Some people on the Right have gotten some of the points of the El Paso nutjob’s manifesto twisted around, reading meaning into it incorrectly (provided it was actually his). The killer was a raving nutjob who did not like Republicans or Democrats, nor Trump. But, along comes Mother Jones/HuffPost to highlight that he was totally out there, and an eco-extremist. If we’re comparing the Cult of Climastrology to Islam, he’d be a part of small number of jihadists
The El Paso Manifesto: Where Racism and Eco-Facism Meet
It proposed genocide as a pathway to ecological sustainability.
A manifesto posted online shortly before Saturday’s massacre at a Walmart in El Paso that the suspected shooter may have written blamed immigrants for hastening the environmental destruction of the United States and proposed genocide as a pathway to ecological sustainability.
Filled with white nationalist diatribes against “race-mixing†and the “Hispanic invasion of Texas,†the manifesto highlights far-right extremists’ budding revival of eco-fascism.
Titled “The Inconvenient Truth,†an allusion to Al Gore’s landmark climate change documentary, the ranting four-page document appeared on the extremist forum 8chan shortly before the shooting. Authorities have yet to confirm whether Patrick Crusius, the 21-year-old Dallas-area white man arrested in connection with the shooting that left at least 22 dead, is the author.
“The environment is getting worse by the year,†the manifesto reads. “Most of y’all are just too stubborn to change your lifestyle. So the next logical step is to decrease the number of people in America using resources. If we can get rid of enough people, then our way of life can become more sustainable.â€
Very interesting. This is a position pushed by many in the Cult of Climastrology, ranging from contraception and abortion for people (especially those pesky black and brown people in Africa and other 3rd world areas) to forced population reduction. Eco-fascism is the default position of the Cult. And is being embraced by Democrats. Huh
But as planet-heating emissions continue surging and scientists’ projections grow more dire, eco-fascism is experiencing a revival in a subculture of far-right extremism online. It comes amid a rekindled interest in Ted Kaczynski, the convicted terrorist known as the Unabomber.
Kaczynski—like his newfound online fandom, who often distinguish themselves with pine-tree emoji on social media—subscribes to “lifeboat ethics.†The term, coined in the 1970s by the neoconservative ecologist Garrett Hardin, denotes the idea that “traditional humanitarian views of the ‘guilt-ridden,’ ‘conscience-stricken’ liberal†threatens the balance of nature. The belief traces its lineage back to 18th-century English philosopher Thomas Malthus, who theorized that population growth would eclipse the availability of resources to meet basic human needs without moral restraint or widespread disease, famine or war to thin the herd.
Interesting that this attempts to place this on the almost mainstream Right. Does this mean that white supremacists are actually joined at the hip with Democrats?
Also interesting that this came up when it was mentioned in the post earlier today (totally unintentional. I ran across this afterwards)
In September 2017, the white nationalist magazine American Renaissance asked its readers a question: “What does it mean for whites if climate change is real?†The bombastic essay wondered whether the “population explosion in the global south combined with climate change†demonstrated “the single greatest external threat to Western civilizationâ€â€”even “more serious than Islamic terrorism or Hispanic illegal immigration.â€
“If continued global change makes the poor, non-white parts of the world even more unpleasant to live in than they are now, it will certainly drive more non-whites north,†Jared Taylor, the publication’s editor and an influential white nationalist, wrote in an email to the magazine Jewish Currents. “I make no apology for…urging white nations to muster the will to guard their borders and maintain white majorities.â€
Two years later, white, male gunmen appear to be heeding his call.
Eco-fascism, like most of those claiming to be on the Left, even calling themselves Socialists, is actually on the far right of the political spectrum per basic Political Theory, beyond the Democratic model, into Authoritarianism. It’s about government authority. It’s cute, though, the attempt to shift blame away from their own eco-nutbag belief set.
As a sidebar, if you’ve read American Renaissance and Jared Taylor (I read everything from left and right), you see that they actually call for non-violence. They want to be separated from non-Whites. They refer to themselves as white separatists. This segment doesn’t advocate for murder, for violence, for even racial tension. They just want to be left alone.

“Eco-fascism, like most of those claiming to be on the Left, even calling themselves Socialists, is actually on the far right of the political spectrum per basic Political Theory, beyond the Democratic model, into Authoritarianism.”
