This is actually in the straight news section, albeit the Lifestyle section. Leftists just can’t help in pooping on everything
The culture that put men on the moon was intense, fun, family-unfriendly, and mostly white and male
— The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) July 16, 2019
As NASA worked relentlessly to fulfill John F. Kennedy’s goal of landing a man on the moon by decade’s end, it turned to the nation’s engineers. Many of them were fresh out of school, running the gamut from mechanical to electrical engineers, because that’s mostly what was taught in universities, and almost exclusively to white men.
In archival Apollo 11 photos and footage, it’s a “Where’s Waldo?†exercise to spot a woman or person of color.
“I don’t want to be politically incorrect here, but the workforce, the culture, was white male. In the firing room, we had almost 500 people and we have one female, one black guy and one Hispanic,†says Ike Rigell, 96, chief engineer and deputy director of launch vehicle operations at the Kennedy Space Center in Central Florida. “That was the culture.â€
That’s how it opens. After that, a long chunk has nothing to do with the opening, but eventually moves on to sexism, handsy people, wage disparities, and all the rest.
Except for the black women mathematicians who helped them get there… ????
— Gege, An Adult Human Female. i.e.: A Woman (@Pomquat) July 16, 2019
It was a different time, different era, so attempting to place modern day standards is silly. But, then, this is Wokeness.
Of course, it’s all fake, because the moon landings never happened, right?

Shot: The culture that put men on the moon was intense, fun, family-unfriendly, and mostly white and male
Chaser: Except for the black women mathematicians who helped them get there
Hangover: And, out of the whole crew, how many of them were there?
I seriously doubt that we could go to the moon with all the brown people and the worthless degrees people have now. Remember he Mars landing that was screwed up due to not understanding the metric system. As to the blacks women math folks, seriously doubt that story is real.
Look what david pulled out of his robe: “I seriously doubt that we could go to the moon with all the brown people and the worthless degrees people have now.”
The Schiaparelli lander that crashed in 2016 on Mars was a joint EU and Russian venture. Maybe the Russian computer jocks were too busy hacking to do the calculations right. And three nations oppose the metric system (SI), the US, Liberia and Myanmar, even though it’s the language of science.
Katherine Johnson was born Katherine Coleman in 1918 in White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia, to Joylette and Joshua Coleman. Her mother was a teacher and her father was a lumberman, farmer, handyman, and worked at the Greenbrier Hotel.
Johnson showed strong mathematical abilities from an early age. Because Greenbrier County did not offer public schooling for African-American students past the eighth grade, the Colemans arranged for their children to attend high school in Institute, West Virginia. This school was on the campus of West Virginia State College (WVSC, now West Virginia State University). Johnson was enrolled when she was only ten years old. The family split their time between Institute during the school year and White Sulphur Springs in the summer.
After graduating from high school at 14, Johnson entered West Virginia State, a historically black college. As a student, she took every math course offered by the college. Multiple professors mentored her, including the chemist and mathematician, Angie Turner King, who also had mentored Johnson throughout high school, and W. W. Schieffelin Claytor, the third African-American to receive a Ph.D. in mathematics. Claytor added new mathematics courses just for Katherine. She was graduated summa cum laude in 1937, with degrees in mathematics and French, at age 18.
Johnson decided on a career as a research mathematician, although this was a difficult field for African Americans and women to enter. The first jobs she found were in teaching. Johnson was offered a job in 1953. She accepted and became part of the early NASA team. From 1953 to 1958, Johnson worked as a “computer”, analyzing topics such as gust alleviation for aircraft.
From 1958 until her retirement in 1986, Johnson worked as an aerospace technologist, moving during her career to the Spacecraft Controls Branch. She calculated the trajectory for the May 5, 1961 space flight of Alan Shepard, the first American in space. She also calculated the launch window for his 1961 Mercury mission. She plotted backup navigation charts for astronauts in case of electronic failures. When NASA used electronic computers for the first time to calculate John Glenn’s orbit around Earth, officials called on Johnson to verify the computer’s numbers; Glenn had asked for her specifically and had refused to fly unless Johnson verified the calculations.
Johnson later worked directly with digital computers. Her ability and reputation for accuracy helped to establish confidence in the new technology. In 1961, her work helped to ensure that Alan Shepard’s Freedom 7 Mercury capsule would be quickly found after landing, using the accurate trajectory that had been established.
She also helped to calculate the trajectory for the 1969 Apollo 11 flight to the Moon.
That’s a very nice job of cutting and printing a mathematicians history. So what does it mean, if not for Johnson we never would have gone to the moon because Somalia would have beat us?
Haha… because Somalia is a black shithole, right? Genius.
Actually david said the story of black women being instrumental at NASA was a lie. Because black people are stupid and lazy. And because of brown people and lousy degrees we’ll never go to space again. Right, dave?
And Kye, don’t you want to deport all Muslims from the US? Even Muslim citizens.
Well, isn’t it? When people think “failed state” (even Lefties), Somailia is the name that comes to mind.
Because black people are stupid and lazy. And because of brown people and lousy degrees we’ll never go to space again. Right, dave?
If you’re going to sting a guy, lay off the hyperbole and stick to the facts.
He said all the worthless degrees we have now. That includes all the Lesbo Studies degrees, all the degrees where nobody got less than a B, all the degrees where you had to agree with the prof to pass, or all the degrees where your parents were endowing the university.
As for brown people, I do believe that was a reference to diversity hires. As we know from the last Administration, diversity hires are no guarantee of competence.
don’t you want to deport all Muslims from the US? Even Muslim citizens.
Not all Moslems are crazies, but the ones that are should be deported, citizens or not. Supporting terrorism aimed at the US is treason, after all. And citizenship can be revoked.
