This is the NY Times from the NY Times front page (Internet), both opinion and “straight” news
- A Racist Stuck In The Past
- The Trump Strain In American History
- Trump Vs Baltimore: The Stinging Word
- Democrats Know Trump’s Playbook On Race. They’re Not Sure How To Respond
- The Rot You Smell Is A Racist POTUS
Well, sure they know how to respond. They scream “racist!!!!” while ignoring the actual problems in their cities. Like the smell of rot and garbage and rats.
Trump Widens War on His Black Critics
In a third straight day of broadsides against black figures, President Trump denounced the Rev. Al Sharpton as “a con man†who “Hates Whites & Cops.â€
To defend himself, Mr. Trump enlisted a couple of his reliable African-American supporters.
Interesting. All the NY Times sees is the color of people’s skin, yet, essentially calls the black Trump supporters Uncle Tom’s. I wonder what the NY Times says about the NY Times saying back in March that “Baltimore’s hell is one “few American cities have seen in years.””
Obviously, other papers and news outlets are doing their best. Here’s the Washington Post, which is slightly more subtle
- ‘Looking for a reason to attack’: How Trump seized on a Fox News broadcast to go after Cummings
- ‘I’d die for my people’: Meet the congressman whose district Trump attacked (Interestingly, they aren’t actually going to Baltimore to meet the constituents and see the district)
- ‘The president would never do that!’ Oh, yes, he would.
- It is time to deport Baltimore (a cute bit of sarcasm, for which, interestingly, a goodly chunk isn’t actually in Cummings’ district)
- Trump’s escalation of racism means one thing: He’s worried about reelection
Are any media folks going to Baltimore to investigate?
On being 'Rat Infested':
– *Every* person I spoke with *confirmed* that the district was rat infested
– This man told me that rats the “size of cats” run through his house regularly
– One woman told me rats have “taken over” her neighborhood
– One called it a "plague of rats"— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) July 29, 2019
Pretty much only alternative media (see the whole thread here).
Sadly, parts of Baltimore are rat and garbage infested blights. Does anyone hear the media truly complaining about the rats, feces, garbage, used drug needles, increase in TB and other diseases, homelessness, etc, in Democrat run cities like Los Angeles, Baltimore, San Francisco, Portland, etc? Seriously, Democrats are defending/deflcting those things. I guess because they care?
How many reporters will be going to Cummings’ district in Baltimore to investigate in person? So far, zero.

One only has to look at a map of nearly any election in the last 20 years. The big urban centers always go Democrat. The rest and I do mean the rest of the country goes Red. Blasting Baltimore, Detroit, Chicago, LA, NYC, SF, Seattle etc. Etc. just puts the onus on the Democrats to defend an indefensible record there.
they can in no way defend their actions in these cities. So their go to is always throw out the racism card and try and convince the great people of America being forced to live in these slums to forget about the failures of the blue dogs and call the right racists and blame them for their living conditions.
I found it interesting that this Zach fellah showed up yesterday vehemently defending Cummings(using the WE moniker when talking as if dispatched by some democratic group) complete and total failure of his constituents while calling Trump a racist over and over and by default calling each of us here racist for pointing out the Truth. Even the black mayor said you can smell the rats and the filth in this area of Baltimore. Bernie Sanders called it a third world country and none of them are racist. But when Trump points out that he is president for ALL the people he is a racist.
Doom and Gloom: calling Trump a racist over and over
More specifically, Trump uses racist tropes to sow division among the American people. For instance, telling American-born women of color to go back to the country they came from is a very old racist cliché.
And what does the democrats do? They scream racism non stop. All day every day. They hate white people. They hate straight people. They hate Christians. They hate Jews. The democratic party is the party of Racists. Not the GOP.
Why White Liberals Are So Unwilling to Recognize Their Own Racism From SLATE.
Study: telling white people they’ll be outnumbered makes them hate welfare more
White racism keeps hurting programs that help the poor. VOX.
In short nothing the right does is without a RACIST stigma and nothing a WHITE MAN DOES is without racism.
What people fail to see is that the right wants people to have jobs, pride and self respect not another 2 percent COLA to their welfare. The democrats wants the poor planted firmly on the plantation…..NOTICE I DID NOT SAY BLACKS as there are more poor whites then blacks….
But guess what even those WHITE POOR PEOPLE are racist and hate welfare because well black people receive it too. Bullshit. The left is so full of racism that they cant actually think straight anymore.
To prove it you show up because RACISM card is now the lefts response to realizing Trump has painted the democratic party as the party of Cummings and the idiot squad even as they call Nancy Pelosi and anyone in their party as racist if they dont tow the militant line of Everyones a racist. Vote for a democrat.
Using Vox and Slate as sources?
nothing the right does is without a RACIST stigma and nothing a WHITE MAN DOES is without racism.
He forgets Christine Floozy Ford.
And white people hate welfare because they pay for it.
formwiz: Using Vox and Slate as sources?
We referenced Trump’s own tweets.
Doom and Gloom: They scream racism non stop.
The president posts racist tweets, so yes, people complain about his racist tweets.
Doom and Gloom: They hate white people. They hate straight people. They hate Christians. They hate Jews.
That’s silly. It’s Trump who is posting racists tweets.
Donald and the Right see People.
It is the Left that sees Blacks and Whites.
By definition, it is the Left that are the racists.
Bill589: Donald and the Right see People.
Sure, which is why Trump uses racial tropes when talking about blacks. (By the way, did you know that the Trump Organization used to mark rental applications with “C” for colored, to avoid renting to blacks?)
Omar was born in Somalia. Tlaib is an anchor baby.
telling American-born women of color to go back to the country they came from is a very old racist cliché.
It is? Telling Commies who yell about how awful the country is may be.
formwiz: Omar was born in Somalia. Tlaib is an anchor baby.
Omar is a naturalized U.S. citizen. Ocasio-Cortez and Pressley had parents who were U.S. citizens. Tlaib is a natural-born U.S. citizen of legal immigrants.
formwiz: It is?
I’ve learned that the quickest way to piss someone off is to tell them the truth.
These people seem really pissed off.
What do they all have in common?
1. Willing to continue living in a rat-infested neighborhood.
2. Not willing to get off their asses and kill the rats.
3. Believing it is someone else’s responsibility to fix (landlord, city council, etc).
I had mice in my house. HAD. I didn’t wait for someone else to fix it. I bought the poison and traps with my own money and took care of it.
To his defense, it is not Elijah Cumming’s responsibility to “govern” Baltimore. He only represents them in Congress and I certainly don’t want Congress voting on local issue like trash collection in Baltimore.
Professor Hale: 1. Willing to continue living in a rat-infested neighborhood.
2. Not willing to get off their asses and kill the rats.
3. Believing it is someone else’s responsibility to fix (landlord, city council, etc).
All major cities have rats, which have evolved over millennia to live with humans. It’s almost impossible for an individual to eliminate urban rats because they live in common areas of buildings, such as in the walls. That’s why it is a landlord responsibility.
Trump’s Racist Rant Omits Kushner’s Vermin-Filled Properties: perhaps he should have taken the matter up with his son-in-law Jared Kushner, a local slumlord whose Baltimore properties are reportedly filled with vermin, maggots, and mold.
Continues to live in rat infested neighborhood… Check.
Not willing to get off their asses… Check.
Believing it is someone else’s responsibility… Check.
Nothing you said refuted anything I said.
“Evolved” does not mean what you think it means. There is zero evidence that any rats have evolved during all of human history. I’d like to see them “evolve” an immunity to rat poison.
Any single person can make a difference in their own community. They can organize to get a street name changed from Lee to King, but can’t organize to kill the rats in their common spaces? Exactly. Any single person can pick up the trash in their neighborhoods or organize a group to do it, thus depriving rats of habitat. They can seal up building entrances and crawl spaces. They aren’t doing it because they don’t care enough to bother. Oprah’s on.
You are right about Kushner. If any of his buildings have vermin, he should evict all of his tenants … for their own good. Then only rent to people who are willing to clean up after themselves. His former tenants can then move into a building where the owners are not related to president Trump, and peacefully coexist with their vermin.
Professor Hale: Continues to live in rat infested neighborhood… Check.
All major cities have rats. While they can be controlled, they can’t be eliminated.
Professor Hale: Not willing to get off their asses… Check.
Most people will attempt to control rats in their own domicile, but as we pointed out, rats typically live in common areas.
Professor Hale: Believing it is someone else’s responsibility… Check.
For large rental units, which is where many rats live, it is the landlord’s responsibility.
Professor Hale: There is zero evidence that any rats have evolved during all of human history.
Oh gee whiz. For instance, see Combs et al., Urban rat races: spatial population genomics of brown rats (Rattus norvegicus) compared across multiple cities, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 2018. You’ll find similar studies for mice and other urban pests.
Professor Hale: They can organize to get a street name changed from Lee to King, but can’t organize to kill the rats in their common spaces?
They do organize, but landlords are often “Not willing to get off their asses” unless under threat of being fined. See Kushner et al.
Organizing to “make someone else do it”. Got it. That’s why they can’t have nice things.
Categorizing differences in rat races is not evidence of evolution in rats. According to the abstract, the tracing of gene flows demonstrates families of rats, not species differentiation. Big surprise: Rats in the same city are often closely related to each other. Try reading the report instead of just googling shit.