Is this a typo? Please explain.
Fascism, or any kind, and authoritarianism is far left.
I’m curious also. The most oppressive and totalitarian states that being Fascist/communist/socialist are extreme left while the center is occupied almost alone by republicans government (since democracy flips to fascism as soon as a majority realizes its power) and the extreme right would be Zero government or anarchy.
Eco-fascism would merely be the government controlling the means of production in the name of environmentalism which I figure is a change of who controls it and why but not whether it’s controlled.
Does it matter if a fascist is murdering millions in the name of Gaia or defense? The people are still oppressed and that is the point of ALL leftism. Why doe you think they’re so fukin’ fanatical?
Since he is also for guaranteed annual income and Jeffrey’s fave, single payer health care, it puts him far on the Left as far as I’m concerned.
Edward D just never learns.
OK we all know you’re a shill for all the Lefty causes, so what else is there to learn?
Video – Kallyanne Conway lectures Dems for politicizing El Paso, Dayton shootings
“For those of you funding Donald Trump’s re-election campaign, you may want to take note: Because you keep writing checks to this president, it’s on you…because you are funding this white supremacist campaign,” Scarborough told his viewers. “It is your money that is funding this white supremacy because you won’t tell him to stop.”
Beto O’Rourke compares Trump rally to Nazi Germany in wake of El Paso shooting
MSNBC host says Trump calling for ‘extermination’ of Latinos, apologizes….also a former Bush team member working for MSNBC.
NBC guest airs bizarre theory about Trump, Hitler and flags at half-staff
Dems label half of America racists, make them ‘targets’
Joaquin Castro doubles down on outing Trump donors: ‘No one was targeted or harassed’
I woke up to this this morning. The Civil war is on folks. Its on because the left now has nothing. No plans, no platform to run on that 51 percent of America will embrace at least nationally. Trump is a Nazi again. We are all Nazis and are becoming targets. If you wear a maga shirt or hat you are bullied yet the left lead the charge against bullying.
The left is buying guns, starting training groups. Organizing Militia’s similar to the rights CRAZY militias that patrol Montana. Pretty soon they will be hanging out in compounds in Waco.
I continue a banter with a girl on her facebook page where her and 10 of her friends call me a white nationalist racist and evil reincarnated for the shooter in El Paso while totally ignoring anything I say about the Dayton Shooter or the 1000’s killed each year in big cities by guns that are mostly bought off the black market.
Take the guns away and this country will fill up with AK-47’s because guess what. THERE WILL BE NO ICE and certainly NO ICE WITH ANY POWER.
YOu many times get what you pay for. Receive what you ask for and if your not careful it can be painful. We dont give toddlers rattlesnakes for pets, or let them play in the ocean. We dont give our 16 year old a 300 mph Bughatti etc. Ad nauseum.
Careful what you wish for. Demanding the end to weapons in the USA. You will only see the Russians and Chinese gladly providing black market weapons all over the country and then the only ones with weapons are criminals. But thats okay our cops can face them down with angry words.
Unless Americans repeal the 2nd Amendment we will never see an end to firearms in the USA. Do you really think we Americans will repeal 2A?
Our Supreme Court has repeatedly reaffirmed the right of Americans to keep and bear arms for self-defense.
What the GOP/NRA/Russians oppose are background checks, red flag laws, specific weapons and attachments…
Conservatives tolerate gov’t intrusion deep into their lives, i.e., surveillance and monitoring; they tolerate the intrusions of facebook, Google, Amazon, cell-phone tracking; tolerate the massacre of innocent citizens shopping and eating; tolerate the gov’t/corporate complex fleecing them; but draw the line at a limit on magazine capacity.
This further reveals the organic fear that is the basis of modern conservatism; an organic fear that demagogues can use.
“What the GOP/NRA/Russians oppose are background checks, red flag laws, specific weapons and attachments…”
The GOP/NRA…RUSSIANS?? What the fuk do Russians have to do with our second amendment rights? I am personally opposed to so-called “Red Flag Laws” because they can be so easily used to destroy an innocent person by a vengeful neighbor, spouse, employee or leftist activist. Neither the GOP nor the NRA are against background checks so that’s just a plain lie. And when it comes to “specific weapons and attachments” the second amendment does not provide for exceptions to “shall not be denied” therefore, outlawing of specific weapons and attachments MUST be don by level heads, people familiar with firearms, and people who have the most to lose which precludes leftist lawyers, hyper emotional leftist women and anyone who does not own and operate a firearm.
