If you haven’t broken the law the only concern you should have about answering the door is it being someone trying to sell you something
With ICE Raids Looming, Immigrants Worry: ‘Every Time Someone Knocks, You Get Scared’
All week, Veronica had distracted herself from a constant barrage of news about a series of coordinated immigration raids that the Trump administration planned to begin this weekend in cities across the country.
She worked late every night, preparing for a weeklong family vacation to Florida to visit Disney World and go fishing. She booked a three-bedroom apartment for herself and 13 family members. She packed her 4-year-old daughter’s Mickey Mouse backpack and “Frozenâ€-themed suitcase with clothes, stuffed animals and a blanket to sleep with.
But then, the woman who cleans Veronica’s home, who is undocumented, showed her cellphone videos of immigration arrests happening in Miami. The woman warned that Freddie, Veronica’s husband and partner of 15 years, who is undocumented and has a standing deportation order, could be swept up. Other family members and friends started to call, saying the same.
Wait, wait, are we supposed to feel bad for Veronica, who is a stand-in for all the illegals? That deportation order didn’t originate from ICE, nor from POTUS Donald Trump: a federal judge would have signed it, after Veronica’s husband exhausted the immigration process.
President Trump’s promises on Friday that the administration would execute a series of immigration arrests nationwide added to fears that have been growing among immigrant communities for more than a month, as the raids have been debated, scheduledand then rescheduled.
The operation will target some 2,000 undocumented immigrants who crossed the border recently, in groups of family units. That is a departure from what is typical for Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents, who tend to focus on deporting adults who entered the country alone. But word of the operation seems to have struck fear across undocumented communities, including among people who have been living here for years.
Not mentioned in the article is that the operation is for those who have been ordered to leave the U.S., voluntarily or involuntary, by federal judges.
A 17-year-old girl, who lives in one of the shelters and who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said a shelter employee used coded language to warn her family to go into hiding and to return on Monday. “They said, ‘Your room is going to be very hot this weekend. Come back Monday when things cool off,’†she said.
And that would be a felony, helping someone avoid a lawful federal deportation order.
Across the country, news of the operation sparked fear, even among immigrants who were unlikely to be affected — such as those who had never had an encounter with federal authorities, and were therefore unknown to the government, according to lawyers who were making preparations on Friday.
And they should be afraid, being that they are here in violation if United States law. Why is this so damned hard to understand? All this is saying that Democrats are for Open Borders. If they refuse to deport illegals under court order, who would they deport? They even protect illegals who serious crimes on their records.
Democrats really should be asked the specific questions “which illegal aliens can we deport?” and “which illegals can we stop at the border?”

I believe the phrase is, “Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the timeâ€.
The only question DemComs should be asked is: “How many should we ship to your home?”
The ACLU is providing Know Your Rights posters aimed at immigrants.
Do you consider this obstruction of justice?
Should trump crack down on the ACLU?
Make my day.
It probably is obstruction since the ICE agents are serving valid warrants handed down by a court of law.
We forgot. formwiz can’t read.
the operation is for those who have been ordered to leave the U.S., voluntarily or involuntary, by federal judges.
Who can’t read?
You need to go back to Ding Dong School.
ICE is going after people with current deportation orders; they have no rights other than to get the f(ornicate) out!
Legal immigrants have nothing to fear; the illegal ones should be quaking in their boots. Those who came here illegally should have an automatic rejection of any asylum claims they try to make.
Why do the left hate the law?
“they have no rights other than to get the f(ornicate) out!”
That’s not true. Otherwise, why not shoot them on sight as Kye suggested and as most NuCons would prefer? Why not just burn them out?
Sorry, but the Federal Police must have an official warrant from a judge and must follow our laws.
We understand how NuCons see The Hitlerbeast as The Law, but for now, we have other laws that must be obeyed.
What you think the nation “should” do is not relevant, the laws are.
The Hitlerbeast’s announced pogrom is a pure political stunt to excite his base, nothing more. If ICE has valid warrants and confirmed locations of those with deportation orders they should have been carrying this out all along, according to our laws. These are the actions of a police state despot.