Typical Jeff.
All major cities have rats. While they can be controlled, they can’t be eliminated.
Yes, but they don’t run wild on the streets.
Most people will attempt to control rats in their own domicile, but as we pointed out, rats typically live in common areas.
Then you do something about the common areas. The “Ees no’ my job, man” mentality seems to be a thing among the entitled.
For large rental units, which is where many rats live, it is the landlord’s responsibility.
No, it’s the responsibility of people to take control of their lives and environment. The landlord won’t do it, you pass the hat and hire a lawyer to sue him and, in the meantime, get together and do something about it yourselves.
Urban rat races: spatial population genomics of brown rats (Rattus norvegicus) compared across multiple cities, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 2018. You’ll find similar studies for mice and other urban pests.
Evolve means developed from something else that no longer exists. And is this more “climate science”?
They do organize, but landlords are often “Not willing to get off their asses†unless under threat of being fined. See Kushner et al.
See my above response and has it been proven Kushner is at fault?
Professor Hale: Organizing to “make someone else do itâ€.
You can ignore our comment, which we have already repeated, but then it doesn’t represent an argument against our actual position. Rats live in common areas, such as the walls or alleys of apartment buildings. That makes it the landlord’s responsibility to eradicate.
Professor Hale: Categorizing differences in rat races is not evidence of evolution in rats.
Uh, yes it does.
Professor Hale: According to the abstract, the tracing of gene flows demonstrates families of rats, not species differentiation.
Speciation is only one aspect of evolution. That doesn’t mean evolution hasn’t occurred. For instance, pesticide resistance in insects doesn’t require speciation, but it’s evolution nonetheless.
formwiz: Then you do something about the common areas.
That’s right. The landlords have to do something about the common areas.
formwiz: Evolve means developed from something else that no longer exists.
If there are humans, why do monkeys still exist? Seriously?
formwiz: See my above response and has it been proven Kushner is at fault?
It’s his responsibility.
Zach has been here before and in my experience he is one of those True Believers Eric Hoffer wrote about. He is the dutiful water carrier for the communist contingent and totally unwilling to ever admit error or defeat. He is a master at cut and paste as well as out of context quotes, deliberate misinterpretation according to party propaganda (as with this trope where regardless that Trump never mentions race, it’s raaaaacist) and a master at goal post relocation. I usually go on for a few comments with him but I’ve learnd after you’ve made your point a few times and he’s still not able to comprehend the idea just forgetaboutit!
Trump 2020 Make Zach spaz out!
Kye: He is the dutiful water carrier for the communist contingent and totally unwilling to ever admit error or defeat.
We’re more than happy to admit error when evidence is provided. However, when it was pointed out that the graphic you provided falsely portrayed Cummings’s home, you simply ignored the error. When it was pointed out that you used a racist trope, you doubled-down.
Hmmm, looks like the bunny suit is using Zach’s account. Zach used to have some contact with reality.
Also didn’t use the cartoon “we”.
Z is a high school group that changes every semester. Best I can tell is that it is a debate club and the go to conservative sites to sharpen their skills. They will show up at Legal Insurrection and Breitbart like clockwork. If you look at what they say, it is nothing with zero substance, just like a debate club.
That would explain why all their arguments sound like talking points and responses are “Google deep”. Zero understanding with the ignorance and the enthusiasm of youth. Good for them though. I applaud them going out and having the courage to hear new ideas. So many of their peers never see anything that doesn’t come to them on Snapchat or Twitter.
Zach was dispatched with the lefts response to Trump painting the democratic party as the party of the idiot squad and Cummings and rat infested cities.
They have one card left. The right is racist for telling the truth. They have nothing even their policies have failed miserably over the years with major city after major city nearing bankruptcy because of corruption by the Democrats running their cities for a century.
OK, tell the rest of your cartoon characters that.
PS It’s amusing watching you and your other personalities argue with each other.
It is worth pointing out that typical conservatives will use their own money and effort to eradicate vermin in their homes. Typical liberals will demand a few millions of tax dollars to conduct DNA testing on thousands of city rats to track their family groupings. The money spent on that study could have bought a whole lot of rat poison.
Professor Hale: It is worth pointing out that typical conservatives will use their own money and effort to eradicate vermin in their homes.
Ignoring our argument doesn’t make it go away. Rats live in common areas, such as the walls of buildings. Tenants haven’t the resources or the legal right to take action in common areas. That’s the landlord’s responsibility.l
Professor Hale: Typical liberals will demand a few millions of tax dollars to conduct DNA testing on thousands of city rats to track their family groupings.
Because you are convinced that scientific knowledge has no value.
Whatever you say, Jeff.
Personally, I highly value the scientific knowledge that formulated high quality rat poison. I value it enough that I would spend my own money to buy some if I had a rat problem just as I did when I HAD a mouse problem. Nor would I allow them to escape on a technicality you call “common areas”. But look at the pictures of Baltimore. The rats aren’t living in “common areas” between apartments. They are living in trash piles on the open street. Another thing no one who lives there seems to care enough about to use their own time and money to clean up. There is nothing wrong with Baltimore that couldn’t be fixed with a higher quality of resident.
Ignoring our argument doesn’t make it go away. Rats live in common areas, such as the walls of buildings. Tenants haven’t the resources or the legal right to take action in common areas. That’s the landlord’s responsibility.l
Lefties have taken the law into their own hands and saying stuff like they have a right to disobey unjust laws.
Now they’re concerned about legal rights?
And, if the tenants took what they do on booze, drugs, lottery tickets, and looking sharp, they’d have the resources.
(this is all so Jeffery)
formwiz: Lefties have taken the law into their own hands and saying stuff like they have a right to disobey unjust laws.
That is a position sometimes taken by people on both the left and right sides of the spectrum.
formwiz: And, if the tenants took what they do on booze, drugs, lottery tickets, and looking sharp, they’d have the resources.
So, you think poor blacks in Baltimore spend all their money on booze, drugs, lottery tickets, and looking sharp; while landlords, such as Kushner, have no responsibility towards their tenants.
Williamson’s most memorable line of the night talked about the failure of “this wonkiness†to combat “this dark psychic force of the collectivized hatred that this president is bringing up in this country.â€
From the debate stage last night. Hate flows from the left. They just have the press who fell in love with this woman last night for trash talking Trump with Elitist fancy words instead of the drivel coming from the lefts mouth the last 3 years.
And you call the right racists and haters. Too funny.
Rats live where ever the fuk they want to live if no one kills them. What are you now, the Orkin man? You have rat expertise? There is no law I know of stopping a person from exterminating his apartment. Stop with the excuses for FORCING blacks to live in rat infested shit holes created by Democrat policy. You guys are all lies all the time. Stop bitchin’ about a phony raaaaacist Tweet and DO SOMETHING to help the poor people OF ALL COLORS. Just so you know Orkin Man RATS ARE COLOR BLIND. They don’t know if they’re in a white guys house or a black or an Asian.
If you all weren’t so fukin’ racist you’d realize Trump’s Tweet wasn’t directed at a RACE it was directed at the policies of the Democrats who created this mess. You’re using race baiting to provide cover for your COMMUNIST FAILINGS!!!!
Trump 2020 Throw out the commies.
Kye: There is no law I know of stopping a person from exterminating his apartment.
The rats in the apartment aren’t generally the problem, but rats in the community, living in walls, alleyways, and other common areas.
Kye: If you all weren’t so fukin’ racist you’d realize Trump’s Tweet wasn’t directed at a RACE
Trump continues to use racist tropes when speaking about people of color.
Kye: it was directed at the policies of the Democrats who created this mess.
No. It was directed at Cummings because Cummings criticized him.
Dutch Sibley is incapable of learning.
No. It was directed at Cummings because Cummings criticized him.
All the more funny the left has lost their minds again when someone said something MEAN to them. This is what is so sad about the snowflakes on the left. Trump is deluged by a trillion hate filled things said at him daily including calling him a treasonous president, Putin Stooge, Hitler, Facist and Nazi and he should be put in jail and impeached for crimes and misdemeanors dancing in the fairytale minds of leftists.
So he responds in kind. He told Cummings after cummings attacked border patrol agents Trump simply said take care of your own district and it was racist. To the left It was not an angry tweet directed at a man criticizing ICE agents it was a racist troupe.
If that is the case Trump is racist against New Hamshire because he said it was a drug INFESTED STATE….OMG he had to insult the whole state to get to the 2 percent of blacks living there.
You guys have nothing.
Doom and Gloom: All the more funny the left has lost their minds again when someone said something MEAN to them.
You do realize the exchange started when Cummings criticized Trump’s border policy (he was being MEAN), and Trump responded with yet another racist tirade. This is what is so sad about the snowflakes on the right.
I’ve learned all your little cliches.
Trump calls a literal rat infested shithole a rat infested shithole and the demonrats immediately equate the word “rat” to people of color. Tell us again who the real racists are.
Nighthawk: Trump calls a literal rat infested shithole a rat infested shithole …
Baltimore City is more than just its worst parts, and Cummings’ district is more than just Baltimore City. It would be like equating West Virginia with opioid addiction.
You mean the white section is worth more than the black section?
If you weren’t a black guy named Jeffery, I’d say that was racist.
formwiz: You mean the white section is worth more than the black section?
West Virginia is majority white. Smearing an entire community by only considering its worst aspects could be a fallacy, but is probably just a conscious smear without any intent to be fair or accurate.