Now, as far as this completely ridiculous and fallacious statement goes not one word is true:
“Conservatives tolerate gov’t intrusion deep into their lives, i.e., surveillance and monitoring; they tolerate the intrusions of facebook, Google, Amazon, cell-phone tracking; tolerate the massacre of innocent citizens shopping and eating; tolerate the gov’t/corporate complex fleecing them; but draw the line at a limit on magazine capacity.” Conservatives and Freedom-Loving people of all political affiliations have and ARE in opposition to these items because as stated above the propensity for misuse and oppression are of great concern.
And when you say something as dumbassed as this: “This further reveals the organic fear that is the basis of modern conservatism; an organic fear that demagogues can use.” you completely ignore the very obvious and public fact that it is the left that demagogues every issue into an emotional frenzy in order to formulate confusion and fear. You know Elwood, like RUSSIA,RUSSIA,RUSSIA or RACIST,RACIST,RACIST. That’s YOUR team and as usual you PROJECT!!! There is no “organic fear” attached to conservatism or normal people (people not of the insane left, we call them Normies) just a complete respect for the fact that when you people make the rules Rights are forgone, people die (usually babies and children) and economic, scientific and technical progress is thwarted.
Trump 2020 We Normies deserve a voice too!
Why do abortions always go down during Dem terms?
It’s clear that the trump campaign welcomed collusion with the Russians, just not to the point to be charged with criminal conspiracy.
You weren’t aware of the Russian infiltration of the NRA to help trump? Russia funneled money to the NRA.
The actions of DonCons belie your claim that DonCons aren’t scared. You’re scared of Hispanics, Muslims, Blacks, gays, other foreign born… that’s why you are so militant about having all manner of materiel to fend of the inferior, violent hordes who want to rape your women, behead you, steal your stuff. You want to ban them, deport them, exile them and shoot them.
I don’t know, why do you always sound like you’re lying?
The only people who buy that anymore are losers like you.
And we’re not scared of anyone. They’re all joining us.
Did you see the rock star reception from the hospital staff and the shooting victims Trump got when he visited Dayton?
PS That kind of projection is what leads to mass murder.
No you will never repeal the 2nd amendment as long as their are 30 deep red states in this nation. Look at the map. 90 percent of the country is conservative. It is only the sardine cans of giant urban centers that get democratic votes. In these giant urban center RUN BY DEMOCRATS the murder rates are out of control. The places are run down and suffering. Even in Red states like Texas which sees their large urban centers like Dallas, Houston etc. run exclusively by Democrats.
I do not hear the left screaming about the violence in the big Democratic cities. They scream about terrible, horrific murders by madmen that happen more often then they should but in reality what is really behind this?
Tit for Tat. A world unhinged by hate mongering on both sides. I hold neither side blameless. I did not encourage a single mass shooting. I voted for Trump. Obama had 14 mass shootings during his 8 years. I do not hold him responsible for them either.
they are the acts of insane lunatics. Guns dont pull their own triggers and I would remind the most horrific mass shooting was pulled off by one guy with a single semi automatic handgun.
the other most horrific act was Las Vegas which simply was brushed under the rug because it was very likely an operation conducted by either a foreign government that would require us going to war. Imagine if you will the girl friend of the shooter was from Austrailia. The week of the shooting an Australian was known to have been booked into the same hotel down the hallway from the shooter. The day before the shooting he checked out and left the country.
Pretty strange. Huh? Given what we now know about the FBi It would not surprise me this was a deep state event. I mean after all Every trump supporter is a racist who wants to mass murder everyone therefore it is not a stretch to think that the deep state would pull something like this off like they did JFK. Just speculation on my part but it looks awful suspicious how this was all just closed without even a hint of closure.
One small point. I was informed that there were 32 mass shootings under the Obama Reign of Terror. But I got it off the internet so make of it as you will.
No, ninety percent of Americans are not conservative. The land does not vote, people do, although conservatives, seeing the demographic writing on the wall are working overtime to change that.
