Both the Washington Post and the NY Times did all they could to protect Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar when they were making anti-Israel and anti-Jew comments, particularly Omar. They excused their nasty words about Israel and Jews, and have ignored their links to groups, such as CAIR, who are anti-Israel/Jew, and would like to see Israel wiped off the map. And have ignored their BDS (boycott, divestment, sanctions) links, said movement which is really based in Israel and Jew hatred. Personally, I think, and have written so, that Israel should let them in, because they will show that that they are anti-Semites, but, the editorial boards take it to new levels
Here’s the NY Times Editorial Board (featuring racist Sarah Jeong)
What Are Trump and Netanyahu Afraid Of?
Barring Representatives Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib shows weakness and intolerance, not strength.
It’s not even really necessary to go beyond the subhead, since the two Democratic Representatives have shown their intolerance towards Israel and Jews. Though that is barely mentioned in the editorial. In fact, most of the piece is about Trump, because Trump Derangement Syndrome. But, they do have a bit, such as
The visit Ms. Omar and Ms. Tlaib were contemplating was not to Israel proper, but to the West Bank, where they were to visit Hebron, Ramallah and Bethlehem, as well as Israeli-occupied East Jerusalem, on a trip co-sponsored by a Palestinian organization, Miftah, that promotes “global awareness and knowledge of Palestinian realities.†A visit was planned to the Al Aqsa Mosque, on what Israelis call the Temple Mount, an especially volatile site in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. There is little question that their visit would have focused on Palestinian grievances over the Israeli occupation.
Perhaps the Times would like to mention a bit more about Miftah
Question for reporters covering @IlhanMN @RashidaTlaib trip to "Palestine"–as their itinerary refers to all of Israel–have u noted that the organization sponsoring the trip, Miftah, has claimed that "Jews use the blood of Christians in Jewish passover"?
— Sean Durns (@SeanDurns) August 15, 2019
They were also going to meet with DCI-P, which has links to Islamic terrorist outfits. And their itinerary shows their disrespect for Israel
But, the Times and the Washington Post forgot to include that type of information
Barring two U.S. lawmakers from Israel is un-Israeli. Trump’s cheering for it is un-American.
(the first four out of six paragraphs are Trump Derangement Syndrome)
Then there’s Mr. Netanyahu, who has dealt a blow to the U.S.-Israeli alliance in service to his prospects of winning a fifth term in next month’s Israeli election. His decision might appeal to his hard-line supporters at home. But as a former diplomat who worked extensively in the United States, he knows that Israel’s interests depend on cultivating strong ties with Republicans and Democrats alike. That stance was already strained by his hostile relationship with President Barack Obama. Now, by barring the two Democratic representatives, he has antagonized a broad swath of American Democrats who might not embrace their view of Israel but will be justly furious at the insult meted out, gratuitously, by an Israeli premier.
Well, Obama was hostile towards Israel and Netanyahu (hey, were are the complaints about Obama interfering in Israeli elections, ala Russia Russia Russia?). And why should Netanyahu care about antagonizing a broad swath of Democrats who are anti-Israel and anti-Jew?
Israel enacted a law two years ago authorizing officials to deny entry to supporters of the BDS movement. That was a sign of weakness: How could a country with a robust pluralistic democracy bar nonviolent visitors based on their political beliefs? That a U.S. president would lend support and credence to such a policy — at the expense of democratically elected members of Congress — is fundamentally un-American.
Why should they allow in people who hate them? The U.S. denies visas to people who hate the U.S. all the time. If someone was calling for the destruction of the U.S., would we let them in (excepting for the United Nations meetings)? No. Of course not. But, the Washington Post doesn’t bother explaining what the BDS movement really is, and has failed to slam either Democrat, nor Dems in general, for their Israel and Jew hatred.
Tlaib will now be allowed in to the West Bank to visit her grandmother, as long as she is not promoting BDS.

Do not f*ck with the Israelis.