You duck the question.
Wotta sir prize.
formwiz: You mean the white section is worth more than the black section?
All people have intrinsic value.
Meanwhile, you ignored our comment by pretending to seek clarification. Baltimore City is more than just its worst parts, and Cummings’ district is more than just Baltimore City.
Zachriel is the only racist in this comment section.
Bill589: Zachriel is the only racist in this comment section.
Bill589 is not the only racist in this comment section.
The bunny suit is the only racist.
“The rats in the apartment aren’t generally the problem, but rats in the community, living in walls, alleyways, and other common areas.”
Really? Rats in the apartment aren’t the problem? Just the old “community rats” not the ones chewing on your baby’s face? Okay, Orkin Man.
“Trump continues to use racist tropes when speaking about people of color.”
Exactly which “trope” do you believe to be raaaaacist? Rats? Infested? Feces? I think you’ve been programmed to hear dog whistles at every sound by a non leftist.
“No. It was directed at Cummings because Cummings criticized him.”
Yes, it was directed at Cummings because he criticized Trump. You people never learn. If you start with Trump he goes after you. Cummings is the Congressional Rep. from a shithole district that he’s been running into the ground for thirty years. But you’re pissed off cause Trump pointed it out in his usual crass way. You should be saying that Cummings along with all the corrupt Political Trash that’s been running Baltimore needs to be exposed but instead you repeat the word “trope” like it exonerates all the harm, all the dead children and all the stolen tax money in the city of Baltimore because it’s easier to call Trump a raaaaacist than address your party’s failures!!!
Trump 2020 Throw out the “tropes”!!!!
Kye: Really? Rats in the apartment aren’t the problem?
You can catch or kill the rats in your own apartment without addressing the source of the problem.
Kye: Exactly which “trope†do you believe to be raaaaacist?
Kye: These people are nothing but parasites.
Again, it’s the “not my job” attitude fostered by the Left.
formwiz: Again, it’s the “not my job†attitude fostered by the Left.
Again, landlords ducking their actual job defended by the right.
It’s 2019 and the truth is still racist…
The rats in the apartment aren’t generally the problem, but rats in the community, living in walls, alleyways, and other common areas.
Then where’s the city? Or don’t black female mayors with hyphenated names need to bother with such things?
Trump continues to use racist tropes when speaking about people of color.
Actually he did nothing of the sort
Rep, Elijah Cummings has been a brutal bully, shouting and screaming at the great men & women of Border Patrol about conditions at the Southern Border, when actually his Baltimore district is FAR WORSE and more dangerous. His district is considered the Worst in the USA. . .
. . . .As proven last week during a Congressional tour, the Border is clean, efficient & well run, just very crowded. Cumming District is a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess. If he spent more time in Baltimore, maybe he could help clean up this very dangerous & filthy place
Why is so much money sent to the Elijah Cummings district when it is considered the worst run and most dangerous anywhere in the United States. No human being would want to live there. Where is all this money going? How much is stolen? Investigate this corrupt mess immediately!
So sad that Elijah Cummings has been able to do so little for the people of Baltimore. Statistically, Baltimore ranks last in almost every major category. Cummings has done nothing but milk Baltimore dry, but the public is getting wise to the bad job that he is doing!
Someone please explain to Nancy Pelosi, who was recently called racist by those in her own party, that there is nothing wrong with bringing out the very obvious fact that Congressman Elijah Cummings has done a very poor job for his district and the City of Baltimore. Just take. . .
. . .a look, the facts speak far louder than words! The Democrats always play the Race Card, when in fact they have done so little for our Nation’s great African American people. Now, lowest unemployment in U.S. history, and only getting better. Elijah Cummings has failed badly!
Where, exactly does he get racist, except to say Democrats play the race card when cornered.
when in fact they have done so little for our Nation’s great African American people.
Where, O where, is that racist?
No. It was directed at Cummings because Cummings criticized him.
No. It was directed at Cummings because Cummings lied about the situation at the border when his own constituents are treated worse than illegals..
formwiz (quoting): Rep, Elijah Cummings has been a brutal bully, shouting and screaming at the great men & women of Border Patrol about conditions at the Southern Border
Turns out that the House Oversight Committee has oversight responsibilities. Cummings was correct to dress down the people responsible for the care of immigrants, which has been worse than substandard in many cases. The use of the term “brutal” is a trope. However, the conditions at border holding facilities might reasonably be called brutal.
formwiz (quoting): Why is so much money sent to the Elijah Cummings district when it is considered the worst run and most dangerous anywhere in the United States.
Cummings’ district includes rich and poor areas, with low and high crime, and with different local governments. Nor is Baltimore City the most dangerous city in the U.S., so Trump just has his facts wrong.
formwiz (quoting): Cumming District is a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess.
A trope which equates the worst aspect of something to smear the whole group. Here’s the equivalent statement: Trump’s America is a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess.
formwiz: It was directed at Cummings because Cummings lied about the situation at the border when his own constituents are treated worse than illegals.
Cumming didn’t lie. The U.S. was unnecessarily separating children from their parents, then they lost track of the children. Many still haven’t been located. Reports of conditions have been dire, with federal investigators finding “dangerous overcrowding”.
formwiz (quoting): No human being would want to live there.
So people who do want to live in the district are not human beings. Can’t get much more tropey than that.
Cummings was correct to dress down the people responsible for the care of immigrants, which has been worse than substandard in many cases.
That’s been proven a lie.
Cummings’ district includes rich and poor areas, with low and high crime, and with different local governments. Nor is Baltimore City the most dangerous city in the U.S., so Trump just has his facts wrong.
Rated worst for ’17, last year we have complete FBI stats.
A trope which equates the worst aspect of something to smear the whole group.
No, even Fake News and Bernie Sanders agree.
The U.S. was unnecessarily separating children from their parents, then they lost track of the children
No, they weren’t. They were separated because they were at risk from sex traffickers. A policy started by Zippy and one of the few good things he did.
So people who do want to live in the district are not human beings.
Typical Lefty attitude.
Anybody who wonders what happened to the bunny suit, here you have all his cliches.
Word for word.
formwiz: That’s been proven a lie.
He says without providing evidence. Conditions have improved somewhat, but even when Pence visited, it was obvious that conditions were horrid.
formwiz: Rated worst for ’17, last year we have complete FBI stats.
While useful, the FBI stats have problems. Not all cities report. Some cities, such as Baltimore, do not include the surrounding suburbs. Crimes are not properly weighted for seriousness. Per the FBI: “Individuals using these tabulations are cautioned against drawing conclusions by making direct comparisons between cities.” If you look at only intentional homicide, then St. Louis has the highest reported rate.
formwiz: No, even Fake News and Bernie Sanders agree.
That is incorrect. Sanders was referring only to specific neighborhoods, and was there to propose solutions, not to denigrate the residents in order to draw attention away from immigration policy.
formwiz: They were separated because they were at risk from sex traffickers.
That is false. There was an explicit policy of separating families, hoping this would deter other immigrants. And then they lost track of who they had separated.
The nation that trump rules has the highest homicide rate of any advanced nation, by far.
The Gov of MD is a GOPher.
“The nation that trump rules has the highest homicide rate of any advanced nation, by far.”
Yes, he inherited that crime rate from Democrats. Also, if you were to take away the crime in the TOP FIVE DEMOCRAT CONTROLLED CITIES or national crime rate would be lower that 95% of other nations.
Has the Gov of MD been GOP during Cummings entire thirty year corrupt tenure?
So now it’s your turn to come up with excuses for the filth and corruption that marks Baltimore and all the other DemCom run cities instead of admitting culpability and correcting the problem. Because hating Trump is more important than the conditions and the lives of the children of Baltimore!!
Trump 2020 Becaue Leftists stink and are selfish human beings!
Kye: Yes, he inherited that crime rate from Democrats.
“Trump’s America is considered a crime-infested mess, with rats, lots of rats.”
Kye: Also, if you were to take away the crime in the TOP FIVE DEMOCRAT CONTROLLED CITIES or national crime rate would be lower that 95% of other nations.
“God Bless America, except Baltimore.” — Stephen Colbert
And it took decades of Democrat malfeasance, misfeasance, and nonfeasance to create it.
Even today, formwiz, as the poor people of Baltimore (and other long time Democrat conclaves) live their lives in the filth, rat and disease infested neighborhoods set aside for their sad existence by their DemCom massahs, anti-white animus is the only unifying force among the the ascendant POC rulers like Cummings and their white “defenders” like Elwood, Zach and the rest of the Party of Racism.
And STILL Not One Democrat EVEN AT THE DEBATE set out a plan to repair the cities THEIR POLICIES have destroyed over all these years. NOT ONE! Bitter, hateful, uncaring but always with the word “raaaaacist” on the tip of their tongue for anyone stating the obvious moral decay of their party.
Why do Democrats hate Trump more than they love blacks?
Trump 2020 REPAIR OUR CITIES!! It’s for sure the DemCons can’t!!
Kye: Why do Democrats hate Trump more than they love blacks?
You do realize that a very large segment of the Democratic Party is made up of African-Americans? You are essentially saying that blacks don’t care about their family, friends, and neighbors. Trope.
Take away the top 10 Democrat paradises and our murder rate is 4th from the bottom.
