You really have to love it. Modern Socialists usually freak out over the mention of anything to do with the Christian religion, particularly anything associated with Jesus Christ, but, they’ll attempt to co-opt Jesus when it helps them politically. One would think religious leaders would recognize that joining with an anti-religion cult is a Bad Idea
What Would Jesus Do About Climate Change?
The Green New Deal has picked up endorsements from two major Christian groups, signaling a growing base of support among the faithful as climate change projections look increasingly apocalyptic.
The Unitarian Universalist Association passed a resolution at its general assembly in late June endorsing the Green New Deal resolution that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) introduced in Congress five months ago. The main national organization for the egalitarian spiritual movement, which has over 1,000 churches in the U.S., vowed to “actively support the development of federal legislation to implement†the deal.
Days later, the national deliberative body of the United Church of Christ, a mainline Protestant sect with nearly 825,000 adherents and close to 4,900 congregations across the United States, also voted to endorse the Green New Deal. It called the policy framework “what is needed to preserve and restore God’s great gift of creation.â€
Last week, Young Evangelicals for Climate Action, a youth organization within one of Protestantism’s most traditionally conservative denominations, praisedwhat it called the Green New Deal’s “biblical principles†and pledged to work “toward translating these…into viable, bipartisan bills.â€
Interestingly, none of those groups have advocated that their own membership gives up their personal use of fossil fuels, stop taking long showers, use not-soft toilet paper, hand wash their clothes, and just make their lives carbon neutral. Nor have they recommended sending all sorts of money to the IRS as taxes/fees for ‘climate change’.
Providing “a better life for our children and grandchildren†came out as the top motivation among Christians and non-Christians to reduce planet-warming emissions, according to the study published in the journal Science Communication. But Christian respondents said they were also inspired by a need to “protect God’s creation.â€
“[T]his research suggests that moral, religious, and social normative frames can be effective ways to engage Christians in the issue of climate change,†Anthony Leiserowitz, director of the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication and a co-author of the study, wrote in an email newsletter last week.
I wonder what Jesus would think about pushing a piece of legislation, well, a resolution, really, that puts the central government in charge of everyone’s lives? What would he think of using religion to bond with the authoritarian government?
Climate change, said evangelical Rev. Kyle Meyaard-Schaap, is “first a biblical, moral and gospel issue, rather than first a political issue.†As such, Young Evangelicals for Social Action decided not to endorse the Green New Deal resolution outright, lest the group alienate the conservative co-religionists it aims to influence.
He’s obviously not read it, nor read about Alexandria O’Casio-Cortez’s chief of staff who said the GND is not about climate, but reshaping America’s economy, so, by extension, the lives of citizens.
Surprisingly, the article includes this paragraph as the last
“There’s no doubt that certain elements of Christianity have been hijacked by forces that are really antithetical to justice and the gospel,†said Berndt, who serves as an environmental justice minister in the United Church of Christ. “There’s a long history of Christianity, back to the Roman Empire, where there’s faith that gets co-opted by empire and faith that forms resistance to empire.â€
This is what the Cult of Climastrology does: hijack everything for its nefarious, big government purposes.

Unitarians are not Christians. They ‘worship’ anything they want. I am sure some of them in So Cal worship Mickey Mouse.
I’m pretty sure Jesus was against taking stuff that doesn’t belong to you. I think he may have talked about it once or twice.