Trump 2019: Civil Commitment Now!
Sorry, but the Federal Police must have an official warrant from a judge and must follow our laws.
the operation is for those who have been ordered to leave the U.S., voluntarily or involuntary, by federal judges.
Uncle Saul never told him what to do when the other side has the facts. Those agents are serving deportation warrants.
And the ACLU is trying to ignore the law. Kind of like Jeffery ignoring the Electoral College.
We understand how NuCons see The Hitlerbeast as The Law, but for now, we have other laws that must be obeyed.
No, we know she lost. And, like all Lefties, you don’t want to obey them.
What you think the nation “should†do is not relevant, the laws are.
Oh, you mean like the fact the popular vote means nothing and the number of Electoral votes is the arbiter of who is President?
Those laws?
The Hitlerbeast’s announced pogrom is a pure political stunt to excite his base, nothing more. If ICE has valid warrants and confirmed locations of those with deportation orders they should have been carrying this out all along, according to our laws. These are the actions of a police state despot.
You shouldn’t talk about the former SOS like that, she’s a poor alcoholic, palsied, delusional old woman who should be in a home.
And, ICYMI, Trump gave the Demos a chance to straighten out the asylum rules, but they weren’t interested. He gave them a reprieve of 2 weeks and all we heard was Pelosi Galore and Occasional Cortex feuding.
These are the actions of a police state despot.
Like I have a pen and a phone?
Sibley, just like The Hitlerbeast, always has to have the last word. It’s a sign of mental illness, but hardly his only one.
Did he even read the lawful advice from the ACLU? No, of course not. Yet, he decries their advice as criminal if not anti-American.
Anyway, if trump’s Federal Police have proper warrants and comport themselves properly and lawfully, there should be no issues with the process. The problem is that Don Raper used the process as a political stunt.
We’re pleased that Sibley is bothered.
The vicious hitlerbeast, that you call your president, just send several tweets directly to his twits telling Representative Omar to go back to Africa!
This is America…don’t catch you slippin’ up…
It’s a reality show…
You didn’t get the memo again. Hitler is so 1945. It died with Bruno Ganz.
And she ought to be deported. A terrorist shill who advocates the murder of American citizens.
Send her back the way we sent Lucky Luciano.
It’s a reality show…
No, you’re a surreality show…
The hitlerbeast and his band of twit-followers would most certainly agree with you to grab and deport American citizens they find annoying.
It’s why the hitlerbeast typed it this morning. To give his twit-followers boners.
It’s time to grab the hitlerbeast, drag him kicking and screaming for Mar-a-Lago, but a black hood over his head and exile his vicious ass to Dog Island.
Here comes the bear suit.
deport American citizens they find annoying.
No, just the illegals and those inciting violence against the country.
It’s time to grab the hitlerbeast, drag him kicking and screaming for Mar-a-Lago, but a black hood over his head and exile his vicious ass to Dog Island.
When you do it, be sure and sell tickets.
And the correct syntax is from, not for.
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” – George Santayana
“I’ve got news for Mr. Santayana: we’re doomed to repeat the past no matter what. That’s what it is to be alive.â€
― Kurt Vonnegut
No, we can reform things.
But, as a Democrat, and, particularly, a race traitor, all those like you just want to keep the darkies down.
Idiot Boy doesn’t get why the Left has started backing away from the whole Fuhrer thing.
If everybody’s a Nazi, nobody’s a Nazi. If everybody’s Hitler, nobody’s Hitler. If everybody’s a racist, nobody’s a racist. If everybody’s a rapist, nobody’s a rapist.
Think I need to draw it in purple crayon so he’ll finally get it?
H&R Blockhead doesn’t get it.
The Hitlerbeast is a wannabe totalitarian in love with Kim and Putin. Not everyone is a totalitarian, but tRump and his warrior/worshippers are. Not everyone is a racist, but tRump and his warrior/worshippers are. Not everyone has been accused of rape, but tRump and Epstein have.
Think I need to draw it in purple crayon so he’ll finally get it?
Trump 2019: It’s Civil Commitment Time!