For the past 50 years, only 4 of those years has MD had an R governor.
This is on the Demos.
formwiz: Take away the top 10 Democrat paradises and our murder rate is 4th from the bottom.
Crime is nearly always higher in cities. Are you also removing the large cities when you calculate crime rates for other countries? Please show your math, in any case.
Really? Brazil has almost as many murders as all of the Northern Hemisphere put together.
In your risible contention we’re at the top of the world murder rate (try 111 out of 216), I don’t see you making such allowances.
formwiz: Really?
Yes, really. Please show your math. (Or just point to someone who has done the calculation.) Are you also removing the large cities when you calculate crime rates for other countries?
formwiz: In your risible contention we’re at the top of the world murder rate
We never made that claim. The U.S. has one of the highest murder rates for a developed country.
The Gov of MD is a GOPher.
The legislature of Maryland is overwhelmingly democrats. In the Senate, there are 32 Democrats and 15 Republicans. In the House, there are 99 Democrats and 42 Republicans.
The funny thing is that you and Zach talk about Baltimore as if you have lived and worked there. You talk as if there is no decline in the city over the last decades.
You hate people so much that you are willing to overlook the real issues facing Baltimore and how the policies of an overwhelmingly left leaning Mayor and Council have hurt real people and a once great city.
You hate because all the left has is hate.
gitarcarver: The funny thing is that you and Zach talk about Baltimore as if you have lived and worked there.
We rely on what can be objectively shown.
Trump uses racist tropes to sow division and controversy. The issue was the treatment of detained immigrants. The purpose of his tirade was to change of subject using racist tropes, then having his minions deny they were racist tropes. Such a process works in the short run, but undermines society in the long run.
We rely on what can be objectively shown.
So that’s why you “objectively” lied about the economy of Baltimore?
You and Elwood have no clue as to the problems in Baltimore. To you, the people there are talking points.
Objectively, you hate them as much as you hate Trump.
Trump uses racist tropes to sow division and controversy.
That’s your opinion and cannot be objectively shown.
Once again we see different standards being used by people of your ilk.
gitarcarver: So that’s why you “objectively†lied about the economy of Baltimore?
We posted factual information. Indeed, you made several factual errors, such as claiming the property tax base was shrinking. We presume you did so out because you thought it was truthy, and weren’t purposefully lying.
gitarcarver: You and Elwood have no clue as to the problems in Baltimore.
Baltimore has many problems. Baltimore also has many benefits. Meanwhile, saying no “human being” would want to live there is a slur on those Baltimoreans who want to live there.
We posted factual information.
As previously noted, you posted data that included areas other than Baltimore and tried to pass it off as representing only the City of Baltimore.
You got caught.
Indeed, you made several factual errors, such as claiming the property tax base was shrinking.
The property tax base is shrinking as noted in the last Baltimore City Council meeting. As people abandon properties or properties decay, the value of those properties goes down.
Baltimore has many problems. Baltimore also has many benefits.
And you know nothing about either.
Your hatred of the people and lack of concern for the people of Baltimore is because of your hatred of Trump.
Meanwhile, saying no “human being†would want to live there is a slur on those Baltimoreans who want to live there.
So you think that people want to live in rat infested areas? That is your “objective” fact?
Misrepresenting the truth doesn’t constitute a valid argument.
Yet you do it all the time.
Heal thyself.
gitarcarver: As previously noted, you posted data that included areas other than Baltimore and tried to pass it off as representing only the City of Baltimore.
No. We have consistently distinguished between the 7th Congressional district and the City of Baltimore. It’s Trump who conflated the worst aspects of Baltimore City with the entirety of the 7th Congressional district. In order to smear Cummings, Trump smeared an entire city.
gitarcarver: The property tax base is shrinking as noted in the last Baltimore City Council meeting.
Read the city budget. Baltimore City property base subject to tax: $35.9 billion in 2018, $37.4 billion in 2019.
gitarcarver: So you think that people want to live in rat infested areas?
No. But that’s a straw rat, as you know. People want to stay in their homes, but without the rats. What Trump said was that anyone who wanted to live there is not a “human being”, this, from someone who thought the White House was luxurious enough for his tastes.
No. We have consistently distinguished between the 7th Congressional district and the City of Baltimore. It’s Trump who conflated the worst aspects of Baltimore City with the entirety of the 7th Congressional district. In order to smear Cummings, Trump smeared an entire city.
Yes. You posted so called economic data on the region and not Baltimore and claimed the data was for Baltimore alone.
You lied.
You’re lying about what you did now.
Read the city budget. Baltimore City property base subject to tax: $35.9 billion in 2018, $37.4 billion in 2019.
I have read the City budget. The City is overinflating the tax base. That’s the point. The City, like you, lies.
You are completely ignorant of what is going on in Baltimore.
No. But that’s a straw rat, as you know.
So in one breath you claim the point was a “strawman” and then in the next breath you note that it is true.
What Trump said was that anyone who wanted to live there is not a “human beingâ€,…
That’s a lie too. Trump said that no human being wants to live in those conditions and Cummings should work to clean his district and the City up.
Apparently you think that humans want to live in rat infested areas.
You and the left hate Trump so much that you want residents of a once proud and mighty city like Baltimore to suffer.
As I said, you and Elwood don’t know what you are talking about when it comes to the City of Baltimore. (And other things, but as this discussion centers around the city, I am being polite.)
gitarcarver: You posted so called economic data on the region and not Baltimore and claimed the data was for Baltimore alone.
What data was that?
gitarcarver: The City is overinflating the tax base. That’s the point.
The tax base is determined by city assessments. You had claimed this number to be decreasing, which was false. We assumed you were just ignorant, and that you have a stubborn inability to admit to error. That’s a difference between us.
gitarcarver: So in one breath you claim the point was a “strawman†and then in the next breath you note that it is true.
Not you continue with the strawman argument. Just because “pizza rat” lives on your street doesn’t mean you don’t want to live on your street.
gitarcarver: Trump said that no human being wants to live in those conditions
But that’s not what he said. Trump said, “No human being would want to live there.” But a lot of people do want to live there, just without the rats. All cities have rats, and Baltimore is not even the worst. Trump is calling anyone who wants to live in Baltimore (or the 7th district) a non-human being.
Objectively? There’s a laugh.
Trump nailed Cummings on the issues, so he screams race and all the trolls join in. Cummings repeated the lies about the detention centers and Trump called him on it.
He then raised the ante by bringing up how Cummings lets his constituents live in filth, but seems to care more about Hispanics than blacks.
formwiz: Trump nailed Cummings on the issues
You keep forgetting to point out what Cummings said that wasn’t factual.
formwiz: He then raised the ante by bringing up how Cummings lets his constituents live in filth
Misrepresenting the truth doesn’t constitute a valid argument.
You do realize the exchange started when Cummings criticized Trump’s border policy (he was being MEAN), and Trump responded with yet another racist tirade. This is what is so sad about the snowflakes on the right.
No, he just noted Cummings is screaming untrue things about the border because it takes attention off conditions in his district.
formwiz: No, he just noted Cummings is screaming untrue things about the border because it takes attention off conditions in his district.
The issue was immigration, not Baltimore. Nor have you ever pointed out anything Cummings said that was untrue.
It is easier to point out things that Cummings said that were true. First you leftists DENIED there was a crisis then you scream bloody murder when you are confronted with it. Then as a follow up you act like it didn’t exist during the Hussein Rule but magically appeared only for Trump. Like “the children in cages” which were of Hussein contrivance. Or “separating children from their parents” which of course is done EVERY TIME a criminal with kids is incarcerated! Waddaya want to do throw the kids in jail with him? And as we’ve been shown about 50% of those children AREN’T THEIR KIDS but “rentals” to skirt American law.
You are defending a liar and a grifter who has overseen and participated in the decline of Baltimore for DECADES! You HATE Trump so much you are willing to watch children die in the Streets of Baltimore if it means beating him. You’re a disgrace to humanity!
Trump 2020 Clean up the Dems mess in Baltimore! Save the children!
Kye: First you leftists DENIED there was a crisis then you scream bloody murder when you are confronted with it.
It’s important not to attribute views to us that we have not expressed. Also, it’s important to distinguish between a crisis and an emergency as defined under the National Emergencies Act.
Kye: Then as a follow up you act like it didn’t exist during the Hussein Rule but magically appeared only for Trump.
Calling Obama “Hussein” is just another racist trope, like calling Baltimoreans parasites, as you did previously. The problem under the Obama Administration was unaccompanied minors. The problem under Trump was due to the explicit policy of separating families without evidence of a serious crime or threat to the child. They punished children to deter other immigrants.
“It’s important not to attribute views to us that we have not expressed. Also, it’s important to distinguish between a crisis and an emergency as defined under the National Emergencies Act.”
I have attributed no views to you leftists that you have not espoused. And the “official definition” is not important unless you are ONCE AGAIN trying to move the goal posts. We are not having an official policy discussion.
“Calling Obama “Hussein†is just another racist trope, like calling Baltimoreans parasites, as you did previously.”
Any opportunity you get to call someone a raaaaacist you just jump at. That proves you are the racist! Is not Obama also Hussein? Why is calling him by his name considered by you a “raaaaacist trope”? And people who live off the labor of others ARE parasites. Or do you have some DemCom approved name for them? The difference between the Hussein policy of separating children and the current policy is a distinction without a difference.
