent they represent but who do 95 percent of the boycotting and negative things such as yesterday they stormed ICE in Colorado and took down the flags and raised a Mexico flag in its place and 18 hours later the flag is still there because the chickenshit cops in the batshit crazy liberal city of Denver/Aurora won’t do anything about it because they agree with the insanity these people.
The Right doesn’t have to.
New paper out today. By real scientists.
Read ’em and weep.
Guess you’ll have to find a new scam.
The report says regulation will be necessary.
From the article.
And once again the lefts true colors shine through. Now they want to regulate the quality of products because cheaper, crummier and less desireable products will save a few molecules of CO2. Just like Medicare for all will regulate your CARE and diminish the proceedures and care you receive via regulation in order to curtail costs. But at least you can get a free Aspirin for that severed artery after waiting in line for 8 months.
FASCISM at its finest. I have to laugh when the left proclaims Trump a Fascist when everything about the left is Dictating to people what they can and cannot do, think, believe, own and buy.
Live Stream – Tropical Storm Barry: Louisiana braces for storm, possible flooding | ABC News
No, you’ll pay for it in your taxes.
You really are a jerk.
Do you not know how to read?
Obviously, I do. I use the ability to find the things I use to kick your ass.
And I think it’s cute you forget which character to use trying to rebut.
You keep misspelling “kiss”.
And he says liljeffy and I seem to know a lot about perverse sexual practices.
He’s the one obsessed with them, it would seem.
Especially sodomy.
I guess we could say, with all the bad news this week for Lefties, the Shift has hit the fans.
It’s hard for me to see how Trump can lose the election or that the GOP can’t take back the house and add a seat or two to the senate. But….
Again. Trump is not running against HRC and the left will spend 10 billion on this election. With enough money they can convince anyone of anything, which they did in 2018 by outspending the GOP 5 billion to 2.5 billion on the midterms.
Again I caution the right to not take this election for granted. I don’t know how many blogs I saw where everyone was proclaiming the GOP would hold the house and even gain seats because the polls were wrong.
I am simply cautioning the right to be diligent and to work hard, get good candidates and give of their time and money to defeat the real fascists in this nation. Democrats on the far left such as AOC, Illan Oman, Keith Ellison, ad nauseum.
But…, (that’s a comma, not another period)
He will be running against one of the most badly divided parties in modern history, maybe even worse than the Demos in ’68. The Left spent twice as much as Trump and still lost. Now they think spending a third more will help?
It is to laugh.
The Demos will also be running with a badly damaged brand. The psycho Lefties are competing with each other to see who can spend the country into bankruptcy fastest. They are also counting on black and Hispanic votes that may not be there in the numbers they thought.
I caution the right to not take this election for granted
Your concern trolling, clumsy and obvious is noted. I would caution the Left not to count on the results of the midterms as anything on which they should hang their hats. We know what psychos they are now.
I don’t know how many blogs I saw where everyone was proclaiming the GOP would hold the house and even gain seats because the polls were wrong.
You don’t know because you didn’t see it. Most Conservatives were quite iffy about the House, although these won’t be midterms, will they?
trump COULD win if he runs. He can win by cheating, which he will do. He can win by Americans finally giving in to trump fatigue.
BUT, there will be a reckoning.
There is a reckoning coming in 2020. No matter who wins. The democrats win the right will be rioting in the street for 4 years. Impeaching whomever is elected. They will be stirred up while the left will breath a collective sigh that the great evil is gone only to have it handed to them in 2022.
No matter who wins their will be so much blow back that I am not sure that this doesn’t break out into violence. Serious violence and with that I agree with you. There will be a reckoning no matter who wins. The right went after Obama. The left went after trump, the right will go after whomever wins no matter who the left runs.
Impeachment proceedings day one. Illegitimate president because the Russians and Chinese will be working hard to get rid of Trump because they hate him. I can see it now. Robert Mueller round two against whoever the Democrats run and win the presidency.
The democrats win the right will be rioting in the street for 4 years. Impeaching whomever is elected. They will be stirred up while the left will breath a collective sigh that the great evil is gone only to have it handed to them in 2022.
You really need to detox before you come here.
The Demos first have to hold the House and Trump showed how good a campaigner he is last time, adding to the R lead in the Senate, so impeachment is your perennial pipe dream and no more.
No matter who wins their will be so much blow back that I am not sure that this doesn’t break out into violence. Serious violence and with that I agree with you. There will be a reckoning no matter who wins.
No, the Democrats will be a political cipher until some grown-ups come along and reorganize the party. Considering what passes for grown-ups in the party today, we may be waiting a while. Unless Hell’s Harem invites Hamas over, there will be no “serious violence”. Antifa and the rest of that crowd are brave only when they jump some old guy from behind and they know the cops will look the other way.
the right will go after whomever wins no matter who the left runs.