You are well known for lying. I seriously doubt this woman had a significant part in anything. In reading on it I found these women were basically let lovers for the old computers. As we are all being called racist for no reason, let’s start taking the gloves off.
You old unreconstructed Confederate, you.
Republicans don’t believe anything is racist except everyone else.
racism: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
You’ve stated before that your black patients were stupid and lazy.
Kye wonders why white people dominate every continent they invade.
dana outlines how disadvantaged blacks have made themselves in America.
The common thread is that you think there is either an inherent defect in blackness or a inherent advantage in whiteness. Over the decades cons have changed their story from “genetics” (science cons down again) to “culture” (dana made that argument the other day). You accumulate “evidence” supporting the superiority of whiteness and white “culture”. tRump is using racism to gain and keep power. Useful idiots on the right shout, “Send Her Back!!”
It’s fascinating that rightists still deny it since racism is so much of what they are.
Jeff lies again. It seems that all the brown people desire to go back to segregation of the 50s do let’s do it.
You old unreconstructed Confederate, you.
The only unreconstructed Confederate in the last 100 years was one of your boys, Woody Wilson. University professor, president of Princeton, fan of DW Griffith, booster of Birth Of A Nation and the resurgent KKK.
Republicans don’t believe anything is racist except everyone else.
No, that’s Lefties. Sober up.
racism: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
Sounds like you. Get rid of Whitey and everything will be fine.
You’ve stated before that your black patients were stupid and lazy.
Care to provide a link?
Kye wonders why white people dominate every continent they invade.
One of those ugly facts of history. Since your mind is no better than Zippy’s, I know you’ve never considered it, but a thoughtful person might ponder on it.
The Americas, Africa, Asia, Australia. Interesting.
dana outlines how disadvantaged blacks have made themselves in America.
Well, they started listening to the Democrats.
The common thread is that you think there is either an inherent defect in blackness or a inherent advantage in whiteness.
In truth, the two aren’t mutually exclusive. You have yet to answer how it was that, by the time the white man had mastered flight and travel beneath the seas, black Africa had yet to domesticate the horse.
Over the decades cons have changed their story from “genetics†(science cons down again) to “culture†(dana made that argument the other day). You accumulate “evidence†supporting the superiority of whiteness and white “cultureâ€.
Yeah, it’s called history.
tRump is using racism to gain and keep power. Useful idiots on the right shout, “Send Her Back!!â€
Actually, it’s more like nationalism and economic necessity.
It’s fascinating that rightists still deny it since racism is so much of what they are.
It’s fascinating that Leftists still deny it since racism is so much of what they are.
You don’t seem to be able to go a day without calling somebody a racist.
Here’s dave’s wet dream. Get rid of all undocumented immigrants. Force all blacks to the old confederacy and only allow them to do the jobs white Americans don’t want to do.
… like raindrops bouncing off a tin roof.
Bwaha. Lolgf.
Sounds good. I have watched you and it seems that everyone must adhere to your set of morals, or else they are RACIST. You did mention the Confederacy, can you tell me who was more racist, the CSA or the USA. I really think you are the stupidest person I ever commented with, you prove it daily. All you do here is gaslight.
Well, if we’re being factual, which I am,but you’re not, that last part was basically what Elijah Mohammed wanted. All American blacks in Mississpissi. What they would do there, Gold, not allah, only knows.
Get rid of all undocumented immigrants.
They’re already gone because they never were. If you’re talking illegal aliens, we’re working on it.
If you have evidence, by all means, link it.
As for Jeffery, three black woman in the Apollo program is not a testament to black America as a whole. Condi Rice had a similar career and the Lefty blacks called her a house nigger.
Just saying there was a black guy with Lewis and Clark or one at the Little Big Horn proves nothing.
Show me a generation that beat drugs, refused to tolerate crime, maintained strong families, refused to stand for poor, or no real, education, and accomplished something important with their lives, both individually and as a race, and then you will have to respect them.
In the meantime, I respect men like Jim Beckwourth, Bass Reeves, the Buffalo Soldiers, Edward Rose, the Negro-Seminoles, and the US 93rd Division in WWI.
We need many more like them.
Silbey never learns.
It was decided, early on, that the first astronauts would be chosen from among test pilots . . . and they were all white males.
Of course, the selection process began in 1958 and the original seven astronauts were introduced to the public in 1959; we weren’t ‘woke’ enough back then.
And look what happens when you put a woman in charge: Jessica Chastain left Matt Damon behind on Mars!
Truth be told the movie Hidden Figures was mostly fiction. While there were some black females involved they did NOT perform the crucial calculations involved. They were each tasked with
DOUBLE CHECKING existing calculations….each one assigned a PORTION of the work to review. They could ALL of them have magically disappeared in a puff of smoke and the Apollo program would have still have been successful. The movie was nothing but fictional “woke” propaganda.
WTF is it with you Yanks. Normal people learn from the past and move on. You weirdo’s keep replaying the American Revolution for goodness sake. Grow up.
The American Revolution is why we’re #1 and you’re not.
And you’re still a lousy troll.
Silbey never learns.
Actually, you never learn because you never think.
I was agreeing with you on the issue of black female mathematicians, idiot.
Since you obviously cannot read, the first line of my comment was to david, asking him to back up his contention if he could.
But you, being a contemptible racist ideologically inflexible moron and one who types without thinking because trolls never stop to think, they just react, took a shot at me.
If he skims the old comments and sees this, I don’t care what he does anymore. I wanted to set the record straight. If he stands by his story and can verify it, I’ll put it up here even though Hidden Figures is one of my wife’s favorite movies (of course, anything with The Rock, Sandra Bullock, or Queen Latifah is one of her favorite movies).