Sounds like a winning plan: you make the appointment weeks to months ahead of time, show up early, your doctor keeps you sitting around past your appointment time, then wants to yammer at you about Hotcoldwetdry before jumping in their expensive low MPG fossil fueled vehicle and driving to their mansion
Has Your Doctor Talked To You About Climate Change?
When Michael Howard arrives for a checkup with his lung specialist, he’s worried about how his body will cope with the heat and humidity of a Boston summer.
“I lived in Florida for 14 years and I moved back because the humidity was just too much,” Howard tells pulmonologist Mary Rice, as he settles into an exam room chair at a Beth Israel Deaconess HealthCare clinic.
Howard, who is 57, has COPD, a progressive lung disease that can be exacerbated by heat and humidity. Even inside a comfortable, climate-controlled room, his oxygen levels worry Rice. Howard reluctantly agrees to try using portable oxygen. He’s resigned to wearing the clear plastic tubes looped over his ears and inserted in his nostrils. He assures Rice he has an air conditioner and will stay inside on really hot days. The doctor and patient agree that Howard should take his walks in the evenings to be sure that he gets enough exercise without overheating.
Then Howard turns to Rice with a question she didn’t encounter in medical school: “Can I ask you: Last summer, why was it so hot?”
Rice, who studies air pollution, is ready.
“The overall trend of the hotter summers that we’re seeing [is] due to climate change,” Rice says, “and with the overall upward trend, we’ve got the consequences of climate change.”
Some societies provide patient handouts that explain related health risks. But none have guidelines that explain how providers should talk to patients about climate change. There is no concrete list of “dos” — as in wear a seat belt, use sunscreen, and get exercise — or “don’ts” — as in don’t smoke, don’t drink too much and don’t text while driving.
The should stick with medicine and not junk science
“I have to be honest about the science and the threat that is there, and it is quite alarming,” Basu says.
So alarming that Basu says he often refers patients to counseling. Psychiatrists concerned about the effects of climate change on mental health say there are no standards of care in their profession yet. They suggest a response must be tailored for each patient, but some common responses are emerging.
And, of course, the nutso factor shows up. Surprise?

I too have COPD and Emphysema. I also wear the tubes and carry oxygen wherever I go. I have pulmonologists coming out my ass and am waiting for a lung transplant. In fact, last Monday I met with my doc and we DID talk about global warming. About how we both think it’s a hoax. But he must also be a racist like me since he’s a privileged white bastard and he’s married to a Vietnamese lady, also a doctor. So by Woke standards my doctor, like myself is a racist science denier.
I’m sorry you have COPD, it’s a terrible disease.
Good luck on obtaining a lung transplant.
All white people in the US, whether racist or not, benefit from white privilege. Being white doesn’t make one a racist, acting on one’s beliefs that one group is genetically superior to another makes one a racist. Being married to a non-white doesn’t make one a racist.
Believing that global warming is a hoax is a conspiracy theory not unlike thinking 9/11 was an inside job, that the gov’t is spraying chemicals (from jet liners) into the atmosphere to change human behavior, that the moon landings were faked, that President Barack Obama was born in Kenya, that fluoridated water is used to make citizens docile… It’s possible to reject all the evidence supporting global warming without thinking it’s a hoax engineered by a collective of gov’ts, scientists, religions, corporations and international communists. If one calls global warming a hoax, one is subscribing to a conspiracy theory.
All white people in the US, whether racist or not, benefit from white privilege.
Eddie Murphy sketch on SNL years ago. You’re not as funny.
Too bad you forget Zippy Ozero. He got all kinds of white privilege and traded on his color to boot. His problem is, like Pinocchio, he wants to be white and can’t. I suspect you have the same problem.
And to taunt a guy with COPD trying to get a lung transplant is a new high in low, even for you.
Being white doesn’t make one a racist, acting on one’s beliefs that one group is genetically superior to another makes one a racist. Being married to a non-white doesn’t make one a racist.
That’s awfully white of you. Considering there are a lot of non-whites in this world who have married whites, do they get white privilege, too?
So, I presume all that blather makes you a racist. You’re so eager to replace us because you’ll do a better job.
Just remember, most of Africa was where it was at the end of WWI as it was at the end of the Trojan War.
As a parent, I want my daughters to have every advantage they possibly can; that’s pretty much how every parent feels, in that it’s hard-wired into our minds.
Mr Dowd wrote:
And why would we want to give that up?
Jesse Jackson gave us the greatest ever example of white privilege, when he once said that he was walking at night, heard footsteps behind him, and was relieved when he turned around and saw that the fellow he’d heard was white and not black. It was a white privilege built up as black Americans had a significantly higher crime rate, something that brought all blacks under greater suspicion . . . and the self-proclaimed ‘civil rights leader’ both recognized and went along with that white privilege.
