There really is almost nothing that Warmists won’t attempt to hijack to fold in under the banner of ‘climate change’. Now it is people with disabilities, which I haven’t seen before
The U.N. Is Calling for the Inclusion of People With Disabilities in the Climate Change Debate
A line of elderly citizens unable to board a bus to evacuate a senior home. People with limited mobility sitting helpless by the side of the road. Wheelchairs buried in mud after a flood. Scenes and accounts like these became the norm in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in 2005, one of the deadliest natural disasters in United States history.
Ten years later, a documentary called The Right to Be Rescued showed, through the perspective of survivors, what official reports would also confirm: People with disabilities were disproportionately affected by the disaster.
You can thank the Democratic governments in the area for that. They didn’t seem to have problems in Mississippi and Alabama, which were hit just as hard as New Orleans and Louisiana. They were just run by Republicans and weren’t full of people whose whole lives depended on Government
Over the last few years, stories about people with disabilities being left behind have continued to surface after tropical storms and wildfires in Puerto Rico, Texas, and California. Recently, the United Nations warned that climate crisis disasters are happening at the rate of one per week, urging developing countries to prepare for impact and to develop strategies to protect the most vulnerable populations, such as the poor, the elderly, children, and disabled people.
Last Friday, the United Nations Human Rights Council announced a resolutionaddressing for the first time the rights of people with disabilities in connection with climate change. The document urges governments to listen to those who are affectedthe most by environmental changes, by adopting a “comprehensive, integrated, gender-responsive and disability-inclusive approach to climate change adaptation and mitigation policies.”
Anyone with disabilities should think really hard about letting these nutters place their rights and such under the banner of Hotcoldwetdry, because they will always then be secondary to the goals of Hotcoldwetdry. The ‘climate change’ nuts are just using people of disabilities to achieve their own nefarious goals.

“didn’t seem to have problems in Mississippi and Alabama, which were hit just as hard as New Orleans and Louisiana. They were just run by Republicans and weren’t full of people whose whole lives depended on Government”
TEACH is making shite up.
Mississippi is #1 in federal aid amongst the states. Alabama #11.
The name Ray Nagin ring any bells? Remember the school buses?
All those “dead” people in the Superdome?
And what do you think of the House voting down impeachment?
What’s the point of impeaching trump? The Senate won’t convict.
Yes, the Dems should do their duty and impeach him, but they don’t have the cajones.
Mueller left it up to Congress, and Congress is leaving it up to the voters. Trump outmaneuvered them all by appointing a sniveling loyalist in Barr, and Barr has castrated the DOJ. Well played, Don, well played.
Aw, silly little sissybitch be whining again.
BWAHA! Lolgf.
No, he’s not. He’s talking about aid after Katrina. Hardly a word was said about Mississippi and Alabama. Must be something in the water that would cause people who, when they hear a Cat 5 hurricane is approaching, and live in a city next to the ocean that’s below sea level, that would cause many of them to stay in their houses. People in Mississippi and Alabama must just be smarter. W onde
The difference, of course, is New Orleans LA vs Gulfport MS. New Orleans is a major US metropolitan area in a “bowl”, Gulfport is the size of St. Joseph MO.
The point remains, no state has a higher percentage of citizens supported by federal tax dollars than “Republican” led Mississippi.
Um, you do realize the size of the city has nothing to do with how badly it’s hit. And we all know Nawlins is run by crooks.
The point remains, no state has a higher percentage of citizens supported by federal tax dollars than “Republican†led Mississippi.
Depends on which website you go to. BTW Demo-run NM is second. In states on SNAP, Demo-led OR is.
According to WalletHub, residents in Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey and New York have some of the highest tax bills in the nation. They also pay thousands more in federal taxes than their state receives back in federal funding.
Um, you do realize that it’s harder to mobilize hundreds of thousands or poor people than a few thousand. You do realize it’s more expensive to rebuild a city of hundreds of thousands than a few thousand.
“…Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey and New York have some of the highest tax bills in the nation. They also pay thousands more in federal taxes than their state receives back in federal funding.”
Thanks for supporting my point. Blue states pay more federal taxes to support Republican run red states.
Unfortunately, California, with 12 percent of the American population, is home today to roughly one in three of the nation’s welfare recipients.Â
Bye Felicia…
Sorry, J. The point remains that that wasn’t Teach’s point. He was not speaking of total dollars in aid to a particular state, but rather Katrina, as stated. Change the subject much…?