2 groups you never mess with.
God’s Chosen People and The One True Church.
trumpublicans would gladly look the other way if Mossad were to assassinate Reps Tlaib and Omar.
Elwood and his commie comrades would gladly look away if Antifa were to assassinate Trump and Pence.
Why not just deport them?
And the bunny suit sounds desperate for some martyrs. These two aren’t even a nuisance, but they do remind the country how far Left the Demos have gone.
Very useful ads next year.
PS See where the clown car is suddenly shying away from Medicare For All?
Too little, too late. of course, they can always say, “I stood for it before I stood against it”.
Why not just deport American citizens because you don’t like their politics?
And the KKK suit just sounds desperate.
American citizens can be stripped of their citizenship. And Hell’s Harem is mobbed up with the usual terrorist groups.
So, yeah, they can be deported because of their “politics”.
And the bunny suit has nothing better than to steal my lines.
And her constituents would probably love to see her deported, too.
Hers is rated the worst district for black people. In fact, 25 of the 30 worst districts in the country are represented by Demos.
PS That includes Elijah Cummings’ at 22nd.
So maybe when the Dems are in power they’ll strip a lot of alt-righters of their citizenship and deport them. jimhoft, David Duke, trump, Hannity, Steve King, Lou Dobbs, Alex Jones are all harming the nation. Nah. It would never happen. Dems aren’t trying to build an authoritarian state as is the far-right.
The pig suit should consider it flattery, clever as he is.
–Democratic Reps. Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, two major critics of Israel, planned to visit Palestinian territories, but their trip was cancelled after Israel announced they would not be allowed to enter the country.
— The trip was partially sponsored by Miftah, a Ramallah-based organization that has expressed sympathy for Palestinian suicide bombers and supports the anti-Israel BDS movement.
–Under Israeli law, the government is permitted to bar any individual from crossing into their borders if they have openly advocated for a boycott of the country.
The real question is: why are all of these congresscritters taking foreign junkets, at taxpayer expense, in the first place? The sovereignty of American laws stops at our borders; the squadristi have no legal authority outside of the United States.
During this August recess, the members should be back at home, in their districts, listening to their constituents, not traipsing all over the world ‘investigating’ things over which they have no power in the first place.
Congress has an obligation to be informed of other nations.
Where is that “obligation” listed? They have an obligation to their constituents which does not include world travel but rather taxpayer money conservation. And if they need to “be informed of other nations” we have this thing called “the internet”. Perhaps you’ve heard of it. There they can find the accumulated knowledge of mankind including all they need to know about “other nations”.
Trump 2020 Throw out the 4 Whoresman.
Article 1 of our Constitution gives Congress broad powers in overseeing foreign trade and foreign aid.
We give nations such as Israel billions of dollars a year of tax payer monies; don’t you expect oversight? In business, companies have contracts with other companies for services, and due diligence often requires a physical visit to make sure the vendor is on the up and up.
Taxpayer money conservation? If you’re worried about spending on travel you might recommend reining in Orange Julius’ golf junkets on your dime. And Cons used to oppose massive debt (curiously only with Dem Presidents).
Not to scare you or anything, but is the far-right making plans for the post-trump world? It could start as soon as 2019 after he loses and cuts a deal to stay out of prison.
He doesn’t go golfing every day,like some wannabe white black people.
And I still don’t remember Daniel Webster or Charles Sumner gallivanting off to France.
Would you support an Amendment preventing American politicians from traveling overseas on official business?
And what, pray tell, are “wannabe white black people”?
Really? in 2019? So who are you voting for that you are sure of a post Trump Republic in 2019? And what is it about the vengeance of the left that simply winning the next election is not enough you need to hound the man and his family to death. But that’s standard for communists. Gotta imprison or kill everybody. Man, you’re weak.
Trump Jr. 2024 keep the hope alive!
Wasn’t it at Con rallies where they were shouting “Lock her up!” about vanquished foe Mrs. Clinton?
