…is a horrible dog sucking up valuable resources making the Earth boil, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is DC Clothesline, with a post on a former ICE director punking AOC.
It’s dog week!

…is a horrible dog sucking up valuable resources making the Earth boil, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is DC Clothesline, with a post on a former ICE director punking AOC.
It’s dog week!
It’s dog week? No, thank you, we do not want to see pictures of Hilary Clinton or Nancy Pelosi!
It’s dog week? No, thank you, we do not want to see more pictures of these bitches: tRump, Bill Barr, Ted Cruz or Mitch McConnell.
The bunny suit has his genders confused, but we’ve known that for some time.
From The Washington Post:
There’s more at the original; I have omitted the internal links, to keep this comment from going into moderation, but if you follow to the original, you will find them yourself.
Obviously there are exceptions, but as a general rule, conservatives simply look better. Of course, it’s also true that conservatives are better in bed than liberals, so everything pretty much falls into place. We have the real men; y’all have pajama boy. We have Nikki Haley; you guys have Hillary Clinton.
A fate worse than death.
dana has tried to run this scam before. The weak article didn’t conclude that ConDoms were better in bed.
You mean real men like Don Raper with his make-up and bouffant hairdo, Lyndsey Graham, Larry Craig, Aaron Schock, the Log Cabin guys, Jim Jordan, TEACH, jimhoft, Lil Doggie, Jared Kushner, Steve Mnuchin, Roy Moore, Mitch McConnell, all those Cons in the military that rape the women there… ?
There’s more to being a man than bullying the weak and pounding your chest like a gorilla.
So how is little Rusty doin’?
Note how the very liberal, oh-so-inclusive Mr Dowd went out of his way to tell us that known or purported homosexuals like Messrs Graham and Craig and “the Log Cabin guys†aren’t “real men.â€
Now, I do happen to agree with him: homosexuals are not real men, but I’m not a blindly inclusive leftist the way he claims to be. I don’t believe we should go along with the delusions of the transgendered and do believe in judging people based on what they are; I would never hire a trans “person†or obvious homosexual. But I’m honest about it; I’m not hypocritically defending the degenerate while using allegations of homosexuality as an insult.
It is, of course, interesting that Mr Dowd is so familiar with the names of allegedly homosexual conservatives. Larry Craig has been out of office for a while now and I’d never even heard of Aaron Schock. Jim Hoft is homosexual? I don’t read Gateway Pundit, and pay little attention to him — he tends to go off on wild tangents and jumps to conclusions from flimsy evidence — but while I had never paid enough attention to him to know that he had come out as homosexual, apparently Mr Dowd did.
Of course, not everybody on Mr Dowd’s list is homosexual. Mitch McConnell landed one of the hottest women in Washington when he married Elaine Chao, who was 40 when they married . . . and he was 51. At age 54, Steve Mnuchin married 38 year old Scottish actress Louise Linton. Jared Kushner was apparently man enough to marry, and hang onto, Ivana Trump, a total hottie who certainly did not need to marry for money.
His inclusion of our host? I have no idea what his sexual preferences are, though he certainly knows how to pick real hotties for his daily IAYS posts.
Then, of course, there’s me. I’m not going to post my wife’s photo online just to convince you that she’s pretty — though she most certainly is — but I’ll simply point out that she’s been coming home to me for 40 years, one month and 26 days, which is, I think, a pretty good record.
Cry me a river. You hypocrites don’t like your own bigotry tossed back in your faces.
Guys like tRump and Kushner get their hair done, nails done, make-up applied, probably even get pedicures. Probably never changed a tire, skinned a squirrel, hammered a nail or fileted a fish.
You claimed the GOP was the movement of “real” men.
Now you claim that “manliness” depends on what females one can attract? You seem to equate masculinity with heterosexual activity, a common right-wing belief. A real “man” takes what he wants and needs, right?
Yes, jimhoft is gay, he came out a couple years ago. Does that fact hurt his stature in the far-right community? TEACH may or may not be but his picture looks like Jane Lynch. The others are not exactly Paul Bunyans are they?
Still giving those trombone</> lessons to little Rusty</>, grandpa?
Cry me a river. You hypocrites don’t like your own bigotry tossed back in your faces.
Heterosexuality is bigotry? Bunny suit must be GLAAD he doesn’t like women.
Guys like tRump and Kushner get their hair done, nails done, make-up applied, probably even get pedicures. Probably never changed a tire, skinned a squirrel, hammered a nail or fileted a fish.
You claimed the GOP was the movement of “real†men.
Trump’s son, Eric, said he and his brother were probably the only billionaire’s sons who could operate a D3 bulldozer. Their father made them learn the construction biz from the ground up, and I’ll bet their father knows a lot more stuff than you.
As for changed a tire, skinned a squirrel, hammered a nail or fileted a fish, I’ll bet you never did, either.
You seem to equate masculinity with heterosexual activity, a common right-wing belief. A real “man†takes what he wants and needs, right?
Women do love the bad boys.
Until they’re stuck with one and a baby for a few years. Then they wake up.
All Lefty women can get is girly men with manbuns and murses who let them scream about toxic masculinity.
I take it that’s why your proclivities go the other way.
Yes, jimhoft is gay, he came out a couple years ago. Does that fact hurt his stature in the far-right community? TEACH may or may not be but his picture looks like Jane Lynch.
Well, his website gets a lot of traffic, so the answer seems to be, No.
As for Teach, keep insulting him. You’ll be gone soon enough.