Now pleas explain what your party that created the squalor and depprivation of Baltimore is now doing to fix it since Trump has pointed it out. What’s that? NOTHING? I wish I could say I was stunned but I’m not.
You people hat Trump and normies like me so much you’d rather see babies in Baltimore chewed up by rats than admit we are right.
Trump 2020 Save the babies of Baltimore from the Leftist hate machine!!!
Watch and learn you hateful moron
Kye: I have attributed no views to you leftists that you have not espoused.
Please provide a link or other reference to the view you have ascribed to us.
Kye: And the “official definition†is not important unless you are ONCE AGAIN trying to move the goal posts.
Of course it’s important. The term became relevant when Trump tried to reallocate appropriations based on the National Emergency Act.
Kye: Any opportunity you get to call someone a raaaaacist you just jump at.
Only when they act racist.
Kye: And people who live off the labor of others ARE parasites.
Why do you hate babies and grandmothers?
Kye: The difference between the Hussein policy of separating children and the current policy is a distinction without a difference.
There’s a huge difference. The problem during the Obama Administration was unaccompanied children. The only separations were due to serious criminal offenses, or when there was evidence of abuse. The Trump Administration made a policy of separating virtually all family groups that were detained. Then they lost track of the children!
No, the Demos on the Hill first said no sweat, then threw a fit.
You always lie. If your case is so good, why do you have to lie?
It’s what liars do.
It’s important not to attribute views to us that we have not expressed. Also, it’s important to distinguish between a crisis and an emergency as defined under the National Emergencies Act.
The Demos as a whole took the crisis line and rest is just bull.
Calling Obama “Hussein†is just another racist trope, like calling Baltimoreans parasites, as you did previously.
ICMYI Moslem is not a race.
The problem under the Obama Administration was unaccompanied minors. The problem under Trump was due to the explicit policy of separating families without evidence of a serious crime or threat to the child. They punished children to deter other immigrants.
No, the threat was the same.
You always lie. If your case is so good, why do you have to lie?
It’s what liars do.
formwiz: the Demos on the Hill first said no sweat
Don’t remember that quote. You may want to provide a citation. In any case, many Democrats did object to Trump reallocating funds for the border wall under the National Emergency Act. Keep in mind that Trump largely caused the crisis by detaining nearly everyone, and by separating families unnecessarily.
No, the issue was lies and Cummings’ supposed concern for the illegals.
Trump merely made him face his own hypocrisy.
And why don’t you quote him if he only speaks truth?
formwiz: the issue was lies and Cummings’ supposed concern for the illegals.
The hearing by the House Oversight Committee explicitly concerned conditions for detainees at the border.
formwiz: And why don’t you quote him if he only speaks truth?
We never made that claim. Rather, we pointed out that your claim that he lied during the hearing is itself a falsehood. Here’s the exchange:
Rats are racist.
They shouldn’t infest predominantly black and immigrant neighborhoods. They should only infest white neighborhoods in the suburbs.
Maybe some sort of busing or section 8 housing for the rats is in order.
Don’t do that, Professor. The next thing you know we’ll have the commie-crats telling their #1 constituency that Trump put the rats in the ghetto after Reagan planted AIDS there.
What we need is to bus the leftists like Zach and Elwood to the ghetto so they can see with their own eyes what their Party has wrought! Then they can lecture us on how we’re the raaaaacists for pointing it out.
Hey Zach, hey Elwood, Go clean up the mess your Party created then come back and tell us all about how we’re Raaaaacists!
Ever notice when a leftist does a hyperbole after a little while it becomes “a fact” but when one of us normies makes hyperbole it’s always a raaaaacist lie?
Trump 2020 Cause Bernie Sanders the racist says Baltimore is like “a third world country”!
Teach still a Tegan Republican after phone call from Regan to Nixon has Regan calling blacks “monkeys” ?
You keep forgetting to point out what Cummings said that wasn’t factual.
No, everything he said was a lie about conditions at the detention centers. The same talking points you use.
Misrepresenting the truth doesn’t constitute a valid argument.
No, it doesn’t which is why Baghdad Bunny suits you to a T.
Please provide a link or other reference to the view you have ascribed to us.
Why don’t you provide some links to some of your contentions? You say you’re not obliged. He’s no more obliged.
Of course it’s important. The term became relevant when Trump tried to reallocate appropriations based on the National Emergency Act.
You mean like Zippy loved doing?
Only when they act racist.
No, you hate everybody. You just call it racist.
Why do you hate babies and grandmothers?
You’re the one that hates them. You want children exposed to sex traffickers and you support abortion.
There’s a huge difference. The problem during the Obama Administration was unaccompanied children. The only separations were due to serious criminal offenses, or when there was evidence of abuse. The Trump Administration made a policy of separating virtually all family groups that were detained. Then they lost track of the children!
No, it’s the same issue. DNA tests show at least a third of the kids are not with relatives.
You always lie. If your case is so good, why do you have to lie?
It’s what liars do.
We posted factual information. Indeed, you made several factual errors, such as claiming the property tax base was shrinking. We presume you did so out because you thought it was truthy, and weren’t purposefully lying.
Of course you lied. Baltimore is in a Hell of a finacial mess.
You always lie. If your case is so good, why do you have to lie?
It’s what liars do.
Baltimore has many problems. Baltimore also has many benefits. Meanwhile, saying no “human being†would want to live there is a slur on those Baltimoreans who want to live there.
No, it merely indicates anyone who can get out has and the people who live there now wish they could.
You always lie. If your case is so good, why do you have to lie?
It’s what liars do.
Yes, really. Please show your math. (Or just point to someone who has done the calculation.) Are you also removing the large cities when you calculate crime rates for other countries?
Again, you never made any such restrictions when you made your contention.
We never made that claim. The U.S. has one of the highest murder rates for a developed country.
Of course, you did. But, if you want to play games, define developed country.
Venezuela? Brazil? Morocco? Egypt? Estonia? Thailand? Russia? Cuba? India? Turkey? Montenegro? Norway?
You do realize that a very large segment of the Democratic Party is made up of African-Americans? You are essentially saying that blacks don’t care about their family, friends, and neighbors.
Not any more. You said 21% of blacks support Trump. That’s quite a piece of the rock.
No, that’s what Bill Cosby was saying when the Lefties went after him. He wanted blacks to take responsibility for their lives, families, homes, and neighborhoods. As a black man raised in West Philly, he probably was addressing what he experienced.
formwiz: everything he said was a lie about conditions at the detention centers.
Multiple, independent reports indicate that conditions were very poor for many detainees, including according to the government’s own inspectors.
formwiz: you hate everybody.
Quite the contrary.
formwiz: DNA tests show at least a third of the kids are not with relatives.
It was a small sample, so it may or may not be representative. In any case, that leaves two-thirds. Meanwhile, children have been lost in the system.
formwiz: Baltimore is in a Hell of a finacial mess.
Like most major cities, Baltimore has long-term financial challenges, which, according to your citation, they are addressing. Regardless, the information we provided previously was accurate. Revenues are increasing, while they are currently running a slight budget surplus. Meanwhile, you have neglected to acknowledge your previous misstatements of fact.
formwiz: No, it merely indicates anyone who can get out has and the people who live there now wish they could.
A lot of people like living in the 7th District, and Baltimore City instills pride in many residents. According to Trump, they are not human beings.
formwiz: you never made any such restrictions when you made your contention.
We never contended the U.S. has the highest murder rate.
formwiz: You said 21% of blacks support Trump.
No. We never made that claim either. You really need to read more carefully.
The Gray Lady is hardly an objective source.
It was a small sample, so it may or may not be representative
It was the sample they had. 100%.
Meanwhile, children have been lost in the system.
Could be they just went home.
Regardless, the information we provided previously was accurate. Revenues are increasing, while they are currently running a slight budget surplus.
Of course, just like all your other info. Facts? Increasing funds in the second highest city for murders in the country? Zacherle needs to go back to showing old monster movies.
A lot of people like living in the 7th District, and Baltimore City instills pride in many residents. According to Trump, they are not human beings.
You can cite this, of course. Yeah, everybody likes living in murder and vermin.
Trump just spoke the truth; if those people could get out, they would.
We never contended the U.S. has the highest murder rate.
More times than we can count.
No. We never made that claim either. You really need to read more carefully.
NAACP poll, quoted by Btfsplk.
Your lies are so transparent.
formwiz: More times than we can count.
If we made a misstatement, we’ll correct it. Please provide a link.
formwiz: It was the sample they had. 100%.
Sure. It’s a small sample. It may or may not be representative, but given the sample, that leaves two-thirds who were with relatives that were being separated by the Trump Administration’s zero-tolerance policy.
formwiz: Could be they just went home.
Or with relatives in the U.S. But the federal government took on the responsibility of in loco parentis. That means they must know the whereabouts of the children under their care. It’s not optional. The parents are mad with grief and worry.
formwiz: Facts?
That’s right.
Baltimore City revenues: $1.817 billion in 2017, $1.834 billion in 2018, $1.883 billion projected in 2019.
Baltimore City property base subject to tax: $35.9 billion in 2018, $37.4 billion in 2019.
formwiz: everybody likes living in murder and vermin.
There’s crime and vermin in every human settlement. Most people still love the communities they grew up in, even with all the problems inherent to community life. What people want is an improvement in their situation. Do we really need to provide links to people who love Baltimore? Or New York? Or Chicago? Are they not human beings?