By all means, the DOJ is under trump’s total control now so if they have evidence of serious crimes, why aren’t they prosecuting her? Wouldn’t that delight the right? How about Obama, the “most corrupt President evah”?
trump on the other hand has several charges of obstruction of justice waiting for him. Not to mention being individual-1 in the Michael Cohen payoff scandal.
Did you consider that Bill Clinton was hounded? Jesse Helms (R-NC) told President Clinton “he better look out” if he visited military installions in NC.
It does?
Where, exactly, in the Constitution does it say that?
I don’t recall Davy Crockett taking any junkets to Mexico City.
You may not realize this but Constitution doesn’t enumerate all rights.
If you are looking for a line that says, “Congress members must make trips to foreign lands at America’s expense”, then you’re right. Do you think the trips are unconstitutional? By all means sue.
Again you put words in my mouth to make your point. Where did I mention the Constitution? I asked rhetorically “where is the obligation listed”? I am quite familiar with Our Constitution and unlike you actually respect what is written there. My question was in regard to what law states Congresspeople especially Representatives who serve only two years and are “Constitutionally” supposed to be the direct representatives of “the people.”
I would imagine their constitutional design to be concern over domestic problems directly effecting their districts and constituents not gallivanting around the world spending the taxpayers money when they could ask Google and get a more concise answer for free. But then there is no end to how much taxpayer money you leftists are willing to piss away is there?
Besides what would a few commies and Mohammadan enemies learn anyway. How to sell out America faster for the glory of the DemCom party?
I think they’re an abuse of the taxpayers’ money.
And we’re not talking rights here.
As always, the bunny suit has no conception of the difference between rights, responsibilities, privileges, and abuses.
Congress has an obligation to be informed of other nations.
Except, of course, that Palestine is not a nation.
Excellent point, gitarcarver!
Everyone, a hale and hardy welcome back for the Semanticist!
Aren’t the Palestinian areas in Israel? How could she get to visit Palestine without the permission of Israel?
If an Israeli wanted to visit New York would you point out that New York is not a nation!
Aren’t the Palestinian areas in Israel? How could she get to visit Palestine without the permission of Israel?
So you agree that your point “Congress has an obligation to be informed of other nations,” has nothing to do with her claim of wanting to visit Palestine as Palestine is not a county?
If an Israeli wanted to visit New York would you point out that New York is not a nation!
1) Palestine is not a recognized state in Israel.
2) If an Israeli wanted to visit New York and claimed New York was a country, we’d have severe reservations about allowing the person into the United States of America.
Because all the left has is hate, they hate it when people point out the logical fallacies of their arguments. In short, the left has to resort to name calling as if such ad-hominem attacks do anything other than show their hatred.
Actually, no.
The Palestinians voluntarily left those areas in 1948. If they have an “area” now, it would be in Jordan and the Jordanians want no part of them.
PS The so-called Palestinian Authority is a fiction created by the UN.
Why did the US Representatives need Israeli approval to visit the West Bank?
All the right has is hate and cruelty.
Why did the US Representatives need Israeli approval to visit the West Bank?
The US Representatives are flying into Israel (not the fictional country of Palestine.)
Israel has the right, as does any sovereign nation to ask where non-citizens are going and what they plan on doing within their country. The US does it at ports of entry as well.
The real issue is why are you defending the Israel haters and supporting the terrorists in Palestine?
Oh wait…..we know that answer….
All you have is hate so you hate Israel just as you hate everything else.
(It’s actually pretty sad that you project your hatred and cruelty into support of terrorists, but heck, that’s what people on the left do.)
All the right has is hate and cruelty.
You claim the real issue is why I support US Representatives even if they criticize Israeli? The answer is that I support America. Why don’t you? It seems you advocate discrimination against Muslims.
The issue is that to score political points in the US, Donald J. Trump through two US Representatives under the bus by persuading the crooked Bibi Netanyahu to ban these Muslim women from entering Israel. That they said they wanted to visit the West Bank was irrelevant.