H&R Blockhead. How many decades of sitcoms back did that originate?
Saki spins.
And accusation is not proof and proof is not conviction unless it is in accord with the rules of evidence.
BTW if Trump is such a totalitarian, why are you still alive? The Ozark body count is legendary.
Think I need to draw it in purple crayon so he’ll finally get it?
You just did, but 5 year olds do that and your unsubstantiated ranting has no more significance than some child’s tantrum.
Which it is.
By Ozark body count, are you referring to the thoroughly debunked right-wing conspiracy that the Clintons had people murdered?
You must know that that’s all untrue. Right? You can’t be that stupid/naïve, right?
Much of what NuCons hold as dogma, is untrue.
For completeness, here’s part of tRump’s body count:
Stephen F. Hyde, 43 years old, CEO of Trump casinos; Mark Grossinger Etess, 38, president and COO of the Trump Taj Mahal casino hotel, and Jonathan Benanav, 33, executive VP of the Trump Plaza casino hotel were all killed in a helicopter crash in 1989. Young men, one a Russian, with a wealth of information about tRump’s NJ mob connections. Probably just a coincidence?
In 2008, while building a Trump hotel in lower Manhattan, a form that was used to pour concrete broke causing worker Yurly Vanchytsky to fall to his death. What did Mr. Vanchytsky know about tRump’s building violations?
“Fat Tony” Salerno, Manhattan mob boss, who worked with tRump for years in the concrete business, died suddenly in 1992.
Roy Cohn (yes, THAT Roy Cohn), tRump’s mentor and consigliere from 1973, died in 1986. He was only 59 years old. He knew all of both tRump’s and Salerno’s secrets.
Oleg Erovinkin, a former general in the KGB was found dead in the back of his car in Moscow under mysterious circumstances. Erovinkin reportedly assisted MI6 Christopher Steele in assembling the infamous “dossier”.
In 2016, close Trump friend Mitch Huhem, an entrepreneur who had seven children, was found dead in his Boca Raton mansion Tuesday night. Authorities believe Huhem, 45, shot himself in the head with a handgun in his garage at St. Andrews Country Club. Sure he did, sure. A young man with so much to live for “shot” himself. What did Mitch know?
In 2016, comedian Garry Shandling, who made fun of tRump’s penis size, died of a “heart attack” although his doctor stated he was in good health and didn’t know why Shandling had died.
In 2016, NYPD officer Michael Ameri, had just been told that the investigation of him related to a corruption case had been DROPPED, but mysteriously committed “suicide” the next day. What was Ameri going to tell the press about the case?
In 2016, comedian Sarah Silverman nearly died during 5 days in the ICU, not long after pretending to be Hitler and mocking tRump on Conan O’Brien. Was she poisoned?
Actor Anton Yelchin (yes, a Russian) refused to discuss tRump in interviews, and was later found dead in a bizarre accident, crushed by his car against a security gate. All during 2016.
In 2016, comedian/actor Patton Oswalt called tRump a “an ignorant, vengeful, racist asshole”. Oswalt’s wife Michelle McNamara was found dead later, presumably of a drug overdose. McNamara was a investigative journalist and writer. What had she discovered? She was only 47. Just another coincidence?
Carrie Fisher tweeted, “TRUMP speaking his mind ISN’T REFRESHING, it’s APPALLING. Coca Cola is refreshing..” A little over a month later – found dead. She was only 60.
On live TV this morning, Representative Ted Lieu (D-CA) called your “president” a “racist ass” (he is), regarding tRump’s twitter assault on immigrants – the so-called president of all Americans told immigrants to go back where they came from.
Maybe The Beast of Queens should go back to where he came from – the bowels of hell.
Will tRump figure a way to have Rep Lieu punished? Maybe he’ll direct a nasty twit his way.
tRump 2019: Stop Making America Hell on Earth!!
Considering the mess CA is these days, it would be more fitting if Lieu were looking in a mirror when he said that.
the so-called president of all Americans told immigrants to go back where they came from.
You lie twice. First he is the President of the United States, not the so-called anything. That’s your girl, the Hildabeast.