No, the Right will just look and laugh. Gropin’ Joe’s already descending into dementia. Even the Bernie Bros have cashed out. Buttpeg will be lucky he makes the first serious cut. Ditto Spartacus. Fauxcahontas is a 1/1024 laughingstock, and Chlamydia thinks she needs to spend more time making Gropin’ Joe look like a fool.
Impeachment proceedings day one. Illegitimate president because the Russians and Chinese will be working hard to get rid of Trump because they hate him.
I thought Poot loved The Donald. You’r cartoon characters need to sit down with you and figure who writing the script.
I can see it now. Robert Mueller round two against whoever the Democrats run and win the presidency.
I can see it, too. You sharing a padded room with Mule Ears telling each other, “I coulda had class. I coulda been a contenda”.
Notice his “testimony” has been put off indefinitely?
Every forum has the local bully. I get it now. You are the forum bully for this website. For some bizarre and stupid reason you conflate me with someone else and nothing I post here meets your approval and it seems from the 3 or 4 people posing here that YOUR opinion is all that matters and any other opinion is (insert your own expletive here).
Trump is good. Im a troll and a liar.
Trump is bad. I’m a troll and a liar.
Trump will win if he does a few things. I am a troll and a liar.
Trump will lose. I am a troll and a liar.
You sound like an AGW fanatic. If it snows, rains, is hot or cold, windy or calm, humid or dry. A draught or a flood it is all CO2’s fault. Well it seems no matter what I say I am a troll and a liar and am someone else in your warped reality of a mind.
Get a grip dude. You look totally childish and rather stupid for berating someone for having an opinion no matter which side of the aisle it might fall.
I realize I just wasted my time on this post but no matter, Go to bed tonight having rest assure that you have once again driven another poster from this blog so you can keep it as your own personal space to splatter the shit that is between your ears into words that no one cares to read.
Bunny suit in his Joe Btfsplk costume, playing concern troll.
How clever.
You ran off someone who agreed with you!! Was he a threat to your position as top defender of the faith?
Do you really believe Doom and Gloom and I were the same commenter? As you thought Bill Bear and I were the same?
ICYMI, Trump has already opened his re-election campaign (I do believe I mentioned this; don’t know where you were, certainly wasn’t that All-American block party your Diversity neighborhood was throwing over the 4th).
He can win by cheating, which he will do. He can win by Americans finally giving in to trump fatigue.
Can’t believe you project this much and don’t see it, but even the Demos won’t be able to defraud their way into office this time.
And the Hildabeast had 7M fraudulent votes.
He can win by Americans finally giving in to trump fatigue.
Whatever that means.
BUT, there will be a reckoning.
It’s called Jeffrey Epstein, come on down. It’s time to play To Tell The Truth.
You did hear SDNY has tossed it in on their investigation?
Lots of video from Epstein the Rapist’s Manhattan home system. Wasn’t that where Don Raper raped that 13 yr old girl?
Sounds more like something your boy, Willie, would do. He does have a history.
Democrats tried desperately to tie Democrat Money Man Jeffrey Epstein to Donald Trump to deflect the 26 trips Clinton took aboard the Lolita Express to Epstein’s pedophile island
You go after the Hofts, but their tendency for wishful thinking is nothing compared to yours.
First Mule Ears was going to destroy Trump before the elections. Then it was after New Year’s. Then the report would do him in. Then the SDNY was going to hang him.
They tried to bring him down with the Emoluments Clause. And failed.
They tried to bring him down with the Creepy Porn Lawyer. And failed.
And your side is coming apart at the seams. You’re concern trolling for the wrong people. The Demos are in big trouble and it’s there for all the world to see.
It wouldn’t matter, regardless. Even if trump is seen raping that 13 yr old girl, the GOPhers in the Senate wouldn’t vote to convict him, the DOJ wouldn’t arrest him and his base would still adore him. Who knows, the Russians still might get him elected again!
Honestly, if Don Raper was on video raping a child, you’d still vote for him over a Dem.
This is America…
Haven’t the last 40 or 50 disappointments taught you anything? All the wishful thinking in the world will not turn Donald Trump into the pal of Epstein Willie was and all the perverted wet dreams you have will not turn Donald Trump into a pedophile.
He likes real women. Unlike you.
And, try as you might, there’s no evidence Trump won any way but fair and square. Your babe, the Hildabeast, was the one who cheated. 7 million fraudulent votes worth and it still didn’t turn the tide.
Even if trump is seen raping that 13 yr old girl, the GOPhers in the Senate wouldn’t vote to convict him, the DOJ wouldn’t arrest him and his base would still adore him.
Again, sounds more like Willie or Menendez or Teddy Kennedy and the Yaller Dawg Democrats.
Honestly, if Don Raper was on video raping a child, you’d still vote for him over a Dem.
The Fake News gave up on this a week ago. You’re still pushing it because you’d have to go back to global nonsense and nobody else is dumb enough to buy it.
This is America…
It certainly is. And you hate it.