You’ve become more hateful.
All the right has is hate and cruelty.
Projection again.
You claim the real issue is why I support US Representatives even if they criticize Israeli?
Actually, that is not what I said and I suspect that you know that. Nice try at shifting the argument to something that was not said.
The answer is that I support America.
All evidence to the contrary.
You don’t support America. You hate the freedoms Americans have. You think people should kill the innocent with impunity. You think that people who hate should steal from those who have worked hard for their incomes. You beliefs are not those upon which this country was founded. You would rather support terrorists than this country.
It seems you advocate discrimination against Muslims.
Really? Show me one time that I advocated for the discrimination of anyone. You can’t. That is contrary to you who brings discrimination into almost every argument. You hate organic diversity and use your prejudice as some sort of weapon of hate.
That they said they wanted to visit the West Bank was irrelevant.
Actually, what they said was that they wanted to visit Palestine, not Israel. In case you missed it, Palestine doesn’t exist as a country. That has been pointed out to you many times in this thread and yet because of your hatred, you choose to ignore that truth.
Do you think that US Representatives that cannot read a map, support terrorism, and have called for the economic destruction of Israel should be allowed into Israel?
You say their desires are “irrelevant” which is another form of your dismissal of hatred from the left.
You’ve become more hateful.
More projection. The left has to project their hatred onto everyone.
Commenter: “You don’t support America. You hate the freedoms Americans have. You think people should kill the innocent with impunity. You think that people who hate should steal from those who have worked hard for their incomes. You beliefs are not those upon which this country was founded. You would rather support terrorists than this country.”
Finally, the crux of the matter. Americans have many freedoms. Please name as many of the ones I hate as you can.
I do not think people should kill innocents with impunity.
I do not think that people who hate should steal from people who work hard (whatever that word stew means).
I oppose terrorism in all its forms. ISIS, al Qaeda, etc
Your a liar, a purveyor of slippery assertions and questionably logic, all posited a fact.
All you have is hate.
I do not think people should kill innocents with impunity.
So here we are back with the abortion argument. You think that killing a child is acceptable. You have said that you want no restrictions on abortions.
I do not think that people who hate should steal from people who work hard (whatever that word stew means).
You don’t think that no one should pay more in taxes? You don’t think that reaching into a person’s pocket is not stealing?
I oppose terrorism in all its forms. ISIS, al Qaeda, etc
Except, of course, you have supported the violent protests from the left. You have supported people terrorizing people with whom you disagree.
You are against the idea of free speech.
You are against the idea of freedom of religion.
You want to take guns away from people.
You support rapists which means you are anti-women.
You hate people controlling their own labor.
While not a right, you demand that others do what you will not. Why? Because you hate the idea that people should not bow down and follow your edicts.
Your a liar, a purveyor of slippery assertions and questionably logic, all posited a fact.
Go ahead and dispute what I have said. You can’t. You keep forgetting that you have a history here – a history that is full of hate because all the left has is hate.
You hate the truth because is shows the type of person you are.
When all is said and done, hate is all the left has.
Most reasonable people agree to limits on abortion as do I, but I certainly oppose the complete bans advocated by many right-wingers. Killing children is murder and is illegal.
I doubt that I ever claimed that there should be no limits on abortion. But then you also claimed I said I was a CEO.
You believe taxes are theft. I disagree with you.
No, I have not supported violent attacks committed by the left or right. So that’s a lie.
I am not against the idea of free speech, so that’s a lie.
I am not against the idea of freedom of religion, so that’s a lie.
I do not want to take guns away from people, although I do support limits on firepower.
I don’t support rapists, so that’s a lie.
I don’t hate people controlling their own labor, so that’s a lie.
I do hate to be so blunt, but you’re just another right-wing liar, not unlike several other trumpublican commenters here, and of course the blog owner.