“the most horrific mass shooting was pulled off by one guy with a single semi automatic handgun”
Actually, wasn’t the worst the Las Vegas massacre where the murderer used semi-automatic rifles with bump stocks? Or, reading on, do you not consider that massacre a real mass murder since you believe the US gov’t may have been involved.
Anyway, 23 of the 25 most deadly mass shooting were committed with semi-automatic weapons.
During Obama’s 2 terms there were 68 mass shootings (or 8.5/yr), in trump’s partial term there have been 51, or 18.5/yr.
It was strange that an Australian checked out of the hotel a day before the Las Vegas massacre? Do you have a shred of evidence that the “Deep State” was involved in this massacre or the JFK assassination?
Conspiracy theories often grow out of frustration associated with a horrific tragedy, where it seems impossible that a single person could have acted alone to cause so much grief.
Another of Jeffrey’s schizoid arguments with himself.
You can repeal the 2nd, but that still leaves the 9th.
In any case, Jeffery wants to disarm white people at a time when blacks do most of the murdering.
Did you know that neither of the 2 blacks running for Preezy are polling at better than 1%?
They’re getting wise to the scam.
[…] didn’t think I would be writing about the Eco-Fascist beliefs of the El Paso nutjob so quickly, but this is a pretty hot take from left leaning magazine […]
Conspiracy theories often grow out of frustration associated with a horrific tragedy, where it seems impossible that a single person could have acted alone to cause so much grief.
Well you would know with your Russia, Russia, Russia…..LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL…..hahahahahaha. Yep the left is full of conspiracy theories as for me I said and I quote:
Just speculation on my part but it looks awful suspicious how this was all just closed without even a hint of closure.
“Anyway, 23 of the 25 most deadly mass shooting were committed with semi-automatic weapons.”
Once again a leftist changes the nomenclature to hide his nefarious intent. How many of those “semi-automatic weapons” were pistols and how many rifles? Or do those little details allude you?
A mass shooting in this country is considered to be one involving 4 or more people, so Jeffrey’s stats are a crock, as always. As I noted yesterday, a GI 45 is a semi-automatic weapon. Kye knows his firearms, Jeffery, old soldier that he claims to be, does not.
PS The real split between Left and Right is 30 – 70. The good part is the Lefties are creating more Conservatives every day.
the far left communist WIKI lists like 251 incidents. However if you look at the description which people rarely do they are of gang related violence.
From his list. A fight broke out. Candle light vigil for a gangster. four people found in overnight shooting. Seven shot in drive by shooting.
Most of these are gang related or taken from the Files of Chicago. yet the left refuses to acknowledge the carnage in their own cities while trying to Saul Alinsky the right as if all gun deaths are the result of white nationalists and crazed republicans.
E Sibley Doucher doesn’t understand that various criteria are used to declare something a “mass murder” – there’s no set criteria. The article explained the criteria used.
Regarding firearms, it’s clear E Sibley knows little.
Looking at the data from the Mass Shooting Tracker, widely utilized by the media, as of this writing, of the 72 mass shooters, perpetrators in shootings that killed or wounded 4 or more people, whose race is known, 21 were white, 37 were black, 8 were Latino, and 6 were members of other groups.
Now what was it that the little sissybitch was whining about?
Lolgf loser.
Lil bitch,
We asked for evidence, not right-wing propaganda.
But you’re welcome to try again! Thanks for trying for once.
Presented with clear irrefutable evidence and she still whines.
Lolgfy loser.
E Sibley Doucher never learns since it takes a little effort. You’re nothing but a lying sack of scheisse.
Do you have evidence that I wish to disarm whites? What part of the 2nd Amendment and recent SCOTUS cases do you not understand.
The 2nd will not be repealed dumbass.
The bear suit is back because once again Jeffery gets his ass kicked.
Evidence? You’ve been talking about little else.
The 2nd Amendment is about the military. You want civilian ownership, you go to the 9th.
And, as I have noted, you want to repeal the entire Constitution.
PS What liljeffy cited is correct, no propaganda. The propaganda is all yours.
Edward S. Doucher,
So the 2nd Amendment only applies to the military???
Interesting. Do the other Cove denizens agree with that legal opinion?
Once again Jeffery gets caught in lie and tries to bluff his way out.
Sorry but Jeffery does not get to define the rules to suit himself.
I know enough to show you’re a liar.
Once again Dutcher misses the point.
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