It’s interesting. She has no problem condemning Trump, Jews, Israel, white people, Conservatives, Republicans, and pretty much anyone who doesn’t agree with her. Like if some people did something (interestingly, most Google links on first few pages are about protecting Ilhan, rather than her tone deaf comment). But
Ilhan Omar Shuts Down Constant Calls For Muslims To Condemn Things
Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) and other Muslim politicians are constantly being asked to condemn groups and issues that her non-Muslim colleagues are not asked to answer for, and she’s tired of it.
Why would we have to be asked to condemn Islamic extremism and female genital mutilation? Jihad? We aren’t the ones involved in it. And we have actually condemned it, which she refuses to do.
Speaking on the opening panel at the Muslim Collective for Equitable Democracy conference on Tuesday, the congresswoman took a question from Ani Zonneveld, founder of the Los Angeles-based group Muslims for Progressive Values. Zonneveld asked if Omar and Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) would come out and condemn female genital mutilation.
Omar, who has previously voted for numerous bills against FGM both on the state and federal levels, immediately called the question “appalling.â€
“How often should I make a schedule like this? This needs to be on repeat every five minutes. Should I do that?†she asked Zonneveld.
Notice, the person asking is not a conservative, they aren’t right leaning. She’s part of a group that wants to move Islam into the 21st Century. And that’s how Ilhan responds. Not with “yes, it is despicable and should be stopped.” But, with apoplexy that some dared asked her opinion in a horrible thing done to women.
“So today, I forgot to condemn al Qaeda, so here’s the al Qaeda one. I forgot to condemn FGM. Here that goes. I forgot to condemn Hamas. Here that goes.â€
She’s never condemned any of those. Ever.
The Muslim Collective for Equitable Democracy is heavily linked to CAIR, themselves linked to the extremist Muslim Brotherhood. Also present was Abdul El-Sayed, another extremist. Regardless, she has never condemned any Islamic extremism, otherwise the issue would be dropped. She could say “I did. I have. Do your research.”
“I am quite disgusted, really, to be honest, that as Muslim legislators we are constantly being asked to waste our time speaking to issues that other people are not asked to speak to,†she continued, noting the assumption that Muslims “somehow support†these issues.
Mediate called it an appalling question. What’s appalling is that she refuses to answer.

Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that it hand-delivered ethics complaint to Chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives Office of Congressional Ethics David Skaggs calling for a full investigation into potential crimes tied to allegations that Rep. Ilhan Omar may have married her biological brother.
“The evidence is overwhelming Rep. Omar may have violated the law and House rules. The House of Representatives must urgently investigate and resolve the serious allegations of wrongdoing by Rep. Omar,†stated Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “We encourage Americans to share their views on Rep. Omar’s apparent misconduct with their congressmen.â€
Ilhan Omar like the rest of the radical commie/Mohammadan left hates America, Christians, Jews , capitalism and Freedom. Sounds pro-Elwood to me.
Trump 2020 Let’s get the enemy out of America.
She has no problem condemning Trump, Jews, Israel, white people, Conservatives, Republicans, and pretty much anyone who doesn’t agree with her.
Kinda like our resident little sissybitch, no?
Bwaha. Lolgf.
Judicial Watch files these nuisance complaints all the time – many 100s of them. They announce their suits, right-wingers get boners, and the suits are usually dismissed. JW is supported by far right billionaires, e.g., the Scaifes.
Kye, like the rest of the extremist christofascists, hates America, Muslims, freedom and working class Americans.
Trump 2020: Let the Purge Begin!
Judicial Watch must be getting to the truth.
The bunny suit has seen fit to denounce them, especially since it concerns his new wet dream (Christine Floozy Ford was white, after all).
the suits are usually dismissed.
Care to prove that?
the rest of the extremist christofascists, hates America, Muslims, freedom and working class Americans.
Christofascists (that’s capitalized, idiot)? To be a Christian is to be a fascist? That’s a laugh.