The far-right has become more aggressive and hateful since trump. We get it, you guys hate liberals and trump “gives it” to the liberals. But that’s no way to run a nation. His cruelty is the objective, and why you love him.
The right has to lie. All you have is hate and cruelty.
Most reasonable people agree to limits on abortion as do I,
Except for the fact that you have always advocated unlimited abortion.
So this is your first lie based on hate.
BTW – you do realize that scientifically, 95 percent of scientists state that human life begins at conception. That’s about the same as the false “consensus” on global warming that you trot out all the time. Once again, the left’s hatred includes a hatred of science.
You believe taxes are theft. I disagree with you.
Assuming that taxes are for essential services, anything above that is what? (HINT: it’s theft.)
No, I have not supported violent attacks committed by the left or right. So that’s a lie.
You have supported the left’s attacks on peaceful protestors.
I am not against the idea of free speech, so that’s a lie.
You have advocated for reducing speech on certain subjects. You hate certain ideas so much that you want to restrict the “marketplace of ideas.”
I am not against the idea of freedom of religion, so that’s a lie.
Another myopic view of your position religions based on hate. You have always said that people should not be able to refuse a cake, photos, venues, etc., based on their religious values. You believe based on your hatred of religions that people should be forced to act against their religious values.
I do not want to take guns away from people, although I do support limits on firepower.
You have said that you support bans on handguns. You have supported bans on semi-automatic weapons. You have said that you are against any weapon that was developed for the military. That’s every weapon ever made. You want them all gone.
I don’t support rapists, so that’s a lie.
Funny, I seem to remember a person who raped a person who was, in their own words, “delusional” and therefore incapable of consent. You support that person, don’t you?
I don’t hate people controlling their own labor, so that’s a lie.
So you now support the right of people to not be forced to act contrary to their religious beliefs? You now say believe that the right to work states (which you hated,) you now support?
I do hate to be so blunt, but you’re just another right-wing liar,
I am seriously trying not to laugh. You have never had an issue with “being blunt.” And for what you call “lies,” are in fact your hate filled views.
But that’s no way to run a nation. His cruelty is the objective, and why you love him.
So you hate his enforcement of laws that people like Obama signed and enforced in the same manner?
We all know that your positions in your posts in this thread are lies. You hate being exposed.
Because all the left has is hate.
The truth comes out. They, the NYT, admit they were lying all along. Not publicly mind you but through a leaker.
I’m sure you noticed just as I did the seamless transition from “Russia” to “Raaaaacist”. It was like flicking a light switch and sure enough Elwood flipped right along with his trainers. He really is the quintessential “useful idiot”. If you would ever care to know the warped anti American opinions of the NYT, CNN, WaPo or MSNBC ll one need do is read Elwoods comments. Why, he’s our very on Don Lemon or that guy Rachael Madcow.
Any old Trump hoax will do it for the little sissybitch and his ilk.
trump has been acting like a racist for decades, so this is nothing new. And trump’s Russian dalliance isn’t going away.
You’re just making stuff up. But it’s what Cons do.
All you have is hate and cruelty.
From Russia Russia Russia to racist racist racist is all you’ve got.
Poor little sissybitch is running out of fake memes.
Lolgfy loser.
Fortunately the LilBitch signs all his posts:
He’s the “Lolgfy Loser”.
All the right has is hate and cruelty.
Better than what you have, which is stupidity and hypocrisy.
And Trump’s such a racist he’s gaining more black and Hispanic support all the time.
All you have is dead one liners.
PS It already has.
PPS Taking the Gray Lady’s policy as your own is a bad idea. Their track record against The Donald the last 4 years has been a loser.
Without hate and cruelty, the Left couldn’t exist.
Anything that keeps Congresscreeps from goofing off is fine by me, and it wouldn’t take an Amendment.
Wannabe white black people was the last Selfie-In-Chief.
Barr & Co are assembling the evidence. Unlike your side, ours goes by the law.