Second, he was speaking to illegals and Congresscreeps who spread sedition.
Maybe The Beast of Queens should go back to where he came from – the bowels of hell.
You mean where you live?
Will tRump figure a way to have Rep Lieu punished?
Why? Lieu may be one of the few Democrats in the House after next year.
Stop Making America Hell on Earth!!
You mean like every Democrat-run city in the country?
Sibley, just like The Hitlerbeast, always has to have the last word. It’s a sign of mental illness, but hardly his only one.
No, I just like correcting your lies. And the hitlerbeast thing is not only lame, it reflects badly on her husband, soon to be Jeffrey Epstein’s cellmate.
Did he even read the lawful advice from the ACLU? No, of course not. Yet, he decries their advice as criminal if not anti-American.
Not advice and not lawful. The ACLU gets its way by judge-shopping Lefty hacks who will go along with their nonsense and I never called them criminal. I just said they ignore the law, which has been their pattern for 65 years.
Anyway, if trump’s Federal Police have proper warrants and comport themselves properly and lawfully, there should be no issues with the process. The problem is that Don Raper used the process as a political stunt.
No he gave the Demos in Congress a chance to fix the asylum mess, but they just wanted to grandstand. He told them fix it or the raids go in.
He keeps his word.
We’re pleased that Sibley is bothered.
Hardly bothered, bemused, maybe. It’s hard to believe you can be that willfully ignorant.
So this is how you leftists expect to win back the hearts and minds of the voters, by calling OUR President names? Good luck with that. Rep. Lieu (C-CA) is a disgrace to the House, Congress, America and Asian Americans. That’s the best way I know of to alienate the working man of America by insulting our president and by extension the people who voted for him.
Your party’s “racist” name calling is as old and worn out as your 19th century socialist ideas. You have a great idea there though, insult the people who you are trying to get to vote for you! Great idea, Lieu keep up the good work.
BTW, Trump was telling ILLEGAL ALIENS to go back not “immigrants” you ignoramus.
Trump 2020 Send the illegal aliens back home!!!
“BTW, Trump was telling ILLEGAL ALIENS to go back not “immigrants†you ignoramus.”
And typed with such authority! tRump twitted about Democratic Congresswomen. What he twitted was unAmerican. TRump’s a true Benedict Donald.
See it yourself:
tRump’s campaign is now claiming that tRump didn’t twit it, but that “twitter is lying!”
And I’m the ignoramus!
We’ve noticed too, that when you are wrong you disappear for a while rather than address your errors. Do you agree that tRump was referring to US citizens and US Congresswomen at that?
And typed with such authority! tRump twitted about Democratic Congresswomen. What he twitted was unAmerican.
Tweeted, ignoramus (might as well keep up the theme), but it still applies.
unamerican, how would you know? You’re a cauldron of un American motivations and biases.
Trump wants jobs for Americans. He wants Americans to be safe. All you want are enough illegals to vote Democrat so no one can challenge your Commie agenda.
And I’m the ignoramus!
Glad you recognize that. Admitting you have a problem is always the first step.
We’ve noticed too, that when you are wrong you disappear for a while rather than address your errors. Do you agree that tRump was referring to US citizens and US Congresswomen at that?
No, Kye has an actual life, unlike you.
And here we go with one of those Uncle Saul inquisitions. The point is, if you’re not here legally or you’re anti-American, Trump wants you gone.
A noble and All-American sentiment.
Trump’s goal is to generate such a divide between the sides that there can be no reconciliation.
On one side are the conservatives who want to shore up white privilege for the white working classes and counterintuitively reward wealthy whites and corporations at the expense of the working classes.
On the other side are the libs who want the economy to benefit all Americans, which means reining in the abuses of Wall Street, Congress, and the economic elites. You call this communism, i.e., progressive taxation, universal healthcare, adjustments in labor, tax, trade, monetary and fiscal policies. Working class Americans, white, black, brown, etc all deserve to make a living wage.
