…is a horrible fossil fueled vehicle causing palm trees to grow in Boston, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Right Scoop, with a post on a NY man beaten for wearing a MAGA hat.

…is a horrible fossil fueled vehicle causing palm trees to grow in Boston, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Right Scoop, with a post on a NY man beaten for wearing a MAGA hat.
I think I’m going to have to try skating again? Never tried the in-lines yet…
Is President Obama going to finally mention the words radical Islamic terrorism? If he doesn’t he should immediately resign in disgrace!
10:58 AM – 12 Jun 2016
Is trump going to finally mention the words radical white supremacist terrorism? If he doesn’t he should immediately resign in disgrace!
One was a looney tune who was also a disbeliever in religion who murdered his sister, the other is a hardcore Red, and the only radical white supremacist terrorist yet.
Is Jeffery going to address that?
He’s called anyone he doesn’t like a white nationalist, but the first true white nationalist turns out to be a Lefty and a Democrat.
Is Jeffery going to address that?
Actually, if you put these 2 nuts together, they spell Jeffery, clear as day.
Edward S. D. is gaslighting again.
You’re lying. You’ve yet to offer any proof (there’s that word again) to support even one your claims.
Who’s Jeffery?
Police in Dayton, El Paso’s manifesto. Lotsa proof.
Jeffery is a pathological liar who is such a miserable failure in life, all he can do these days is work minimum wage as a Lefty troll while he struggles with homosexual issues while under a 1000 foot restraining order.
Gun grabbed are now going to go after the 100 round mag like the Dayton mass killer used
Will Trach try to stop that ?
Bunny suit in the john is sounding like Buttpeg, trying to make himself sound important.
Too bad nobody was carrying or that clown would have been stopped.
How do you know no one was “carrying”?
What are the odds of a 70 yr old with pistol defeating a 20 yr old suicidal killer in body armor shooting an AR-15 assault weapon? Or do you think everyone should carry an AR-15?
How many mass murderers have the 300 million guns in America stopped?
Why do you think most Americans are more concerned about these seemingly random terrorist attacks than they are with the 20,000 or so homicides each year? Is it that one has little control over getting murdered at random at a mall, concert, school, business or restaurant?
How many mass murderers have the 300 million guns in America stopped?
If you weren’t such a lazy little sissybitch you might find that answer for yourself.
Lolgf loser.
How do you know no one was “carrying�
Wally World is one of those gun-free zones the Lefties love. That’s why he picked it. And where do we get the notion only a 70 year old would be armed? And, if he were, that he couldn’t hit center mass? Does this come from your vast military experience?
And he wasn’t armored. So the odds are pretty good. Especially since the cops in Dayton drilled their little monster in less than a minute.
How many mass murderers have the 300 million guns in America stopped?
50 in the last year we have FBI data. At an average of 23 casualties in active shooter situations, that’s over 1000 lives saved.
Why do you think most Americans are more concerned about these seemingly random terrorist attacks than they are with the 20,000 or so homicides each year?
They are? Care to show us your data, or is this another of those lies you pull out of your ass?
Is it that one has little control over getting murdered at random at a mall, concert, school, business or restaurant?
If you’re carrying, you have a lot more control.
BTW There was a mass shooting in Chiraq. 7 people murdered, but the Left ignores it because it was black on black.
Is Jeffery going to address that?
Doucher demands others show evidence, but never shows any evidence himself. Funny that, pulling fake data out of his ass several times a day (after pushing Lil’s face out of the way).
Edward was answering another commenter regarding the Dayton murderer who WAS wearing body armor. And he was killed by police, not by a patron “carrying”.
Bill Bear was right; Edward Doucher is just TEACH’s sock puppet.