It wasn’t the left that put working stiffs back to work. It’s the Left that tries to stifle free speech.
Your little hate list reflects you and all your cartoon characters more than anyone else.
Dr Freud, Dr Freud, please pick up the white courtesy telephone.
So now I’m a “christofascist” am I? Where did you pick up that bit of bigotry? From your communist keepers or your Mohammedan programmers?
What is a “christofascist” anyway? Give us a definition. What sect of Christianity preaches fascism? You throw out hateful words condemning an entire religion defined by what they contributed to the development of the Western World, art, literature, science, culture, philanthropy, and the Foundation of Personal Freedom which defines America and our culture so please you commie loving pagan, define “christofascist” for us.
The only clown here who hates America is Y.O.U. Don’t try your childish leftist projecting crap on us, we’re wise to your shit. I told you before the extent to which I “hate Muslims” is I hate ANY enemy of America so I hate ISLAM, communism, socialism, Nazism, paganism, The Four Harpies, AntiFa, the KKK, CAIR and Elwoodism. And I AM A WORKING CLASS American and unlike YOU I don’t hate my own!
Trump 2020 Get the commies out of America.
You whiny titty babies are such weenie snowflakes!
You call others commies, pagans, Nazis and America-haters, but can’t take it when your christofascism is called out.
It’s the melding of Christianity with the state, similar to the Islamofascism of Iran and Saudi Arabia.
Most evangelicals are christofascists, wanting to limit the rights of non-Christians, while forcing the observance of Christianity on others.
Should we have Christian prayers in public schools?
Should we make gay marriage illegal?
Should we ban all abortions?
Would you like to enact blasphemy laws?
Do you support discriminating on the basis of religion?
You call others commies, pagans, Nazis and America-haters, but can’t take it when your christofascism is called out.
It’s the melding of Christianity with the state, similar to the Islamofascism of Iran and Saudi Arabia.
No, you’re the whiny titty baby weenie snowflake!
We’re WINNING and all you can do is lie and make up stupid words to describe something that doesn’t exist.
Most evangelicals are christofascists, wanting to limit the rights of non-Christians, while forcing the observance of Christianity on others.
Care to prove that?
Should we have Christian prayers in public schools?
Served this country well for 400 years, but the real question is, what happens when your pals, the Moslems, shove you aside and want sharia in the courts, halal in the grocery stores, burkas on the women (all of them), and death to queers and atheists (Commies, especially), Mr Christofascist?
Should we make gay marriage illegal?
No reason not to. The Moslems will.
Should we ban all abortions?
Ditto. The Moslems will.
Would you like to enact blasphemy laws?
We used to have them and the country was the better for it. The Moslems will.
Do you support discriminating on the basis of religion?
Only the ones who want to kill us. And the Moslems will.
Questions Republicans should ask Robert Muller:
The bunny suit’s newest putdown is titty baby.
Most, if not all, men have an affinity for women’s breasts (see above for case in point) so, by his disdain, bunny suit sounds as if he’s trying to come out (as if he hasn’t already done so).
Fortunately we have our Constitution to protect us from a few million Muslims enacting sharia law, banning teaching science, beheading homosexuals, and banning abortion.
But we all realize that it’s not a few Islamic fundamentalists we have to fear, but 10s of millions of Christian fundamentalists.
No commenters condemned banning gay marriage, banning abortion, forcing school children to recite Christian prayers, or anti-blasphemy laws. What’s appalling is that you refuse to answer.
If you truly believe that a 200+ year old piece of paper is going to stop a fanatical Mohammadan terrorist from enacting Sharia law I’ve got a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn. The ONLY law Islam recognizes is Sharia law, not Western. You are also a fool to think that Christians pose any threat to our Constitutional Republic. First because it was we Christians that created the Republic and second because we Christians were completely in charge foe 200 years and DID NOT install a Theocracy as well we could have on July 4, 1776 and for 200 years after.