If you make a misstatement, you deny it.
No, it leaves 2/3, some of whom may have been separated.
But the federal government took on the responsibility of in loco parentis. That means they must know the whereabouts of the children under their care. It’s not optional. The parents are mad with grief and worry.
No, it didn’t. They were dumped on our doorstep and we were expected to put them in public housing with food stamps and welfare.
That’s right.
No, that’s wrong. Document those figures. You’ve lied too many times.
There’s crime and vermin in every human settlement. Most people still love the communities they grew up in, even with all the problems inherent to community life. What people want is an improvement in their situation. Do we really need to provide links to people who love Baltimore? Or New York? Or Chicago? Are they not human beings?
And saying NY includes Lexington Ave as well as Bed-Stuy, so you’re lying. Most people in places like West Balto would kill to get out. Only you would say they love living in Crime and vermin.
Which is why I doubt you’re human.
Doubtful in many cases if they’re Lefties.
formwiz: everybody likes living in murder and vermin.
Z: Do we really need to provide links to people who love Baltimore?
Let’s help you out. Trump, someone who didn’t think the White House was palatial enough, said, “no human being would want to live there.”
#WeAreBaltimore: “Baltimore is a vibrant and beautiful city with a diverse and rightfully proud population.”
JohnsHopkinsMedicine: “We are proud to call the great city of Baltimore home, and stand united for our resilient, creative and optimistic fellow Baltimoreans.”
Live Baltimore: “I Love City Life”.
These people want to live in Baltimore. Are they not “human beings”?
formwiz: If you make a misstatement, you deny it.
Again, you neglected to point to any such misstatement.
formwiz: No, it didn’t.
Yes it did. When you separate children from their parents or guardians, you become in loco parentis, a legal and more obligation.
formwiz: Document those figures.
You must be new to the Internet. Try this link. On the Budget Publications page (probably the first link), you’ll find the Fiscal 2019 Summary of the Adopted Budget.
Seems every leftist is nothin’ but a liar!
Kye: Seems every leftist is nothin’ but a liar!
Cummings didn’t try to smear the whole community by association with its worst elements; unlike Trump, who said that people who want to live in Baltimore are not human beings.
Lie. He said no human being wants to live there.
Let’s see links to human beings who love living in crime and vermin.
formwiz: He said no human being wants to live there.
Yet all sorts of people want to live in Baltimore City. Presumably, they are untermensch
All you’ve got is a Twat crowd of people who no longer live there?
This one is even below your miserable standards.
Why don’t you just go back to Jeffery L Keene and quit the games.
Trump actually has Zachriel and the commie DEms defending letting people living in rat infested, flea ridden, feces covered crime, drug and gang shitholes rather than admit it is THEIR policies that did it for the last 50 years.
Listen to yourself Zach, you sound INSANE defending filth because you hate Trump more than you care about poor blacks stuck in the DemCon inner city. NOWTHAT”S RAAAAACIST!!!
Trump 2020 86 the DemCom racists!
formwiz: All you’ve got is a Twat crowd of people who no longer live there?
Huh? The links provide voluminous evidence of people who live in Baltimore who want to live in Baltimore.
• “For four generations, my family has had a love affair with Baltimore. We live here. We worship here. We build businesses here. If you have any doubts about the greatness of our city or it’s people, give us a call. We’d be happy to give you a tour.”
• “We are proud to call the great city of Baltimore home, and stand united for our resilient, creative and optimistic fellow Baltimoreans.â€
• “Federal Hill is a neighborhood made up of many brick, late 19th-century row homes, most of which have been rehabbed into modern residences in the past few decades.”
• “5th ranking in Entrepreneur magazine’s ‘Top Cities for Minority Entrepreneurs’.”
Just for the Hell of it, tell us how any human being loves or wants to live in that!
formwiz: “And just like that … President Trump got the entire country to take a good look at West Baltimore!”
That’s right. The subject of the House Oversight Committee was detainee conditions on the border. Trump was attempting to change the subject by using racial tropes to grab the attention of the media. This has a short term political advantage, but at the expense of a long term erosion of the social fabric.
Stick your tropes up yiour ass.
Cummings and the rest of the Left, including you, was lying and it’s been proven.
You want to talk about the border? Fine. Try this on for size:
Children are being rented, bought, recycled, and kidnapped so that single adults, mostly men from Central America, can gain quick release into the United States after crossing the border illegally.
The cost of renting a child varies.
“We’ve had indications … that it could cost anywhere from a few hundred—or even in some cases, less than $100—up to $1,000 or more,†said Kevin McAleenan, acting Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), during a congressional hearing on July 18.
McAleenan said in one case, a 51-year-old illegal alien had purchased a 6-month-old baby for $80 in Guatemala so that he could easily get into the United States. The man, a Honduran national, confessed to border agents when he was faced with a DNA test.
“We’ve seen all manner of smuggling organizations communicating to potential customers and to those crossing the border how to bring a child with them to be allowed to stay in the United States,†McAleenan said. “They’ve been active in advertising, literally on Facebook and on the radio in Central America.â€
Homeland Security Investigations, a division of ICE, sent 400 agents to El Paso and Rio Grande Valley, Texas, in mid-April to interview families that Border Patrol suspected were fake. In the last eight weeks, HSI special agents have identified 5,500 fraudulent families—about 15 percent of all cases referred.
McAleenan said agents have uncovered 921 fake documents and 615 individuals have been prosecuted for trafficking or smuggling a child.
“That tells me that we might be scratching the surface of this problem and the number of children being put at risk might be even higher,†he said.
“Everybody knows that if they bring a child, they’ll be allowed to stay in the United States—they call it a ‘passport for migration.’ I heard that directly from a gentleman from Huehuetenango, the western-most province of Guatemala.â€
He said almost every summary of the cases he has seen mentions the same thing:
“The subject stated that he made the attempt because he heard in his hometown that anyone traveling to the United States with a child will be released.â€
The southern border has become so overwhelmed that most illegal aliens don’t even claim credible fear for asylum anymore, knowing they’ll still be released expeditiously into the United States—especially if they have a child.
In Yuma, Arizona, less than 10 percent of illegal aliens make an asylum claim, sector Chief Anthony Porvaznik said on April 17.
300,000 Children
Since Oct. 1, 2018, more than 300,000 children have crossed the southern border, according to McAleenan. Most of them entered as part of a family unit, but 67,000 also entered as unaccompanied minors. Family units increased by 469 percent from the first nine months of the 2018 fiscal year to the same period in the 2019 fiscal year.
The legal loophole that is fueling the sharp increase in family units was opened in 2015 by a California judge, who amended the Flores Settlement Agreement to prohibit the detention of families for more than 20 days. Previously, the 20-day rule was applied to unaccompanied minors only.
An immigration case cannot be adjudicated within 20 days, so families who cross the border illegally are now released by Border Patrol within days, with a future court date that most fail to honor.
One of the most telling statistics is that of men crossing the border with a child. In 2014, fewer than 1 percent of all men apprehended by Border Patrol in the Rio Grande Valley Sector had a child with them. That number now sits at 50 percent, according to Rodolfo Karisch, chief Border Patrol agent for that sector.
McAleenan said smugglers pair up adults and children. “If they have an individual who wants to go to the United States and someone else has a child that they might want to make some additional money renting [out], or they want the child delivered to a relative in the United States,†they’ll buy fake documents and then get smuggled to the border.
“There’s a whole fake document operation in all three countries,†McAleenan said, referring to Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador.
“The vulnerabilities in our legal framework [are] incentivizing smugglers and families to put children at risk. The recycling problem is maybe the worst manifestation of that,†he said. Recycling refers to when a child is used by an adult to get across the border easily as a “family unit,†then the child is sent back to be used again.
“ICE now has three significant cases, multiple cities around the country, where they’ve identified a small group of children—say five to eight children—who are being used by dozens of adults to cross our border seeking release into the United States.â€
The adults involved in fraudulent family claims are prosecuted by the Department of Justice for federal crimes including: immigration crime, identity and benefit fraud, alien smuggling, human trafficking, and child exploitation.
formwiz (quoting): “Children are being rented, bought, recycled, and kidnapped so that single adults, mostly men from Central America, can gain quick release into the United States after crossing the border illegally.”
There are certainly abuses. People pretend to be parents. Women are raped. Theft and assault are common. People are abandoned to die in the desert. Nevertheless, the vast majority of cases are just people escaping bad conditions at home.
(A small excerpt and a link would have been sufficient.)
Changing Flores
McAleenan said Congress could make the biggest impact—“not only on the flow, but on protecting childrenâ€â€”by making a change to the Flores agreement.
He said that prior to the 2015 change to Flores, the Obama administration started detaining families together for the duration of their immigration case, which takes around 45 days. The flow of illegal immigrants reduced in response, as those with meritless asylum claims were deported.
“If people are not successful in coming with a child being released, they’re actually getting a decision from an immigration judge resulting in repatriation for the vast majority, that would mean others would not try to come,†McAleenan said.
Although almost 90 percent of those who claim credible fear when presenting themselves at the border pass the initial screening, less than 20 percent are granted asylum relief by an immigration judge. For Central Americans, that number is less than 10 percent.
