New Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot is taking over on-track from old mayor Rahm Emanuel, and perfectly explains the Open Borders position. Perhaps she should be more concerned with the high levels of violence in her city (7 dead, at least 31 shot this weekend) rather than spending oodles of money protecting illegal aliens
Why Chicago police will not assist ICE in its raids
Dear President Trump,
On Friday, I ordered my city’s police department not to cooperate with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) on any activities within the city of Chicago and not to allow ICE agents access to our police databases.
These actions cut off ICE access to the Chicago Police Department’s databases and prevent the department from facilitating raids, setting traffic perimeters for ICE checkpoints, or otherwise aiding ICE in arrest or deportation activities. Our law department issued new specific protocols advising all personnel working at city-owned facilities, including libraries, Park District buildings, senior centers and schools, not to cooperate with ICE. And we significantly increased funding for the city’s legal defense fund to offset legal costs for undocumented Chicagoans.
Meanwhile, the streets are dirty, violence is rampant, and, she, like Emanuel and previous mayors, wants to take away guns from law abiding Americans. So, protect lawbreakers, go after those engaged in legal Constitutional rights.
We can all agree that our current immigration system is broken. We must do better — both for our residents and for those who come to our borders. Comprehensive, humane immigration reform can and must be a bipartisan imperative. Yes, we need reasonable border security — but we must achieve it in ways consistent with our values and our history as a country built and nurtured by immigrants.
She never lays out what she considers “reasonable border security.” What would it be? Because these Open Borders advocates seem to say no to everything.
There are approximately 180,000 undocumented people living in the city of Chicago, working, riding the public transportation system, sending their kids to public schools and attending City Colleges. Every day, when I talk to immigrants, asylum seekers and advocates, what I hear is fear, confusion and anxiety. Fear of families being separated, confusion about the scope of their rights and anxiety that the next knock on the door, the next traffic stop could irreparably upset the lives they have built for themselves in our city.
If you haven’t broken the law you shouldn’t be concerned with a traffic stop. And she sure sounds like she’s violating 8 US Code 1324, which is about protecting illegal aliens.
The threats and realities of stepped-up enforcement have not had the deterrent effect you intended, because the people you are targeting are not actually the problem. They came to the United States in search of a better life, free from violence, crushing poverty and oppressive governments that restrict their basic rights. They work in our local businesses, they build and repair our streets, buildings and other infrastructure. They are our neighbors, they are our family members, they are part of our community. They contribute to our economy in meaningful ways. Countless business organizations attest to this fact.
They came illegally, the take jobs from citizens, they deflate wages, they commit crimes, and so many seem to want America to give them stuff free while not really liking the U.S. And if they’re repairing our streets, that means they are working for government, so Mayor Lightfoot is in violation of numerous federal statutes that restrict the hiring of illegal aliens.
Any such efforts by ICE in our city will be met with fierce resistance from Chicagoans who have been organizing tirelessly in their communities, and with an unshakable resolve to stand with, and never against, our immigrant neighbors.
Again, the illegals in question were ordered out by federal judges after they had exhausted all legal means, and they could leave voluntarily or by being picked up and deported. Perhaps it’s time to change the system, so that after the last hearing the illegal is immediately detained and deported, since they never seem to leave on their own. Also, Mayor Lightfoot is advocating for citizens to impede federal agents engaged in lawful federal judicial orders, and telling others to do the same, also a violation of federal code.
As mayor of a wonderful, diverse and uniquely American city, I carry these children’s stories with me because I have met them, heard their testimonials and looked directly into their tear-filled eyes. I urge you again, Mr. President, to find your conscience before you do further damage to the lives of these children and families, and to the standing and respect our country has enjoyed in the world.
Funny how Democrats weren’t quite as concerned when Obama was deporting even ore illegals. Also, remember, 7 dead, at least 31 shot in Lightfoot’s Chicago.