Commenter typed: “Wannabe white black people was the last Selfie-In-Chief.”
What makes a “wannabe white black person”?
The First Gay Preezy.
James Buchanan?
Since the commenter is afraid to explain, can someone define “wannabe white black person�
Is it part of white nationalist jargon?
Someone raised in an affluent white milieu who, while only when convenient identifies as black, but has so adopted those white folkways with which he was raised that he rejects even middle class folkways, but only hews to those of the upper classes to the point where he tries to be more white than the whites; all the while resenting his black side for keeping him out of the true whiteness he so desires.
Someone whose white mannerisms are seen as caricature.
Clean, articulate, without a trace of negro dialect.
Everybody else knew, but you’re so stupid, I had to spell it out for you.
No, the issue is that you’re going to support any Democrat with the most idiotic reasons conceivable.
The irony is that there wouldn’t be an Israel without the Demos who did it for exactly the reasons you mentioned.
Now the Demos have turned against Israel and you just ape their stand
So the hate and cruelty (and the hypocrisy) are yours.
Any Dem, and most any Republican will be a better President than trump. trump is mentally ill.
The Dems have not turned against Israel, but legitimately question the policies of the crooked right-wing Bibi Netanyahu.
The right writes novels in their heads that they think is reality.
Yeah, he’s so mentally ill, he kicks the Lefties’ asses about once an hour.
And the Demos have been against Israel since they found out the Russkies were training the Palestinian terrorists.
Oh, dear, someone get his mommy. He’s projecting again.
As if we should leave this nation in the hands of people who still support DonJohn Trump.
You should have stopped at “we should leave this nation”. No you’d rather it be in the hands of WHO? Tell us who you support. Buttpeg? Kameltoe? Fauxcahontas? Spartacus? Or one of side show communists your pathetic party is running? Maybe Fredo Cuomo will throw his hat in the ring.
I don’t support any of those names.
Oh, of course you do.
You’d just love to see Buttpeg or Spartacus in the Rainbow House so you’d have a Preezy who sees things the way you do.
He’s doing better than anybody else in the last 25 years and better than anybody in the Demos’ clown car.
The TrumpKult is a cult of hatred, division and grievance.
Let me get this straight. The left wants to wipe out the white Christian majority of America “by any means necessary”, they want to stop the free speech of non-leftists on college campuses and other forums, they want to murder babies, they want to stop people from living their lives if it does not comply with their deranged views on equality, climate, wealth or globalism. They also want to throw their political enemies in prison, with their friends, family, and supporters. They call EVERY person who supports the president a “RAAAAACIST” but we, the Patriots of America are the “cult of hatred, division and grievance”?
There are more American flags on the moon than there were at the Democrat debate and that should tell you something.
You leftists continuously lie, obfuscate and project to the point where it has become pathology! You’re all nuts. You can’t even admit to which nit-wit clown commie you’re voting for because you know NONE can beat Trump and they are all fukin’ crazy!
Commenter: ‘…we, the Patriots of America are the “cult of hatred, division and grievanceâ€?’
Yes. The self-proclaimed “Patriots” is the tell.
“The louder he talked of his honor, the faster we counted our spoons” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Commenter: “You can’t even admit to which nit-wit clown commie you’re voting for because you know NONE can beat Trump and they are all fukin’ crazy!”
We will vote for the Democratic nominee regardless of who it turns out to be. Our favorite is Sen Warren. Trump will not be the next president.
Not surprising.
She’s a whiny little sissybitch too.
Lolgfy loser.
trump hasn’t a shred of humanity.
What kind of sick fuk goes to El Paso, has his wife hold a baby orphaned by a mass killer, then grins like a possum and gives a thumbs up? Or was that FAKE NEWS?
Donald Trump is the one that is mentally ill. You know it and I know it.
And you support this sick anti-American fuk without reservation.
trump was right. He could shoot someone on 5th Ave and you’d still support him.
And more whining.
No wonder whiny little sissybitch supports the whiny little fake injun princess.