The estimate is that at least twenty-five percent of Mohammadans are terrorists and about forty percent are fundamentalists. Translated into ACTUAL NUMBERS that would mean in a population of 1.5 Billion Islamics about 375 MILLION are terrorists and 600 million are what you would call fundamentalists. And they have no qualms about murdering every single person on earth who won’t convert. READ THEIR BOOK!
“No commenters condemned banning gay marriage, banning abortion, forcing school children to recite Christian prayers, or anti-blasphemy laws. What’s appalling is that you refuse to answer.”
The reason we didn’t quite simply is because we don’t agree with “gay marriage” or abortion as you well know and you well know the reason you pervert loving baby killer. We also don’t believe the law has a right to PROHIBIT THE FREE EXERCISE OF Christian prayers. After all, prayer was in school from day one the illegal interference of the federal government into education is relatively new. Schools are supposed to be run locally but that would stop the pagan left’s propagandizing wouldn’t it?
BTW, what’s the matter with anti blasphemy laws? You find it okay to blaspheme God because you don’t believe in Him but if a person uses the “wrong pronoun” for a queer you go batshit crazy? America was a better place when blasphemy was illegal, gay marriage didn’t exist and Mohammadans weren’t the DemComs preferred legislators along with communists and pagans.
We can never go back to the America that was so I suggest we prepare to go forward into the America that will be. Elwood and his not-so-merry band of Mohammadans, communists and child rapists or a Reformed America that will not tolerate such idiocy or anything that would destroy our country either foreign or domestic.
Trump 2020 Cause it’s past time to take out the trash!!!
Can a single radical Muslim enact sharia law in America? No.
Kye: “a 200+ year old piece of paper”
We call it our Constitution. And it, not your religion, is the organizing principle of our republic.
So your answer is yes. Just like Islamic fundamentalists, you would force school children to recite Your prayers, you would discriminate against gays, take control of women’s reproduction and punish those who insult YOUR god.
If one says, “There is no evidence at all of God, the Holy Spirit, angels, Satan or miracles”, would you consider that blasphemy in your new theocracy?
Or, “Modern Christians base their faith on myths and legends dreamt up by stone age goatherders”?
“If God or Allah exist, and are omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent why do they allow torture, child abuse, childhood cancer, etc”? Sounds like a pretty shitty deity to us. Sort a loudmouthed tinhorn dictator.
“What kind of god insists you either worship him or spend eternity burning in hell”?
trump said “Goddamn” twice in a speech the other day; was that blasphemy?
Kye, the problem is that you fear an Islamic theocracy because you know what you will exact on your religious enemies if you get your fundamentalist Christian theocracy.
America and Americans will not tolerate your kind of religious dominion.
Once again you put YOUR words in my mouth. I never called for a “fundamentalist Christian theocracy” you LIE!!! And when you say “America and Americans will not tolerate your kind of religious dominion.” you also lie since I call for no such thing. Where the hell do you come up with this shit? Is this what they teach you at the pagan communist school for retarded leftists? As I said, America was founded by Christians and run for 200 years by Christians and if we had wanted to make it a “Fundamentalist Christian theocracy” we would have you ignorant ass. And it is my Christian religion that shaped the morality and Freedom enshrined in the Constitution. We came first and invented the ideas in the constitution, not you commie or Mohammadan friends and certainly not your pagan cohorts.
Once again Elwood, unlike you I fear nothing least of all an Islamic Theocracy but you should because pagan pricks like you and your entire family would be the first to go. It must be painful to travel through life afraid of what God and evil Christians will do always knowing that when you reach your “use by” date you will simply cease. Meanwhile, we Christians will continue on in His presence. You are one sad, scared little old man.
Trump 2020 Because asking God to damn your enemies is NOT blasphemy!
Actually, we all simply cease at death. Their is no evidence to support an afterlife, heaven, hell, purgatory etc. We understand how comforting it must be to imagine you’ll have everlasting life in paradise; martyred Islamists imagine they’ll have an afterlife with scores of virgins!!
