In all fairness, not everyone listens to science. Obviously, drinking, doing drugs, smoking, eating tons of transfats, etc, are not good for us, yet, we still do it. Being overweight is bad (oh, right, pointing that out is now body shaming.) People pretend they’re the opposite gender and demand we call them that even though science says they aren’t. But, really, this is just one more point highlighting that the climate crisis scam is not about politics
Why science needs the humanities to solve climate change
Large wildfires in the Arctic and intense heat waves in Europe are just the latest evidence that climate change is becoming the defining event of our time. Unlike other periods that came and went, such as the 1960s or the dot-com boom, an era of unchecked climate change will lead to complex and irreversible changes in Earth’s life support systems.
There’s virtually nothing humanity can do about this, because it is mostly natural.
Many people view climate change as a scientific issue – a matter of physical, biological and technical systems. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s most recent assessment report, for example, is a vast compendium of climate science, threats and potential solutions.
Yet modern climate change is also a human problem caused by the collective behaviors of people – mostly the wealthy – around the world. Japanese economist Yoichi Kaya summarizes this viewpoint in an elegant equation known as the Kaya Identity: Global greenhouse gas emissions are the product not just of energy use and technology, but also human population size and economic activity.
The evil rich!
In our view, solving the world’s climate problems will require tapping into brainpower beyond science. That’s why the two of us – an ecologistand a humanities dean – are teaming up to rethink climate solutions. Recently we developed a program to embed humanities graduate students in science teams, an idea that climate research centers are also exploring.
Da, comrade, you must be cured of your Wrongthink (by people who refuse to change their own lives to stop the climate crisis (scam)).
Humanist scholars like LeMenager help to uncover the root causes of complex problems. Yes, rising carbon dioxide levels trap more heat in the atmosphere – but values matter too. Defining features of American identity, such as independence, freedom, mobility and self-reliance, have become entangled with petroleum consumption.
Are you getting the idea that they want everything about your modern like to change? And that they do not like America very much? This word salad of Modern Socialism continues on. Just like the carbon footprints from the people who believe this malarkey.

Feel Good Story of the day: 173-Pound Golden Retriever Loses Over 100 Pounds | The Dodo
William Teach: There’s virtually nothing humanity can do about this, because it is mostly natural.
The vast majority of scientific evidence points to human-caused global warming. Indeed, it follows from the basic physics of greenhouse gases, which has been known for more than a century, long before it became a political issue.
The vast majority of scientific evidence points to human-caused global warming. Indeed, it follows from the basic physics of greenhouse gases, which has been known for more than a century, long before it became a political issue.
The vast majority of lies points to human-caused global warming. Indeed, it ignores the basic physics of greenhouse gases, which has been fiction for several decades, as soon as it was turned into a political issue.
PS Yeah, Zacherle is not relation to Jeffery L Keene. /sarc
formwiz: The vast majority of lies points to human-caused global warming.
Actually, we’re referring to actual data of many different types.
formwiz: Indeed, it ignores the basic physics of greenhouse gases, which has been fiction for several decades, as soon as it was turned into a political issue.
Your conspiracy theory would have to stretch to the 19th century, when the basics of the greenhouse effect were worked out.
Let’s start with this: Calculate the blackbody temperature of the Earth. Compare it to Earth’s actual surface temperature? Are they the same? Or different?
No, you’re not, but it’s “your” words.
Marx wrote the manifesto in 1848.
formwiz: No, you’re not, but it’s “your†words
We keep referring to the science. You keep saying “Is not!”
formwiz: Marx wrote the manifesto in 1848.
Are you saying that the physics of blackbody radiation are in error? Perhaps you could address the blackbody radiation of the Earth.
PS Yeah, Edward Sibley Dutcher is not relation to Porter Teach Good. /sarc
But Jeffery L Keene is related to Bear, Bull, Zachriel, Gloom and Doom, John, and a host of other cartoon characters we have yet to meet.
Natural ??
You mean opposed to supernatural ?
Teach why do you think the planet is warming ?
Because it isn’t.
Teach the latest mass murder in El Paso seems to be white nationalist/ anti immigrant
Any comment on that ?
Wait till we find who he is, rather than who he seems to be.
Would it be better for you if he were a Black Panther and Antifa member?
The fact is that many of these attacks are by white Christian men filled with hate for others, hate for Jews, Hispanics, Blacks, Muslims… trump is using your fear of “replacement”.
We keep referring to the science. You keep saying “Is not!â€
No, you keep referring to the fiction.
Are you saying that the physics of blackbody radiation are in error? Perhaps you could address the blackbody radiation of the Earth.
As you want to use them, yes.
formwiz: No, you keep referring to the fiction.
No. We refer to scientific data. For instance, we compare the surface station data to satellite data. These data sets are collected by entirely different means, by different groups of scientists.
We refer to direct determinations of the greenhouse effect based on fundamental physics, such as those done by Arrhenius in 1896. If you think this determination is in error, then please point to the specifics.
formwiz: As you want to use them, yes.
The blackbody temperature of the Earth is about -18°C. But the surface temperature of the Earth is about +15°C. How do you explain the discrepancy? And why is the stratosphere so cold and getting colder?