I’ve mentioned that the NY general assembly passed its own GND, and now it has been finally signed by the governor
New York passes its Green New Deal, announces massive offshore wind push
Yesterday, New York governor Andrew Cuomo signed a bill that’s been described as the state’s Green New Deal. Unlike the one that’s been floated in Congress, this one isn’t a grab-bag collection of social and energy programs. Instead, there’s a strong focus on energy, with assurances that changes will be made in a way that benefits underprivileged communities.
The bill was passed by both houses of the New York legislature last month, but Cuomo held off on signing it so he could pair it with an announcement that suggests the new plan’s goals are realistic. The state has now signed contracts for two wind farms that will have a combined capacity of 1.7 GW. If they open as planned in under five years, they will turn New York into the US’s leading producer of offshore wind power.
The national Green New Deal did include some energy-focused plans, but it mixed them in with aspirational ideas like a guaranteed basic income. It’s hard to understand how New York’s plan has picked up the same name given that it’s nothing like the national one. While there is some nod to New-Deal-like programs (the law will create a Climate Justice Working Group for instance), those aspects are limited in scope to issues brought up by transitions in the energy economy. Instead, the majority of the law is focused on changing the state’s energy landscape.
That is true, the NY one spends much less time on social justice mule fritters, but, it is still prevalent in the NY one. But, let’s focus on the wind turbines
New York gives green light for two huge offshore wind projects in waters off Long Island
New York State has awarded two offshore wind contracts with a combined capacity of almost 1,700 megawatts (MW) in waters off Long Island.
The contracts were awarded to Norwegian firm Equinor and a joint venture between Danish company Orsted and U.S. business Eversource.
The Empire Wind and Sunrise Wind developments were announced as the winners of New York’s first “comprehensive offshore wind solicitation†on Thursday.
The companies will now commence negotiations for long-term contracts with the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority for offshore wind renewable energy certificates. Both projects are expected to commence operations in 2024.
Good luck with that. You know that the extreme enviroweenies will be suing in short order, jamming it up for a long time
Equinor’s 816 MW Empire Wind facility will be made up of between 60 to 80 wind turbines, according to the business. It will cover an area of 80,000 acres and be located southeast of Long Island. Total investments in the facility will amount to around $3 billion, and it will be able to power more than 500,000 homes.
80,000 acres is equivalent to 125 square miles. A typical natural gas facility can take up under half a square mile and provide between 3,500 and 4,000 megawatts. A nuclear plant is typically between 2 and 3 square miles and can easily provide over 2,000 MW. The wind turbines can usually only operate when the wind is between 5 and 30 miles an hour. And have a life span of 30 years. Think all the fancy pants rich folks on Long Island want their view ruined? Think that people in Rhode Island and Connecticut won’t sue?
Cuomo wants 9,000 MW by 2035. He could put up 2-3 natural gas facilities and be done with it.

Or they could build 4 or 5 modern nuclear facilities and be set till 2100.
Try putting those offshore wind contract off the Hamptons and see how quickly the law suits fly out.
Fine .
Let’s mandate that the first offshore bird choppers will be built just offshore of the Hamptons , where the Liberal elite can enjoy the “improvements” that their crackpot ideology brings about !
They can follow up with Martha’s Vineyard, Cape Cod, Aquinnah, Mememsha and then move to to the Left Coast off Malibu and all the rest. IOW, YOU FIRST assholes!