TEACH will ban you soon enough. Your kind of crazy is driving people away. You’ve even begun attacking those that agree with you.
Mr Dowd write:
Not necessarily on which women men can attract, but yes, masculinity requires heterosexuality.
Are you trying to say that a shorter stature means a lack of masculinity? Julian Alaphilippe holds the yellow jersey in the Tour de France . . . and he’s 5’7″ tall. He was King of the Mountain in last year’s Tour, powering up the mountain stages. (The mountain stages haven’t really begun in this year’s tour.)
Of course, being shorter does make it more difficult in a society which prefers taller men, and shorter men frequently do have to work harder to achieve whatever they do. Yeah, I’m lucky; I’m taller than average.
Can you identify a “real” man on sight?
Actually it did, so you lie again.
You mean real men like Don Raper with his make-up and bouffant hairdo, Lyndsey Graham, Larry Craig, Aaron Schock, the Log Cabin guys, Jim Jordan, TEACH, jimhoft, Lil Doggie, Jared Kushner, Steve Mnuchin, Roy Moore, Mitch McConnell, all those Cons in the military that rape the women there… ?
Well, E Jean Carroll says she hasn’t had a man since Trump, so he must have been fantastic.
But this line all those Cons in the military that rape the women there tells you who Jeffery L Keene really is. That’s our Army, according to him, including all the black guys, all the Hispanic guys, even the queers. All they do is rape women. Even the women soldiers rape women, according to Jeffery L Keene.
There’s more to being a man than bullying the weak and pounding your chest like a gorilla.
If anybody knows about acting like a gorilla, it’s Jeffery L Keene.
So Edward Sibley Dutcher north of Akron must have reached his limit of being humiliated.
If anyone knows about lying it’s Edward Sibley Dutcher.
And as Edward Sibley Dutcher should know better than almost anyone, rape victims are often traumatized for life.
Surely Edward Sibley Dutcher should know better than most that sexual assault is a major problem in our military.
Certainly, Edward Sibley Dutcher knows that we didn’t even suggest that all the military were rapists.
If anyone knows about beating his chest like a gorilla, it’s Edward Sibley Dutcher.
Well, the only one here who has been accused of any crime, Jeffrey L Keene, and apparently had a 1000 foot restraining order placed on him, loves to throw names around, so I, and no one else, decided to throw his around.
And some women who are raped are traumatized, some aren’t. Red Cross will tell you they get a lot of women who go right back in the saddle
we didn’t even suggest that all the military were rapists.
all those Cons in the military that rape the women there
No, Jeffrey L Keene didn’t suggest it. You stated it as if it were true.
And I’m the wrong color to beat my chest. Closest I come is whipping Jeffrey L Keene’s ass about 50 times a day.
Edward Sibley Dutcher (aka formwiz) typed: “loves to throw names around, so I, and no one else, decided to throw his around”. What in the world are you talking about?
So Edvard Sibley Dutcher thinks someone has committed a crime? The accusation was made up by drowningpuppies (now goes by Lil) out of whole cloth.
Edward Sibley Dutcher made up the restraining order, that is, lied.
Not sure why Edward Sibley Dutcher re-started the potentially dangerous name game, but we’ll play as long as Edward wants.
How could tRump have ruined Ms. Carroll’s interest in men unless he actually raped her?
So how’s little Rusty doing, grandpa?
Jeffrey L Keene restarted it, as he does periodically. He thinks it’s funny.
But he keeps dropping hints, as dana noted, that liljeffy is on the money.
PS Those who want the real story on the digital dustup over “racism” yesterday, might want to check out the truth, including Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it is done. These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough.
Reagan couldn’t carry MN. Trump intends to.
(and retake the House with it)
“restarted it, as he does periodically”
That’s a bullshite lie. It was you, in a comment from your real name.
A little something off Insta for those confident the Rs will be swept out of office next year because polls say so.
The poll — taken in May, before Speaker Pelosi’s latest run-in with AOC and the three other liberal House freshmen known as “The Squad†— included 1,003 likely general-election voters who are white and have two years or less of college education.
These are the “white, non-college voters†who embraced Donald Trump in 2016 but are needed by Democrats* in swing House districts.
The group that took the poll shared the results with Axios on the condition that it not be named, because the group has to work with all parts of the party.
The findings:
Ocasio-Cortez was recognized by 74% of voters in the poll; 22% had a favorable view.
Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota — another member of The Squad — was recognized by 53% of the voters; 9% (not a typo) had a favorable view.
Socialism was viewed favorably by 18% of the voters and unfavorably by 69%.
Those white nationalists the bunny suit always loves to smear.
“restarted it, as he does periodicallyâ€
That’s a bullshite lie. It was you, in a comment from your real name.
No, you love doing it and you did it.
You know you lie.
That’s what liars do. And you can stop anytime.
TEACH will ban you soon enough. Your kind of crazy is driving people away. You’ve even begun attacking those that agree with you.
Can you identify a “real†man on sight?
A man is measured by what he is and does. Not by the noise he makes.
So you would lose.
Mr Dowd asked me:
Frequently, yes, but it’s hardly infallible, and it’s not something for which I look. What is more obvious is the ability to identify those who are not real men on sight. The soy-boys, the pajama boys, the ones who wear suits with ‘skinny’ pants, and, of course, the flaming homosexuals, those are all obvious.
But it’s women who are more able than men to be able to identify real men on sight; that’s an ability among women that men simply don’t have, not to the same extent.
Alas! it’s hurt by far too many mothers who push their sons into soccer rather than letting them play football.