Monthly Archives: July 2019

If All You See…

…is a boat sitting in a lake choked by algae from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Not A Lot Of People Know That, with a post on the reality on the record heat in Europe.

UK Green New Deal Seeks “Economic Transformation” Or Something

Once again, remember that the membership of the Cult of Climastrology tells us that this is all about Science Green New Deal 2.0: Activists revitalise UK climate change plan Proposal seeks massive economic transformation and is backed by MP Caroline Lucas, who designed original framework. The progressive think-tank Common Wealth has published a 10-point Green […]

Vox Thinks We Might Get A Hotcoldwetdry Debate, And Has Questions For Candidates

Having a ‘climate change’ debate for the Democratic Party primaries is a case of “be careful what you wish for, because you might get it”. One specific paragraphs of this Vox article by uber-Warmist David Roberts tells the real story of the meaning of ‘climate change’ We might get a climate debate after all. Here […]

Washington Post: Trump Was Right About SJWs Coming After Everything From America’s Past

It must have caused the Washington Post quite a bit of heartburn to publish anything that says that Trump is right After Confederate statues, America’s culture war targets Betsy Ross and a founding father As the nation has celebrated its birthday with displays of its contemporary power and prestige this week, two of its cherished historic symbols […]

Unhinged America Haters At Jezebel Want To Rename Independence Day

But, hey, remember, these Leftists tell us that they love America, they just want to change everything about it (via Twitchy) A modest proposal: Rename July 4th literally anything else — Jezebel (@Jezebel) July 3, 2019 From the screed It’s easy to cling to the idea that traditions are traditions because traditions have […]

If All You See…

…is a hazy day caused by carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post on the Star Spangled Banner. Doubleshot under the fold, so, check out Animal Magnetism, with a post on Rule 5 Independence Day

AOC Reveals Her Immigration Plan, Which Includes ‘Climate Change’ Idiocy

She refused to vote for any funding for the packed illegal immigrant centers, and has refused to demand a vote for her own Green New Deal, so, yeah, this should be good Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Unveils 4-Point Immigration Plan (Point #2: Climate Change) Ocasio-Cortez, who toured facilities Monday where migrants are held after being caught crossing the border […]

Happy Independence Day! (sticky post for the day)

Many more patriotic pinups below the fold

LA To Form “Climate Emergency Mobilization Office” Or Something

Remember, Los Angeles is being woefully negligent in keeping its streets clean, instead spending on money on lawyers and other things for illegal aliens. The garbage in the streets problem is continuing to grow, and rats are making huge inroads, even causing problems in City Hall and police stations. The homeless are streaming into LA. […]

It’s Independence Day, So, Of Course The NY Times Tries To “Take Stock” Of America

Here's another from the WP going all the way back to 1776 — William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) July 3, 2019 At least in the Era Of Trump, news organizations must find ways to hate on America, so, the NY Times editorial board gives it a shot America the Beautiful Taking stock of the […]

Pirate's Cove