Israel and Jew haters will be Israel and Jew Haters. It’s a very bad idea when elected members of the federal Congress call for boycotting anything when a citizen says something they do not like. It may not violate the letter of the First Amendment, but, it sure violates the spirit in regards to retaliation
Tlaib hits back at Bill Maher for comments on BDS, compares Israel to apartheid South Africa
Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., suggested Saturday that viewers boycott comedian Bill Maher’s HBO talk show after he devoted a segment of Friday’s program to bashing the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement, calling it a “bulls— purity test.â€
“Maybe folks should boycott his show,” said Tlaib, who went on to compare criticism of the BDS movement to the controversy surrounding boycotts of South Africa’s apartheid regime in the 1970s and 1980s.
“I am tired of folks discrediting a form of speech that is centered on equality and freedom,” the lawmaker continued. “This is exactly how they tried to discredit & stop the boycott to stand up against the apartheid in S. Africa. It didn’t work then and it won’t now.”
Interesting. She’s tired of folks discrediting a form of speech, but, uses her perch to call for a boycott an attempt to discredit Maher’s speech. And, of course, she trots out a completely mule fritters comparison to South Africa. The boycott was never about hatred of the nation and it’s people, it was about trying to free them from the oppressive system (which has now turned into an oppressive system against the white residents). The BDS movement is based on hatred of Israel, of wanting to see it wiped from the map, as well as utter hatred of Jews. Remember, these anti-Semites have also said it’s like boycotting the Nazis and Soviet Union, so, their talking points are just masks for their real faces.
Maher is completely correct on the BDS movement, if not strong enough
“It’s a bulls— purity test, BDS is a bulls— purity test by people who want to appear ‘woke’ but actually slept through history class,” Maher said, drawing loud cheers from the audience. “It’s predicated on this notion … I think it’s very shallow thinking that the Jews in Israel are mostly white and Palestinians are mostly brown, so they must be innocent and correct and the Jews must be wrong. As if the occupation came right out of the blue, that this ‘completely peaceful people’ found themselves occupied. Forget about the intifadas and the suicide bombings and the rockets and how many wars.”
The HBO star quoted BDS movement founder Omar Barghouti, who said, “No Palestinian — rational Palestinian, not a sellout Palestinian — will ever accept a Jewish state in Palestine.”
“So that’s where that comes from, this movement. Someone who doesn’t even want a Jewish state at all,” Maher told the panel. “Somehow this side never gets represented in the American media. It’s very odd.”
And that Jew/Israel hatred is so strong that Rashida refused to go see her grandma when given permission to enter Israel because she would be restricted from getting political. These people hate Israel and hate Jews. Look at what they’re looking to do in Europe, requiring crazy labels on products from Israel
Brooke Goldstein, a human-rights lawyer, said, “Could the discrimination be any clearer?â€
The ruling stipulates that items made by Muslims must be labeled as coming from ‘Palestine’ while products made by Jews must be labeled as coming from ‘Israeli colonies.â€
The BDS folks really are as hardcore on Israel as Iran. They want it gone.

It is always inappropriate, even unAmerican, for an American official, whether a Representative or President to single out an American or business for punishment. It’s an abuse of power.
Rep Tlaib should apologize.
Let’s reiterate that criticism of Israel’s treatment of Palestinians is not Jew-hating, anti-Semitism or even Israel-hating. TEACH is just being lazy and provocative.
Bet you didn’t say that when Zippy and Holder were going after Gallup Polls and Gibson Guitar.
Congress lost its moral authority long ago. What we have now is a collection of scoundrels, malconents, activists and shysters all looking to promote something.
James Reardon from Ohio attested after posting threats to shoot up a synagogue
Doesn’t seem like a hippie from his pic
He attended the Unite the Right rally in Virginia and is an avowed white nationalist
Did you ever identify as a right wing extremist ?