PS Who gives you these insipid names to use? Nobody buys Don Raper because he’s let justice run its course, unlike your Democrat wet dreams who cover everything up.
We get nicknames off Amazon.com – “Nicks for a Nickel”. With free 2-day shipping tomorrow and Tuesday! “Nickel” is misleading, as they’re $5 each.
You just enter a name and the AI program provides a list of ten nicknames based on an internet survey of stories about the subject.
President Donald Trump:
Don Raper
The Lyin’ King
Putin’s Pillow
The Man Who Shot Liberty
King MAGAt
Don’t think the grandson enjoys the nick you chose for him:
“Rusty Trombone”
Now that’s just downright nasty.
Lil Dog,
Both you and formwiz seem to know a lot about perverse sexual practices.
Why is that?
That’s rhetorical, Lil Dog.
And before you go on and on, both you and formwiz are invited here (at my expense) to accompany me to the local police to make your charges.
True mystery: Lil Dog submitted a cheek swab DNA sample to 23andMe and it came back as canine with 39 chromosomes, the same number as in dog sperm. How can one explain that?
That’s rhetorical, Lil Dog.
His original rimshot making no dent, the bunny suit tries to sound intelligent.
Both you and formwiz seem to know a lot about perverse sexual practices.
We do? sounds like someone is jealous. Too bad it’s just more projection on his part.
Well, I’m certainly impressed.
Too bad your mind is that feeble.
Sounds like we’ve hit a nerve.
Cons type “we hit a nerve” every time they get bitch-slapped.
’nuff said…
So how’s Rusty doing?
Trump is a bombastic, ego maniac. But he also has done more for this country in 2 years than Bush, Clinton and Obama did in 24 years.
Thanks for the extra money in my Pocket mr. Trump. Even though the left claims there is no tax relief for the middle class they are lying.
thanks for moving the embassy in Israel like all the presidents before you have promised to do and have reniged and thus lied to the people who voted for them.
thanks for the lowest unemployment in half a century for women, Blacks and Hispanics as well as youths despite all our previous presidents telling us how HARD it was to do these things.
thanks for caring about inner cities and trying to do something even though both aisles of congress fought you tooth and nail because that would shake up the plantation and the pecking order.
Thank you for bringing Kim to the table, thank you for slapping him on the back instead of slapping him in the face. Perhaps in a few years the two koreas will be one just like Vietnam which now boosts a solid Asian economy.
thank you for canceling the Iran deal.
Thank you for turning bad trade deals into deals that benefit both sides and not just mexico and Canada.
Thanks for pulling companies back into the United States.
thank you for making nato nations pay their fair share. We are not the worlds policeman as much as the world demands it.
thank you for defeating ISIS and the Caliphate.
thank you for slapping sanctions on Russia despite being called a Putin lap dog.
thank you for dealing with China when every president before you trembled in fear at the might billion across the pond.
thank you for turning India into a nation now wanting more and more to do with America instead of less.
Thank you for the wave of nationalism sweeping Euorpe because you gave a speech that said it was OKAY to be proud of your own heritage and country.
Thank you for dealing with the crisis on the border. No matter how much the left tries to blame you for separating children from criminals it was and is a policy in effect all around the nation. In every state, city and town. If you commit a crime your child is taken from you if you commit the crime with the child in tow. Entering America ILLEGALLY is a CrIME. IF YOU seek Asylum then do it legally at the points of entry so you have not committed a crime and your child is not taken from you.
You have failed at some things, but you have tried. Something other presidents just throw up their hands and refuse to fight for.
Thank you Mr. Trump. Businessman, billionaire, most likely guilty of many shady business practices as if politicians like HRC, Bill Clinton, GWB, Beto, Pochahontas and all the rest are squeaky clean and without sin.
thank you mr. Trump. The real fascists are those who claim you are one. Trump Derangement syndrome make Obama Derangement syndrome look like the sniffles.
You spent all night writing that?
No. Just copy and paste.
You DO realize that D and G is on your team, right?
We thought at first it was you, but you’re more careful with your spelling.
Unless that’s what you want us to think… hmmm
Your “style” is pretty thick. You’re going to need better coaching to hide it.
Trump 2020: Go Back to Africa!!
Trump 2020: Go Back Where You Came From!!
Trump 2020: I Got Ur Back, Whitey!!
You do realize he never mention race or place.
That’s your racism shining through.
You ran off someone who agreed with you!! Was he a threat to your position as top defender of the faith?
Do you really believe Doom and Gloom and I were the same commenter? As you thought Bill Bear and I were the same?
You mean we’ll get another cartoon characr to replace him?
How’s ’bout Captain Cab and his canine companion, Socky.
Oh, how could we not hear you as the bear suit or Joe Bftsplk? You’re no Larry Oliver.
As I say, you’re hardly as
You’re a complete and total whack job.
You seem to have lost touch with reality.
Takes one to know one.