Working class Americans are increasingly frustrated receiving scraps from an economy that increasingly rewards the already wealthy. A family of 4 working 3 jobs can’t understand how the Epsteins, trumps, kushners, paris Hiltons, Snoop Dogs, accumulate millions and billions with not a one of them working as hard as they do. Can we fix capitalism to reward labor as well as capital? If not why not?
Working class Americans elected trump based in part on his promises to help the working classes. He failed. The lives of most working class Americans, if they’ve improved, have improved little. The rewards of the economy still accrue to the rich. Unfortunately, we’ve been doing this to the working classes so long, that it’s entrenched behavior, and will take a reboot in our thinking – working class Americans actually deserve to be rewarded for their labors.
In the salad days of US labor (at least for whites), a working man could support a family, take a vacation, save for retirement and send kids to college.
Read on. This is no wild-eyed radical commie.
Trump’s goal is to generate such a divide between the sides that there can be no reconciliation.
No, that’s your goal. Divide and rule
On one side are the conservatives who want to shore up white privilege for the white working classes and counterintuitively reward wealthy whites and corporations at the expense of the working classes.
Actually, it sounds like the Pelosi-Ozark wing of the Democrat party.
On the other side are the libs who want the economy to benefit all Americans, which means reining in the abuses of Wall Street, Congress, and the economic elites. You call this communism, i.e., progressive taxation, universal healthcare, adjustments in labor, tax, trade, monetary and fiscal policies. Working class Americans, white, black, brown, etc all deserve to make a living wage.
IOW socialism with Americans, particularly working stiffs, taxed out of their gourds to pay for it.
And it was Lenin who noted, the object of socialism is communism.
From the horse’s mouth to the horse’s ass.
Working class Americans are increasingly frustrated receiving scraps from an economy that increasingly rewards the already wealthy. A family of 4 working 3 jobs can’t understand how the Epsteins, trumps, kushners, paris Hiltons, Snoop Dogs, accumulate millions and billions with not a one of them working as hard as they do. Can we fix capitalism to reward labor as well as capital? If not why not?
You forgot the Os, the Ozarks, the Kennedys, and the Pelosis.
If something;’s wrong, it’s the Lefties’ doing. You wrote the tax laws for 80 years.
Working class Americans elected trump based in part on his promises to help the working classes. He failed. The lives of most working class Americans, if they’ve improved, have improved little. The rewards of the economy still accrue to the rich. Unfortunately, we’ve been doing this to the working classes so long, that it’s entrenched behavior, and will take a reboot in our thinking – working class Americans actually deserve to be rewarded for their labors.
And Trump is doing well enough you are going to get killed next year.
Can’t wait.
In the salad days of US labor (at least for whites), a working man could support a family, take a vacation, save for retirement and send kids to college.
Yeah, the Eisenhower Administration.
And I can’t wait for you to get killed next year.
But yes, you are right, it was during the Eisenhower Administration.
A guy like Lieu (C-CA) is indicative of America’s problems brought on by decades of leftist indoctrination. These people are incorrigible.
Trump 2020 Let’s get the leftist pigs out of America!
Representative Lieu was truthfully commenting on tRump’s racist and unAmerican tweetings. And we can all agree the tRump is an ass.
Maybe tRump should concentrate on his job rather than spending his time typing racist tweets to his twits.
No, Lieu is so frustrated Trump (and therefore America) is winning that he can’t offer a valid rebuttal.
And we can all agree the tRump is an ass.
What’s this we, Sambo?
Maybe tRump should concentrate on his job rather than spending his time typing racist tweets to his twits.
I do believe that was addressed to Hell’s Harem.
A billionaire, middle class worker and immigrant had 1000 cookies between them. The billionaire took 999 and told the middle class guy that the immigrant was going to take his cookie.
A billionaire, middle class worker and an illegal (what he means when he say immigrant; he lies all the time) had 1000 cookies between them.
The billionaire made those cookies because he built buildings and provided jobs for not only thousands of middle class workers, but also blue collar and no collar guys.
He kept 200 cookies because he had earned them with his industry and gave the other 800 to the people who worked for him.
He told the illegal to go back to Guatemala.
