July 18, 2019 – 4:15 pm
Remember, Steyer has funded Democrat candidates who totally back the authoritarian push for ‘climate change’ laws, rules, and regulations. He’s pretty much running for president on Hotcoldwetdry. But Revealed: Tom Steyer’s Firm Funded Coal Plants in Australia, China, and Indonesia Despite marketing himself as an “environmental justice†advocate combating “climate change,†billionaire Democrat presidential candidate […]
July 18, 2019 – 1:00 pm
…are horrendous fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Doug Ross @ Journal, with a post on a real expert obliterating the global warming scam. Dog: “356 selfies are enough, Karen, let’s go to the park.”
July 18, 2019 – 10:30 am
How this got published in the Washington Post is beyond me. Someone must have slipped something by the controlling editors Unauthorized immigrants face public backlash in Mexico, survey finds Mexicans are deeply frustrated with immigrants after a year of heightened migration from Central America through the country, according to a survey conducted by The Washington Post and […]
July 18, 2019 – 8:14 am
There really is almost nothing that Warmists won’t attempt to hijack to fold in under the banner of ‘climate change’. Now it is people with disabilities, which I haven’t seen before The U.N. Is Calling for the Inclusion of People With Disabilities in the Climate Change Debate A line of elderly citizens unable to board […]
July 18, 2019 – 8:01 am
Now, the text of the resolution as submitted doesn’t mention Israel or the BDS movement, but, come on, the lady hates Israel and Jews, and the BDS movement is, at its heart, anti-Semitic, and the way she introduced it should tell you where she’s going with it Ilhan Omar invokes boycott of Nazi Germany in […]