Just a quicky bit of information
Trump win at SCOTUS: The court stayed a ruling that blocked Trump from using $2.5 billion in a Pentagon counter-drug fund for wall construction pic.twitter.com/rEWR928rLR
— Ted Hesson (@tedhesson) July 26, 2019
Now waiting for Democrats to rail against the Supreme Court being illegitimate because Orange Man Bad.
PS: I still maintain that there are better ways to stop most illegal immigration, but, no one in Congress has the cajones to make it happen.

Talk about the shot fired ’round the world.
Or at least ‘cross the Bravo. This will kick construction into high gear and the Lefties in the ass.
Winning, MAGA.
As the God Emperor of the Cherry Blossom Throne might put it, I have plans on Afghanistan, that, if I wanted to win that war,
Afghanistanthe illegals would be wiped off the face of the earth. I just don’t want to kill 10 million people“Big WIN for Border Security and the Rule of Law!”
Dumptycrats upset because Trump will get his wall and they will not get an unlimited supply of illegal voters.Â
Commentor from The Nation:
June 26, 2018 at 6:41 pm
If the Democrats can ever gain solid majorities in the House and Senate along with a Democrat in the White House, the judiciary will be so stacked with conservative judges and justices, that the will of the majority of Americans can be thwarted at every turn. At such a time, it may be necessary to expand the number of seats on the Supreme Court and fill them with more progressive jurists. To do so would be to restore a semblance of democracy to our dysfunctional, imbalanced government.
This in a nutshell is the strategy of the Democrats. Gone are the days in which working together to achieve bipartisan legislation that is not particulary liked by either side but necessary for a nation politically divided.
This article is from the nation which was livid that McConnell did not let Obama install a Supreme court justice who was liberal to replace one who had died who was considered conservative. They believe the Right stole the court with this move. I have always said. Everyone including no doubt McConnell believed Trump was going to be trounced and HRC was going to be the next prez. So the notion McConnell was saving the nomination for Trump is ludicrous. He was actually stabbing Obama and the MSM in the eye for their blind support for the most transparent administration in history.
All that being said. Future court challenges await. Trump and the wall is hardly a sure thing ATM. Soon. But I suspect that if California and NM sues to prevent the wall they just might win given the courts conservative leanings and favorable attitude towards rights not granted the Fed is logically the states prevue.
They can sue but they will not win.
“The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.”
IOW Court packing. The Lefties haven’t had an original idea in 80 years.
Gone are the days in which working together to achieve bipartisan legislation that is not particulary liked by either side but necessary for a nation politically divided.
When did that ever happen? The Demos made sure everything went their way when the bill went to committee, except for a few crumbs they would throw to “their” Republicans.
Everyone including no doubt McConnell believed Trump was going to be trounced and HRC was going to be the next prez. So the notion McConnell was saving the nomination for Trump is ludicrous. He was actually stabbing Obama and the MSM in the eye for their blind support for the most transparent administration in history.
You mean the “not a smidgeon of corruption” Administration? And Cocaine Mitch knew the Beast was a lousy candidate that could be beaten by anybody.
Trump and the wall is hardly a sure thing ATM. Soon.
Hah! Even the Demos know he’s got it. ATM.
But I suspect that if California and NM sues to prevent the wall they just might win given the courts conservative leanings and favorable attitude towards rights not granted the Fed is logically the states prevue.
He needs to stay sober when he types.
And the word is perview.
s/b purview.
LOLOLOL. And the word is perview. Got to love the spelling Nazi’s who cant even correct spelling properly.
At least I corrected myself. You didn’t even know it was wrong.
And he who LOLs ends up with his LOL shoved up his ass..
PS Btfspk has come out.
Nan is beside herself wit grief.
Bwaha. Lolgf loser.