No he wasn’t J, first of all because he isn’t racist, and second because you, as usual don’t have any proof of it anyway. “Ted Lieu called the president a racist ass in regards to Trump’s Twitter assault on immigrants.†Lieu, like most idiot liberals, think “Mexicans†or “Muslims†are races, and second, the “assault†wasn’t on immigrants but illegal immigrants. Where would libs be without drama queen rants and false charges of racism? So again, J, please show us that evidence. Good luck
You’ve always seemed decent if misguided.
Please read tRump’s tweets where he told a US Congresswoman, a woman of color who’s been here for decades, to “go back where she came from”, which is Somalia.
Her parents were given asylum and their daughter grew up to be a Congresswoman, and the President of the US has told her, a US citizen, to “go back where she came from”.
He was not talking about “illegal” immigrants, he was talking about an American citizen and Congresswoman.
Please read tRump’s tweets where he told a US Congresswoman, a woman of color who’s been here for decades, to “go back where she came fromâ€, which is Somalia.
First, what does her color have to do with it? You must be a racist.
Second, she was rescued from an African hellhole and has spit on the country that saved her ever since.
Third, Trump is as free as any other American to tell any Congresscreep they want what they think of them.
Or are you like Cowboy Hat Freddie who thinks black Congressbroads are a royal class who are to be held above other people?
He was not talking about “illegal†immigrants, he was talking about an American citizen and Congresswoman.
He meant illegals, too.
And how many times have you called somebody in Congress a racist, child molester, rapist, etc.?
Disgusting? Yes, you are.
That’s what hypocrites do.
Disgusting? Yes you are, formwiz, yes you are.
And so dishonest. So dishonest.
We suspect he’s trying to push the Dems to impeach. No doubt he’ll get even more disgusting, if possible.
You don’t see racism in the President telling an African-American from Somalia to “go back where she came from”? Why not just tell all legal immigrants to leave, which is what the white nationalists want anyway.
You can say it now, tRump has given you permission.
Too late. I got you first.
And, if we’re talking dishonest, nobody beats you. Your oh, so phony, high dudgeon over Trump giving it back to a Congressbroad who thinks she can insult anyone, but claims immunity because of her color (as you do) is about as ridiculous as it gets.
You don’t see racism in the President telling an African-American from Somalia to “go back where she came from�
Not after she questions the patriotism (there’s an oldie, but a goodie) of any American who doesn’t like what she says.
She’s just getting what she asked for. Like you, she has to fall back on her color because she really hasn’t got anything good to say.
Why not just tell all legal immigrants to leave, which is what the white nationalists want anyway.
Speaking of dishonest, you hit a new high in low. You want to mix the illegals in with the legals.
People here legally are immigrants. People here illegally are illegal aliens. The old Lefty game of trying to twist words.
Just like the whole white nationalist thing. How about all the black nationalists who want the illegals gone? How about all the Hispanic nationalists who want the illegals gone?
Talk about divide and rule. The racist here is you. Like little Zippy, you hate white people.
So J, did he tell all “people of color†to go back? And by the way, he also told them to “come backâ€. Funny you left that out. But that’s a hilarious explanation-so if he for whatever reason told “a person of color†who happened to be white, to “go backâ€, then that would be racism? Uh, no. He’s not singling her out because of her color, he’s singling her out because of what she said. So, we’re still waiting for the racism proof
Bummer for Porter
There doesn’t seem to be any ICE. Raids at all today
Not what Fake News says.
Immigration authorities have begun conducting raids, a senior administration official said Sunday, in an operation expected to target about 2,000 undocumented immigrants ordered by courts to be removed from the country.
The raids, which will focus on recent arrivals to the country, are slated for Atlanta, Baltimore, Chicago, Denver, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New York and San Francisco, a senior immigration official said.
Time to flush the john for the liar he is.
Maybe you can cry to TEACH to get him banned.
Your info came from BEFORE the raids were to start.
Who do you think you’re fooling.
We would prefer not to have to deal with you, but you are intent in spreading disinformation. Others can read, you know.
He’ll get hismelf banned all by himself. As will you.