But none of that is the point. The point is to stop ALL fundamentalists from forcing their religious beliefs on others by force of the state as they do in Iran and Saudi Arabia.
Our Constitution is clear. The VERY 1st Amendment: Amendment 1
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
Freedom of Religion (from Cornell Law):
Two clauses in the First Amendment guarantee freedom of religion. The Establishment Clause prohibits the government from passing legislation to establish an official religion or preferring one religion over another. It enforces the “separation of church and state.” However, some governmental activity related to religion has been declared constitutional by the Supreme Court. For example, providing bus transportation for parochial school students and the enforcement of “blue laws” is not prohibited. The Free Exercise Clause prohibits the government, in most instances, from interfering with a person’s practice of their religion.
For a more in depth assessment of the 1st Amendment:
Should the state force schoolchildren in public schools to recite Christian prayers? How about Muslim prayers?
In your new world order of America, would it be a crime for a Muslim to tweet, “The Christian God is a myth”. or “Jesus was gay”.
That old grifter James “Doomsday” Bakker had this to say:
“I’m going to say something I probably shouldn’t say. What’s coming next, if we keep losing, you’re going to see the leaders of the church and the leaders of the gospel and the political conservative leaders that are powerful, you are going to see them suddenly die, suddenly killed—suddenly as they were driving, suddenly as they were in a boat, suddenly in an airplane—you’re going to see it one after another.â€
“God spoke this to me years ago what would happen near the end and I believe we’re in that time. This is life and death. This is the hatred of murder is in the country.â€
God told him the libs will start assassinating con leaders and preachers if trump loses!!
So little sissybitch believes James Bakker?
That’s Elwoodism for ya!
“Should the state force schoolchildren in public schools to recite Christian prayers? How about Muslim prayers?”
No one should be “forced” to recite any prayers, similarly no one should be prohibited, therefore, those who wish to pray should and those that don’t should respectfully not. Time can be made for both. Mohammadans should not be here to pray at all since theirs is not a religion but a seditious cult of theocracy and despotism. Similarly communists should not be here and should not be granted free speech as their mere speech is seditious and treasonous.
You and your ilk may be stupid enough to believe that Islam is only a religion but thinking people realize they only use the religious fraction of their despotism to nefariously subvert Freedom. Only a moron allows their own laws to be subverted by the enemy. I’m no moron, you obviously are.
“In your new world order of America, would it be a crime for a Muslim to tweet, “The Christian God is a mythâ€. or “Jesus was gayâ€.”
I “my new world order” there would be no Mohammadans to tweet anything. Period. I don’t countenance child rapists, gay murderers, female mutilators and those who force submission or death. And that included you communists too.
Trump 2020 Just to piss off Elwood again!
tRUMP 2020: Defeated 3 Nov 2020 – Cuts a deal with state and federal prosecutors to avoid prosecution, protect his family and the tRUMP org. He resigns and Pence pardons him.
That’s funny. And exactly who on your team right now can beat Trump? Huh? We can’t hear you! You don’t really think any of those America hating anti Semite anti white racist you have running can beat Trump do you? Liars, traitors, whores, fakes and faggots do not show well in elections.
Trump 2020 Give Elwood his well deserved stroke!!!
The Democratic party is a bunch of Lemmings. They really could run a baloney sandwich as their candidate and still get 42% of the popular vote and there would be videos of college students parroting how the sandwich has a lot of great ideas about the environment and student loans. No matter who runs, the Democratic party can always count on a minimum of 42% of the vote to enthusiastically support their candidate. ANY candidate. That’s the benefit of machine politics. The Republican party can count on about 38% even if the candidate is Bush/McCain/Dole/Bush/Romney. But it’s harder to find Republican voters getting excited about the choices that the party tries to force on them.
Elwood/Jeff is all over the map today. It must be a double espresso day for him.