Rep. Katie Hill (D-Calif.) told McAleenan at the hearing that a Democrat-controlled House will not amend the Flores agreement, nor will it provide funding for more detention beds.
McAleenan pushed back, saying he’s not ready to accept that a system that worked under the Obama administration five years ago would not be accepted by Congress today. He said back then families were kept together for 40 to 50 days in a campus-like setting with education, recreation, medical care, and courtrooms on site.
“We’re not seeing successful results in immigration cases when anyone is released from being detained in custody, but especially for families—they’re more likely to cut off their [tracking] bracelets; they’re less likely to show up for hearings; they’re less likely to respond to a final order of removal,†McAleenan said. “So being able to address that at the border in an expedited and fair way with due process is a much better solution than what we’re doing now.â€
He said he’s already discussing bipartisan options with the Senate Judiciary Committee, but he’d like to start a discussion in the House.
67,000 Unaccompanied Minors
McAleenan is also concerned about the increased number of unaccompanied minors coming across the border and the legal loopholes that prevent them from being sent back home.
The Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act (TVPRA) has been established for years to help victims of trafficking; however, a loophole prevents the United States from returning children back to their home countries unless they are from Canada or Mexico (contiguous countries).
McAleenan said even if Central American countries want their children back, U.S. law prohibits it.
“We’ve had all three ambassadors from the Northern Triangle countries assert that those governments should have some say in what happens to that unaccompanied child,†he said.
Instead, an unaccompanied child gets moved from Border Patrol to Health and Human Services (HHS), which then finds a sponsor in the United States to place the child with.
Currently, around 11,000 unaccompanied minors are in the care of HHS, creating a proxy foster care system. The vast majority (88 percent) hail from the Central American countries of Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador. Most are aged between 15 and 17.
“The number of unaccompanied minors entering the United States during this fiscal year has risen to levels we have never before seen,†said Jonathan Hayes, before the House Judiciary Committee on July 25. Hayes is responsible for the unaccompanied minor program within the HHS’s Office and Refugee Resettlement department.
Hayes said that as of June, the average length of time that a child stays in HHS custody is approximately 42 days—a “dramatic decrease†from late November 2018, where the average length of care was 90 days.
McAleenan said it’s often a parent, who is already in the United States illegally, who pays a smuggler to deliver their child up to the border.
I don’t think most people realize that most of these unaccompanied children are being released to parents or relatives in the United States who are also here unlawfully, who may not have permission to work in the United States,†McAleenan said.
You dismal, dark, wretched, gutless, lying animal. You want this to continue until you can import more slaves to advance your miserable agenda and you lie about the man trying to stop it.
formwiz: You dismal, dark, wretched, gutless, lying animal.
You dismal, dark, wretched, gutless, lying animal. None of that justifies ill-treatment of immigrants in detention. Cummings did not claim that McAleenan is purposefully causing mistreatment of immigrants, but he is in a position of responsibility. McAleenan needs to fess up to shortcomings in the system, rather than covering for policies that are obviously not working. Of course Democrats are also in a position of responsibility, and it will take more than passionate speeches to fix the problem. However, the levels of trust, especially with regards to the president and his racist rhetoric, are at historic lows.
If they were being ill-treated, which they are not.
Cummings is lying, you are lying because you need some emotional issue to prevent Anglo and Hispanic voters from leaving the Democrats.
However, the levels of trust, especially with regards to the president and his racist rhetoric, are at historic lows.
No, just the opposite. And whom do you run against him? Gropin’ Joe, Bernie, Chlamydia, Fauxcahontas, Spartacus, Pancho Vanilla, Buttpeg?
The tax base is determined by city assessments. You had claimed this number to be decreasing, which was false. We assumed you were just ignorant, and that you have a stubborn inability to admit to error. That’s a difference between us.
The only inability is your telling the truth. Balto is dying because of tax flight and a simple search verifies it.
Not you continue with the strawman argument. Just because “pizza rat†lives on your street doesn’t mean you don’t want to live on your street.
Like Hell. You go live in that wonderful neighborhood for a year.
But that’s not what he said. Trump said, “No human being would want to live there.†But a lot of people do want to live there, just without the rats. All cities have rats, and Baltimore is not even the worst. Trump is calling anyone who wants to live in Baltimore (or the 7th district) a non-human being.
Again, you keep trying to play this game and it died years ago. Anybody who lives there only does so because they can’t get out.
Nevertheless, the vast majority of cases are just people escaping bad conditions at home.
Prove it.
formwiz: Cummings is lying
You keep saying that, but refuse to point to any lies he has told.
formwiz: Balto is dying …
There is always stress on city finances. Baltimore has additional troubles because the suburbs that thrive on proximity to Baltimore don’t pay into Baltimore coffers. In any case, city revenues have been increasing, they are running a small surplus, property taxes are high but decreasing, and the property tax base is increase, all contrary to specific representations on this forum otherwise.
formwiz: … because of tax flight and a simple search verifies it.
Hey, you could always support your claims, as we have done, repeatedly.
formwiz: Again, you keep trying to play this game and it died years ago. Anybody who lives there only does so because they can’t get out.
We’ve provided ample evidence of people who want to live in Baltimore. You can deny the facts, but they don’t cease being facts because they don’t comport with your preconceptions.
formwiz: Prove it.
The evidence is that immigration is coming from very particular areas with political and social instability.
Why Are People Leaving Central America?
How many times have I mentioned detention centers?
Still dying.
I have.
No, all you’ve done is provide evidence of people who lived there. Long ago.
Most of the asylum seekers are turning back. Next scam.
Zach, I don’t know if you’er a liar or just an idiot so I’ll opt for liar since you don’t seem stupid.
Let’s start with Cumming’s housing situation where Zach “claimed” he lived in his district in “a row house”. As usual, DemCons be liars, including Zach.
In 2015, while Rep. Cummings was in a House Committee hearing, a West Baltimore rental rowhouse owned by him caught on fire. The rowhouse turned out not to have beenregistered with the city. Cummings only began filing the paperwork after the fire called attention to it. The Democrat claims to also live in the Madison Avenue rowhouse in Druid Heights, which he also rents out to tenants.
Rep. Cummings has an estimated net worth of $1.1 million with assets potentially going as high as $2.6 million. He owned 3 homes. Beyond the two rowhouses in Baltimore, there’s a Washington D.C. Victorian house that was listed as being sold for $896,000 last year.
The Bloomingdale neighborhood where it’s located was named as one of the best places to live in the imperial city by the Washington Post. Property records appear to list Cummings’wife as the owner. That would make sense as she runs a D.C. consulting firm and his job is also in Washington D.C.
Why might Cummings and his wife prefer a Victorian home in D.C. to their Baltimore rowhouses? In 2016, Rep. Cummings told a story about a young man living across the street from him whose car was shot at six times. That same young man took a picture of Cummings’ rowhouse when it caught on fire.
So Cumming’s and his wife don’t “actually” live in those rented out row homes. They have them to game the system and “appear” they live in the shithole they created.
Now on with the rest of Zachs mountain of lies.
Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh. Just last year, she said things were so bad you could “smell the rotting rats.”
Baltimore’s deputy policy commissioner getting robbed at gunpoint by four thugs while out to dinner with his wife. THE DEPUTY MAYOR, ZACH!!!!
However, last weekend, orange Mussolini weighed in on the subject, and suddenly Baltimore became holy ground, a sacred city of light that only an infidel would disparage — an infidel or, perhaps — and this will not surprise you — a raaaaacist. Because honestly, only a hardened bigot would criticize a place as awesome as Baltimore. That was the media consensus over the weekend. And Zach’ mission!
“Meanwhile, Baltimore — the actual city, not the metaphor — could desperately use some attention. If anything, Trump’s tweets underplayed the crisis. Last year, the city recorded 309 homicides, a rate of more than 50 per 100,000 people. If Baltimore were a country, it would have the fourth-highest murder rate in the world, barely below Venezuela.
Or think of it this way: Last week, the left denounced Trump for reaching a deal with Guatemala that declares the country a “safe” location for asylum seekers. Guatemala, they said, has too much crime and too many gangs to be considered safe; making people stay there is a human rights violation. And yet, Baltimore’s murder rate is DOUBLE that of Guatemala.
In almost any way a city can be a disaster, Baltimore qualifies. More than 22% of the city lives in poverty. Almost 65% of children grow up in single-parent households. The schools are a catastrophe. In 2017, one-third of Baltimore’s high schools had zero students proficient in math. That’s right. In 13 of Baltimore’s 39 high schools, not a single student — not one — was proficient in math. You’d think that would be a national scandal. Bernie Sanders visited Baltimore a few years ago, and to his credit, he was shocked: “Anyone who took the walk that we took around this neighborhood would not think you’re in a wealthy nation. You would think that you were in a Third World country.”
Looks like Bernie must be a white supremacist. Actually, he’s just an old-fashioned liberal. That’s how Democrats used to think; if they saw misery and urban decay, they wanted to fix it. Modern progressives are different. Progressivism isn’t about helping the people beneath you; it’s about establishing your moral superiority. (Zach’s got a PhD in that) Democrats support the status quo in Baltimore. It doesn’t bother them. That’s not surprising. They created modern Baltimore. The city hasn’t had a Republican mayor in more than 50 years. Things really began to fall apart after the 2015 riots. The OBAMA administration imposed a consent decree on the city’s police department that radically restricted its ability to protect citizens. Not surprisingly, crime exploded. Cummings, by the way, praised that consent decree. He’s very much part of the problem.