Lolgfy loser.
Elwood P Fredo, you have crossed over from the “humorously wacky” to the “dangerously deranged” side of your ranting.
What would you have the President do, spit on the kid? He was trying to show humanity and you turn it into some crazy, malicious act.
We all know who is mentally ill here, probably the one who without and proof decided Trump is and who claims Trump is now anti-American. And I bet he’s a white supremacist, raaaaacist and white nationalist too. Does he go to meetings Fredo?
You have now made the total conversion to complete insanity and have joined the rest of your party in living in a fantasy land.
So which of your idiots are you voting for? Why are you afraid to tell us? You were never afraid to tell us before. Shit, we spent months trying to shut you up with your Hussein and your Hillary talk. Right up till election night 2016 when you and the rest of your criminal cabal lost the election you thought you stole to an outsider. Then you all just denied it an still are.
Kye P. Himmler,
It was a staged photo-op concerning a great tragedy. How a about a staged tragic look on his face and no fukking thumbs up?
We’ve told you more than once, asshole, that we’ll vote for whomever the Democrats run. So, what’s your question? Will we vote for Biden, Sanders, Warren, Harris, Buttigieg, Gillibrand etc? Yes. We will vote for Oprah rather than trump.
You have crossed into “out of touch with reality” land as has trump and most of his followers.
You’ve become just another online bullshitter, liar, gaslighter and bully, like the other Trumpian commenters here. It’s clear you’re all aware that your dream of a white Christian paradise is evaporating, triggering your panic. The coming recession is also frightening your leader and his minions.
We were certain (naively), regardless of the tragedy of the trump election, that he would not be as bad a president as he was a man. We believed with his lack of experience and his base ignorance coupled with his lack of interest in America, that he would surround himself competent Americans to help him. We were wrong. It’s not trump’s style. He’s much, much worse than we predicted.
America will survive his reign, but real Americans will have a lot to clean up. Will you help, or will you join the expanding Atomwaffen Division and take up arms against your fellow citizens?
All you have is hate and cruelty.
Nobody described the Left better.
When did the GOP become the party of white nationalism?
More importantly, why?
It’s past deniability. We get that the GOP regulars are terrified of trump and his white nationalist base come primary day.
It’s de facto the trumpublican party. What will happen when trump is gone?
“When did the GOP become the party of white nationalism?”
About the same time the Democrats became the party of traitors and communists.
You keep calling us white nationalists like it’s some kind of insult. I’m white and I’m for America first so I’m a white nationalist. What are you a white globalist? You seem to hate America (along with white people and Christians) so you’re not a patriot.
I don’t think “white nationalism” means what you think it means. I think you’re confusing a patriotic American who is white with a white only race supremacist. I’ve tried and tried to explain to you what a white supremacist is but I don’t think you have the intellectual wherewithal to understand it. And the fact that you AND your party keep co-mingling the terms means you all are either ignorant as shit of you’re fukin’ liars. Which is it?
So you’ll vote for anybody the DemComs put up. Very intelligent considering what you have to work with. Hahahahaha.
Trump 2020 Stop the racial dividing by the DemComs.
The bunny suit hates all the freedoms we have because he can’t control them and supports all the enemies of this country and the world.
He can’t wait until the extermination of whites begins.
I think that sums it up.
The pig suit is not worth our time.
This is the second time the bunny suit has tried to deny all the things he’s for.
He’s not fooling us, so what’s the point, unless he’s trying to ROLCON and it’s too late for that.
Aside from the fact that the bunny suit is keeping alive a 2 day old post with his drivel, notice he keeps using K instead of C in a lot of his cute little references to Trump and his supporters.
He does seem to have a thing for German spelling. I guess that deep-held fantasy of being one of the guards at Dachau-On-The-Brazos that pours the Zyklon-B on the Conservatives while they shower just can’t be repressed.
The irrelevance of the pig suit is kute, yet pathetic.