White privilege was the concept behind forced busing, with the unspoken but nevertheless present undercurrent that black children simply could not learn as well or as easily unless they had white students sitting next to them. Enforced racial integration was an attempt — again, unspoken — to integrate black Americans into white American culture. You still see it today, every time you turn on the television and see commercials for this or that product, featuring black actors portraying very middle class lifestyles. (For the past few years, a lot of those ‘commercial families’ have been interracial, though most of them tend to feature white men with black women, the less common arrangement.)
Real white privilege is that to which everyone should aspire: a life of productive work, inside a nuclear family, behaving responsibly in one’s community. Asian immigrants have managed to achieve that, for the most part, having assimilated into the larger culture, and adhering closely to the concept that their children need to be taught, early on, that they need to work hard in school to get ahead in life, and they’ve managed to achieve it so well that Harvard actively discriminates against Asian applicants, because there would be too many Asian students matriculating there if such discrimination were not in place.
It’s the same tactic Harvard used in the 1920s with their ‘Jewish quota,’ to make sure that there were not zu viele Juden in the student body. American Jews had also fully bought into the ‘American dream’ culture. It’s a shame that so many white Americans have abandoned the ideals which the Irish and German and Italian immigrants bought into during the immigration waves of the late nineteenth century.
Unfortunately, black Americans have not bought into that ideal, not in sufficient numbers, when the opportunity to do so has been afforded to them. Black male students drop out of high school at much higher rates, something which guarantees that, in the aggregate, black males will be earn less than others. Black males decline to marry their sexual partners at far higher rates, leaving a trail of children to be reared by single mothers, a condition which is responsible for wide-spread poverty. With marriage being the greatest single contribution to family wealth, roughly ¾ of all black children are bastards. This is a behavior pattern which almost guarantees poverty, and it is our ‘white privilege’ that far fewer — though still far too many, and, alas! an increasing number of — white children are born out of wedlock.
And yes, of course, my children were born after, well after, my wife and I married. More, we stayed married, so our daughters were reared by their real mother and real father, a far more successful model than having step-parents.
Certainly not all white people, white families, follow the ‘right’ model of behavior, but far more do than among American blacks. Whatever ‘white privilege’ we have is earned by whites, in the aggregate, adhering to doing the right things at greater rates than among blacks.
So, I ask you, why would we want to give that up?
“black children simply could not learn as well or as easily unless they had white students sitting next to them”
Or that “white” schools had more and better resources than “black” schools.
In any event you’ve conflated behavior with privilege. Do you agree that in general in America life is easier for we white people than black people? But you seem to think the easier path is deserved. Clearly not all of it is.
Thought experiment: Would you willingly trade places with a black man of the same socioeconomic status? If not, why not?
Dana’s made a mistake that needs to be corrected.
Busing was the white racist idea of white racist Leftists that black kids would learn better if they sat next to white kids and white racist Leftists support it to this day – think the last Democrat “debate”.
The idea of spending money on black schools wasn’t what they wanted to do. The abortion crowd couldn’t exterminate black kids, but they sure could keep them dumb which they did. And you hear nothing about it from “activists” like Jeffery. All they talk about is racism. How’s ’bout going through the Black Community and raising money (some of that spent on drugs would help) on improving black schools.
There was a move to put all-black teachers in black schools and have them teach black subjects. The Lefties went orgasmic. I remeber a line from one of the TV shows back then. The black teacher, Denise Nicholas, I believe, was saying, “I’m teaching these kids about Marcus Garvey and WEB DuBois, and they’re listening” .
Problem was, they weren’t. And teaching black stuff to black kids worked no better than teaching Aryan stuff to Aryan kids (after WWII, the German teenagers who found out how ignorant they were were quite bitter about it).
In any event you’ve conflated behavior with privilege. Do you agree that in general in America life is easier for we white people than black people? But you seem to think the easier path is deserved. Clearly not all of it is.
Not sure what he’s blathering about, but he’s trying to pull the same old Lefty game of dumbing things down do a simple Yes/No, which, incidentally, was the only way Zippy (white privilege? oh, yeah) could make his decisions.
Thought experiment: Would you willingly trade places with a black man of the same socioeconomic status? If not, why not?
Mind game: Jeffery can’t ask an honest question. A black doctor in an upscale neighborhood? Who wouldn’t?
PS Those who say I’m a racist or a Klansman will still say so., but I think I’ve made clear where I stand.
Oddly enough, my classmates and I managed to learn in a 1937 WPA/CCC building, with no air conditioning, in Kentucky. We had exactly one teacher who had his master’s; all of the others had only bachelor’s degrees. The teachers fought over time with the mimeograph machine to print tests, and the only ‘resources’ we had were textbooks.