Your info came from BEFORE the raids were to start.
Who do you think you’re fooling.
I don’t need to fool you. You do it to yourself all the time.
And the piece I read said civil authorities were kept in the dark.
We would prefer not to have to deal with you, but you are intent in spreading disinformation. Others can read, you know.
Those that can know you’re the liar. And, if you and all your little voices don’t want to deal with me, go elsewhere.
You must have spent all day typing in these stupid screeds. Get yourself a life.
It may even get you away from restraining orders.
Still waiting for his boys to show up… heard they have some questions.
Bwaha. Lolgf.
Have you guys noticed how Putin is making inroads again in Eastern Europe and now Turkey?
Recently, The Pentagon raised a red flag about how Russia now has more global influence than the US.
How in the world could that happen with tRump on the job?
The Russian disinformation machine (that tRump joked about in Osaka with Putin) is stronger than ever.
All else that tRump does is to distract from him selling America down the river.
No wonder tRump is hiding his tax returns.
He has?
All I’ve seen is how the Turks, Young, Old, and Anywhere In-Between are getting sick of Erdogan and the Poles have set up fort Trump for our guys.
And NY ragazine is hardly an objective source. Ditto a bunch of paranoid Ukranians.
All else that tRump does is to distract from him selling America down the river.
Seems like that’s what you’re doing.
No wonder tRump is hiding his tax returns.
The only ones who care are you and Fatty Nadless.
So, is it your position that the Pentagon is being needlessly overwrought?
When coupled with the trump campaign and administration contacts with Putin and the Russians it’s starting to look as if trump is looking the other way as Russia gains influence. Can you imagine the Con brouhaha if the Pentagon had released a report like this when Obama was President?
There are all manner of civilians working in the Pentagon and I’m willing to bet that includes more than a few Leftist moles.
When coupled with the trump campaign and administration contacts with Putin and the Russians it’s starting to look as if trump is looking the other way as Russia gains influence
When coupled with the flop of Mule Ears’ report and the ongoing postponement of his “testimony”, it’s starting to look as if you’re the last idiot pushing the collusion farce.
While the hysterics were watching the targeted cities, Atlanta, Baltimore, Chicago, Denver, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New York and San Francisco, ICE was nailing illegals in SD (and probably other places).
We have no way of knowing if you’re lying again.
I’m not the one who lies here, you are.
Just google it. If you are able.
20 picked up last week? LOL. What about today’s “raids”?
Mein gott, can you ever tell the truth?
Liar, liar…
I told you it happened, so I’m not the liar here.
And, as I’ve said, it looks like ICE is playing it close to the vest. All your talk about failed raids has been just that.
BTW For somebody who likes to call everybody else Nazis, you certainly love to slip into the German tongue. Must be some gauleiter in your past.
Which explains a lot.
It was reported that raids in NYC were rebuffed because the Federal Agents didn’t have proper warrants. Maybe it was a good thing the ACLU sent out their explanatory posters so that immigrants were aware of their rights!
A spokesperson for ICE declined to give any specific details about the failed raids to reporters, commenting to the Wall Street Journal: “As always, ICE prioritizes the arrest and removal of unlawfully present aliens who pose a threat to national security, public safety and border security.â€
If the administration was concerned about national security why would they tip off of the purported criminals?
It was reported that raids in NYC were rebuffed because the Federal Agents didn’t have proper warrants. Maybe it was a good thing the ACLU sent out their explanatory posters so that immigrants were aware of their rights!
Just because it was “reported” doesn’t mean it’s true. Actually, I doubt seriously if the illegals are waiting with lawyers to contest the warrants.
What is known is that the city Administration had no knowledge of what was happening or where, so Mayor Willi Wilhelm may be just shooting off his Commie mouth again.
Source? Because it sounds like you’re inserting the word failed. Articles time stamped within the last 5 hours from Commie News Net, the Gray Lady, and the LA Times do not mention failed raids. They do mention the initial targets are about 2000 illegals.
And I’d be careful about relying on the Journal. Ever since the Murdoch brothers took over, it’s just more Fake News.