From her taxpayer-funded vacation in Italy, House Speaker Nazi Pelosi defended Cummings — and Baltimore. Pelosi grew up in the city. Her father and her brother were mayors of Baltimore. But like most rich progressives, Pelosi herself is long gone. She’s got a winery in Napa now. She’s not interested in going back to Baltimore. Like most Democrats (especially Zach), she finds it easier to just lecture other people about it.”
How long before Zach gets HIS winery in Napa?
Trump 2020 We’ve had enough of elitist snobs like Zach!
formwiz: No, all you’ve done is provide evidence of people who lived there. Long ago.
That’s false. We have provided accounts of people living there now.
Kye: Let’s start with Cumming’s housing situation …
Cummings’ home, a row house on Madison, was burglarized a week ago at 3:40 AM. According to the police, Cummings was there at the time. You had posted a graphic that showed a mansion in New Jersey falsely claiming it was Cummings’ home.
formwiz: How many times have I mentioned detention centers?
Is that some sort of vague reference to supposed lies by Cummings? You might want to be more specific, especially considering the nature of the accusation.
“Trump said, “No human being would want to live there.â€
That’s called hyperbole or haven’t you heard of it?
“Trump is calling anyone who wants to live in Baltimore (or the 7th district) a non-human being.”
Again hyperbole. Or do you believe the people who live with diseased rats, fleas, other vermin, roaches, feces, constant crime and drug needles ACTUALLY WANT TO LIVE THERE? Why do you believe black people are so fukin’ stupid? You REALLY don’t believe they would move to a nicer place if they could? You just figure they’re poor blacks and they will vote Dem anyway so fuk’em, right? What have YOU and YOUR party done to help them over the last 50 years of rule?
When are you going to grow up and understand exaggeration to make a point? You do it all the time when you call Trump and us “raaaaacist” knowing neither are. Just because you disagree or don’t “like” the way someone frames a comment or an argument he is automatically a raaaaacist.
Trump 2020 Because racist, self unaware leftists gotta go.
Not really hype.
How many people would live there if they were offered a 50G income/yr to get out?
Zacherle, like the rest of Toon Town is a Lefty jerk who keeps barfing up the same old talking points that have already been refuted 100 times.
Kye: That’s called hyperbole
Ah, so it’s hyperbole, rather than an attempt to smear an entire city by referring to its worst aspects. Then he should apologize to the people of Baltimore for his choice of words? Oh? He has doubled-down.
So you’re still beating that old horse, Zach? You should apologize to Trump and his supporters for calling him and us raaaaacists for wanting to draw attention to the fukin’ mess you leftists have created in Baltimore. But instead of DOING SOMETHING ABOUT IT you keep trying to score “virtue points” with your handlers by insulting us.
You are the quintessential “True Believer”. You never waiver from your programmed propaganda no matter how wrong or silly you become. And I’d still like to point out TRUMP WAS NOT WRONG. Baltimore IS a rat infested, crime ridden shithole whether YOU and you commie colleagues like it or not. Or have you missed the TV interviews in Baltimore too? You do realize you have turned almost every city under your control into the same crap. You all should be apologizing to the entire nation and paying to fix the mess you made out of your own pocket but no, you’d rather call Trump a raaaaacist for pointing it out than ever, ever fix it. After all, those “darkies” will vote Democrat no matter what you do to them. Shame on you and your corrupt party!
Trump 2020 Throw out all the corruptocrats from the DemCom party!
Kye: And I’d still like to point out TRUMP WAS NOT WRONG.
Yes, he was wrong, very wrong, when he said people who want to live in Baltimore are not “human beings”.
As for rats, all cities have rats, and Baltimore is not the worst in that regard.
Huh? The links provide voluminous evidence of people who live in Baltimore who want to live in Baltimore.
• “For four generations, my family has had a love affair with Baltimore. We live here. We worship here. We build businesses here. If you have any doubts about the greatness of our city or it’s people, give us a call. We’d be happy to give you a tour.â€
Yeah, and it ain’t West Balto.
• “We are proud to call the great city of Baltimore home, and stand united for our resilient, creative and optimistic fellow Baltimoreans.â€
Where, exactly, do they live? Sounds like all you have is the D’Alessandro family.
• “Federal Hill is a neighborhood made up of many brick, late 19th-century row homes, most of which have been rehabbed into modern residences in the past few decades.â€
Gentrified. With plenty of police protection. Just like Society Hill in Philadelphia. Not somewhere north of Temple. Not in West Balto.
• “5th ranking in Entrepreneur magazine’s ‘Top Cities for Minority Entrepreneurs’.â€
Actually, it’s 23rd. Baltimore’s local government and business organizations work to create a diverse and tight-knit business community. Baltimore has 27,673 minority owned businesses. Not exactly a hive of prosperity, necessarily, but more like 7-11s, pawn shops, etc.From the article, “Philadelphia has about 48,743 minority business owners”.
I rode through North and West Philly back and forth to work every day for 4 years and I saw a lot of those “minority-owned businesses”.
All you have is some rah rah from the local Democrat party.
formwiz: Yeah, and it ain’t West Balto.
Trump didn’t make such a distinction. He smeared the entire city.
That’s because he figured a mature person of reason would know what he was referring to. If I say “Jewish people are smart” would you think (?) I mean every single Jewish person on earth? You don’t have the conscience ability to separate generalities? Are you retarded? He should’t have to “make such a distinction” unless his audience are all total morons!
Kye: That’s because he figured a mature person of reason would know what he was referring to.
Now that’s funny. The hearings were on the conditions for immigrant detainees, so Trump smears Cummings and Baltimore in order to change the subject. He’s the President of the United States. If he had misspoke, he would have corrected himself. Instead, he doubled-down.
Kye: If I say “Jewish people are smart†would you think (?) I mean every single Jewish person on earth?
That’s not the same construction, which would be “No blacks are smart.” Do you think a smart black person shouldn’t feel insulted? What about black people generally?
The hearings were on the conditions for immigrant detainees, so Trump smears Cummings and Baltimore in order to change the subject
The hearings were to shore up the Lefty trope (lie, actually) that there were unacceptable conditions at the border, so Trump shows the world what a phony Cummings is by reminding people of conditions in his own district (remember, he was booed by his own constituents during the Freddie Gray riots.
He’s the President of the United States. If he had misspoke, he would have corrected himself. Instead, he doubled-down.
That’s what Willie and Zippy always did when they were caught in a lie. Too bad for you Trump wasn’t lying.
Do you think a smart black person shouldn’t feel insulted? What about black people generally?
Black people should be insulted because of what you say.
And the word is misspoken.
formwiz: The hearings were to shore up the Lefty trope (lie, actually) that there were unacceptable conditions at the border
Multiple reports indicates there are serious problems with conditions for detainees, including toddlers without diapers being cared for by children who themselves were only six or seven years old. The Inspector General of Homeland Security found conditions to be unsanitary and “dangerously overcrowded”. Even Pence, when he visited, was met by the stench of people who were being held in unsanitary conditions, then he quickly skedaddled.
Try again. He said Cummings district. And it wasn’t a smear.
Conditions there are ghastly.
formwiz: He said Cummings district.
Trump didn’t make such a distinction. He smeared the entire economically and socially diverse district.
Neither did you just now. And it was no smear, it was the truth.
And Balto is neither economically nor socially diverse.
Baltimore is a majority-black city as 63.7% of its residents are African American (that’s 5 out of 8).
Only 4.2% of its residents are Hispanic (that’s 1 out of 25). That is well below the U.S. average of 18.1%.
formwiz: And it was no smear, it was the truth.
The entire district does not have a rat-infestation problem. Not all of Baltimore City has a rat-infestation problem, and is not even the worst in the nation.
formwiz: And Balto is neither economically nor socially diverse.
Um, you said Trump was referring to the 7th district. Try to be consistent in your position.
A few facts about the diverse paradise that is Baltimore.
It has a murder rate higher than El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, whose people formerly qualified for asylum to escape crime.
Baltimore’s murder rate is 51.3 murders per 100,000 people.
Afghanistan’s is 7.1 per 100,000.
Baltimore is a majority-black city as 63.7% of its residents are African American.
Only 4.2% of its residents are Hispanic. That is well below the U.S. average of 18.1%.
formwiz: Afghanistan’s is 7.1 per 100,000.
That’s ignoring the thousands murdered by sectarian violence.
Just three days ago, Afghanistan bus hits roadside bomb blamed on Taliban, leaving dozens of civilians dead
“That’s ignoring the thousands murdered by sectarian violence.”
Yes, that is because just like in America, they separate “criminal statistics” from “Terrorist statistics” I imagine. I would expect you to realize criminal violence is not the same as terrorist violence. Or is that beyond you too, like hyperbole and generalizations?
Kye: Yes, that is because just like in America, they separate “criminal statistics†from “Terrorist statisticsâ€
It depends on the incident. Was Dylann Roof charged with murder? In any case, the implicit claim was that violence is worse in Baltimore, when that is not the case.
As of ’17, Balto was America’s most dangerous big city – FBI*.
Comey and MuleEars’ FBI BTW.
formwiz: As of ’17, Balto was America’s most dangerous big city – FBI*.
That would be St. Louis.