Given that my wife is white, and loves me, not someone else, why would I “willingly trade places with a black man of the same socioeconomic status?” But no, I would not surrender my cultural upbringing, and culture is what this is all about.
What we have isn’t a ‘white privilege,’ but an American privilege, if only people will exercise it.
From The Wall Street Journal:
There’s more at the original, but it seems like Hispanic Americans are finding a path to American privilege.
Silbey did it again. He just can’t help himself.
So you would become a black man IF you could be a Dr in a tony neighborhood?
I am retired now. But when seeing patients I made sure to explain the stupidity of liberals and point out hoaxes such as weather alterations that have nothing to do with humans.
Radical leftists, socialists and communists use the term “white privilege” like it’s a curse word or an insult, the same way Elwood uses it. They also intimate that because “all whites” enjoy white privilege then all whites are racist. They have to be because the two go hand in hand.
Democrats use blacks, women, homosexuals, and Muslims as useful idiots to further their extreme radical leftist agenda. For example. Democrats and fake news said that opposing Obama’s punish-America policies was racist. Had Hillary won, opposing her leftist agenda would be branded sexist. If homosexual Democrat presidential candidate Mayor Pete Buttigieg wins the WH, opposing his extreme radical leftist ideas will be branded homophobia. If one of the anti-Semitic Democrats win the presidency, opposing their hate-Israel rants will be branded Islamophobic. This tactic is called “shaming.†Democrats and fake news routinely use shaming to silence all opposition, while forcing their anti-American and anti-Christian agendas down our throats. The invented notion of “white privilege”, which is liberally applied to ALL whites even toothless banjo players in Appalachia living in hovels, is just another way to divide Americans. As I’ve stated previously: Diversity is a weakness in a society not a strength. E Pluribus Unum does not mean “Diversify” it means Unite. That’s clearly what the left is afraid of.
So called “white privilege” is just another one of the many, many BIG LIES the left perpetrates on the American people to keep us fighting among ourselves whilst they benefit politically and financially. Log it in along with such bull shite as: 1) fetuses aren’t humans, 2) Islam is the religion of peace, 3) climate change is a catastrophe, 4) all races are equal, 5) all cultures are also equal, 6) everybody they disagree with is “RAAAAcist”, 7) The four idiots of the Apocalypse love America and the many many more lies taught in our educational institutions and broadcast by the Propaganda Media for years.
The only difference between Elwood and us is he believes the lies and never gives them a second thought. He is Eric Hoffer’s quintessential “True Believer”. He believes every bit of nonsense the left throws at him without a doubt in his little brain. The left are all the same. Same input same response. They aren’t salient people. The Left is not motivated by good or logical reasons.
It is better to think of them as a school of fish. When you watch a school of fish or a flock of birds, that is another useful analogy, it appears as if they are coordinated in their actions. It’s as if one of the fish is the brain, operating in secret communication with the rest of the school, to have them dart left or right through the water. It’s almost as if they were designed to be of one mind. We know, however, that there is no conspiracy of fishes secretly controlling the school using secret communications.
Instead, it is one fish responding to the fish around him. When the fish on the outside of the school twitches, those around him twitch. The cascade of movement happens so fast it is imperceptible to the observer on the dock. The same is true of birds. That murmuration of a flock of starlings looks like a highly coordinated ballet, but in reality it is the result of a million reactions within the flock. That’s how the Left operates like a highly coordinated religious cult. They are tuned to react to one another.
This is why facts and reason are useless weapons against the Left. People in the 2A community have all had the experience of carefully explaining the facts and arguments of gun control to their lefty friend or relative. They nod along, seeming to understand what has been explained. The next time you see them, it is the same old shibboleths, as if they have no memory of the last conversation. It’s like explaining “White Supremacy” or the number of sexes to Elwood. The reason for this is the very definition of who they are is their membership in a civic religion.
A part of every religion is ritual. Even the crudest, most simple of religions have some rituals that reinforce the belief system. Those ceremonies and rituals are physical manifestations of the shared belief. Step inside a synagogue and it is nothing but ritual and ceremony. The same is true of the Catholic Church. Old religions have had a long time to develop and fine tune their rituals and ceremonies. Without those rituals, the religion ceases to exist, just as the death of the body kills the consciousness.
That is the power of Progressivism. It is a self-contained, self-validating shared reality for the adherents. It’s why so few people break from it. More important, its immune system has evolved highly complex defenses against the way in which the Right prefers to debate. Those appeals to facts and reason are quickly turned into fuel to energize the believers into huddling closer in common defense. It’s how the Left maintains its power. It has turned the enemy’s best weapons into fuel.
That’s what “white privilege” is all about. Funny, nobody ever called me or any of my family “privileged” when we were crawling around in the sand or dirt fighting for America in other countries. They didn’t call my father privileged to fight in France or Germany. I guess we white folks are only “privileged” when the commies want us to give up something to one of their chosen victims. of white oppression.
