Well, plenty of people have said that the Green New Deal is not realistic, that it doesn’t live in the world of reality. Heck, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez won’t put it up for a vote, won’t demand a vote, and freaked out when the Senate voted on it. She’s said that it’s more of a blue print. A blue print for disaster
Outside group finds ‘Green New Deal’ emissions target crashes government model
Reaching the “Green New Deal’s” (GND) goal of drastically reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 is practically impossible, according to an analysis using the government’s own economic modeling.
The Heritage Foundation attempted to use the Energy Information Administration’s National Energy Model to forecast the impact of steep carbon taxes aimed at reaching the net-zero greenhouse gas emissions goal that’s supported by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y. House Democrats, and a host of 2020 presidential candidates.
Not only did the model crash, it failed to approach anywhere near the goal outlined in the “GND.” The closest Heritage was able to get was a 58 percent reduction in emissions, achieved through a $300 carbon tax  — taxes above $300 crashed the EIA’s model.
“Carbon taxes above $300 (resulting in slightly above 50 percent CO2 reductions by 2050) cause the model to crash, and thus a 58 percent CO2 reduction from 2010 levels is the largest level we are able to model,” the study’s authors, Nicolas D. Loris and Kevin D. Dayaratna, wrote in the study published on Wednesday.
Remember, studies show that most people do not want to pay even $10 a month extra to stop Hotcoldwetdry, much less $300. Of course, those $300 a year in taxes will also cause the cost of living to go up up up. And, it gets better!
Just a 58 percent reduction would, by 2040, cost the economy $15 trillion in lost gross domestic product and an average of 1.1 million jobs per year. The average family of four would also see a total income loss of $165,000, or nearly $8,000 each year.
Household energy expenses would also see an average increase of 30 percent. Worse, the rate of emissions reductions slowed substantially as Heritage progressively raised carbon taxes in its modeling — indicating that Democrats will face increasing difficulty in reducing emissions as taxes reach higher levels.
The study came at a time when Democratic presidential candidates sounded the alarm on climate change and endorsed Ocasio-Cortez’s ambitious — yet controversial — vision for preventing supposed catastrophes.
So, you keep pushing the climate crisis scam, Democrats, keep pushing. This really is the reason you rarely hear Warmists talk about actual numbers and costs, because it doesn’t work well and citizens, including the casual Warmist, will go “Whoa! No way!”