…is a fish that is being wiped out from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Right Scoop, with a post on a monument in South Carolina to fallen police officers being removed due to a Christian inscription because a few people complained.

Hell of a hat sh’e wearing.
Why do you think trump is not running on the “great” economy but instead against Muslims, women, Blacks and Mexicans?
Remember what his $200 billion gift to the rich and corporations was supposed to do?
“The economy now has hit 3 percent. Nobody thought we’d be anywhere close. I think we can go to 4, 5, and maybe even 6 percent.” – Donald Trump, Dec. 16, 2017
As it turns out the trump economy couldn’t sustain even 3%. The Commerce Department announced today that GDP growth slowed to 2.1% in the second quarter. Business investment is down. Fortunately, and quite ironically, gov’t stimulus is propping up the economy (but adding to the debt).
Unfortunately, we’re getting little done for the nation for our 100s of billions in spending. Infrastructure? No. Healthcare coverage? No. Internecine hatred? Yes!!
Hatred and cruelty IS the point.
The Dems will run against trump’s economy, hatred and cruelty.
FOX News
7/21 – 7/23
1004 RV
Biden vs Trump 49 to 39
Biden +10
But Biden is only up by 8 in Red Ohio
Neurotic little sissybitch been preaching the gloom and doom for 3 years and counting…
Lolgf loser.
Why do you think trump is not running on the “great†economy but instead against Muslims, women, Blacks and Mexicans?
Remember what his $200 billion gift to the rich and corporations was supposed to do?
“The economy now has hit 3 percent. Nobody thought we’d be anywhere close. I think we can go to 4, 5, and maybe even 6 percent.†– Donald Trump, Dec. 16, 2017
As it turns out the trump economy couldn’t sustain even 3%. The Commerce Department announced today that GDP growth slowed to 2.1% in the second quarter. Business investment is down. Fortunately, and quite ironically, gov’t stimulus is propping up the economy (but adding to the debt).
Doofus never heard of economies having their ups and downs. A surge in consumer activity counterbalanced a pullback in business investment, net exports and inventory investment.
Gross domestic product (GDP): 2.1% vs.1.8% expected and 3.1% in Q1
Personal consumption: 4.3% vs. 4.0% expected and 1.1% in Q1
Core PCE QoQ: 1.8% vs. 2.0% expected and 1.1% in Q1
First-quarter GPD was unrevised at 3.1%. First-quarter personal consumption was revised up to 1.1%, from 0.9% previously, and first-quarter core PCE was revised down to 1.1%, from 1.2% previously.
Personal consumption, which jumped by the most since 2017, was a leading contributor to economic expansion in the second quarter.
So things did better than expected. You know nothing about economics, either, I take it.
Unfortunately, we’re getting little done for the nation for our 100s of billions in spending. Infrastructure? No. Healthcare coverage? No. Internecine hatred? Yes!!
Hatred and cruelty IS the point.
I see road repairs everywhere, nobody wants socialized medicine, and the hatred is what you peddle.
And you do realize the Fox poll has always been one of the most inaccurate around.
I suggest a look at the crosstabs because I suspect the Murdoch brothers want to salt the mine.
Gropin’ Joe beating The God Emperor of the Cherry Blossom Throne?
You must be joking.
You know nothing about economics, either, I take it.
But the neurotic little sissybitch sure knows how to paraphrase a Slate opinion piece without attribution.
It would not be worth the effort to school you on the economy and how great it is,b you do not have the education or background to understand. As to polls, your hate can not allow you to understand the worthless nature. I really pity you and those who are forced to share space. All you have is hate, your own bigotry, and your ignorance. Fortunately you are very stupid and do not realize your miserable existence.
You must be in the final stages of syphilis. You are all hate and dementia.
Since you’re quoting FOX you must now agree that they are accurate, eh? We’ll keep that in mind. So you’re noting Biden vs Trump, are we to assume you have finally decided which of the almost two dozen commies, assholes and clowns you support and Biden is YOUR BOY?
Trump 2020 So he can trample “Slow Joe” into the dirt where he belongs!