Trump 2020 Stop calling everyone racist.
Whites enjoy privilege by virtue of being white. It is not the same as being racist.
In general life is easier for a white person in America, don’t you agree? That doesn’t mean they are racist.
The rest of your screed in just you emptying your bile.
“Whites enjoy privilege by virtue of being white. It is not the same as being racist.”
Well Elwood, you say it’s not the same as being racist but my observations are that that is a distinction without a difference. The left uses white privilege interchangeably with white racism, white supremacy and plain ole racism as they’re trying to do to Trump today. Don’t say it ain’t so because it’s been done to me, here. If white people are “guilty” of white privilege then non whites are the victims of oppression from it! That converts in the real world as “all whites are racists by virtue of their white privilege which converts into white supremacy and culminates in white oppression.
I’d like to point out to you Elwood IT IS EASIER FOR WHITE PEOPLE EVERYWHERE IN THE WORD except perhaps a few Asian countries. Why do you think that is Elwood? Or is it a mystery?
You’re welcome to explain why everywhere whites go they rule and why all these NOBLE people of color are so anxious to come where the whites are? Why aren’t they illegally immigrating to the Middle East or Africa or for that matter Chile?
And that “bile” was just an opinion but as I explained IN THAT OPINION you leftists are physically, mentally and emotionally unable to process contrary opinions so you lash out in emotional name calling. Sometimes you make it too easy.
Trump 2020 Get rid of the Four Harpies!
Jeff has enjoyed privilege. He has tapped into the grant system so that we paid for his college and we now support his business. I am not sure why he attached white to his efforts to rip off our government.
david is still lying.
Regardless of what you think or what you’ve heard, white privilege and racism are not the same.
Whites are not guilty of white privilege, they just benefit from it. As I said, it’s privilege based on skin color, nothing more. dana, and perhaps you, think it’s earned. It’s not – it’s just a characteristic, sort of like white skin. You didn’t choose to be white, it is luck. It’s not earned. It’s a valid question to ask why it exists – how did it develop.
There’s an interesting book that discusses the issue: Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by YN Harari. It’s free online.
Your position seems to be that white skin makes one superior to others.
White privilege is not a slur or even a criticism, it’s a fact to be considered.
Did you volunteer for Vietnam to defend America? Were there any black kids there defending America?
How do you propose that Don Raper rid America of 4 of its Congresswomen? We hope you mean to vote them out.
I disagree with everything you said there, Elwood. Which as a privileged white guy is my right to do.
My position is that white skin is just white skin. YOUR position is it bestows special powers on the wearer. That’s racist!
His bluff called, bunny suit weasels.
it’s privilege based on skin color
You mean like the kind Zippy has traded on all his life?
White privilege is not a slur or even a criticism, it’s a fact to be considered.
No, it’s nothing but another phony Lefty guilt trip.
Did you volunteer for Vietnam to defend America? Were there any black kids there defending America?
Since you raise the subject, old soldier, the rate of voluntarism was higher in ‘Nam than in WWII.
How do you propose that Don Raper rid America of 4 of its Congresswomen?
It’s not his to do. He just raises the point that Hell’s Harem hates the country so much, they should go back home and fix their own coutries so they can come bback and show us how it’s done.
Third time I’ve had to kick you ass about the facts of what he said.
Typical Lefty. Makes everything monolithic to fit his lie.
Try being accepted into an upper-class WASP neighborhood if you’re and Irish Catholic working stiff.
In general life is easier for a white person in America, don’t you agree? That doesn’t mean they are racist.
No, it just means you’re racist. And shove that patronizing tone up your ass. You’re here to sell a pack of lies The rest of your screed in just you emptying your bile, not to have an honest discussion.
And it depends on how you act. I had a brother-in-law get pulled over because he was driving a pickup truck (and not one of the tricked-out kind) in a swanky neighborhood. Cops asked a few questions, OK, fine.
You look like you don’t belong, you draw attention. The Left has encouraged blacks for 50 years to look and act like hooligans (and worse), so they get scrutinized. Maybe the solution is to listen to what Cosby said and have blacks take responsibility for themselves and their lives
[…] On one of William Teach’s open thread posts, the frequent leftist commenter who is currently styling himself Elwood P Dowd wrote: […]
I have taken my previous comment, and expanded it into a blog post on my own site. It has far too many internal links to survive as a comment on our host’s site. My site is set up so that commenters who do not have a previously approved post will go into the moderation queue — I’ve been having spam attack problems — but I approve all non=spam comments as soon as I see them.
Silbey did it again. He just can’t help himself.
So you would become a black man IF you could be a Dr in a tony neighborhood?
Hey, L asked the question.
And the word is toney.
PS I live in a swanky neighborhood.